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Cheyenne, WY

Dry Creek Parkway

3.025(based on 22 reviews)
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Dry Creek Parkway reviews

8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 82 played 40 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Shameless Course Bagging in WY 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 3, 2016 Played the course:once


If you are driving along I80 (or like me visiting family at FE Warren) this is basically your only chance at bagging a decent course in WY. I mean look at the map. There are probably less than 20 courses in WY. This is a Houck designed course... and that automatically earns a half star.

Given that this is such a small plot of land, I dont see anything that could be done differently on the property.

This course plays along a "dry creek". The creek, however, was not so dry when i played it... and my guess is that this is the norm. The little bit of elevation available here was used properly.

The fun factor for me was pretty low for most of the holes on the course. I dont say that in a condescending way. This is mostly a mix of high wind, high weeds on the edge of the fairways, OB pretty much everywhere. Basically, there are chances around every corner to lose your disc. This actually adds to the difficulty factor (and dare i say butt pucker).

I was actually kind of interested to see 3 bonus holes after hole 17. These were actually pretty interesting holes.

I guess the last thing worth noting for me, was that the elevation had really interesting effects on the throws to me.

Hole 3 (i believe) was definitely the star of the course.


The major con to me was the upkeep of this place. It sounds like i played it on a good day. However, i cant imagine that this is how John envisioned the maintenance to go. For instance, hole 1 was basically a straight throw, but over a grove of willow trees? Had to walk to the basket basically to figure out where i was throwing. Same thing on hole 2. Why not just cut a few of those tree bush things so you can see the target?

Other Thoughts:

Again... i would echo that this is a 2.75. Was really glad to bag WY in my quest to 50 states played. I would like to thank the locals for continuing to work on this course, and giving me a course to play!
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12 1
Experience: 25.2 years 261 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Short but Challenging

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 30, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


(This course has gone through a major redesign within the past three years (I think). The previous reviews are pertinent but the specifics of particular holes may have changed since their reviews were penned.)

I moved to Cheyenne 15 months ago from Charlotte, NC where we're spoiled with some of the best disc golf courses in the country. I've been playing for ~17 years, I've also lived/played in California, and taken two cross-country road trips where I based my routes around playing quality courses in each state I passed through.

Dry Creek is the only course worth playing in Cheyenne in my opinion and therefore it has become my home course. I've played it close to 40 times, and I've grown to appreciate it. If you base your opinion solely on the pictures and hole distances you may think this course will be a pushover, but it is certainly not. Out-of-bounds is plentiful on this course and the constant wind we experience in Wyoming alters shots and makes it difficult to avoid. I'm finally starting to get used to the wind (and the 6,000+ ft. elevation), but adjusting to these conditions can be a struggle.

Here are my thoughts:

-Dry Creek is packed in pretty tight on a small piece of land. Once you get used to it, it flows pretty nicely. Given what they had to work with, I don't think it could've been laid out much better.

-As the name suggests, the course runs along a creek, however it is never dry. This adds a lot of challenge to this course if you play it the way it was designed to be played. That is, crossing a creek, sidewalk, or road is out of bounds unless the pin is on the other side (with the exception of creek-crossing-based OB on hole 3). Many of the pins are located close to this creek adding a certain degree of risk/reward on drives AND putts. Additionally, the underbrush that grows along the creek in places can prove difficult to get out of if you find yourself in it.

-Pretty good signage at all of the tees.

-Water comes into play again on hole #12 where there is a pond that you can throw around and comfortably par, or you can throw over to have a look at birdie. Risk/reward makes things interesting.

-There's a mando on hole 9 & a double mando on hole 18 adding to the challenge.

-The course designers have made good use of what little difference in elevation there is on this piece of land. Having said that, there aren't any uphill drives.

-There is plenty of open space on this course where you can grip and rip, but they've done a good job of strategically using the trees they have. Several baskets are tucked away behind or very close to trees. Others are used to slightly crowd the tee-box.

-I list this as a con also, but the wind is always going to make you second-guess your shot/disc selection, adding to the (mental) challenge of this game.


-Course maintenance is an issue. This past spring they waited wayyyy too long to mow the grass for the first time. The weeds had literally grown up through the baskets and beyond. Imagine trying to play in a field with grass up to your elbows...yeah. Also, there are several holes where the greens need to be cleaned up. On some holes there are branches so close/low it makes putting impossible. If you have to duck under branches within 20 feet of the pin, I think it's time to do some trimming. On one hole there's a shoulder-level branch within 3 feet of the basket. Also, on a couple holes that were moved mid-season, the parks & rec people continued to mow the course, but didn't mow the new greens.

