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Parma, OH

Parma DGC

3.335(based on 32 reviews)
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Parma DGC reviews

5 1
Experience: 14.3 years 13 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Was worth the Trip 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2011 Played the course:once


This course is a fun challenge. It requires more accuracy than power but is a good mix of both. The course is completely wooded which was very nice to be in the shade on a hot and sunny day. The baskets were well maintained and the fairways were lined with mulch which helped to cut back on the mud.


The back nine of this course is still being developed. All the cages are in and some paths have been started. However there are not concrete tees yet and there are not clear directions to the next tee like the front nine.
While we were there we spoke to some of the members of the local DG club who maintain the course. They have big plans for this course.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this course was worth the trip. We decided to stop by when were in town for a Cleveland vs Cincinnati baseball game. Since the Reds loss the trip became more about disc golf. This course is fun and challenging. I recommend you check it out sometime.
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4 4
Experience: 14.2 years 12 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


-concrete pads front 9 , reflecters on tree to show the fairway which is very helpful!
-good layout , it uses the trees well to make it a tough course if your off on your shot.
-Good use of elevation , holes are shorter at times but the elevation makes up for it.


Back nine was alittle tough to follow, there is no concrete tee pads which is a disappointment!
-Tight course it will eat you disc if you dont throw good.

Other Thoughts:

I love this course and iam not the most accurate thrower, this course will make you play better and smarter!!
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4 0
Experience: 23.4 years 33 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

My Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 22, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Well maintained course. The tee pads and signs complement the layout. Being primarily wooded, it's nice to know throws that deviate from the fairway won't be necessarily "dead in the water" so to speak. The roughs are well worn and leave those who do throw off the fairway a more difficult shot, but not impossible, as is often the case on other courses. There's often more than one choice as far as where you want your drive to go, making it easier for players throwing both left and right a viable shot at the basket. Even during a day with more stiff wind, it's not always a factor due to the mature growth trees and solid shrubs lining the course.


Often wet, even when it hasn't rained for awhile. The course was constructed within a limited area, meaning holes often butt up to other tees, sidewalks, fairways. It's very compact. The cages are starting to show a little wear and tear and could use a bit of maintenance.

Other Thoughts:

As of late it seems whatever group maintains the course has laid down a nice bed of wood chips along most of the fairways, paths to tees, etc. Nice call!
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 43 played 38 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Wooded Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 31, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Heavily wooded 9 hole course.
- Tees are small but concrete.
- Baskets are in good shape and level.
- Tee signs show accurate par, distance & elevation and are in decent shape. Some small vandalism on signs. There are reflectors showing direct to pin and signs to the next tee.
- Grounds/foilage are kept up for a heavily wooded course. Some people may consider this course as not being kept up because there is a LOT of foliage but then again, you are in a very heavily wooded area. Cleaning it too much would take away from this.
- There is a nice bench at #3 & #9 tee.
- Short walk from parking to #1. The tee is near the picnic overhang that you can see from the parking lot.
- Flow is nice and you end right at the parking lot and near #1 to so you can comfortably play this twice.
- Not very busy.
- Near a beautiful park with lots of baseball fields, a reservoir, v-ball, picnic areas and a paved running/workout path. After I play 9 holes twice, I throw in one of the baseball fields to get in practice and a workout.
- Elevation is a plus. Course has its' ups and downs and adds some difficulty
- Variety of shots required. You will need to turn left, right, and go over and under things. Your accuracy through trees is tested.
- #1 is an up hill shot to the left. I birdied once and I'm a poor player.
- #2 is a downhill shot. It has two choices; straight through tight spots then turn right, or, more open hyzer out to the right and hope you get through the trees. I just recently switched to straight and right curve.
- #3 has a school playground on the right tight against your fairway. If you accidently drop into the fenced in school grounds, there is a convenient hole cut in the fence halfway down to sneak in and out. Keep your drive as straight as possible! Paved trail is out of bounds on left.
- #8 is heavily wooded and the hardest hole. Sign says go straight and turn right. Ignore this, aim to the right of the path, there is an opening. Straight then left curve bomb. This hole will eat your disc!! Be careful.
- #9 rocket a low hyzer straight at the pin and let it slide down the hill. Another birdie hole.
Edit 10-25-10:
- #18 ends at parking, but be careful throwing AT the parking.
- Added more benches in the back 9.


