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Hardeeville, SC

The Sarge

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3.545(based on 38 reviews)
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The Sarge reviews

3 5
Experience: 14.3 years 25 played 6 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Like a Beautiful Redhead...Watch out! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


This course has some of the most beautiful/scenic disc golf holes I've ever seen. The water/lake beginning on hole 1 is absolutely breath taking. Lots of water throughout the course but no swimming...alligators! Mulitple tees on every hole. A few great holes to Ace Run. Pracitce Basket.


Snakes, giant ones with fangs that talk about your mama. Alligators! This course could be fantastic. The Blue tees are okay. If your considering playing from the white tees...DON'T, just go on a hike. White tees are way to short! Several holes on this course just don't have a lane to throw. To much luck involved from the blue on many shots instead of making a risk reward decision. No Tee Pads. Haven't played from all the Gold Tees so I can't comment. The hike from Hole 18 back to Hole 1, holymoly, might as well add another 9 holes here.

Other Thoughts:

I was lucky to play this course during a drought so it wasn't swampy like in other reviews, even the mosquitos gave us a break. Glad I played this course but I don't think I would play this course again if it weren't part of a tournament and I got a hole in one here.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 709 played 132 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sergeant Water 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 11, 2011 Played the course:once


-Water. It's rare to get to play a course with so much water. Two of the holes require decent little water crossings, while several of the other holes either flank water entirely or have pin positions that bring water into play. We went in the water 7 times and lost 2 discs.
- Pin Placement. Several of the pins were placed in positions that maximized water hazards and/or other obstacles.
-Open Holes. The few open holes in the middle of the course really turn a standard woods course into a championship material. Beautiful Par 4 type holes with tons of danger.
- Peninsulas Fairways. A few holes had water on both sides of a strip of land, or water on one side and deep woods on the other. Being off the fairway was a non-option, making you question every throw, distance vs. accuracy, risk vs. reward, etc...
- Multiple Tee-Pads. I think every Hole had three tee-pads: gold, blue and white, giving the player the ability to adjust the course to their skill level. For example, since I was playing lefty I played the Blue's... where I would have normally played the Gold's right-handed.


- Tee Pads. The tee-pads were just natural dirt/mud, being marked by a tee-sign and two painted wooden stakes hammered in the ground. This can be OK... but for a course of this caliber, you expect more.
- Swampy. I mean, you're playing in a swamp, so what do you (I) expect. However, so you know, besides the actual swamp, the fairways were swampy. Lots of standing water puddles all over the course and a few tee-pads. Wear water proof shoes!

Other Thoughts:

- Close to Freeway. I guess this is a Pro and a Con. It's a Pro in the sense that you can get off the freeway and play in a matter of minutes and there's a lot of food and gas options on the exit. However, it's also a Con because a few of the holes are right up against the I-95 and that makes for some considerable noise pollution in an otherwise extremely natural area.
- Overall... Championship Stuff. I would say that The Sarge would be a contender against almost any other course in terms of shot quality. There's definitely some championship golf to be played. The course opens with a water shot, continues throwing water at you sporadically throughout the round, and then finishes with a monster water hole on 18. However, without proper tee-pads and professional signage the overall disc score takes a little hit.
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4 1
Experience: 16.1 years 9 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 7, 2011 Played the course:once


Very challenging short course with an excellent combination of tight fairways and approaches as well as water in play on several holes. Lost a disc to hole #12 but re-teed for a straight to basket 3 and saved par. It was wet when I played but manageable. Over a fun course with variety. Good for beginners and experienced players.


Very limited elevations. Swampy at times and the gnats and mosquitoes will kill during the warmer months. Bring bug spray. Long walks if you do t like em. Tree guarded water holes can be hazardous to beginners but are playable. Wild life.

