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Grayslake, IL

Central Park

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Central Park reviews

8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 764 played 387 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Wear Long Pants 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2020 Played the course:once


Central park is a 9 hole course in a small multi use park . The course sits away from any other activities , except the occasional walk through from a local resident .
The Equipment : The tee pads here are cement and hold footing well . They are oblong but narrow . More on cons . The signage is fine , with hole # par and distance plus flight path and next tee on it . The baskets are yellow banded Discatchers . There is a nice kiosk with map near the entrance to the course .
The Landscape :The fairways were mowed and the course and park grounds were very clean . This park receives a lot of care . The course lacks any real elevation . It is flat and easy on the knees . The course plays park style around a deeper section of woods that you will enter around hole #4 . The overgrowth is in abundance in this particular section . You have to watch your disc go in or you may have a fit trying to dig it out . Good use of some of the trees here , and greater use of putting a 9 hole course with a 345' 335' and 3 holes 295 + in a small tract of land away from the rest of the park activities . .
The highlights . No real highlights here . The course plays short . I guess the best hole was the 345' hole #3 that bends a little right to left with some trees in the fairway to the open green at the back of the park
Time , if you keep your disc in the fairway , you can play this course in about 25 minutes . A foursome will be done in an less than an hour .


#1 Safety . Some safety issues here . You will get an occasional walk through on the course by a resident that knows nothing about disc golf . While on my round , I walked up on a man practicing his ball golf game that was chipping golf balls to the #8 basket . The fairways criss-cross on #6 and #7 . I can see someone being hammered by a drive from the #7 tee box . #9 fairway is close to an outdoor performing area .
#2 Navigation : Can be tricky . The first 3 holes are easy . #4 is a dogleg alley shot . You have to come back out of it to get to #5 which is on the right . If you didn't print a map , you will spend a lot of time looking for the 7 tee , because no one would guess it crosses you fairway .
#3 The rough . This is some of the most unforgiving rough that I have seen , especially in a 9 hole course . It took me a long time to dig a drive out of this rough It's a shame when you need a spotter on a small course like this .
#4 Who ? As in who is this course designed for ? The course is too short for anyone intermediate skilled and up . Really , the players that would benefit most would be locals and people to introduce the game to . These are just the type of people that are going to chuck their drive into the high rough . And the rough doesn't discriminate . It will be terrible for right handed and left handed alike .
Equipment . Not a problem for me , but these concrete tees are thin for kids and locals making a run up on the tee . Can you say Twisted Ankle ?

Other Thoughts:

You know , the park is nice , and this might not be terrible to slip away from a kids practice to throw a round in . I think that the course designer had good intentions , by adding length and tight fairways , but the players that will take advantage of the course will not have a good experience if they are spending over half the time here looking for and losing discs . Keep your throws low .

My Recommendation : Too easy for intermediates and up . Rough is unforgiving and NOT a good play for families , dates , or newbies . The locals might enjoy a round if living close by
Not too far off the expressway , the course is a quick play for travelers and a slew of 9 hole courses and Fairfield Park that a Course Collector can add to their totals .
I might pass by this course , otherwise .
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.2 years 181 played 150 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2016 Played the course:once


Central Park's DGC packs some nice variety into a small piece of land. The tree coverage is ample enough to force lines and require considered approaches. Holes move in and out of, as well as alongside of, the central patch of trees here in a way that creates a nice set of lines and obstacles off the tee, forming tight windows to drive through, narrowing lanes to approach, and boundaries to avoid. The design seems sensitive to avoiding repetition, and it definitely succeeds in this. Central Park seems notably more technical than most small park courses I've played.

Holes can stretch out with some surprising distance given that this is a small park course. Fairway drivers are just as essential as mids here, a nice change of pace from many other such courses. Lines are varied enough to prompt using a variety of discs.

The course is easy to navigate and quickly played. Conflict with non-DGers seems to be minimal. Fairways seem to be well-groomed.


By far the biggest detractor of this course is its humble scale: it takes place on a small patch of land that the design more or less maximizes, but can nevertheless only offer so much. The fact that this is a small park course of nine holes really limits its ceiling.

Despite the welcome push for distance, the course nevertheless feels short, a fact magnified by there being just nine holes. The ability to play a decently-engaging round quickly is a plus, but on the flip side this course isn't going to give you much more than that. Just come prepared for what to expect.

The shrubbery off the fairway can be jungle-like, and with enough trees here even a solid player can suffer a tree kick that loses them a disc (speaking from experience here). It can be frustrating to play a quick round on a small course and still have to contend with searching for a disc for 10 minutes.

Other Thoughts:

Central Park was one of the better small courses I visited on a day of course-bagging binging last year. I wouldn't recommend it on its own, but it makes a decent option when supplementing a trip to Fairfield Park.
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4 4
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.2 years 247 played 35 reviews
1.50 star(s)

9 holer with maybe 5 good holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Excellent shots required on Holes 3,6,7,8 to make birdies. Cement tees. Good baskets. Course gets an average amount of play which makes getting a round in here reasonable even if you want to throw some extra shots.


Rough is extremely rough and easy to lose discs here. Bugs can be bad at times. Tees are way too narrow (obviously created without researching into what is needed). Holes 2,4,5 are boring holes. No long holes that allow you to get out and rip a drive on this course.

Other Thoughts:

Rough is ROUGH! Not the most fun course in the world, but honestly one of the better Lake County 9 holers. Shooting a few under par on the 9 holes is decent shooting. Not alot they could do with the land available to really make the course much better.
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