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Monroe, NC

Bearskin Creek

Permanent course
2.095(based on 22 reviews)
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Bearskin Creek reviews

5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 402 played 50 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not so bad 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 26, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Bearskin creek AKA Dickerson Park wasn't as bad as I expected. There are still 16 baskets. Shot shaping isn't a priority, however you have to play smart to stay in bounds or out of the creek on a number of holes. This adds to the challenge. I found the long tees which are concrete, by the way, to be a fun play. Baskets are bright old school single chain discatchers, but you just got to love that basket look. There aren't any "hidden" baskets and you know what you are shooting to. I felt the layout flowed pretty good and there weren't many dangerous spots. I was able to use a number of different speed and stability discs to complete the course. Bearskin Creek is pretty much open, as Charlotte Area courses go. You'll see it knocked down a bit for that, but I appreciate the variety and ability to air out some mids or fairway drivers. The long tees are plenty long, they are only about 6' in length but they are all flush so you have tons of run up.


Well, I'm always a bit scared parking here. Youll see some shady cats from time to time. 2 missing baskets is a minus, and there are some holes that could use limbing. The creek isnt a problem for me, but it is nasty and you'll probably be safer letting go of the wet disc. 1 basket was "slightly" bent, but did not effect its ability to catch (Hole7) I did throw to the wrong basket on hole 6 so there is some sightline and navigation issues, however they weren't the worst I have seen. If this park is busy, I can see some crowd/disc golf problems. The course plays around the border so wayward shots could endanger other patrons. I wish the park had replaced the missing baskets, they should be able to through insurance. Near the end pads and baskets get hard to follow, but 1 time through and youll be fine. I felt that it was odd the signage was at the short "grass" tee but not the long concrete tee. Youll have to look hard to find some of the longs because they are flush.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I enjoyed the course. I'd play if I was in the area. CPCC is close by, and will steal a lot of traffic, but there isnt much other DG nearby. 2 missing baskets werent an issue really. 16 was plenty of play for me. I went back and looked at my reviews and this course is definitely above the 2* but below the 3* courses that I have played. I've played 18 hole courses with proper signage and navigation that had worse problems or bad design. The design here was Ok and appropriate for the area designated for disc golf (basically the boundaries of the park). If you are in Monroe and can't drive 40 minutes into Charlotte...check out bearskin creek.
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3 0
Experience: 32.5 years 43 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Solid Little Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2009 Played the course:once


While the Dickerson Course is not set in the most idea surroundings, (the park is located in a neighborhood of lower income housing), the course play very nicely. The site lines for each hole are clear and creative with many ace run hole. Its a great course to practice your tee shots on hittable par 3s. Several large mature trees dot the fairways and pin placements have been set with creative consideration. There really was only one hole that seemed a little awkward (the 10th) it is a short, blind tee shot that doglegs right over a large hillside. A pedestrian walkway traces the leftside fairway and this combination of pedestrian traffic and blind tee shot is a safety hazard; make sure you either have a spotter along the walkway or make sure that no one is coming before you tee off. The tee pad are grass, and usually this is a very unfavorable arrangment but it really isn't a factor @ Dickerson, (perhap the course sees so little traffic that the tee boxes aren't abused).

Other Thoughts:

Dickerson Park isn't a roadtrip course per se but if you're a Charlotte disc golfer, its definately worth a trip down there to shot it. Hope you Ace one.
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16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 564 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A gentle bear of a course. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 9, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Course is wide open on most holes, so let it rip. It's built in the field of a very small park. Front 9 plays around a rec center.
- Course is never crowded, so you're able to play at your own pace or spend extra time practicing.
- There are some fun hole layouts here. Course does a good job taking advantage of the few obstacles - trees, hill, creek - that the terrain offers.
- Here's your layout is a simple 4-hole stretch. #3 is open and downhill. #4 is longer, but plays uphill, so it's got a much longer feel. #5 is a shorter, straight ahead par 3. And #6 is a short, tight, wooded layout with the basket on the side of the hill. None is challenging in and of themselves. Each has some other 'challenge' from a seemingly always windy field on #3 & 4 to roll-away factors on #5 & 6. Standing on #3, you may think you'll see some real birdie chances on the next 4 holes. Putt out on #6 and leave wondering how you got 4 straight pars.
- #16 is solid, enjoyable hole. From the short tees, you tee off next to a playground, to a basket protected by two trees. You sail your shot too long, you bring the creek into play. A good shot results in an easy birdie, but an overaggressive shot can spell trouble.
- Over the past several years, the park has made several noticeable improvements. There's a nice, new playground along with improvements to the basketball court. Playing this course in March 2014, for the first time in several years, it was a great sight to see the park actually getting used. Maybe more park goers will help encourage locals to put forth more attention to the course.
- Part of the city's greenway runs behind/along several holes (#1, 2, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18 among others). As such, the area along the creek has been tremendously cleaned up and baskets moved away from that creek. This has created even better layouts.


There are still some major issues with this course, which make it an afterthought for most people.
- Baskets are in bad shape. Many are bent, crooked and/or missing. A fair number of tee signs are missing as well. Also, with the short tees not having pads, it's a real issue that the signs aren't aimed more accurately towards the basket. On #17, for example, if you use the direction of the tee sign as your compass for which hole you're throwing to, it'd be easy to surmise you're supposed to be throwing to #18 basket instead of #17.
- Course needs better signage throughout. For a first time player, you're going to extremely frustrated trying to figure out the flow/where the next hole is. Especially with several long walks, navigation is frustrating. A good course map would be a tremendous help.
- The creek that runs along and behind holes #11 - 14, 16 & 17 is filled with trash and is an unnatural, filthy color. Among the objects I've seem in the creek are a toilet and shopping carts. If you lose a disc in there, you can pretty much kiss it good-bye or risk getting an infection going after it.
- Tee pads are too short for anything more than a 1-step run-up.
- Area surrounding park is sketchy. Unlike Sugaw Creek, which also is in a questionable area, this park is usually empty and therefore poses more of a potential risk. I'd much rather play a course that has heavy foot traffic, like Sugaw, than only come across an occasional person, some of whom seemed pretty sketch.

Other Thoughts:

With some work and regular attention, course would appear even better. A 'fresh coat of paint' level of attention would improve Bearskin's image. Or, I simply could have said 'NEW BASKETS.'
- For some reason, I have always enjoyed the course. Even at its worst, this course had a charm. Now that it's greatly improved, it's much easier to like. Still, a simple, straight ahead layout, without many frills. And, I like it!.
- As long as you know what you're in for - mainly a complete 180 from all Charlotte courses - and enjoy the change of pace, it's fine. I do like that it does not have the challenge of CDGC courses. It will still never confused with any of the area's good courses, but it does have a place in the Charlotte-area disc golf scene.
- Distances on some tees holes didn't always seem completely accurate making for some fun over/under throws. Also, be prepared to not be able to find the long tee pads on all holes. You'll notice as the tee signs and UDisc listed distances can be pretty far off.
- Rec center isn't always open, so good chance you have to go to gas station just up the road for a drink or bathroom. Just don't go to the BP.
- Because course is pretty wide open, they try to make up for it with challenging basket placements - behind trees, on edge of hill, etc.
- In the past, I would tell people to avoid this course. Now, with Dry Creek just 10 minutes away, I feel it's worth the time. Play both courses to get a feel for some solid Union County disc golf.
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