Other Thoughts:

Will definately play again and our club played this course for the Border Battle with Team Savannah each year in a charity event. Worth the drive to play and it will improve your game if you play it enough.
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3 4
Experience: 19.2 years 295 played 21 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great mix of woods and water 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 6, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Fantastic mix of par 3s, 4s and a 5 with 3 sets of tees on most holes. The local club does a great job on the course and with their sanctioned tournaments and the front reminds me of some of the shorter wooded Charlotte courses and easy to get to from I-95. The signage is great. Favorite holes include,
#1 - From middle tees is a great start hole with a hyzer for rhbh over water only about 240"
#3 - Challenging and short for a possible 2
#4 - Great anhyzer short for rhbh for a possible 2 if you do not get behind a
#5 - Challenging tight and long hole.
#8 - Favorite hole on the front with a little uphill fairway for the lowcountry and the basket sits next to the pond.
#12 - Fun short hole over the water for ace run
#14 - Great blindshot hole over a crest with the hole guarded by trees to the right.
#15 Long tight hole you must play smart and stay in the fairway. Hole is elevated on a mound and a 4 is very good, 3 is great.


#6 - Very unusual short hole with many obtacles including when you get to the basket. This hole could use some chainsaws for improvement or back the tee up to make it a short par 4.

Other Thoughts:

Bring bugspray in the spring and summer and watch for alligators around water. There used to be a small gator that hung out in the small pond to the left on #13 and I am sure the mother is nearby anytime you see the small ones.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.3 years 275 played 236 reviews
3.50 star(s)

What I image disc golf to be! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 23, 2010 Played the course:once


Great use of water and land, course requires a variety of shots.
Activity center that has vending machines, bathrooms, scorecards, course maps, and sells discs, most discs $9 (small selection included: PD Gremlin, PD Freak, PD MD-1, DX Cro, DX Sidewinder, DX Roc, and DX Dragon). the activity center also has a box of discs that were found and they try to return lost plastic.
Wooden bridges in the beginning of the course anticipate course flooding and mud.
A few borderline signature holes: Course starts with a stong hole with number one's basket being by the water on it's own little peninsula on the right. 9 was long and straight with a large tree in the middle of the fairway, if you kick left or right the foiliage is tough to recover from. There is also a downslope to water is just 10 feet behind the basket. 12 was a super short shot over a small pond, basket was near the bank, so if you over shoot, you have to shot right at the water again. 15 had an elevated basket on a mound to the right with lots of OB on the right side.
Pool skimmer on hole 13 helps get discs out of nasty swampy water on hole 13.
Multiple tees on most holes, some had tees missing, so you have to be flexible on what color you are playing from.


Without the map some holes are difficult to find. I could not find 16 until I stopped playing and got a map on my phone. Many of the signs were missing, some were just numbers with no hole information. Several times I just threw at the most obvious flight path and then searched for the basket before takingmy second shot. Flow was often confusing and I had to play fast to keep the person in front of me in sight so I could see where he was throwing at, when I caught him he let me play through and then I was totally lost.
There was a long walk to hole one, but I was expecting it. I was not expecting the much longer walk from hole 18 back to the park. I thought I was going to get lost in the woods and become some swamp 'fella's bride. No signage to lead you out after hole 18.
I did not loose any discs, but I was very lucky, because it was so cold I was not afraid of wading in the water after a disc, but in the summer I would have had to say goodbye to a few peices of plastic.

Other Thoughts:

With such a swampy surroundings I was so glad it was cold, I can't imagine what the bugs wouldbe like in the summer.
foget buying or bringing a dragon/wahoo, 9 times out of 10 you can not get your disc to retrieve it, just bring afew dx discs you can say goodbye to.
Even though this is not nearly my highest rated, it is a must play if you are in the area, or even headed south on 95. It is very similar to the back 9 at Tom Tripplett in Pooler, GA, just a short drive south.
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6 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.6 years 158 played 27 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very fun challenge... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 14, 2010 Played the course:once


The fun of the Sarge is entirely built on shaping lines. Almost every hole on the course has a very distinct line, few of them repeated. Straight lines, forehand s-curves, high anhyzers, low anhyzers, slow fades, straight to fades.... Along with a few holes in the open that broke up the woodland challenge.

The course was dominated with buzzz shots in the 300-330 foot range, on down to various putter shots from 200-275. I didn't break out the driver very often, this could be construed as a negative, but it doesn't have to be. I was very happy with the practice that it gave me.

On top of this there were a lot of water hazards that were used very well. There were two holes that required you to throw over the water, both short enough to be accessible to beginners. Multiple holes saw the water lining the right side of the fairway or the left side of the fairway all the way to the pin. A few had water beyond the pin a short ways, and another had a nice pool of water playing in a spot that would otherwise be a too-easy landing zone. Great use of the water.