-This course can be confusing for people who aren't familiar with the layout. You have to cross a road after #3 and then again after #13. There's no markings on the baskets to guide you to the next tee. Use the map provided on DGCourseReview to find your way (there may be a map posted at the kiosk by hole 1, but I'm not sure of this). Also, there isn't any indication on the tee-signs which pin placement is being used. This isn't a big issue as this course is open and most pins are visible from the tee but there were times when I was still learning the course and also after they switched pin positions for the first time when I threw to the wrong basket.

-This course is ALWAYS windy. Some days it's only 10-15 mph, but other days it's 25-30+ mph which makes it very hard to have an enjoyable round.

-This course is located in a flood plain and therefore it has drainage issues. The fairway/green on 6 and the ground around the tee-boxes on 7 & 16 are pretty much soggy year-round. Other areas are wet and mucky often. Appropriate footwear is advised.

-I've spent a lot of time searching for discs in thick grass and underbrush. Its my own fault for missing the fairways, but beware of this! Keep an eye on your disc and pay attention to where it lands.

-Hole 8 plays over a walking path.

-The greens on some holes are very close to the tees on other holes. In fact, when hole 16's pin is in its longest position, you have to throw across 17's fairway to reach it. This course doesn't see much traffic so this is rarely an issue.

-I wish there were some doglegs. There aren't any. The fairways are pretty straight and mostly open with only slight variations.

-No facilities.

Other Thoughts:

Like I said, this course has grown on me. I'm generously giving Dry Creek a 3-disc rating because I can't give it the 2.75 I think it deserves. The long grass and unkempt greens really bother me. There are only so many playable months in Wyoming due to the cold and snowy winters, let's keep the course playable for as many of those warm months as possible!

Memorable holes are: 3, 8, 12, 17 long, & 18.

There aren't many courses in Wyoming in the first place so this is one of the best (and honestly it's probably THE best excluding three or four courses in the northwest corner of the state).

If you're driving through on the I-80 corridor and you want to play a course in Wyoming, this is it. Trust me!
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1 3
Experience: 14.4 years 33 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Best course in town 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


1. 18-hole course. Air Force base course is only other 18-holer in town. Need a pass to get on base to play that one though.
2. Hole #1 is my favorite. It is very aceable.
3. Easily navigable.


1. Kinda muddy sometimes esp on back 9. Forget about playing after a heavy rain.
2. Horse manure near hole #15 usually.
3. One hole has a big orange net in front of tee box. Kinda annoying but park is trying to get a tree to grow there.

Other Thoughts:

Dry creek isn't usually dry. A stream flows through and affects a few of the holes.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 278 played 254 reviews
3.00 star(s)

WInd and Water 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2014 Played the course:once


This 18 hole course is built along a creek and takes great advantage of the vegetation growing along the creek, and the creek itself. Given the small width of the creek, I was surprised at how many holes brought the water into play.

Nice range of hole lengths from 200' out to about 600'.

Two tees for each hole with concrete for the white tee and a natural red tee. The are 2-5 pin locations available for each hole as well and the pin positions are far enough apart to give different looks to the holes.

Great use of the trees and brush along the creek to impact the line to the basket. Hole 4 requires a straight drive to stay out of the trees on the right and the creek on the left. Hole 5 actually crosses the creek and requires that you hit a gap in the trees to get over safely. If you end up in the creekside brush you may be limited to just pitching back out.

Hole 15 is a nice challenge as the basket is close to the bank on the far side of a pond. You have the choice of laying up right, laying up left, or going directly for the basket at about 300'. Even with a layup the basket is so tight to the pond that your approach will likely end up well past the pin.

Course flow is decent, but having the map helped me know which way to look in a few spots.


Little elevation change along the course.

Navigation can get a little confusing, especially in the area of Holes 10, 11, and 12. The course has apparently been changed since the pads were poured, and the pads for Holes 10 and 11 have been swapped. But the original hole numbers are still cast into the pads, so it is confusing for first-timers. There is a new pad poured for Hole 12 that is up in a corner and a little off the beaten path.

Many of the alternate pads are just places in the dirt, so they we uneven and a little muddy when we played.

The 4x4 post at each tee pads gives a distance, but depending on which location the basket is in that distance could be significantly off.

Other Thoughts:

I played three of the courses in Cheyenne (missed the AFB) and found this to be the best of the lot. Good variety of hole lengths and lines, use of the creek and the ever-present wind make this a challenging course.
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4 1
Experience: 12.4 years 77 played 23 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A fun course. Best in Cheyenne 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 14, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


A really fun course with some great pin placements. It is rarely an open shot that you can just go for. Trees, creeks, and bushes are always around.