- Small, tight course. You never get to rip any massive bombs here. I hope you can throw a thumber/tomahawk. You will at some point need to throw over something.
- Can be muddy, especially around tees
- No pro tees
- A lot of small thorny plants, especially if you turn right too much on your drive on #7. Searching for discs can cut your feet and calves up. Don't wear sandals.
- No practice pin
- BMX'ers have a few jumps at #2 tee but I have only seen bikers using it once.
- Wood chips needed on fairways to help prevent erosion.
Edit 10-25-10:
- No concrete tees on the back 9. They are mulch as of now and need work.

Other Thoughts:

A fun 9 hole course. Narrow, wooded fairways add some challenge.

The signage and reflectors are well done and other activities to do around the park add a little something for the family. The park around the DG course is extremely well maintained.

Rumored to be adding 9 holes soon!

Edit 09-27-10: The back 9 construction is underway. It may be on hold due to the amount of recent vandalism on the front 9. Rumors also of a new path to #1 and a practice basket.

Edit 10-19-10: The back nine was installed yesterday! More to come!

Edit 10-25-10: Rating updated from 3 to 3.5.

Edit 04-05-10: There is more work planned for this course and once the tees are all finished and clearing is done, this will easily be a 4 out of 5 star course!

Edit 11-05-11: B Position Baskets added to Holes #2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15 & 18.

Copy of O. B. Rules used in the 2nd Annual FTO for 2011:
#1 Over fence on right
#2 Over fence on right
#3 On or over walk path, Over fence on right
#5 On or over walk path
#6 Concrete pad behind, on or over walk path
#7 Concrete pad in front of tee pad
#9 Parking lot and on or over raised curb
#10 Cell tower fence "do not try to retrieve disc"
#12 Over fence behind
#13 Over fence left
#15 Over fence beind
#16 Road behind, DROPZONE
#A On concrete, over fence on left, over painted line left, lake DROPZONE
#B On concrete, sidewalks and road behind. DROPZONE "path by basket is in"
#17 MANDO, Road off tee, DROPZONE
#18 Parking lot, Painted line by basket
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 775 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Glow-in-the-Dark 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2010 Played the course:once


Bright neon-green numbers on new baskets. Long-n-wide new concrete tees on all holes but #9. Really good signs at tees, showing distance, shape of shot, elevation change, location of next tee. "Next Tee" signs and reflectors high up on many trees - easy course to navigate. Lots of mulch on typical throwing lanes and walking paths between holes.


Single tee/single basket position. Could spend some time looking for tree re-directed discs.

Other Thoughts:

Plays up, down, and across a hill containing lots of very tall hardwoods, some small trees, and a bit of undergrowth. More up hill/slope than down, more left-turns, some quite sharp, than rights. Wooded and fairly tight throughout, except across a bit of open space on longest-hole #3, and starting in open space on sharp-turning #4. The map shows #8 as a sharp right-turner, but there appears to be enough opening of the right to try a longer, gentler, left-turner (worked for me, anyway).

A local told me city has nine more baskets and money for tees and signs - hopefully everything will be equal in quality as the front nine, and the maintenance will continue to be top-notch.
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7 0
Experience: 14.4 years 17 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Closest course to home 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 5, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


A tight, technical course
18 heavily wooded distinct holes
Constant and noticible improvements and upgrades by course designers / caretakers
Well marked and mapped tees
Lots of elevation changes
I hang my head and have to do the "walk of shame quite" often on this challenging course, but courses like this WILL make you a better player


Very tight fairway - don't bring your distance drivers unless you have perfect control!
This course loves to eat discs
What is it about a field of poison ivy and thorns that makes a person say to themself "hmmm, seems like the perfect spot to put a disc golf course?!" (I kid, I kid)

Other Thoughts:

**UPDATE**: I've now played Parma several times and have a great deal of respect for this course. While it is short it is extremely challenging to your technique and control. I don't think I've ever thrown a good round here, this course always kicks my behind. THIS COURSE HAS GREAT POTENTIAL TO EAT DISCS!!!!! While the entire course is forested, holes 7 and 8 seem to make me look all the time for lost discs, which get caught frequently in the heavy, thorny brush. Watch hole 3 on the right for two reasons: 1.) There is a high school field with a fence that hugs the fairway. Very easy to fly your disc over the fence. Fortunately there is a hole in the bottom that some enterprising disc golfer cut into it. 2.)The wasp nest that was on hole 3 in summer 2010 is now long gone.