However - it is very possible to construe the lack of driver shots as a neg. I recall using a driver off the tee only three times. One of them I could have definitely benefited from placing a straight mid up the fairway instead of going with the driver.

Additionally - there is no elevation on the course. I don't feel that it hurts as much as it could because it is caused by the fact that it is a lowland area and few areas have both water hazards lining the course along with big elevation changes. But it IS a negative nonetheless. A few holes manage to add a little with baskets mounted on mounds, and hole one has been clearly built up over time to provide some change if you land short (as I did). But really, all of the shots are very flat.

Other Thoughts:

Overall the course may only play as a 3.5 - but the fun factor really helps to bump it slightly. If I could give it between a 3.5 and a 4.0 I probably would. It is a blast to throw, and I love the mixture of tightly wooded shots and limited undergrowth which really keeps errant shots from being punished too severely - it keeps the round very fun despite the tight lines you need to hit. Punishment without ridiculousness, and the scores on the holes will vary. I took some 5's, a 4 - clearly didn't play my best possible round, but I still had a ton of fun. (for the record - 52 over 19 holes, 10 birds, a 4, 2 5's.)
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5 3
Experience: 35.1 years 141 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Sarge vs Gomer Pyle - SHAZAM!!! :D 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 17, 2010 Played the course:once


--- soda machine in activity center containing Dasani water and PowerAde
--- the nice English woman in office at center, politely pointing out the course maps, scorecards
--- golf pencils (and even more course maps and scorecards) in mailbox next to bulletin board on Hole 1
--- isolated and virtually no golf traffic (even though on some holes you can see and hear I-95 traffic in distance)
--- two neat holes that play right over water (#1 and 12), from blue tees no longer than 180 feet - great ace runs
--- wooden walkways over muddy areas on #2 and 3
--- even if you miss fairway, there is not heavy underbrush or thorns to deal with, cut out pretty well, much more tropical
--- clean course with trash cans in many places, virtually no trash on ground
--- raised mound pin placement on #15


--- The biggest con for me was the looooooong walk from #18 back to the activity center/parking lot. You have to walk around another lake, which took at least 10 minutes. But on my way, I noticed a few picnic tables and other than that, I envisioned another 9 holes placed out there. Then a transition would be a lot more fluid from a Hole 27 to the activity center. I talked to the guy in Park & Rec truck about it the next day and he said that's something he's considering down the road.
--- practice basket in parking lot, 300' away from tee #1 across road
--- I'm sure it would be very damp to play out there after a recent rain, but fortunately for me, the ground was pretty dry
--- a few of the fairways have very narrow windows and a couple tees placed a little too close to water hazards on side (see hole 11), but overall the designers did the best with the land available
--- some of the gold tees looks like they would be workers and endanger your discs hitting water more

Other Thoughts:

This is a heavily wooded, flat course playing across wetlands, lakes, and small lagoons. No elevation change except for maybe a dropoff of a few feet on a couple of holes. In fact, I believe the highest point of elevation is a homemade 4' high mound (with railroad ties as a foundation) supporting #15 basket. Nearly half the holes have water that either come into play or as a hazard on left, right, or both sides of fairway.

Precision from the tee is very important, especially with a lake on the right side of you on 4 or 5 holes. You could have the misfortune of hitting a tree off the tee with water hazard nearby and ricocheting right into the drink (such as the case for me on #11). So it is imperative to place your drives safely in order to set up your approach.

I actually lost 3 (count 'em, THREE) discs on just the Back Nine!!! All of them went into the water, one of them in the shallow lagoon on left of #13 fairway. The other two (#11, #16) were in the lake (gator food) and I just kissed them goodbye. They do have 6' metal poles with nets on the ends (as seen as on #1 and 16) to help with scooping any bottom-dwelling discs, but unfortunately, my plastic drowning victim was never recovered on 16. Note: If any of those discs had been Star plastic, I could've swiped them off the surface since they float!

