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Wicked snap but no d!?!


Par Member
Oct 3, 2009
I have been Playin for close to 3 yrs and have great snap and pretty accurate drives. I just don't have any d. I max out around 300'. I'm 6' all arms n legs, so it seems like I should be at like 350-400'. I've got great snap. It can be herd 2-3 holes away. Even on big rips w what seems like good arm speed I only get like 300-325'. Any help? Thanks
You can't hear "snap". What you hear is your fingers snapping off the lip of the disc, which can be applied to all kinds of shots if you are trying to. "Snap", in disc golf terms, is in reference to imparting large amounts of spin on the disc, and it's where distance and true flight of the discs come from. The snap you are looking for is more like snapping a towel and much less like snapping your fingers. I've read and heard so many people get this confused, it's really a bad term. Spin is what you want, and it comes from snapping the disc hard upon release and having it rip from your grip. Sometimes this causes finger snap, sometimes it doesn't. Video would help, but from your explanation, I'd guess you are strong arming it but getting finger snap on your release.
I know it's gettin good spin, lots of dyes, so I can see when it's gettin good snap or not. And I can tell the difference when I don't, I know when it's bein strong armed type thing. It doesn't get nearly the same amount of d.

I am pretty accurate. Keepin my mids nice n flat, no OAT. I am gettint the intended flight path n all. Am I just destined to not be able to throw far? I am a slim build, so would building more arm muscle help?
No,you just won't listen,that's not snap,seriously.

You are strong arming.
I wouldn't worry about bulking up...it's all about form. I've seen scrawny, lanky beanpoles bomb a disc 500+ feet, as well as the short stocky ones.
Don't really know - but if you're getting 'good snap' I suggest adding some excessive muscle(ie: strong arm that thing.) I'm working on putting those two together myself. Yeah, of course you should include some body....errr, core into that mix. It's very deceptive though. Learning the skills seems much harder than simply owning them.
Keep your wrist straighter. You are either curling your wrist/strong arming most likely, or your wrist is too loose less likely. Strong arming doesn't always mean oat.
Your prob having an issue with the nose angle along with more arm than whip. Dont be offended when we suggest probs with your throw, we are guessing from your explanation and have nothing but the common issues to start you in the right direction.

If you can get a video that will help a lot. If not work with us without being defensive, its hard I but if you want help accept the help offered.
I know it's gettin good spin, lots of dyes, so I can see when it's gettin good snap or not. And I can tell the difference when I don't, I know when it's bein strong armed type thing. It doesn't get nearly the same amount of d.

I am pretty accurate. Keepin my mids nice n flat, no OAT. I am gettint the intended flight path n all. Am I just destined to not be able to throw far? I am a slim build, so would building more arm muscle help?

If "bulking up" had anything to do with this game,then Wiggins,Jr. would not be able to throw 700' at 122 pounds and 14 years old.
I know it's gettin good spin, lots of dyes, so I can see when it's gettin good snap or not. And I can tell the difference when I don't, I know when it's bein strong armed type thing. It doesn't get nearly the same amount of d.

I am pretty accurate. Keepin my mids nice n flat, no OAT. I am gettint the intended flight path n all. Am I just destined to not be able to throw far? I am a slim build, so would building more arm muscle help?
What you're talking about isn't the same "snap" we talk about. When you actually get snap you'll get big D. I'll give a couple quick definitions of a couple of the more mysterious terms we use:

"Snap" a.k.a. "wrist extension" a.k.a. "tendon bounce" - it's a small, well timed movement in the wrist. What happens is you end up using your wrist and fingers as additional levers which greatly increase the amount of force you transfer to the disc. If you don't get snap your forearm, hand and fingers are one lever, if you do get snap they are 2-3 (I'll have to think about which it is, but the real number isn't important here) levers. Think of it this way, if your wrist comes around "snaps" at the right time it will be moving much faster than the speed of your forearm. You can get the wrist extension, but if it's not timed right it won't help. It might feel like you're doing it but if you aren't throwing real far (Teebirds 400' at least) then you aren't really getting it.

"Strong arming" - accelerating too early. If you accelerate your arm too early you won't be accelerating at the hit and might even be decelerating. You don't want to be slowing down as the disc leaves your hand. Strong arming will make getting snap impossible. You don't need to worry about accelerating until after the disc passes your chest.

Hopefully this clears some stuff up. The key to throwing farther will be accepting that you aren't doing it right now. You'll probably want to rebuild your throw rather than try to polish what you're doing now.
I think I'm accelerating to early. And maybe my wrist is too loose. I'll go do some field practice over the weekend n try to get some video up. Thanks
And maybe my wrist is too loose.
That's usually not a problem. Most find it's actually easier to feel actual snap with a really loose wrist. Once you have the feeling you can start to try to add to it by actively opening the wrist. FWIW, the hammer pound drills have shown, by far, to be the easiest way to learn this stuff.
Yeah its not as likely but if it was too loose...if would feel like an effortless slip. But I agree with Garu regardless too loose or too tight, the timing is likely screwed up somewhere else too and the hammer pound should help.
I did some field practice to and it is my timing. I was accelerating way to early. Now I have to retrain my muscle memory. Lol