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Manchester, VT

Hunter Park

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Hunter Park reviews

10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.3 years 234 played 198 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Hunting Hunter Park's Spark 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 27, 2021 Played the course:once


+ Much appreciated paper scorecard / map pamphlets for the taking right before hole 1. The requested donation amount is $5. Support the local clubs!
+ A nice quiet practice area.
+ The whole course takes place in a well-maintained township park/rec center. Lots of space to move around here.
+ The tee signs are nice enough with the #, par and distances depending on the layout. Each post features a cup holder, which is a nice touch... "Know your audience!" However...


- ...Only the blue tees have the signs, and there is no diagram of the fairway ahead to help out new players, first-time visitors or players seeking the short tee areas.
- The tee pads themselves are mostly simple rubber mats plopped onto the ground. The short tees have just flags in the ground marking where they are.
- No lost disc box. A mostly open course like this doesn't truly need one, but it's just something to know.
- Most holes are just distance and little else.
- I had to skip three holes because of water.

Other Thoughts:

My favorite hole here to look at was hole6 for no other reason than the perfectly framed sight of the mountain to the right of its tee pad. My favorite hole to play was hole7 because of that shocking downhill that comes out of nowhere and the almost comically constricted pair of tunnels to choose from. My least favorite hole was hole17 because of how flat, open and straightforward it is. The biggest surprise was hole5 because it shook me awake to go from open holes to a shadowy pine tree tunnel that finishes atop a wooded peninsula.

As for the course as a whole, I'm pretty sure that the course at Hunter Park is still developing, judging by the passive rubber mats and flags everywhere. It might not be fair for me to publish this review while there is still clearly more work to be done, but there are eighteen holes on offer, here, and a fair appraisal must be made. Well... it's almost eighteen holes...

...Actually, let me address the biggest problem right away.

Flooding. There is a stream that passes right nearby the course. As far as my research has taken me, it could be called the West Branch Batten Kill, but don't quote me on that. Regardless of what its name is, the stream overflowed before I got there and had already completely submerged fairways 14 through 16 while I was in the area at around 2 P.M. on April 27. They were rendered completely unplayable because ankle-deep water was visibly flowing on those three holes. Not just a trickle, either- it looked like I was standing next to a free-flowing body of water! If this is a known issue and a common occurence, then I would recommend that the layout be changed as soon as possible.

If it were up to me, I would want to go right back into the woods after hole 9 to see what other surprises were waiting for me back there because holes5 through 7 were still fresh on my mind. Or, if they want to keep holes10 through 13, then maybe change current hole17 into the new hole14 and install three new holes in the woods at the end. Besides, this course already has enough wide open holes. Trading holes14, 15 and 16 for three new wooded holes would be a nice exchange because it would improve the course's balance and variety.

As it is right now, holes5 through 7 are the clear stars of the show. They might be three of the shortest, but they pose the most challenge with their piney tunnels and, thereby, are the most fun. Every other hole with the exception of hole11 and, arguably, hole8 takes place in a largely wide open and flat playing space. It's very pretty to look at but desperately needs something more in terms of playability.

In closing, I see the potential for a greater course in Hunter Park. The infrastructure still has a ways to go and some design decisions need to be made, but the possibility is here, and I would love to visit again sometime in the far future and experience what improvements they've made.
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1 5
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

great little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 5, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Super fun front nine nice variation from open to wooded with elevation changes


The back nine really disappoint after the front delivers such a good experience.

Other Thoughts:

Most of the time we just play the front nine for a quick round
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3 0
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

fun course, now with a b9! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2018 Played the course:once


Fun course. Front 9 wraps around Riley Rink and does a decent job using the trees in the open and the woods on the ourskirts of the property. Clean, well laid out and good signage. The back 9 is new but coming together nicely, with a couple cool upshots, long bombs and #10 in particular (iirc) had a sweet elevated tee and you just rip out onto a huge field which was fun. I liked the scrub section that loops out by the river too, if a bit squishy. Overall a very friendly course that you can tell is geared towards newer/intermediate users but is still working towards giving a different look than that on the f9.