All in all, a fun yet sweaty experience for me at The Sarge, despite losing 3 discs on the Back 9 (hopefully a record I will never break for one course, much more on the B9 lol). So play the holes with the water hazards on the sides cautiously. Accuracy, more than distance, is your best strategy. Also, I had no problem at all with mosquitoes, bugs, or ticks (just a couple pesky gnats, which is typical no matter where you play). Just spray down with some Deep Woods Off, Cutters (both of them have 20-30% DEET and the DWO did the job fine).
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16 years 117 played 110 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2010 Played the course:once


Very scenic course with wildlife abound.
-3 different tee positions marked by different color stakes
-clean with many garbage cans
-pool skimmers to retrieve discs in the water
-very challenging and tight
-porta-potty at hole 9
-course map at first tee
-spray painted arrows on the ground towards next tee
-walkways over muddy areas


The course is across the street from the rest of the park which was confusing for a 1st timer.
-bugs get bad
- high chance of losing a disc
-long walk after #18
-practice basket not near the course
-natural tee pads

Other Thoughts:

While at hole #9 I was watching an alligator out in the lake and then saw a coyote run by the side of the lake (how cool is that?) If you accept the cons for what they are then this is a very enjoyable place. The long-handled pool skimmers are a nice touch because alot of the water holes have very clear water. I think my favorite holes were #1 and #2. Very fun, I will be back.
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13 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course near a great town . . . Savannah 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 15, 2010 Played the course:once


1) Interesting property. It is all lowland surrounding a few lakes. There are raised fairways on the holes lining the ponds which leads me to believe at some point those areas were dredged out of the ponds to make those raised areas. I also would suspect this happened way before the disc golf course was there.
2) Garbage cans are available on almost every hole. This is a positive to keep this natural setting clean of debris and it did look clean to me. I picked up a couple pieces of debris (a water bottle and a hand warmer??? Are you kidding me a hand warmer in S.C. that's just embarrassing for the state, not only do they have litter bugs, but they are wimpy ones that can't handle temps between 30-40 without hand warmers!!!!)
3) Very nice risk/reward holes and shots. #1 has the carry over the water with the tiewall to stop those short armed skips off the water. The small wall may be there for erosion, but it also stops those shorts teeshots over the water and knocks them down to where the disc may even be irretrievable. #12 also has a forced water carry. Sure it is short but there are some scrubby trees right there to knock you down . . . and it knocked mine down and then it rolled back into the water. I ended up with a circle 3 that had a chance at an ace if I missed the one little scrubby branch.
4) 3 tees per hole. In general I always like to see options to allow for differing abilities.
5) All fairways are covered in pine needles from the massive pines and leaves for the hardwoods in the area too. These pine needles keep grass and weeds from growing so it actually does a nice job keeping the fairways clean. The fairways also feel somewhat cushioned by the needles. Turf is also ok on the few holes that are not covered by the canopy of these trees.
6) Colored posts mark all of the tee areas (yellow, blue, white).
7) Variety of shot shaping is excellent. These holes go back and forth, some go right to left, some left to right, some have double doglegs for the perfect S curve. There are a few straight holes but on those holes there are other issues that can present some challenge to you.
8) This course wasn't overly difficult from the blue tees, but it did have an ever present challenge from hole #1 until #17. #18 isn't as tough as the other holes, but it does still pose a challenge for par because it is a long hole and although the fairway is 40-50' wide if you do allow your disc to hyzer out to badly it will end up in a deep slough and the disc may very well be irretrievable.
9) Planks and platforms all over the place. These are positives because the locals or parks people realize it will remain wet in some areas for long periods of time.
10) The first tee area has a mailbox with scorecards and pencils and a small kiosk for postings and information.
11) Practice basket is located int he parking lot which may be confusing for first timers who may not see the course across the road when they drive in, but at least they have one for early morning putting practice.
12) Activity center has bathrooms and a waiver form you are supposed to sign and deposit before playing.There are also picnic tables, a playground and some shelters there.
13) Discatchers are in great shape and they catch fine. The yellow band is key for finding the basket locations because of some of the tucked basket locations.
14) Tightly wooded holes like this make for grea disc golf. I felt like the fairways were very fair and on occassion you might have some bad luck with a tree kick but you also may just as easily get a good bounce.
15) Course is completely isolated from all other activities which is very nice! It is nice to not have to worry about other people who dont know what you are doing.


