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Jackson, TN

Muse Park

Permanent course
3.385(based on 24 reviews)
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5 0
Experience: 10.4 years 4 played 4 reviews
1.00 star(s)

OMG This is bad

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 13, 2024 Played the course:once


It was free


This course does not appear to have been maintained at all in 2024. Foot high or taller grass, nothing trimmed. We played 5 holes before abandoning the course and heading to Rock and Dough for dinner.
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15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.3 years 234 played 198 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Not Amused Park

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 29, 2023 Played the course:once


+ Practice basket near the parking lot.
+ There is guiding signage to help you find your way.
+ Tee signs are old yet reliable and visible.


- Concrete tee pads present, but they are small and uneven.
- Tall grasses, gangly roughage and tough walking in numerous places.
- A lot of the infrastructure is damaged or destroyed!
- A significant number of fairways are functionally unplayable due to fallen trees and/or unkempt conditions.

Other Thoughts:

It's always sad to see a course like this.

I can tell that some real effort went into this place several years ago. I can see the fairways that used to exist. I can see the challenges of trees and elevation that perhaps used to make Muse Park a course to look forward to. I can identify which links would have been explosive fun to play back in its heyday. But now the course remains in a state of neglect and disrepair. The course is littered with fallen trees. Undergrowth shrouds all of the fairways.

Put simply: this course is a mess.

From the very start, things look icky. A huge branch has completely destroyed basket1 into a tangled mass of metal. Tee2's sign is bent and buckled, and that fairway is cluttered with multiple deadfall trees. Link3 has been overtaken by tall grasses and quite a few tree limbs and tilted trunks of its own. It was at that point that I mentioned aloud, "Oh, I don't know about this place..." Links3 - 7 were unplayable because of huge fallen limbs, calf-high grasses and generally bad conditions. That's a shame because links3 and 4 look like they could have been awesome! They are both deep valleys that are striking to look at, but the fairways themselves are just so FUBAR. Special mention to link7 for having not one but two fallen tree trunks right in front of the tee pad! Things didn't improve until the back nine. But even then, baskets 11, 13 and 14 were damaged, and the tall grass never truly goes away. The whole course really does feel ignored and/or forgotten.

On the bright side, links11 and 15 were great fun to play. 11 was an adventurous dogleg left within some challenging woods, and 15 was an enjoyable dual tunnel with a noticeable slant in its elevation. Also, the final three links were the cleanest of the whole course because they are out of the woods, but it's too little too late.

For a least favorite link, I am spoiled for choice. I could pick any of the fairways that I was forced to skip because of the unplayable conditions. But for the fairways that were playable, link10 was my least favorite because of how wide-open it was.

All told, I have no doubt that Muse Park used to be a great place to play back in its early years. I hate being this mean to a course that clearly has the skeleton of a fun layout with so many hills and theoretically satisfying tree challenges. But as of late October 2023, it is so run-down and neglected that I honestly cannot recommend it to anyone except for the most local of players and those serious course baggers who are fiercely fixated on their pursuit of plenty. If this course does have a future, it would require some determined folks to perform the repairs, replacements and removals of dead trees to bring it back from the brink. That will be an uphill battle, and I do want to see it succeed. However, facing facts, the time may have come to let this course go.
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4 0
Experience: 9.1 years 26 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Muse Park DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 25, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


-Course has two tee pads at every hole, which allows for a variety of ways to play the course
-Course is in a thickly wooded park which adds some difficulty to make sure you hit your line.
-Practice basket in parking lot that allows you to warm up before playing
-Holes are all manageable distances and many provide decent chances at aces


-Park can be sketchy at times. Play during the morning or afternoon hours.
-Lack of a variety of shots, 17 are under 300ft.
-Bugs can be an issue during the summer months
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5 0
Experience: 15 years 10 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Decent Course, Lacks Variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-Course has two tee pads at every hole, which allows for a variety of ways to play the course
-Course is mostly wooded which adds an additional level of difficulty
-Practice basket in parking lot that allows you to warm up before playing
-Holes are all manageable distances and many provide decent chances at aces


-Park can be sketchy at times. History of violence and drugs in the past. Not the world's safest place, but chances of anything happening to you while out there are slim.
-With course being almost completely in the woods, there is a lack of variety that I would prefer in a course
-Bugs can be an issue during the summer months
-Not always maintained, which can provide some difficult shots from tee boxes.
-Most holes are short and require more finesse shots than strong driving. Would think a lot of pros could get away with playing most holes with just a strong mid-range disc off the tee.

