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Louisville, KY

Iroquois Park

Permanent course
3.585(based on 33 reviews)
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Iroquois Park reviews

4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 77 played 68 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun community park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 3, 2016 Played the course:once


Once you get past hole 5, a nice mix of hole variety, elevation and technical challenges. Easy to find. Parking lot is right at tee 1 as is basket 18. Concrete tees. Friendly locals. Easy to navigate. Good course flow. Exclusive park land for the course.


Old, beat-up baskets. Lots of broken glass and garbage in the course, especially the "Halloween ghost" hanging garbage bags and overflowing trash cans. Many tee signs are missing for the latter holes. Grassy fairway areas unmowed. Plays near city roads and urban areas (not very secluded).

Other Thoughts:

The first 4 holes are boring, flat straight back and forth holes. Hole 5 isn't much better. But once you get to holes 6 and the challenging but not impossible water hazard, things begin to improve. The elevation comes into play and hole design seems more thought out. A good balance of technical challenge without being frustrating. Each hole has its own personality and while there aren't any epic or signature holes, they all have some personality for the most part.

There was a disappointing amount of trash and broken glass along the course. Paired with the beat-up and ancient baskets, it just detracted from the entire experience. The course was obviously designed with care initially, but the park system seems to not care about upkeep. The locals seem just as frustrated with the situation.

This is a solid local park course. Nothing special, but it was a fun round. It was a 10-minute drive from the hotel I was staying at and I'm glad I played a round. Definitely not a destination course, but well worth a round if you're in the area and not more than 20 minutes away.

Course was also surprisingly busy, seemed to be more casual players but all were friendly.
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2 1
Experience: 26.5 years 14 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great for travelers 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 27, 2016 Played the course:once


Course is easy to find; tees and baskets are easy to find; great mixture of hole types; not too heavily wooded on sides of fairways so no spotter needed; Parking lot is in a secure location so your car should be safe



Other Thoughts:

This course is perfect for someone visiting the area. It can easily be played alone because the hole aren't really "blind". Each hole has a cement marker pointing to the next tee box; very nice feature. And the woods aren't too thick so you can find your disc without a search party. But this is not just a recreational city park course, it's got several challenging holes.
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9 0
Experience: 19.5 years 11 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Homer gives you the lowdown 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


I'm going to do my best to cut through the BS of some of the other reviews. Iroquois is my home course and was where I first learned to throw a disc.

The Pros:
While being mostly short holes in this par-54 course, it can be quite technical, with many wooded areas, a hole that involves throwing over the pond, and some frequent elevation changes.

I can't stress how great this course is for beginners. There's not a ton of long holes to worry about, so it gives plenty of cadence to using proper form and being precise, especially in narrow fairways (we're looking at you, Hole #14!).

Hyzers, Anyhzers, and straight shots, all of them are needed on this course.

Most Tees have decent signage. Not always the most accurate, but the distances and pin locations are. All tees are concrete, most are fairly new, as the course was redesigned a few years ago.

Not a crazy amount, but there are at least SOME benches, even on the holes deeper in the woods. They're especially inviting after the trek uphill from hole 9 to 10.

Course is practically plays as two different courses, one in spring/summer and another in fall/winter.


We live in the Ohio Valley, it gets humid, muggy, and swampy in those woods. Be prepared to sweat and possibly be eaten alive by mosquitoes. Bring insect spray.

The wooded areas of the course are just covered in poison ivy/oak. I myself, am not allergic (lucky me!) but it does bother some of my friends. Maybe pack Calamine lotion if you'll be spending some time here.

There is an amphitheater that the course shares a parking lot with, sometimes parking overflows during events and they use the fairways of Holes 1 and 18 for extra parking (so lame!)

Holes 1-4 put you near the quite busy New Cut Rd. It's not uncommon to get honked at, or hear someone shout something stupid just as you're about to putt.

Irrigation and downed trees have become an issue as of late. Fairways get rather swampy after just a days rain. Make sure to bring extra towels.

Recently, the course has started to be flooded with your flyby "One disc and a vape stick" type groups, even on weekdays! It's become a regular thing for me to either have to wait on a group that doesn't want to let others play through, or go around them and not play a complete round.

A last word of advice: Bring bright colored discs, especially in Fall/Winter. It becomes incredibly easy to lose a disc among the leaves.

Other Thoughts:

Iroquois is in no way, the end all, be all of disc golf courses. For where it is though and the amount of space it takes up, I think they make great use of the space.

The course originally had another layout before the parking lot was extended. For whatever reason, that prompted the entire course to change, though I think ultimately for the better. This version presents quite a bit more challenge than it's previous form.

All in all, if you're looking for a great, relaxed trip through the woods and up and down hills, you'll love this course.

Oh and for those who get lost at the course, I really have no idea how, there's a concrete stone at every basket that points to the next tee.
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2 2
Experience: 42 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Solid 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 26, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Starts out with a few open holes with mid distance to get your arm warmed up. A descent variety of shots. Beautiful park in city which is good and bad. A very fun, solid course that is fun for every level.


There a couple of holes that make now sense at all. The course overall is a little bit short. Again in a beautiful park in the city, however the street noise on a few holes is little annoying but not really that big of a deal.

Other Thoughts:

I believe with a few minor improvements this could be a much better course. And finally to all the disc'rs out there who see there buddy toss his/her garbage all over the park. Do something about it!
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Same flavor, new shots 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2011 Played the course:once


This course was recently redesigned, and it definitely improved the layout. There's more challenge, and a lot less conflict between holes. The first part of the course is flat and mostly open, with a couple small water hazards in play. Several holes play through woods with enough rough to punish errant shots, offering some nice tight lines. The course finishes back in the open area, bringing some nice mature trees into play.

