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Tualatin, OR

Athey Creek Middle School

1.135(based on 4 reviews)
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Athey Creek Middle School reviews

10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.1 years 75 played 60 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2023 Played the course:once


Located on a big chunk of land in Tualatin, Oregon is Athey Creek Middle School. First off this course was meant for the PE Class of this school. I was able to follow a few cones laid out, inconsistently from what I assume was the somewhat recent "Disc Golf unit" of their PE Class. Each cone said AC PE. Before I came here I read some of the reviews so my intentions weren't to play a specific layout and rather just to get some field practice in. But since I was able to find around 6 cones marking the layout for the PE class I went along with it for a little while before eventually making up my own holes.


Grass hasn't been mowed in a little bit leaving some of the baskets knee high in long grass. Some confusing post signs, with hole numbers were on the border of the school. At first I thought they might actually have some signage but realized after my round that they were cross country markers.

Athey Creek Middle school is pretty lucky to have some baskets on campus. There are a lot of options but if this were an actual course with tee pads and everything it would be one heck of a long one. It's 1/3 a mile to get from one end of campus to the other so you will definitely get your steps in.

Other Thoughts:

I wouldn't come here to play an actual layout. This should more serve as a practice area, where you can make up your own layout. It wouldn't be a bad nine if they installed some tee pads and tee signs, but nine Discatcher baskets spread out through quite a few acres of land gives players a lot of options.

I was able to follow a inconsistent PE layout which I will briefly explain. Starting near the driveway into the school would be holes 1-4. 5 and 6 play in the open field near the baseball fields. 7-9 should be in the NW field near the track. I was only able to find around 6-7 marked cones and this layout I'm sure changes throughout the years.
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8 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.3 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Athey Creek Middle School DGC Is Spread Out And Unmarked! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2019 Played the course:once


To echo previous reviewers Breh and radsnowsurfer, there is no actually course here, just baskets. They are Discatchers with the school's name and that of a local sponsor/supporter, Next Adventure on them. A number on them would be most helpful as I had no idea if I was playing the course in reverse order or whatever?

Athey Middle School has a huge campus and the baskets are all over hell and back. You can find one right at the entrance by the street and they are randomly placed all the way to the far backside of the school and athletic fields. There are no disc golf signs but adding to the confusion (and I felt as inadequate as a chubby, pimply faced 7th grader trying to score with the hottest cheerleader in school), there are a series of small posts with a number on them all around. They look exactly like a typical disc golf tee sign. I believe I have determined that they are markers for a cross country/running path which circles the school grounds.


No signage.

No tee pads.

No on-line map.

At a middle school so MOSTLY not available during school hours. Exception made for really, really experienced and cagey career course bagger!

Because course extends to many sections of campus, some holes might be open while others are closed off.

Other Thoughts:

As a former middle school PE teacher (the most horrific four years of my 33 years in the teaching profession), I don't see this course as ideal for PE classes. It's too spread out so one teacher couldn't supervise it. It's way too long as most middle schoolers can't throw a Frisbee more than about 50 feet. An ideal course for middle school PE classes would have holes in the 100 foot range with maybe a couple stretching to 200-250 feet, with very few obstacles and no fences or buildings in play.

In conclusion, locals could probably come up with their own design here. There are about ten other rec type courses within 10 miles from Athey MS so there are other choices.

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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 193 played 191 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 26, 2019 Played the course:once


Beautiful new looking baskets with athey creek school across the top.
On school grounds which is great to teach the kids about the sport/ have disc golf as a P.E activity lucky!!!


That's about where the pros stop because there's no tee pads or signs what so ever. Sure you can make a little decent safari layout but as of now that's all it is.

Other Thoughts:

With some signs and maybe tee areas I would raise my review up but it got a 1.5 because the 9 baskets are immaculate and it helps kids learn and grow the sport
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.4 years 177 played 49 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Nine gorgeous baskets, but no course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2018 Played the course:once


(*I will address the nature of this "non-course" in the "other thoughts" section*)

The one real positive aspect about this "course" is the fact that Athey Creek Middle School has 9 brand-new Innova Discatcher baskets. I noticed that the baskets had the logo for local outdoor store and long-time disc golf supporter Next Adventure on them, so I'm hopeful that they might be working in partnership to eventually construct an actual long-term course on the property. Other than the baskets, the school has a very large campus, with the *potential* to make a few interesting holes, and potentially short and long pads, as many of the baskets were spaced quite a ways apart.

As of right now, the main "pro" is that someone in the neighborhood could utilize this space as a good field practice space. A few of the holes behind the back side of the school have some nice natural undulations, and someone with some creativity could make up something of a course for their own sake. The other good side to this course is that I can picture a PE class in the middle school making good use of the wide spread of nice baskets to set up age-appropriate holes as most of the baskets are in open, unguarded locations.


As of July 2018, there aren't any tee pads, signage, or other information about this course/property. Even absent tee signs, if I tried to "play" the course just from basket to basket, it doesn't flow well, as there are several baskets that are very isolated, or stuck next to the tennis court or entry road to the parking lot. Even if a course is laid out, it should be noted here that I imagine that it wouldn't be playable during school hours, as many of the holes play very close to school recreational areas. If a course was completed, with the baskets where they are now, I imagine most, if not all of the holes would lack much in the way of obstacles, and would just be open field shots. Only 2 or 3 of the baskets were even close to any trees/other features.

Other Thoughts:

As of my visit in July 2018, this property really just has 9 baskets in the ground at this point. It's hard to tell without any additional information whether the school is planning to implement a full-time course open to the public. I showed up in the summer, at 5pm on a weekday and the property was open, there was ample parking, and the property itself seemed like a very well-kept, multi-use space with tennis courts, soccer fields, play structures and baseball diamonds. Unfortunately to some degree, the baskets are placed in ways that would like interfere with some of these recreational activities throughout the year.

The reason I am not leaving a .5 or 0 out of 5 review for this non-course is that I reserve those ratings for courses I believe are actively antagonistic to disc golf itself. As it stands, a good PE teacher could utilize these fantastic baskets to teach kids how to play disc golf. While the holes are very spread out, I could see that working to the advantage of a class of kids all out throwing around the grounds. I can imagine a course being put in eventually that could utilize the space effectively, and if I get wind that a real course is in the works, I will update this review accordingly.
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