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[MVP] your 2017 wish list

Fission mids and putters. Electron mids and drivers.

Why do people still ask for an Electron Proxy? It's already out and it's called the Atom
Not really an MVP thrower. I invested in the envy and have I think all the plastic options it comes in except the soft.

The rigid champ stuff, the star like stuff and the plasma. Love the plasma they are super light and fun to throw. But for some odd reason they just don't make it to my bag very often.

I think if they could do a dx version of the envy it would be in the bag more often.

And if they ever came out with something in a speed 11/12 like a tern that went further than the tern (perhaps impossible) I would start investing into their drivers.
Fission mids and putters. Electron mids and drivers.

Why do people still ask for an Electron Proxy? It's already out and it's called the Atom

Because the Atom and Proxy are different molds. While they are similar, they have subtle differences in feel and flight.

Why does Innova make the Yeti Aviar, Aviar PnA, and small bead Aviar? Some people prefer one over the other, even if the differences aren't drastic.
what the hell, more wishes:
New Electron - and/or a better pro-style - plastic.
Now, Electron is good, but still not quite perfect! It's pretty sturdy but seems to deform a bit too easily, like its not rubbery/flexible enough to retain it's original shape well. And while I love the feel, it could be grippier. So I'd say a new baseline blend should be attempted, still more for putters and mids than drivers, IMO.
A softer, grippier blend more suited to mids and drivers could be better alternative than electron everything, while also adding yet another option for putters

But here's a thing MVP SHOULD do, you listening ZAM?

LE stamps for putters!!!
This should be a no-brainer; I want Ions and Spins in baseline to look as cool as custom-stamp or dyed drivers damn it! Why won't you sell them to me?:wall::D:thmbup:
And if they ever came out with something in a speed 11/12 like a tern that went further than the tern (perhaps impossible) I would start investing into their drivers.

Nothing is impossible, but the Tern is a special beast for sure. A Star Tern has mostly taken over max D duties for the Wave, and I find myself reaching for an S-line DDx when I need something less US. Both are great molds that MVP currently doesn't have an answer for.

I'll second everyone wishing for a truly OS putter/mid. Right now the only slot in my bag that MVP couldn't take over (if I were so inclined) is my Zone. The Matrix is a great disc, but the description of it as a "longer Envy" is spot on. A beefier disc built on the Envy/Proxy core would be amazing.
Just wanted to chime in on the Matrix. Mine from the Circuit may be an oddball, but it's starting to develop a bit of HS turn, drift, more like. For that reason, I'm less inclined to call it a "longer Envy." If they are generally going to keep the HS stability they have off the shelf, then yes.
Nothing is impossible, but the Tern is a special beast for sure. A Star Tern has mostly taken over max D duties for the Wave, and I find myself reaching for an S-line DDx when I need something less US. Both are great molds that MVP currently doesn't have an answer for.

I'll second everyone wishing for a truly OS putter/mid. Right now the only slot in my bag that MVP couldn't take over (if I were so inclined) is my Zone. The Matrix is a great disc, but the description of it as a "longer Envy" is spot on. A beefier disc built on the Envy/Proxy core would be amazing.
Terns are longer than waves? My wave is the single longest disc I've ever thrown, that sucker just goes...
Terns are longer than waves? My wave is the single longest disc I've ever thrown, that sucker just goes...

They are longer than anything for me, but that may simply be due to my limits. I believe if one can keep them in the air, they are the longest disc of any speed. Another poster here has another 50 or so feet than me, and Terns are his longest as well. Both of us buy lots of discs just to test out, and nothing touches them. Right now, my longest is a Starlite Tern because one, they are light, and two, they are a tick less US than normal Star Terns. Heavier Champ terns are fantastic into a slight wind at my power. I am still trying to figure out wind 10 mph and over. Working on a few DDX models, but Destros are the fall back.
Dang I might need to grab one and try it. Thrown a wave 450 but never even held a tern, might be about time haha
Having never thrown one, only seen them, I think the difference in the Tern and the Wave is the dome/glide. They look like they are going to glide more than the flatter topped Wave. I like that MVP made some dome on their newest drivers, but I would love to see them apply this to some slower discs as well. I don't really throw anything that fast, but would love a domier Inspire, for instance, something more like a River. I would guess if they applied that to the Wave, it will add a little carry to it to give it some more distance.
would love a domier Inspire, for instance, something more like a River. I would guess if they applied that to the Wave, it will add a little carry to it to give it some more distance.
Yup, my Inspire was a huge disappointment. I mean, it is fine for what it does, but I expected more turn and glide.
There is something about the wave which lends it to be an inconsistent mold, in my experience. I've had 5 waves. 4 neutrons( 1HOF, 1 duality, 1, stock, 1 blank)and a sparkle proton all but the stock N were at or near max weight. The HOF is a cow. First time I threw it I thought I accidently got a photon. 9months later it still doesn't flip up but will drift right if thrown flat and just excels on Hyzer lines where you need it to stay in the air but fade a lot. The duality and the blank flew with some flip up from the beginning and good glide. The stock was 167g iirc, and flew somewhere in between the HOF and the other two Ns. Now to the sparkle. Man that was a strange disc. It had such a late turn that it shocked me the first time I threw it in a field and it went really far. It had that flight of a beat in destroyer where you throw a hyzer and it will flip up slow and ride flat a bit before turning over. I was really bummed when I lost that disc.

...Firm E ion, Sloth in soft N, relay OS(and I mean resistor like OS...)
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But here's a thing MVP SHOULD do, you listening ZAM?

LE stamps for putters!!!
This should be a no-brainer; I want Ions and Spins in baseline to look as cool as custom-stamp or dyed drivers damn it! Why won't you sell them to me?:wall::D:thmbup:
I'm running some stamps of my own now and the next full size one will be on a bunch of putters. My first one had putters but no Electron. As far as LE Electrons, I dig it. I'd love to do something special for Electron Anode! Also our HOTT tour is stamping lots of MVP these days so you can get some Austin hippie ish (Atoms so far, only Electron).