The tees are rubber mats on the ground. Might have been better off just making a flat spot and sinking a frame, they're pretty bumpy and inconsistently laid out. That's honestly my biggest gripe- that and no retrieval stick by the river. I didn't need one but it would be awesome if they're going to leave the basket that close to the water, there were definitely a few fallen soldiers stuck back in the deeper branches.

Other Thoughts:

Fun pedestrian kind of Rec Park course. Great for kids or people newer to the sport but still fun for more skilled players too- awesome place to bring the family. Makes good usage of the surrounding trees and fields, and did a great job with making the back 9 more advanced. If they put in legit tees, I will gladly give Hunter Park a better rating as it would really change the feel of the place. They do have multiple tee sets though, so they're trying and I'd imagine that's coming someday.
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2 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.3 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Yea! They're Not Charging For The Summer! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2015 Played the course:once


Hunter Park is a fairly typical little course that plays around the Hunter Park Ice Arena (Home to many state championship teams.).

Hole 1 starts right in front of the rink. The course has excellent metal tee signs. There are two sets of tees, the longer Blues and the shorter Whites. The tees are marked like ball golf markers, with the little wooden blue/white blocks stuck in the ground. Because they're often pretty far apart, it gives you some extra angles to use when you're teeing off. There are no tee pads. You use whatever surface you have, grass or dirt in the woods. It's not great but I don't see this course getting enough play to worry too much about the lack of concrete pads. The baskets are the Discatcher Sport Target Series with the single chains.

My two favorite holes were 6 & 7. They were both short little Ace runs but both had baskets set right on the edge of serious little drop-offs. This made any shot to the basket very exciting. For some reason, # 6 has a safety net behind preventing discs from skipping on down the cliff but # 7 did not?


These cheesy, cheap Discatcher Sport Target baskets.

Natural tee pads.

The tee signs are confusing at times. # 4 faces sideways so I didn't know which way the basket was. # 5 sign is facing the wrong way. # 8 sign is also backwards.

Other Thoughts:

This is just a pretty pedestrian like little course we have here. It's good for that quick round. It's a nice course to bring newbies or kids to. There's very little chance of losing discs. # 9 gives less experienced players that downhill hole where they can air it out.
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6 0
Experience: 15 played 5 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Fun little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 24, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Fun little course. You start right in front of the Hunter Park Rink building and play around the perimeter of the park. Blue and white tees. Whites are just closer. (basic)
If you like the concept of throwing in a wide open spot with baskets set 2-300 feet away, this is the spot for you. I took my kids and they had a ball. Great course for people just starting out, or if you want to feel good about a round. Not much of a chance to shank off and loose discs. Park has light woods surrounding most holes. Course enters the woods for the 6th and 7th holes, then it's back out to the fields. If this sounds like your speed, and you are in the area, definitely stop by.


Natural tees. Can be good, can be bad. Some of the "tees" are not very level and limit run up. Signage is not great. My first round had a bit of searching for the 6th tee. It's not obvious, you have to walk in the direction of the 4th basket to find it. (this will make sense if you are there)
Other "con" is that this is a "pay to play" course. They only want $4 so it's not extravagant but still...I'm used to playing courses that charge $6/day that have concrete tee pads, 18 holes, and specific grounds maintenance. This is a park course. All maintenance is park maintenance, they aren't doing anything specific to the course. I guess they want to recover the cost of putting the course in.

Other Thoughts:

Fun course overall. If you are in the area and aren't a "pro" player, or want to get new players involved in the game, this is a good spot.
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4 0
Experience: 29.3 years 23 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A nice little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Nicely laid out course that makes the most of the space available. Hole 6 and 7 play through the trees, while the rest are fairly open shots. Hole 9 is a fun down hill throw.


The course is adjacent to some amazing forested lands that could make for an amazing course, however that would no doubt come down to who owns the rights. A lot of potential that lies untapped, but a very good start.

Other Thoughts:

I was walking my dog and found this course completely by happenstance. I came back the next morning, bright and early and played three rounds with the whole park to myself. I was uncertain if you had to pay or not to play, but seeing as how I was the only one there...
A fun course to play if you're passing through.
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