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Quitman, MS

Inspiration Point DGC

4.255(based on 2 reviews)
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Inspiration Point DGC reviews

14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40 years 339 played 267 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Inspiration Point

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 5, 2024 Played the course:once


-- Two practice baskets.
-- Shorter tees on a few holes to make the course accessible to a larger swath of skill levels.
-- Navigation is easy. Beautiful and accurate T signs have par, distance, map, OB and next tee indicator. Some also have helpful information such as distance to a point in the fairway. Some of those distances are also on signs in the fairways. And new Veteran baskets each have a next tee arrow.
-- Holes 1-8 are almost all heavily wooded with tight lines that require accuracy. No. 9 is mostly open; the back 9 isn't as wooded as the front, but no holes are open.
-- Big concrete T pads.
-- Restrooms and water.
-- Nos. 11 and 12 are the signature holes with water in play on both. Eleven is 370/466 feet with a mando right to keep you away from a parking lot and water ahead/left. The basket is seriously downhill and sits about 20 feet from the water. Big-armed players have to worry about reaching the water with a good tee shot that could roll in. Weak-armed players like me have to worry about that on approach shots. My group of three had one roll into the water and another stop on a log/root at water's edge. Unfortunately, the basket is blind from the tee, so you could easily throw on someone. No. 12 is much shorter (191) and downhill, tempting everyone to go for it and risk an overthrow and a wet disc. Fortunately, water is shallow in both spots, so it's fairly easy to retrieve a wet disc. Two other good holes are 15 and 16. Fifteen is 218 feet downhill with a severe RHBH hyzer. There is a steep slope right behind the basket. Sixteen is even shorter (173 feet) seriously uphill through hundreds of trees to a basket just short of an OB road.
-- The course is in Clarcko State Park, which offers boating, swimming, hiking, tennis and other activities. Cabins and tent camping are available. Years ago when the park had just a 9-hole course, discs were for sale in the office. I didn't go in this time, but I assume discs are still available.


-- No. 18 isn't bad, but it's not a great finishing hole for such a great course. It's 206 feet RHFH, mostly open until the final 30 feet, where the basket is tucked into a stand of trees.
-- Multi-use park with lots of hiking trails, so you have to be aware.

Other Thoughts:

-- Pay to play. It's $2 per person on the honor system. The guard shack is almost never manned.
-- Course is newish (two years old), and the rough is just that. Getting off the fairway will cost you strokes and could lead to a lost disc.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 428 played 91 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice new design

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 15, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


Brand new patriot baskets. Concrete tee pads. Lots of elevation used. Nice views of the lake in places. Nice mix of longer and shorter holes with several par 4s. Generally Nice park with restrooms. Good signage. Good flow with no real navigation issues


Multi use so on some holes you really have to watch out. Several holes play along a hiking trail. Number 11 is a blind shot toward the lake with no way to see who might be down there.

Other Thoughts:

This is a brand new course in my area which replaces an old 9 holer. The course has been in the ground for almost a year but tee pads and signage just got finished. Course will host its 1st tourney April 1st. Really like this course. Heavily wooded for the most part with some severe elevation. Water 100% in play in 2 holes. 6 holes have shorter tees. This course will punish you if you are not accurate. Risk/ reward is high here. If you hit lines there are birdies to be had but trouble is lurking.
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