1) There is zero elevation change on this course. It is a lowland area surrounding the few lakes and sloughs. There were a few baskets tucked up or down but it was never more than 5-10' of elevation change on any hole.
2) Signs only indicate Hole # and Distance. A handful of these minimalist signs are missing also.
3) Course seems to remain wet for a long time. This is not the rainy season but they must have had some recent heavy rains because every area off the fairways was wet. You may not lose your disc in these wet areas but you are going to have to get your feet wet a few times to retrieve the disc. I had two situations where I was off the fairways and ended up needing to get wet to get the disc.
4) Layout is a little confusing near the end of the course. #16 is illogically to the right of #15 basket but you have to walk a little ways to get to it. I assumed #16, 17 and 18 were across the road and I was wrong, I figured it out after walking about 200' down what I thought was the path to the next tee. #18 also ends a good walk away from the parking lot. Hole #1 is also located a good walk from the parking lot. In the end not a huge deal but it is worth mentioning. I was a first timer and I figured it out eventually, but the guy that asked where the course was (in the parking lot) struggled to figure out where the first hole was too despite driving right by it.
5) Natural tees are rutted and rooty in spots. With the ground being wet there are also are a few that are unusable because of muddy areas. This would be a prime course that concrete tees would make so much better.
6) Course is not beginner friendly despite the shorter tees. There are simply too many difficult areas and tough holes for beginners to appreciate how great this course is.
7) I cannot comment on the bugs but others have said this course can be very buggy. I do not doubt this with the amount of water around this course.
8) In general the gold tees do not change the hole very much except addings distance. White tees also do not change much other than just begin shorter. The two water carries are changed dramtically however.
9) Pine needles can be very slippery, especially int he fairway and tees where you are generally throwing with a long runup.

Other Thoughts:

This was a great county park and a wonderfully designed disc golf course. The property is pretty conducive to disc golf but could use a few things to improve it. I think concrete tees, consistant and complete tee signs would make this course a solid 4 in my mind because it is such a solid design and has constant challenge. The missing amenities and lack of elevation change are all that are keeping this from being higher than a 4. All in all I had a great time and feel like it is comparable to Tom Triplett mostly because of how well designed each hole is. I know this course will continue to improve and it is clear that it is well maintained already.
On pure design and challenge I give this course a 4 rating for sure and since it is failry new I am gonna leave the rating where it is at 4. I assume concrete may come up soon and hopefully be installed.
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22 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.9 years 131 played 110 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Throwin in the Swamp 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 4, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


"The Sarge" is located in Sergeant Jasper Park in Hardeeville, SC. It alone makes the trip well worth the ride. The wildlife and the scenery make this place a peaceful and enjoyable location. (As long as the bugs are minimal)
-Scorecards, Course maps and the restrooms are located at the welcome center (You will need to park at the welcome center. No charge to play, but you are required to sign in)
-Practice Basket in the parking lot
-The course has multiple tee boxes for varying difficulty; Blue, gold and a few white on some of the more difficult holes there are white tees.
-Baskets are Innova DISCatchers.
-Pin placement definitely made the course more interesting.
-The course is strictly a DG course, so there should be no interference with other park goers.
-The course has a nice flow, like that of a nature trail or hike, and the next holes weren't too difficult to find. Plus you can get a map of the course at the visitors center.
-The course is very challenging, narrow shots, long distance drives, as well as some risk/reward hole
-Just to keep things interesting there's even a long distance, narrow shot that can be a risk/reward. Water on both sides of the land!
- Great water hole on hole 12. It's a 177ft where the Tee is on one bank, and the basket is on the edge of the water on the opposite side! Have fun! There is a safe alternate white hole that is much easier to cross, if you are a beginner or just not quite ready to throw this type of hole
-the risk/reward holes have a safe alternative, which can be relieving for a beginner. (Beginner Tip: Just because it's safer, doesn't mean you won't risk losing your disc)
-This course will challenge all players, from beginners to advanced.
--Requires a lot of strategy shots on narrow fairways
- If you are looking for a challenge on an interesting course, this is it!
-If you are a beginner, this course can be intimidating and challenging, but do not let that stop you. The Sarge will make a better player out of you!
-The Sarge also had a great "Fun Factor" for me as well. I will be back!
-Tom Triplett Disc Golf Course in Savannah is 15 minutes down I95, which can make a great follow up, once you finish "The Sarge".
-There are a bunch of Fast Food Resturaunts right before you get to the park. (McDonalds, Wendy's, BK, etc..)
-Just spoke with a very nice lady on the phone, she said they do have a small selection of discs for sale, as well as a special edition Sarge Disc, in the Welcome Center.
-Added 07/04/10 I spoke with another gentleman today, while registering to play. He was very nice and friendly. Kudos to the whole staff here, they really enjoy what they do, and they are genuinely happy to see people coming in to play.
-They were constructing some new teeboxes, that were raised up, and had some board walks. Only a couple holes were completed, but it looked very nice.


