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What are keys to putting nose-up?


* Ace Member *
Aug 29, 2020
Northwest Missouri
I have always putt nose-down. Generally a push/spush. Since last year I have been trying to switch to nose-up, basically flat release, and I only get shorts runs of success before I doink three in a row into the top of the cage. When putting nose down I throw hard. When putting nose up, it's effortless, and long putts are much easier, so I want to go that route.

Is there something I can work on with hand release? I feel like I pronate on release when things are going well, but is that the right feel?
If you are a push putter (where you treat your arm as one unit) and your arm is mostly straight it's going to be nose down. If you want to get the nose higher you can maintain the unit created with the arm but radially deviate the wrist (opposite of pour the coffee), bend the elbow (while maintaining the unit feel), or both.
If you are a push putter (where you treat your arm as one unit) and your arm is mostly straight it's going to be nose down. If you want to get the nose higher you can maintain the unit created with the arm but radially deviate the wrist (opposite of pour the coffee), bend the elbow (while maintaining the unit feel), or both.

Yes. This is what Scott Stokley teaches. But I spush. Consistent arm motion plus wrist pop for spin. It's the wrist pop that goes awry and trends nose down.
Yes. This is what Scott Stokley teaches. But I spush. Consistent arm motion plus wrist pop for spin. It's the wrist pop that goes awry and trends nose down.
Depending on how you spush it can be the same fix. The other option I've found is to pronate my hand like Eagle and Simon do where the palm finishes down, but that is only on putts that have a lot of spin.