Other Thoughts:

I have only played this course a handful of times over the last 5 years or so. Some of this is due to not being close to me and partially just not being as fun for me. Playing in heavily wooded areas can be fun for a few holes, but after getting a number of unfortunate bounces off of trees, you begin to enjoy the course less. I did enjoy my last experience playing there, and hope that I begin to like the course more to add some variety to where I play.

All in all, not a bad course, but not enough variety to get me excited.
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4 0
Experience: 16.3 years 161 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 25, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Most baskets are easily found. Nice Mix of trees and open shots. Good use of elevation. Next tee shots are clearly marked. Two sets of tees add to add distance for more experienced players. I found the red tees to be challenging but not to tough. Ace run on many holes.


Small tee pads, Baskets are in many B positions so the length on the tee signs are way off. B Pin on 15 on so way to the left that you have to shoot of the side of the tee pad. wasted lots of time have to go back and re-tee after throwing and walking only to find out the baskets are all moved and there is no notice on the tee signs.

Other Thoughts:

Still a lot of fun
I enjoyed this course and will come back to play again.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
4.00 star(s)

I was thoroughly aMUSEd 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 18, 2013 Played the course:once


1) There are plenty of directionals to direct you to the red and the green tees. It is always helpful to see such helpful navigation on a course . . . especially with a one time travelling disc golfer.
2) Nice elevation changes on this park. There is so much variety and use of the elevation that you cannot feel like any holes were repetitive.
3) There is very little underbrush really close to the fairways. The woods are very clean and beautiful looking as well as naturally healthy.
4) There are some benches out on the course for people to sit down.
5) There also are some garbage cans to help keep the course a little cleaner. It is a beautiful park and I would hate to see this course look terrible because of trash.
6) Awesome property with a ton of mature trees.
7) There is an adequate variety of foliage density on this mostly wooded course.
8) Green tees are very much beginner friendly. They are almost all 100's and 200's.
9) The red tees are where you would like to play if you want more variety and more challenge. There is much more distance variation from the red tees and a whole lot more challenge.
10) The basket location next to the pond was one of the most unique things I have seen. The beauty and evilness of it, is that you cannot see the water behind the basket (literally 5 feet) until you climb the hill, so the ideal shot is to leave your disc below the hill and putt up, or to miss to the side so you can take a putt without fear of ending in the water. I am unsure if it plays as OB, but if it does, it is sadistic!
11) This course is a lot of fun to throw. The holes are short enough that they have a lot of fun factor. You have some real ace chances and then there are plenty of holes where you will curse the first tree.


1) This course looks like it could just use some volunteer help to take its maintenance up a notch. Mulch could be spread in places, sticks and logs could be moved, etc. It is far from bad, but a little volunteer help could take this course up a notch. Perhaps my timing was bad like if a recent storm had come through and left the course in its current condition. It is also the off-season so perhaps the volunteers just don't work much this time of year. Either way the conditioning could have been a little better than when I played.
2) There are some seriously dangerous areas where tees are very close to basket locations.
3) The concrete tees are a little small and many of them have settled creating some awkward tee areas.
4) There were no scorecards in the container by the 2nd tee. I hate it when amenities are put out there and not kept up.
5) The variety is not all that great . . . it is almost completely in the woods. While I prefer wooded to non-wooded holes, I do like variety better. There just wasn't enough variety in foliage density on this course.

Other Thoughts:

All in all I was very happy I chose this route through Jackson as opposed to the extra driving I would have had to go through Memphis. I know there are good courses in Memphis, but this course coupled with my stop at Tombigbee in Tupelo was a nice exchange. I feel like the course and the disc golf portion of my rating is at least a 4 disc rating. The maintenance (compaction and erosion) along with the few safety issues here are enough to keep the rating below a 4 disc rating. I am giving it a 3.75 overall but it could easily be raised to a 4.0 disc with just a few alterations and maintenance.
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4 0
Experience: 13.8 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 21, 2012 Played the course:once


-There is a Practice area where you can warm up on your putting before heading to the first tee box.
-The holes are for the most part short but offer some challenging shots.
-Nice wooded course with signage pointing you to the next tee box.


-While in a nice looking park, this course is not in a good part of town. Plan to be done well before dusk.
-Tee boxes are extremely small and several slope down making the drive dangerous in same areas..
-The only holes near the parking lot and restrooms are 1 and 18 and it is a long back.

