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Bremerton, WA

Kitsap Fairgrounds DGC

3.025(based on 21 reviews)
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Kitsap Fairgrounds DGC reviews

5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 193 played 191 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 13, 2021 Played the course:once


Ample parking nice kiosk board and disc return box
Hole 1 starts off with a nice elevation downhill shot that's a super great disc golf hole. I liked this place a lot more than I was expecting to.
Great mix of long and short holes, with some nice tight but fair long lines through the woods! This place would be great for score separation, and demands accuracy with power. Great mix of forehand/backhand lines and will make you utilize every shot you can throw. 30 foot wire near most baskets is a plus and tee pads were in good shape.


There was quite a bit of dog poop :/
Some spots can get overgrown may not be the best place for solo round, and spotters on some holes is very wise.
You have to cross the main road to get to the other part of the course hole 10 I think...being our first time we weren't aware of that, but thankfully there was a group kind of infront of us that we were able to locate
Navigation is a tiny bit tricky in some spots.

Other Thoughts:

This is honestly a better course than my expectations thought it would be. It's a great wooded course..like I said maybe not the best solo course but if your group loves wooded courses this is the place. The course is hard and very wooded but the lines are there to hit. It will make you a better player and better wooded player for sure.
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5 2
Experience: 13.6 years 10 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bushy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2014 Played the course:once


Nice use of terrain, has a mix of tight wooded holes with a few more open fairways. Includes a few long par 3s. Great cement tees with seating and garbage at most holes. Lots of parking available. Signage is good. Lost disc box is a definate bonus here. Multiple holes have "hazards" (spots where you don't want to put your disc), and I like that. A technically challenging course and a well managed one too.


Many holes less than 250', but the use of elevation and trees keeps it challenging. Underbrush and blind throws contribute to lost discs. Stinging nettle also found here, wear pants.

Other Thoughts:

Our party didn't lose any, but we posted a spotter on most blind throws and there were still several disc hunts.
Great course to put pressure on your mid and short game. There are some throws that make you sweat and it shows on the score card.
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3 2
Experience: 15.3 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Course, Great Challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 23, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


With all 18 holes a Par 3 this is a good course for novice to slightly more advanced players.

Variety of angles and decent terrain.


As mentioned in the other reviews the brush on the course does make it difficult to find a disc thrown off course. It has improved as more players go thru the course but my group and I have recovered 3 discs on a single run thru the course.

Other Thoughts:

As mentioned all the holes are Par 3 and may not present a challenge for more advanced players. That being said, for average players still learning this course is great.

One bad throw can land you in brush that will take a couple throws to get out of. Fighting with the foilage will certainly help train you to throw straight and true.
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6 2
Experience: 12.7 years 7 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fairgrounds is a fair challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 19, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


- Good variation from hole to hole. You will see AMPLE vegetation, plenty of obscured shots, shots to the left, shots to the right, elevated throws and throws down hill.
- Unique shots (for example: one hole will have you shooting over a small valley, another will have you shooting over a muddy swamp area).
- Tee shots are nice and flat.
- Ample parking.
- There is an extra basket up near the parking area to warm up. Behind this warm up area are some nice soccer fields if you feel like airing a few out before starting.
- Very clean with a lot of trash bins.
- Disk drop box at the start of the course (you will appreciate this feature as my groups alone have been here 3 times and have found and returned 3 disks to the drop box).
- Good distance variety on the shots. You will see distances range from 150 - 300+.
- Nice scenery. You feel isolated in the beautiful wilderness.


- Too much underbrush! You will spend a lot of your time looking for your disks in blackberries, tall grass and stinging nettles. Make every shot count and be careful if you are wearing shorts!
- While the place is marked on most shots, you will still get turned around on a couple of holes (most notably when you have to cross the street to play 10-16 and then have to cross back to play 17-18).
- Crossing the street around hole 9 seems dangerous with no crosswalk.

Other Thoughts:

Most of the issues I have with this course is with the dense blackberry and stinging nettles. You can expect to add about an hour to your play time just to look for disks if you are just beginning to play or have issues with LH holes that bank to the right. That being said, the course is clean, fairly well marked and a good challenge to most skill levels.
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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 45 played 37 reviews
3.50 star(s)

a classic PNW setting 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


beautiful pacific northwest forest course. lots of tall trees, large ferns, and some rhodedendrons.
GREAT use of elevation.
decent sized cement teepads
average hole signs, excellent "next tee" signs.
great variation of shot selection- a RHBH thrower better be good at his anhyzer/ forearm shot!
most holes are birdie-able.
trashbags hanging at most holes. (ugly, but useful) I didn't see any trash on the course.
nice hooks scattered through the course for bags.


crossing the road is a bummer, but understandable.
the heavily wooded setting sets up some pretty wild ricochets into other fairways or thick underbrush.
too many holes had blind teepads making it tough on beginners and increasing the likliness of a lost disc
the hole signs left me wanting...

Other Thoughts:

this was a fun course.
the greatest challenge is accuracy here- not distance.
the trees can be punishing, but if you nail your line, a birdie can be had on every hole.

it's muddy in the rainy weather, so choose footwear accordingly!
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12 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 59 played 20 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Improvements occurring 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 15, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice woods setting. The "Callison 9" has been fairly well cleared and is easily playable. Thought was given to the basket placements. Lots of elevation changes. The "next tee" signage is outstanding as of 8/3/2008.


Hard to find course from the Kitsap Fairgrounds parking lot (park in the Gordon Field parking lot to find the course). I couldn't find any signs or course maps (at the fairgrounds parking lot).
The tees on the "Gordon 9" are in undeveloped condition. More brush needs to be cleared.

Other Thoughts:

The course has nine holes on each side of Fairgrounds Drive. They used to be called "Callison 9" and "Gordon 9". However, the current course signage has you starting at Tee #1 in the Gordon section, playing 7 holes, crossing the road and playing the nine in the Callison section and then crossing back and finishing 17 and 18 in the Gordon section. So you are starting and ending at the west side of the Gordon parking lot. If you find the first tee you are set because the current state of the "next tee" signage is excellent.

The course is entirely in the woods with some big trees and fern under story. Every hole seems to have elevation change. Rarely are you standing on flat ground. The course is slowly becoming clearer of brush. I noticed that some ferns have been removed from one of the fairways. It is a work in progress and the roughs are thick with ferns and bushes that will gobble your disc.

As far as potential goes this could become one of the best courses around Puget Sound. It has several advantages in that it is a Disc Golf only space, it has deep woods and constant elevation change. They are taking care to open up the fairways so there will be actual fairways and not just a wall of trees which I think is a really good sign. This will be a really cool course when it is all said and done. With new tee pads and a little more brush clearing I would rate the course 4 or higher.

Don't park in the Kitsap Fairgrounds parking lot, park in the Gordon Field parking lot at the corner of Fairgrounds and Tibardis and look for the first tee at the west side.
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