-Dirt Tee pads (to which, I'm not going to hold against this course. I'll explain later on)
-The Sarge is very flat, no variation in elevation, but then again this is in the Low-Country of South Carolina. This type of terrain is the norm for this area. I'm not holding it against the course, just making the observation.
-Signs at the Tee box could use improvement.
-Tee pad color marked by flags. (FIXED! see pros)
-The bugs can be horrible, to the point of beyond nuisance. Now, I played on a day when it was in the 50's, and I didn't have a problem. But, mental note, BRING REPELLENT, STRONG REPELLENT!
-Be careful, there are Snakes and Alligators here.
-Water Hazards do have Gators in them, so be mindful about going after your disc in the water.
-Hole 18 could use another bridge across the water hazard. If it lands on the other side, you have to walk a long way to cross, then back to the disc, then down again to cross back over.
- It is a long walk back to the parking lot, and/or the 1st hole, if you decide to play another round. It is a nice walk though. It's on a boardwalk that crosses the lake; there are sitting areas as well.
-There are no restrooms on the course. Go before you start at the welcome center.
-Casual water can be a major factor on this course.

Other Thoughts:

This is a very nice course; it is on a beautiful lake in the Low-Country of South Carolina. I had a great time, it was a cold morning, so the bugs were nil! The place is well taken care of, and it plays like a nature trail. If you really want to get the most out of this course, take your time and enjoy it. (Provided the bugs will let you) There is a lot to take in, so enjoy it!

There are dirt Tee pads, but I will not hold it against this course. I feel that installing Cement Tee pads would take away something from natural setting. I can see why they wouldn't plop down a cement slab, when it can take away from the feel and the sanctity of this park. In fact if the park did install them, it could be an eyesore! They would need something similar to Richmond Hill in Asheville, to keep it in sync with the surroundings, but that would probably be very expensive and costly. I would prefer Teepads, I but I can understand why they haven't put them in yet.
I would recommend hiking shoes for this course; it can easily get sloppy and muddy. I would also recommend a Fat Max Measuring tape of at least 30ft. Wal-Mart also sells a Stanley equivalent. I retrieved quite a few discs out of the water with that tape measure, thank God I had it! By the grace of God, I walked away with all my discs, but you might want to bring an extra disc or two you don't mind parting with! The water hazard on 18 may not be wide, but it is deep!
One last little FYI, before you come down to Sergeant Jasper park, just remember that they offer a lot of other activities as well. If you are interested in making a day of multiple activities (i.e Canoing, Kayaking, Fishing, etc) look into it before you come.

Address for your GPS:
1458 Red Dam Rd
Hardeeville, SC 29927

Now, the GPS might be a skosh messed up. Sometimes it will take a person the long way through the residential area, making the park entrance on the left. Shortcut: When you exit off 95 Go to the East, Pass the 95 exit then turn left Just past the Exxon station on the left. This will put you on the "Old Frontage road". Turn Right on Red Dam Road. drive down and take your first right. That is where you'll register, and you'll see a practice basket in the parking lot. You'll have to walk back and cross the main road. Hole 1 is on the front/left side of the Lake. Look for the Big Sign.

UPDATE: 07/04/2010 - They have done some improvements since I played here last. They've added a boardwalk to #4, as well as a raised Teebox made out of wood on another hole. They have also replaced the Tee markers. They have also begun installing Signs, with bag hooks. At the moment, there are paper signs on the boards, but it looks like they are just temporary until permanent signs can be made. The course looked great!
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7 2
Experience: 18.4 years 19 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Love/Hate 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Scenic beauty
Lots of water(see below)
Nice facilities


Huge Radar Guided Heat-Seeking Mosquitoes
Lots of water (see above)
Tee pads are just staked out earth
Course flow from 18 to parking or back to 1 is poor.

Other Thoughts:

I think this course is a little beyond my level of expertise. I have lost more discs here than anywhere else, but it's because I don't play conservatively enough around water.

