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[Other] Kastaplast

anyone try the Vass in K1 Hard? I have the k1 hard stig in gold and its a bit more stable than k1 imo, but a tad more slick. Its becoming one of my favorite discs
ok got the k1 hard Vass out on a round. First, the plastic looks amazing. BUT, i think its a bit slick for humid areas without chalk. After i chalked the disc and my hand with a bag, the grip was fine. Its already 85F with intense humidity because of a very rainy spring, and most premium plastics are gonna be a bit slick.

For my arm, about 330feet/100m, it flew very straight, maybe a slight finish if i got it up in the air, but its something im going to keep in the bag for a while. I think this would fit between my halo mamba and a 168 23 halo wraith for max distance shots depending on wind. Havent thrown it in a headwind and wonder what it will fly like in a headwind. Ill check back in a few months.
Tried a Vass out for the first time a couple weeks ago. K1 plastic. 172g. Fairly soft and a bit gummy and grippy. Initial thoughts are that it looks and feels like a Destroyer, but with a very slightly shallower rim.

Very nice flier, and the flight numbers (12, 5, -1.5, 2) are dead on. The Vass definitely has a "beat in Destroyer" flight. It'll pop up flat from a hyzer release and drift right a bit. Better than average glide. Fade is late and gradual. The Vass can definitely be overthrown, and isn't really a driver for strong headwinds.

The Vass gets downrange well, and with seemingly little effort. I had no problem cranking it over 400' on fairly low hyzerflip lines. Easy disc to master and throw effectively quickly. No steep learning curve.

Summary: The Vass is a 12 speed driver that flies like a somewhat beat Destroyer. It has moderate turn, good-great glide, and a late, subtle fade. Excellent hyzerflip disc that will stay on a fairly straight line (no big S curve). Similar discs include the Charger, Enigma, Crank, Grym X, etc. Perfect disc for people who want a bit more turn and less fade than a Destroyer provides. The Vass can be thrown for big distance, but can occasionally bend right a little too much. Not a good driver for strong headwinds. Honestly, this disc is everything the Time Lapse should have been.
Ordered a first-run and a stock Alva this morning, hopefully will be a good replacement for any of my beat-in Wraiths should I lose one...
Seems Kaxe is getting a last run scheduled for next week. I thought it was safe after they retooled it while retiring the Kaxe Z. But then, Kaxe Z hasn't nearly vanished from stores over a year after its last run.
Pretty sure they're only retiring the original mold and are going to continue producing the retooled version.
I guess that's it, though it doesn't make a lot of sense to me to do a last run when they're still selling a disc with the same name and numbers. How many times did Innova renew the molds for their classics without much fanfare?
Ordered couple of the last Kaxe Z's discsport sweden had in stock, I assume theyre from last run or atleast near it.

Tested them with my new Kaxe (retooled), both have identical flight numbers(6/5/0/2), guess what: they flew exactly the same for me. So if you liked Kaxe Z, just buy one of the new Kaxes.
Need some Kastaplast Disc recommendations. I assist a local PIAS that has some Disc knowledge. I go in help with orders, and straighten up the shelves once a week. I get a nice kick back. Majority of my bag is MVP Axiom.

A month ago we placed our first Kastaplast order including Bergs, which went fast, and all I knew. Everything else was at random. All that remains is a Nord, and a Kaxe. All else gone.

When you go to your local Disc store, what Kastaplast molds would you want to see on the rack. Appreciate recommendations, thank you.
Berg (most popular approach/putter)
Jarn (very popular overstable approach)
Gote (most popular mid)
Falk (Easy distance understable fairway)
Lots (Dependable stable to overstable fairway)
Guld (Most popular new driver mold)

Some people are very particular about which Kasta discs they prefer, and some of the newer molds aren't super well known to the masses. But the above is a list of discs that I constantly sell out of when I vend at events.
I'm surprised that the Göte is popular where you're located. It is one of their least sold molds afaik. What I'd expect from a limited offering of Kastaplast molds would be something like:

Reko (great putter, and fantastic thrower in K1/K1 Soft. Flies like a slightly less stable Ohm for me)
Svea (good for beginners, great for cleaning up form. Very similar to the Uplink)
Kaxe (midrange flight with greater distance, a workshorse. If I could only throw one disc this would probably be it)
Falk (beginner fairway or a hyzerflip/turnover disc for experienced players. My beat in Insanity and Falks have very similar flights)
Lots (workhorse fairway, like a beat in Wrath maybe? The Wrath is definately more stable out of the box)

I'm not very familiar with their distance drivers. Their new one, Älva, seems to be really popular locally.

Comedy option: Rask. It's an interesting disc and surprisingly usable for something that's both overstable and glideless. The thin profile and secondary flight plate both seem to reduce drag, it just doesn't want to slow down as it cuts through the air.
I love the Stig. Straight. Some turn if thrown hard. I call it my "longer Uplink."

I second any votes for Reko, and of course the Berg.
I recently spotted the Idog on the Infinite Discs site - a new 7-speed fairway driver (7 5 -0.5 2). My bag is good at the moment when it comes to 7's but I would gladly give this one a shot - especially in K1 plastic. Any idea as to a release date?
Jeez, I realized after my post that I forgot to mention the Nord. Dependably stable mid complementing my Core and Uplink. It doesn't dump out on me like the Jarn did. Mostly use it as a "get out of trouble" disc.

Kasta has been slowly increasing it's spots in my bag. K1 is excellent, the colors are spectacular, and the standard stamp is nicely understated.
Kaxe and Kaxe Z (RIP) are great for me. Kind of effortless distance in a mid for me. I use them and the Hex back and forth a lot. The Hex takes a bit more oomph to get the same distance that a half-assed Kaxe can get, and handle the wind a bit better.

Now I don't know anything about the new mold and it's changes.

Edit- Berg for slow and stop. Ground play is kind of similar to my Vibram putters even it K1
Just about anything in K1 ought to sell at a brick and mortar shop.

My favorite Kasta molds are

Old Kaxe—hoping the just released IDOG will work here

Svea shuffles in and out of the bag. Right now it's out.
I started dividing up all their discs into ~4 tiers from "must carry" to "order on demand", but realized I'm not actually qualified to say what will really sell, nor what the masses actually want. So, here are some random inputs from a sub-300' thrower who:

* Only has one KP mold in his primary bag (Berg)
* Has an all-KP glow bag
* Has a few more KP molds in a secondary bag
* Regularly plays with someone who has an all-KP bag and two others who have the occasional KP, and it's not super rare that we all tap in Bergs on a hole
* Hasn't thrown anything of the post-Grym distance driver lineup, or Idog, but I'm assuming Vass is closer to Grym than Älva
* Does not hate the feel of a Comet

If I were to play a 1-disc round with KP, and in fact I have done this in glow:


If I were to assemble a small KP-only bag one disc at a time (and had to play at least one round in between each addition), it might go like this:

Berg or Falk, then the other

Other small bag configurations I could image:

Berg, Stig
Göte, Lots
Berg, Svea, Lots

If I were to recreate my own bag in all KP (all K1, but that's my personal preference):

Kaxe Z if still available, else Kaxe

I might or might not have use for Vass (or Idog), but I can see that others would.

Molds I personally wouldn't have a use for or wouldn't deem necessary to carry around anyway:

Berg X
Reko X