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Will the Valkyrie Kid hit 1,000 played?

The Final Countdown

Well, it looks like its time for The Final Countdown !!
(cue Europe playing in an office breakroon)

The VK just notched #995, a "scruffy" niner in SoCal. Looks like he is going to hit 1K in the state where it all began.

Keep going VK, 5 to go!!

OK Tracy, confess...which one was the 1000th? Was it the one with the brewery? The one being used as a homeless camp? Or the ace run one? Doesn't really matter. Glad you're having fun and made the 1000 played list. Well done sir! :clap:
ps: I'm a diet coke man myself! Drank a lifetimes' worth in college and been a 'teetotaler' since I was 20 or 21.

Final thought: let me put 951 reviews (someday soon to be 1000 :thmbup:) in perspective for folks. DGCR only requires 60 reviews to qualify for Diamond Trusted Reviewer, so The Valkyrie Kid is already 15 times that!
That 4 digits of courses played looks very cool!
Whichever course was your 1000th, hopefully a sign will go up soon:
"Course where VK got his FIRST 1k" :thmbup:

I'm very envious of your longevity and dedication to the game. Keep bagging courses!!
Cracking a cold one in your honor, Tracy! :clap::thmbup:
Very cool accomplishment, congratulations!! :clap:
Nice work breaking 1000 Kid! :clap:

Your reviews are also top notch. Thanks for helping me find some great locations and/or dodge the terrible ones.
Way to go Kid! Thanks for doing all that "dirty" work for all of us who would rather be more picky in their selection of course playing.
Despite all the :thmbdown: I've given you too. :p Congrats! :hfive:
VK just played through the courses around my home, wish id known so we could have gotten a round in. Looking forward to reading a review of the course just down the road from my house, have a feeling its going to be scathing with the damaged baskets and lack of tee pads. VK, what do you do for a living that allows you to travel around and play so many courses?
Hi guys,

I'm back from California in one piece. Had my wife along and we were in kind of a rush so didn't get to play my usual # of courses.

For my 1000th, we were in Santa Cruz and I chose the unremarkable, 1 star rated, Bridge to Bridge course, with it's 9 baskets and 1000 dazed and confused homeless dudes. And if they ever put up a sign there commemorating my humble feat, the bums would definitely tear it down and burn it for firewood.

This answers one question and for question # 2 from Dan S, I am a recently retired teacher with a very understanding wife. And I don't currently have any more trips planned. Gotta get on it!

Thanks to all of you for your kind comments and support..
I see the KID just played in his 6th country!
That's probably not a record for the Euro-based members, but its got to be up there for the US-based players.
Anyone know a way to search for # of countries played?
To search the countries played, click on Hall of Fame under the members category. There you will see that three players including Avery Jenkins, have played in 14, 14 and Avery has 20 countries played in. I'm totally jealous of him!

I'm not listed in the top two categories of countries played. Finding one course in Italy was expensive and consumed a half day of our precious vacation time.

QUOTE=pmay5;3181940]I see the KID just played in his 6th country!
That's probably not a record for the Euro-based members, but its got to be up there for the US-based players.
Anyone know a way to search for # of countries played?[/QUOTE]