Other Thoughts:

This course should definitely be on your to play list. Approach shot is the name of this course and with the two different tee boxes on every hole, it should always be a fun and semi challenging course.
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3 0
Experience: 14.1 years 3 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 6, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Technical layout requiring changing up your drives. No water hazards to eat your discs. Nice wooded landscapes giving ample shade.


Tees are abysmal. They are far to short to provided any approach to your drive. Some look like they were poured in a hurry and never finished. Red and Green tees are confused in a few spots. You want to be out of this park before the sun sets!

Other Thoughts:

definitely worth playing!
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3 0
Experience: 24.4 years 3 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Short Technical 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 24, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Hard narrow shots Lots of variety of shots required. Lots of shade. Water at various spots along the way. Holes are well marked.


Not overly long. Bring some bug spray. Lots of trees down from a recent storm. Course map is different on a number of the holes.

Other Thoughts:

Best course in Jackson. Can be kinda dodgy
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2 0
Experience: 13.6 years 12 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2011 Played the course:once


Well put together course. Most of the shots are marked well. Challenges for hand style throwing and some easy for both as well.


The signs are not great, they do the job just seems like they could be better. Some shots are very ... very easy which is good and bad I suppose.

Other Thoughts:

All together a cool course. Not my Fav. but good course.
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1 5
Mark Kelley
Experience: 8 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 23, 2009 Played the course:once


I really like the variety in holes. It was a great course.


some heavy traffic areas with cars. It is not in the greatest part of the city.

Other Thoughts:

Very well marked and has two different tee boxes for each hole.
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7 0
Experience: 15.1 years 90 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course for all players 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 2, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


My orginal review was based on my first 3-4 times that I played the course. Someone had changed the design and baskets on the course when I played last spring which changed my review. .... however, I played it again on 2/18/11, and some of the worst changes were back to the orginal design.

I played on 12/2/12, and the course was back to its original design and despite the number of leaves on the ground it was a pleasure to play. This is one of my favorite courses in its original placements.

This course challenges you to make good throws. It is not too long but you have to make the right throw. If you do not, then you will have trouble making par. If you get into the trees or woods, it can be really tough. It has alternate tee boxes which is really good for beginners and advanced players.


Before some of the changes in the past this was one of my two favorite courses. BECAUSE of the new basket locations from time to time I have previously downgraded my orginal assessment. Last spring (2010) someone placed the #9 basket in overgrown woods with no real line to the basket. When I played on 2/18/11, they had changed it back to its correct place. The "two roads" hole has been changed into only "one road" by the someone's new poor design. The orginal design was better overall than any of the changes.

I played the course on September 8, 2013, and several of the basket positions had been changed. Most of the changes were simply to make the course longer without any consideration to the original design elements. Most of the changes were clearly by someone who knows nothing about design principles. The worst change was to #14 where they have moved the basket left about 70 feet from its original position and it is impossible to reach from the red tee. It was a great hole until someone messed it up. I really love this course and it is frustrating when people ignore the idea behind the design of a hole and what makes a good hole. The original designer did a great job.

I would have like to have had a couple more open holes to practice longer throws in open areas. Some advanced players might feel that the course is not long enough.

Other Thoughts:

I have driven over 1 1/2 hours to play this course several times. After some of the changes, I was not as sure. Fast Food is not that far away.
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3 0
Experience: 16.3 years 12 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

very good technical course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 18, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


very nice and scenic area. away from major roads and such making it a very quite little area. trees made for a nice challenge. the signs at each hole were very nicely done and very informative. not much wind can get in because of the many trees. also makes for a nice walk through the woods with many terrain changes. great for players with shorter range and younger players.


tee boxes are rough, small, and uneven. can get slippery if it rains. lots of brush... easy to lose disc.

Other Thoughts:

if you like short range and more technical holes, go here. nothing over par 3 though. good for some exercise.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.5 years 55 played 34 reviews
4.00 star(s)

solid all but the concrete 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 3, 2009 Played the course:once


Man, where do I start. Well hole one.
Nice short hyzer that starts out open and closes up real quick-like. #2 is a putter shot that should be so easy. It's not.
You have everything here but water shots. You have extreme left shots and flick hyzer nightmares. You have downhill and uphill shots. Tunnel shots and overhead shots. Low ceiling and high hyzers. All put together makes this a pleasure to play.There were water faucets and bathrooms at the park. Restuarants were 5 minutes away.
Very clean nice park.


Concrete pads are uneven/out of level/too short. Fix this and you have a 4.5 out of me.
The out of bounds was hard to understand. I never saw the brush pile.
My buddy had a touch of poison ivy and some mosquitos were bothering me.