This is a good course to work on technique. None of the holes are very open, and the fairway is extremely tight on many of them. Lost a Wraith and Champion Beast on hole 8, took an hour and a half to find them, but fortunately find them we did. I have to admit that for awhile in 2010 I avoided this course because of the awful scores I have at it. But the fact is that this is a great, great course that can only improve your game if you give it the chance. The back nine is settling in nicely; look for the wood chips on the ground to have an accurate idea of the tee locations. Holes 14 and 15 are uniquely challenging, and stand out in my mind, with 14 going up and to the right of a slight hill under heavy forest canopy, and 15 shooting down that hill, into a small valley, and up a much larger hill. After those two, 16 seems like sort of a relief, straight down the side of another hill through as generous and straight a fairway as you'll find at VMP.
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1 4
Experience: 14.5 years 21 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 7, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


very well maintained public park.
family friendly park
dries quickly after rain. (good use of wood chips)
plenty of parking


short course.
little room for error.

Other Thoughts:

it appears that there will be some expansion coming soon.

I'm a new player and fortunate to have Vets as my home course. Over the past couple of months, I've played (poorly) several courses in northeastern ohio. I really think that Vets deserves a much better rating that it gets.
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6 0
Experience: 19.3 years 26 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Challenging and fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 16, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Challenging short wooded course. Well marked trees on fairways and signs at each pin pointing toward next tee. Tee signs were clear and easy to read. UPDATE: Now that the back nine holes have been put in my rating has gone up. The new holes are great! They are fun to play and still as challenging as the front nine with good elevation changes and lots of woods.
Update again: Tees have been lengthened on the front 9 and concrete tees put in on the back 9 so this course has just earned another bump up in my rating.


Tees improvemed to concrete but are a bit on the short side and a few holes were crossed by footpaths and BMX trails. The new holes could definitely use improved concrete tees and hopefully that is planned. Edit, see above regarding back 9 tees.

Other Thoughts:

All in all a fun course to play. Challenges your driving skills with narrow wooded holes. I like this course better every time I play it. This course has joined Sims Park and Roscoe Ewing Park as the must play courses of the Cleveland area.
As another reviewer said, don't go too far to the right on your #3 drive or you end up over the fence onto the high school marching band practice field...but go at the right time of day and you get to play the course to the sounds of John Philip Sousa! ;-)
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4 0
Experience: 27.2 years 47 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A good 9 hole course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 15, 2009 Played the course:once


- good signage at tees, directions to next tee, and light deflectors to on the trees to show where the fairway goes.

- good use of the woods for the 9 hole layout that keeps you isolated from the rest of the park.

- wooded course that puts accuracy at a premium but a good drive will still leave you with birdie putts.

- The course is on the shorter side, but the woods make up for it with more difficulty.

- The tee signs were the first I have seen (30 courses) that showed you the elevation change. It will tell you if the hole increases or decreases "X" amount of feet.

- Someone had put out a bunch of corn and deer feed to attract the deer. At one point there were 8 deer in this city park that were grazing 20 feet from me. They were obviously accustomed to humans as they did not run as I was walking and throwing near them.

- The fairways and teeing areas were recently treated with wood chips to prevent erosion and to keep the mud at bay.


- dirt tees
- older baskets

Other Thoughts:

It is a good 9 hole course that will test your driving ability for birdies and your up shots to make par.
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2 3
Experience: 17.4 years 60 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Short and Sweet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Good use of the terrain and the trees to make holes more difficult than they appear. Short and tecnical.


No signs the times I have been there. Made it extremely difficult to find our way around and understand where the next tee and pin were. Had to be careful not to throw an arrent drive on hole 3 I think or it would go over a barbwired fence.

Other Thoughts:

A little to much underbrush easy to lose a disc that is translucent or blends nicely with leaves.
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7 2
Experience: 19.2 years 155 played 17 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Getting Better 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 9, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Some front 9 holes are challenging, but playable (1, 3 & 7). A couple decent elevation changes. Heavy Duty replacement Tee Signs are nice. Tee pads in. The new back 9 go a long way in improving the course.

The OTHER 9 BASKETS are in as of October 2010. Wooded, but all holes are playable.


Several pinball type holes on the front 9. Much cleanup has been done to both sides. But, the remaining BRIAR PATCHES are miserable. Still a fair amount of brush on the front nine, with a chance of losing a disc.

Other Thoughts:

The basket for 10 and the tee for 11 have been moved into the woods, making them more random.
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4 3
Experience: 25.5 years 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not bad but.... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2008 Played the course:never


Heavy wooded 9 hole course.
Rugged rolling hills.


No Tee lines or signs to show where to start. Heavy graffti. Hills used alot with BMXsers.

Other Thoughts:

There was signs posted for the ties but due to graffti and high vandalism the signs were cut down. Your only way to see the tees is by finding the Orange poles and navigate thru the reflectors nailed to the trees.. Hole 3 is the farthest and by far the deadliest.
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