Good mix of short shots, and one's that you can stretch your arm on.

The use of water is second to none. Rarely are you not throwing over/around/before water.

Great tee pads. Only one is an addition to sidewalk.

Fairways are mowed to increase skips and make it easier to figure out where you are going.

A few level changes, but not too many.


Signage is either missing, or damaged. The course is oddly maintained. Trash is prevalent, but the rest looks great.

Baskets are a little lower than usual.

Some of the foliage, brush, and grass is very mean. Tore my legs up.

Other Thoughts:

It might be a little frustrating for a newer player due to the technical nature of the putting, the constant presence of water, and the usual lack of conventional drives.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 112 played 104 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Do Not Look At Listed Par 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2009 Played the course:once


For the piece of land that this course was on I thought the design was very good forcing some narrow alleys to shoot through and making water come into play while giving a good variety in shots and distances. The tee pads were rather nice as it appears they recently put in cement tee pads. The baskets were all in good condition and consistent in type.


The worst part about this course was the bugs, I was eaten alive, literally. The par listed for each hole was more for the casual player and I do not think all the distances were accurate. (Hole six did not feel like 600 ft and was definately not a par 5, I took all of three shots on the hole) Constructions has forced a few minor changes to the course temporarily.

Other Thoughts:

This course was a pleasent surprise to me as I felt that it was a very good course for the setting. The bugs really got to me part of the way through my round, to the point where it affected my game physically and mentally. I did kill a bunch of skeeters though so hopefully you won't have to be bothered by them. This is not an amazing course but is a lot of fun and is worth a stop if you are driving on I-80 through Wyoming.
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10 0
Experience: 37.1 years 7 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

I Don't Wanna be a Cowboy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2008 Played the course:never


This course has a good variety of lengths and is laid out in a manner that is intuitive. You can see the next tee from the basket. The addition of multiple basket placements has tightened up some of the areas of the course, so it kind of corrupted the Houck design, but also added to the length and interest of the course. Thank goodness it is never really congested. The change to the Mach V has been welcomed even if I still can't make a putt. This course maximizes use of the creek, pond and trees. Some locals have taken it upon themselves to prune the available foliage with mixed results. As trees added mature, this course may be quite interesting. The tee pads are generally nice with the 15th tee being short as a result of being perched on a small hill on top of a culvert.


Despite the openness of the course, I spend a lot of time looking for my discs. It could just be my errant shots, but the grass, as noted in other reviews, does have a tendency to eat discs. Watch for flooding and bring your antihistamine if you have any allergies. The pond is not a place to search for discs and with the new basket across the pond, there are more in there all the time.

Other Thoughts:

If you don't play well in wind you won't play in Cheyenne (or Laramie for that matter). I have an affinity for this, my home course even with its shortcomings.
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8 1
Experience: 49.1 years 5 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

No Pushover 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 28, 2008 Played the course:once


A John Houck designed course, he made use of every one of the few trees and the creek that runs through the middle of the course. There is OB potential on more than half of the holes as a result of the creek, the bike path, the road, or neighbors yards. 3 and 4 are tough, long, narrow fairways when they're in the long position. New trees on 8 and 9 make these short holes a little more technical and difficult than the sure birdies they once were. There are some good opportunities to open up and let it rip on a few holes, but you'll pay for inaccuracy because of the creek and the tall grass which serves as a rough on the edges of the mowed fairways.


No restrooms. Cheyenne can be a very windy place at times. If you can't throw in the wind, make sure you check the weather forecast because strong winds are possible, but locals consider the wind an added challenge.

Don't go near the course for a couple of days after a heavy rain because it's built in a flood plain and will be very boggy, especially since the city put in a bike path crossing with culverts 1/3 the size of the creek bed. Little change in elevation, several holes still need more trees. Entering the pond on 15 to retrieve a disc is dangerous due to sharp objects which have resulted in serious lacerations requiring stitches to many feet.

Other Thoughts:

Everything good about this course can be credited to John Houck, who made a silk purse out of a sow's ear here. Any complaints about the redesign (alternate pin placements, crossing fairways) belong with me.

Parks has agreed to supply Tee signs which we hope to get installed in early 2010.

This course has come a long way in the last few years through the efforts of many volunteers and the great cooperation of the Cheyenne Parks and Forestry Departments; cement Tee Pads, Mach V baskets replaced the old Discatchers, three pin placements for each hole, 30 new trees that'll some day make a big difference.

Keep your eye on your disc, the fairways are cut tight in the summer and the High Plains Grasses will gobble them up (makes up for the lack of trees I guess) so disc placement is important.

The Cheyenne "breeze", when it kicks in, adds to the challenge, sometimes insanely so.
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