Other Thoughts:

Green tees are a pleasure and while some are very hard, making a three is pretty common. Some of the holes from the red tees were easier but the majority were a whole lot harder. Most times tossing from the red tees means you'll have trees in your way or you have to change the line you threw from the green tee. Red tees means having to choose a completely different disc than you threw on the green tees.
Great layout and use of elevation. The course flowed nicely from hole to hole. The smell of the woods was fantastic and the weather was even better.
All in all I was in Awe. Great course you have in Jackson guys. Consider yourself lucky.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.1 years 350 played 321 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Solid course showing age 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 25, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Good 18 hole wooded course in nice city park. Each fairway is challenging, but wide enough to provide opportunity to make good shots (little pinball!) Most of the holes are short compared to today's modern standards, but elevation is used extremely well to add to the challenge. Also, if you happen to miss the fairway you can easily find your disc since the rough is not dense.

There were 2 sets of tees for each hole. Not just a long and short, but many times the other tees played from different angles helping to add more variety if you wanted to play 36.

There is a practice basket in the grassy island of the parking area.


I played here back in 2009, and then again in 2018. Sadly the course is beginning to show age. Tees are wearing out, some signs were missing. Many tees are slanted. Lots of plants overgrown that are really in the way now of what used to be well-defined fairways.

The famed goalpost hole apparently had the goalpost tree fall down sometime, so it is no longer a feature.

#9's basket literally plays over top of #8's tee. Terrible place for it.

The course does not come back to the parking area until hole 18, which is only a problem if you really have to go mid-round!

This is a nice course for your average course, but it lacks variety and length. It is not extremely difficult and may not be much of a challenge for the experienced disc golfer.

Other Thoughts:

This course provides for many birdie opportunities. Restrooms, picnic tables, and playground close to hole 1/18.

Note that the "easier tees" are not always the shortest, just a different angle. TNote, this is not the way DGCR has it in the hole length section.

This is by no means an easy course. You still have to make shots and avoid trouble. It is worth a stop if you are going between Nashville and Memphis.

I had this once rated a 3.0, but in the shape I played recently, I am having to bump it down a notch.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 84 played 34 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 24, 2009 Played the course:once


I liked this course because it has multiple tee pads and each one gives you a different look. It's not like there is one farther back just to make it a harder three. Matter of fact, on the back nine, two or three of the Pro pads are closer significantly, but the overall line is harder. I wasn't expecting that, and it was a nice surprise. Almost every hole is in the woods, but the fairways are, for the most part, wide and forgiving. Not to say easy - the layout was used well and there are some pretty hard shots on this course. The only wide open just throw in a field hole is #9. My favorite hole was probably 15 - "Two Roads" it's called. It has two routes and each one makes it a totally different hole. I think this is one of the ones that the pro pad was closer than the am pad, but I can't swear to it. Just a really neat hole, and like most of the holes on this course, fun to play.


Here is the problem: The tee pads SUCK! They are short and instead of making them horizontally flat, they made them match the lay of the land. Some of them are on hillsides and they actually point down! I would not recommend playing this course any time after a rain. It's too bad too, because other than that, this course was really fun. I would have given it at least a 3.5, maybe a 4. Someone has thrown down some wood chips at the back of the pads, though, so you can start there. I have a smallish run up and I ran out of room every time!

Other Thoughts:

A great little course! I really enjoyed it and if you're in the area, stop and play it.
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 47 played 36 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 6, 2009 Played the course:once


This is a fun little course that has 2 teepads on every hole and multiple pin location for most as well. There are nice signs that seem to be fairly accurate. The course is almost all in the woods with only a couple holes that are mostly open. There are some longish holes but still not very long and most of the holes are under 300ft. The 2 teepads are setup so that the course almost plays like to differet courses which is very nice. There quite a bit of elevation change and the course is very well kept. There were several memerable holes such as #2, the goal post hole, and the short pitch over the rivine hole. This is a great course to go work on some midrange driving and you accuracy with mids in the woods. There are also lots of ace chances. The woods are farily thick but the fairways are well defined and very fair.