Water crossing mandatory on only 2 holes, 1 and 12(and then only from blue/gold tees), but several holes bordered by water.

I play the other course nearby(TTP) and lose maybe a disc every couple months. I rarely leave The Sarge with as many as I showed up with. Not the course's fault though!
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21 years 269 played 148 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2009 Played the course:once


Extremely challenging wooded course with lots of water. This is the kind of course more advanced players will generally love while newer players could leave discouraged and without a disc or two. There are two or three different tee locations for every hole which helps cater to players of all skill levels.

There are narrow, tree-lined fairways, water hazards, even tighter fairways and more water. The course info says there's water in play on 3 holes but it more like half the course. In my opinion, water hazards are better at scaring the average golfer rather than posing a serious threat and I found that to be true here.

There are pool nets on hole 1 and 13 with extremely long handles to retrieve discs from the water; very cool!

I don't think there's a single hole on this entire course where trees or water don't come into play. It's truly a challenge because there's always something to watch out for.

The lake by hole 1 and 2 was absolutely beautiful when I was there with its crystal clear blue water.


The course could use some tee signs with illustrations of the holes because many of pins are difficult to find from the tee. Tee pads are dirt and marked with colored posts, but I only recall having a problem with one pad that had roots close by.

There's a long walk from the parking lot to hole 1 and from hole 18 back to the parking lot. Navigation on the course was pretty easy, but it did take me a minute to get from 15 to 16.

When playing a wooded course, luck is always a factor. I think some of the holes rely on more luck than others, but I would not say any of the holes were unfair or relied too heavily on luck.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course while on vacation nearby and would recommend it to any player who has some experience under their belt.

Located just a couple minutes off of I-95.
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13 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 29.2 years 131 played 68 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Half a great time 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 10, 2009 Played the course:once


Very challenging course. Back 9 is a series of terrific holes, mostly long with lots of OB and many different shots required, including big anhyzers (RHBH) and "for-God's-sake-keep-it-straight-because-there's-water-on-both-sides" holes.

Course is in fine condition and land not shared with other park users.

Right of I-95 interchange; a convenient stopover for travelers heading elsewhere.


Front 9 (other than hole 1) is a string of insanely tight, "poke & hope" shots through tall pines. More luck than I care for. Unfortunately, it's an "out-&-back" course, with hole 10 about the furthest point from the parking lot, or I'd just play the back-9 and give it 4 stars.

It's an incredibly long walk from 18 to 1 (or the parking lot)....but if you're just playing one round, it's a walk around a lakeshore, think of it as a winddown from a grueling round of golf.

Other Thoughts:

Aesthetics---for those who care---are mixed. It's a generally pretty place, with mature pines and lots of lakes, and no trash or eyesores. On the other hand, it's right along I-95, so the roar of interstate traffic is a constant.

It's a suprising walk from the parking lot, through the woods and across the road, to find hole 1.
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6 6
Experience: 26.3 years 28 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Wear waders and full bug suit. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 28, 2009 Played the course:once


"challenging" holes. Waterx3 is bogus. Water comes into play in more like 6 or 7 holes.


Just drove freaking 40 minutes to play at this course where shortly after I put on a shit ton of 99% deet bug juice, I had to dive into gator infested water to retrieve a disc on hole 2.. then started encountering mosquitoes that had wing spans as big as a nickle or larger.. To be followed by a shit ton more water holes. I didn't lose any discs, but got covered in bug bites got dirty as hell and threw 7- over par..

The terrain pads made it hard to play in flops.. as I like casual play. The Bugs were
NON-STOP. they were not even affected by the 99%deet. They were freaking hummingbirds. I had to rush many shots because I was being swarmed.

It was not worth the drive to me coming from downtown savannah. The water is a huge annoyance.

Other Thoughts:

The layout is OK. I went on a dry day. I'd hate to see this course after a rain. The staff there is really swell.
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10 0
Experience: 28.3 years 86 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The Sarge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 2, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Well kept challenging course. Full 18 with three tee pads for each. Free score card, "The Sarge" pencils and map at first hole. Scenic waters holes. Dedicated disc golf course. Tight wooded fairways with nice drive lines that will test your skills. Perfect Varity of hizer and an-hizer throws and distances. A lot of work went into this course and it shows. Baskets are in perfect condition.


long walk from 18 to 1. Signs have the hole number and distance but no maps of hole... needs better signs but judging by how fast this course has been moving along they should have them up in no time. Pads are natural with some mulch in place.