There's a decent mix of hole lengths, some ace runs and some where many players can air out a drive. The wooded holes offer a balance of right/left/straight shots. A couple pin placements are nice and tricky, especially the one on a large mound with steep slopes on all sides of the pin. The concrete pads are plenty large and have a nice grippy texture. The baskets are in decent shape and catch well.


I wish they had been able to keep one of the short downhill ace runs from the previous design, they were a lot of fun. The new holes in the woods are already showing some erosion, the tee and pin areas had mulch to keep the mud down but with how much traffic this course sees the erosion could be a major issue.

Several holes bring the walking path into play, I'm not sure how heavily used the path is by non disc golfers, but it could be a bit of a safety issue. When I played, the signs were just laminated paper, and many were missing, hopefully more permanent signs are coming.

Other Thoughts:

It's cool to see a course go through a makeover that improves the layout and adds challenge and variety. This is a pretty beginner friendly course, with not too much length and plenty of open holes to balance the frustration of the wooded shots. I liked to see the short tee on the water hole that allowed players to avoid losing discs in the hazard, that can be really frustrating for new players. More experienced throwers won't find this course too terribly challenging, but there's enough variety to make it a fun round.
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9 4
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 59 played 22 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Classic Course Redesigned 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2010 Played the course:once


This course has a nice flow to it. The front nine starts you out on some open, flat terrain where a right handed player really only needs a hyzer shot to card some birdies. The back nine takes you up and down some small, wooded hills and gives a bit more variety of shots. If your shot shaping game is on there is only one hole that you are not likely to be able to reach in one shot. It's not so tough to scare of noobies and it's not too easy to bore the pros. Overall there is a good mixture of all types of shots, OBs, and hazards. The course has always been very popular (even before the redesign) so if you need someone to play with you're likely to run in to someone willing to join you.


There are way too many holes that have a walking path in play. On one of the holes the side walk IS the tee. The likelihood of a pedestrian getting hit on this course is higher than any other course I've played. The current tee signs are not likely to last very long and give the course a pretty cheap feel but I've heard they're only temporary.

Other Thoughts:

The four and five star ratings on this course are extremely misleading. This course is not the same caliber as Idlewild, Hollar in the Hills, or Charlie Vettiner which are legitimate four and five star courses. This course, at best, should set in the two and a half to three and a half range. Anything more is just an exaggeration.
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10 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.5 years 688 played 61 reviews
3.00 star(s)

New Course Better Than The Old 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 7, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The new layout provides a better challenge and a more balanced course for the most part than the old layout. The course uses the available land better and lowers the chance of having to go into the pond/wetlands. The tee pads are excellent examples for other courses to follow. Starting with hole nine a variety of shots are required to have a chance at birdie. Several holes stand out as signature type holes. Number 14 is a 370+ foot tunnel dubbed the Tiger Woods hole and number 16 is from an elevated to a basket placement on the top of a mound dubbed the nipple hole.


The first eight holes are only a slight variation on the hyzer for RHBH throwers. The only difference in these holes are the distances that you need to throw. Once construction on other parts of the park are completed, there will be restrictions on retrieving discs from the pond and wetland areas. This will be discouraging for beginners and golfers with few discs to spare. Several holes cleverly use OBs and mandos but there is no indication of a drop zone for the mandos currently.

Other Thoughts:

This layout is better than the old layout with the back nine more challenging than the front. Beware of poison ivy although work is continually being performed on the course and more underbrush is cleared. Also consider bug spray for evening rounds, as that is when the bugs are the worst. Consider labeling your discs for in case you're unlucky enough to lose your disc in the wetlands/pond.
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10 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21 years 269 played 148 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 2, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The new course at Iroquois has a lot to offer, for starters all holes have new concrete pads and new tee signs that look great. The first 4 holes play in a mostly wide open field, but sidewalk OB is in play on three of them. About a third of the holes are heavily wooded requiring a good accurate shot to do well on them. The rest of the course is partially wooded including one shot where the lake comes into play. Holes 14, 15 and 16 have very cool, tough putting greens.

There are short pads on 6 of the holes to keep it beginner friendly. Overall I think this course has something for everyone from beginner to pro.


Not a lot of shot variety, only a couple holes force a turnover shot for RHBH players.

The first and last few holes play very close to or over the sidewalk. It doesn't get much traffic and it's easy to spot walkers from a distance so this isn't much of an issue.

Hole 1 is very close to the road allowing poorly thrown shots to hyzer into traffic.

While there is sidewalk OB and water on one hole, most of the first six holes are kinda uneventful. Thankfully the wooded holes are great so that helps to make up for it.

***UPDATE 10/5/10***
A few thoughts after playing a tournament here. Holes 2 and 3 are both hyzer shots with parallel fairways so you're essentially throwing at the other tee. I saw number of drives on hole 4 go right towards hole 5's tee. Walk on the road when traveling from hole 16 to 17, otherwise you'll be walking close to hole 6's basket which is a blind shot.

Other Thoughts:

It's sad to see the old layout go. The course was originally designed by the father of disc golf, Steady Ed. But after about 30 years, erosion had really taken a heavy toll and lots of trees had fallen making the course a birdie fest.

The new layout is a refreshing change with some fun, challenging holes.
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