This is almost strictly a pitch and put course. It is pretty darn short and not many holes require long throws. My main complaint about this course is the teepads. They are very short and do not allow for much of a run up at all. I was not comfortable throwing off of them at all and this definately cost me a stroke or two.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun course if you can overlook the small pads. It is well laid out and has some good holes. I enjoyed it and would recommend it if you are in the area. It is not real hard, but still fun to play.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.5 years 179 played 110 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good Course...but only "good" 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 24, 2009 Played the course:once


This course had multiple tees on many holes. Tee pads and baskets were in good condition. Fairways were well defined. Not sure how old the course is but it seemed as though it was very mature. Excellent use of elevation. There was not a lot of flat area on the course which added to the challenge. The course required a variety of shot shapes to score well. The "schule" is very minimal so losing a disc would tend to be rare on this course.


It was really short, with only 1 hole that I can remember in excess of 300 feet and that hole was essentially wide open and rather plain. I wouldn't consider this a "tight" course either as the fairways were rather wide. There really was no challenge here.

Other Thoughts:

Muse Park is a nice course. It makes a great stop on the journey from Nashville to Memphis. I would almost classify it as "a poor-man's Richmond Hill". The pine needle-strewn fairways and hills gave the ambience of Richmond Hill. This course, however, is extremely short and not nearly as challenging. It was a nice place to play. I don't feel that it is on the level that others have placed it.

I did not let the following factor into my review, but I think it bears mentioning. I had to make a Bathroom stop at the park during my round. It happens. I really don't expect much from park restrooms as a rule of thumb. After "assuming the position" I began to sweat profusely..and then I realized that it felt like about 125 degrees in there. There is no ventilation of anykind in this bathroom. The day was a 70 degree day with gentle breezes, but not in the bathroom. I would dare say that on a hot day, the bathroom temp could reach 130. Add the swirling of smells that cannot be released and....it's just plain bad.

Again, I thought this was a nice course and rated it as a good course. I believe it is above average, but only slightly above average. That assessment comes from the excellent groundskeeping and course maintenance and overall lack of challenge. If this course were located in a larger city, a city with multiple course options, I don't think it would have the rave reviews it has been given. But it is the best place to play in Jackson, TN and is definitely worth the stop if you are passing through.
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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.2 years 47 played 20 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Possibly the best I've ever played 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2006 Played the course:once


Not sure I have much to add beyond what other reviewers have said, but I can reiterate:
-Outstanding variety among holes; each one has something interesting to offer.
-Truly excellent use of terrain with plenty of elevation change.
-Very clear signage; we had zero problems finding our way from hole-to-hole.
-Easy parking.
-Makes me actually _want_ to go visit my in-laws since I don't live in TN.*


I'm kind of reaching here- no course is perfect, is it? Umm...
-I guess, as has been noted, if you don't like technical courses so much and prefer big throws, this wouldn't be as much fun for you to play regularly. But I'd still check it out- this course is so good you'll enjoy it at least once.
-We played in fall and had some trouble finding discs under thick layer of leaves. (Of course, we were having too much fun overall to really mind.)

Other Thoughts:

I've been hesitant to review this course for a while because I didn't think I had much to add beyond the posititve things other reviewers have said. However, 5 reviews really isn't that many, and this course is very worthy of getting more attention. I really can't recommend this course highly enough- of all the courses I've loved and put in my Favorites, this is the only one where I had to genuinely think to come up with something to put under Cons.

*(In truth, my in-laws are great. But hopefully I gave a few of you a chuckle.)
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9 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Awesome Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


I love this course. It is my home course, so I may have a bit of a bias. The best thing about Muse is that it is never boring! I've been playing this course for years and still love it. I have played several courses in TN and none really compare to it. No hole mimmics another. It is short, but there are enough obstacles that a huge throw isn't going to give you a birdie on every hole. For those big throwers there are several holes that will allow you to stand out (#9 and #17, for example). Additionally, several tees have been moved back since the inception of the couse, so the tee signs no longer have the correct distances. It is well manicured. And to respond to a previous post, the course is very safe. The only problems at this park occur at night when no one is really present. Play Muse with no reservations about you safety!
Additionally, there is a tournament on the first sunday of every month. It always begins at 1:30. It's a partner scramble ... very laid back, but still very competative. Partners are usually chosen at random before we start. We try and match up partners so that every team has an equal chance to win. The entry is 5 dollars. The top three teams get prizes (gift certificates, discs, t-shirts). Come out and play!
check out:


I can't really think of any. It's definately not a "grip it and rip it" course. So, if you are a one-deminsional launcher, be wary (you would probably still love the course though).

Other Thoughts:

I recommend coming to play here. Even if you are just driving down I-40 going to Memphis or Nashville. If you play disc golf, it would be worth your while to take a pit stop at Muse!
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