Other Thoughts:

Course is set up for people who take this sport seriously and could be challenging for beginners but there are white tees that are a lot easier. Look for the "mosquito madness" tournie held here once a year. Saturday and sunday morning club rounds. Bring the whole bag of discs for this course!
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4 3
Experience: 29.5 years 12 played 12 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2008 Played the course:never


Well kept, the people that run it really care and put a lot of effort into it, and there are nets around most of the water hazards to get your disc if you can locate and reach it.Three tees also offer something for all levels.


Too much water, much of it cannot even be seen from the tee and serves as quite a nasty surprise.
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12 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.3 years 103 played 58 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course - very impressed 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 24, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


*Free course in a beautiful park only 2 miles from interstate 95
*Free scorecards & full page maps at ranger station near first tee - also has nice, clean bathrooms
*3 teepads - gold, blue, white - each with unique views and challenging to skill level
*The best 1st & 18th hole I've played in recent memory. Hole 1 opens up with a water shot, making you focus and concentrate to not lose a disc. Water is short & right; you must carry 290'+ to stay dry. Hole 18 is a beast @ 700' with a tight fairway flanked by shule (right) and an OB/lost disc canal (left). I took a circle 6 & lost a disc on this hole (Perkerson Park green wraith if anyone finds it)...
*Great mix of short/long left/right/straight
*Groomed course set it beautiful pine forest
*Excellent use of natural setting - tight forest shots & plenty of water in play
*#14 is a great over water shot requiring an accurate tunnel shot off the tee then carrying 200'+ of water


*New course...so teepads are still dirt and only marked with stakes. You'd be S.O.L without a free scorecard/map combo
*Long walk b/w 18 & 1...would be a pain in the ass during tournament play
*I didn't agree with a few of the teepad placements for the gold tees...and I'm only putting these in since the course doesn't look 100% set in place yet. Specifically: # 11 (gold pad has a tree about 10' down the fairway blocking any reasonable throw at a 2 -- would be MUCH better moved just 5' right and 5' forward...and still be a super tough par 3) & #17 (gold pad has another crazy low probability line for a look at 2 - best shot now is a layup 120' straight forward playing for a 3).
*#7 doesn't have a fairway...would be much improved by taking out the pine and small hardwood directly in front of the tee, making a super tight tunnel shot an option, instead of just throwing & hoping
*Looks like it could be very swampy in season
*Bunch of weird fairway line -- like for a RH player, the most legit line off the tee is an anhyzer sidearm flex shot
*Fairway trees. it's OK to cut down trees that are in the fairway!

Other Thoughts:

I just played this course again and realized that i must have been buzzing from getting away from beach week with the inlaws the 1st time i played & reviewed this course. It's fun & in a great park with top notch facilities, but i found a lot lacking in the validity of the fairways. The holes seem to have been laid on existing roads/trails whenever possible with as few trees cut as possible...so they often don't allow for true, valid lines that follow a realistic disc flight pattern. I like the course, just needs some tweaking to be a 4-star course. Lots of potential, and awesome starting/finishing holes. Tons of great holes in between. A few holes that could be slightly tweaked to go from terribly frustrating to great holes.

This course is in excellent shape and looks to be very well maintained. I can't wait to see this course when it's broken in.

One other note -- I played this in the middle of a huge statewide drought in the southeast. The course looks like it could be very wet at times; when I played it was bone dry except for permanent water in canals/ponds & heavy swamps (hole 13/14).
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6 3
Marc B.
Experience: 20.3 years 28 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sarge in Charge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 6, 2008 Played the course:once


Only about 20 minutes away form TTDGC in Pooler, GA makes this a great second course for the area. Tight fairways, heavily wooded, with water in play on many holes. The course has really taken shape and is a blast to play! 1st hole plays over a crystal blue mining pond. Easy to navigate. Discs availalbe in rec.center. Employees will pull discs out of water for you! Some short but difficult par 3 holes. #15, #18 signature holes.


Hole 1 and 18 are a good hike away from each other. Lacking signange and seating.

Other Thoughts:

Keep the courses coming in the southeast!
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