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  • Overall Stats

    Most Played Course: Taylor Park
    DGCR Player Rating: 922
    Total Rounds Played: 49
    Total Holes Played: 763
    Total Distance Covered: 42.75 Miles
    Average Score per Round: 47
    Average Putts per Hole: 1.46
    Total Shots: 2313
    Total Aces: 1
    Total Double Eagles: --
    Total Eagles: --
    Total Birdies: 167
    Total Pars: 424
    Total Bogies: 139
    Total Double Bogies: 13
    Total Triple Bogies: 1
    Average Round Rating: 943
    Total Rounds Played: 16
    Total Holes Played: 288
    Total Distance Covered: 16.94 Miles
    Average Score / Best Score: 55 / 45
    Average Putts per Hole: 1.47
    Total Shots: 881
    Total Aces: 1
    Total Double Eagles: --
    Total Eagles: --
    Total Birdies: 60
    Total Pars: 153
    Total Bogies: 69
    Total Double Bogies: 5
    Total Triple Bogies: --

    Recent Rounds

    Score: 54 Even
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    -- -- -- 964
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:Got in 18 after Tour Del Sol right before the park closed. Love my BS Leopard... threw some real nice hyzer flips with this thing.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 375 3 4 1 --
    Position D sucks... :)
    2 252 3 3 2 --
    3 225 3 3 2 --
    4 318 3 3 2 --
    5 300 3 3 1 --
    6 243 3 2 1 --
    Flick for the win!
    7 294 3 3 2 --
    8 249 3 3 1 --
    9 357 3 3 1 --
    3's a good score for me!
    10 408 3 3 1 --
    3'd it at 470'!
    11 270 3 3 1 --
    Dragon for the 3.
    12 336 3 3 1 --
    13 357 3 3 2 --
    14 330 3 3 1 --
    15 420 3 3 1 --
    Sick par save from the saw palmetto.
    16 276 3 3 1 --
    17 333 3 3 2 --
    18 390 3 3 2 --
    Totals: 5733 54 54 25 --
    Score: 33 +4
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    9 / 9
    85°F / 29°C Cloudy Moderate 806
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:First time playing through and we didn't start spotting each other until hole #5.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 235 3 3 1 --
    2 510 4 6 2 --
    Tree'd the drive
    3 480 4 5 2 --
    Tree'd the drive
    4 440 3 4 1 --
    5 220 3 3 2 --
    6 320 3 3 2 --
    Didn't challenge the narrow fairway
    7 330 3 3 2 --
    8 300 3 3 2 --
    9 260 3 3 1 --
    Totals: 3095 29 33 15 --
    Score: 56 +2
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    -- -- -- 875
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 276 3 3 1 --
    2 255 3 4 2 --
    3 225 3 3 2 --
    4 252 3 3 2 --
    5 264 3 3 1 --
    6 243 3 3 2 --
    7 261 3 3 2 --
    8 216 3 3 2 --
    9 183 3 2 1 --
    10 342 3 4 2 --
    11 270 3 3 1 --
    12 261 3 3 1 --
    13 252 3 4 2 --
    14 306 3 3 2 --
    15 327 3 4 2 --
    16 225 3 2 1 --
    17 276 3 3 2 --
    18 198 3 3 2 --
    Totals: 4632 54 56 30 --
    Score: 61 +7
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    89°F / 32°C Cloudy Calm 922
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:We got rain on 18, but good conditions otherwise.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 375 3 4 1 --
    Bad drive, went way right.
    2 378 3 3 1 --
    3 252 3 3 1 --
    4 318 3 3 1 --
    5 390 3 4 2 --
    6 303 3 3 1 --
    Crashed into a tree on drive.
    7 294 3 3 1 --
    Tree again on drive.
    8 249 3 3 2 --
    9 357 3 4 2 --
    Pro tee, not great drive.
    10 471 3 3 1 --
    350+ Katana drive, pin B.
    11 330 3 4 2 --
    12 336 3 3 2 --
    13 357 3 3 2 --
    14 366 3 3 2 --
    15 451 3 4 2 --
    16 336 3 3 2 --
    17 348 3 4 2 --
    18 390 3 4 2 --
    Totals: 6301 54 61 29 --

    Edward Medard Park

    Plant City, FL
    Score: 66 +12
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    95°F / 35°C Sunny Calm 820
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:2
    T. Bogies:1
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:First time playing through this course. Will definitely be back here. Got wet on #14 but fished it out.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 365 3 3 2 --
    2 408 3 3 2 --
    Long drive hole for the course.
    3 288 3 3 2 --
    4 380 3 4 2 --
    5 261 3 5 2 --
    Gnarly hole!
    6 222 3 3 2 --
    7 310 3 4 2 --
    8 356 3 4 2 --
    9 383 3 4 2 --
    Hills...? This is Florida!
    10 311 3 3 2 --
    11 350 3 5 2 --
    12 202 3 4 2 --
    Started to think I was in Oregon...
    13 148 3 2 1 --
    Didn't want to overshoot...
    14 316 3 6 2 1
    Found the only water on course...!
    15 205 3 4 2 --
    16 386 3 4 2 --
    Last chance for a bomb.
    17 275 3 3 2 --
    18 263 3 2 1 --
    Made a 30' putt to finish up!
    Totals: 5429 54 66 34 1
    Score: 63 +7
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 25 -- 80°F / 27°C Sunny Calm n/a
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:Played long tees except for #3, #10, #14, and #16.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 420 3 3 2 --
    2 293 3 3 2 --
    3 297 3 3 2 --
    4 268 3 4 2 --
    5 366 3 4 2 --
    6 354 3 4 2 --
    7 272 3 3 2 --
    8 312 3 4 2 --
    Threw a safe drive.
    9 282 3 4 2 1
    Tried a bomb and got tree'd.
    10 300 3 3 1 --
    11 276 3 2 1 --
    Hit the basket with my Krait.
    12 333 3 3 2 --
    13 263 3 4 2 1
    Hit the road sign from the tee!
    14 321 3 3 2 --
    15 350 3 5 2 --
    Bad drive.
    16 450 4 5 2 --
    Played safe from short tee.
    17 404 3 3 2 --
    18 695 4 3 1 --
    Totals: 6256 56 63 33 2
    Score: 56 +2
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    85°F / 29°C Sunny Calm 969
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:Wind was light 2day. Drove well, falling in love with the Krait.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 375 3 3 2 --
    2 378 3 3 2 --
    3 252 3 2 1 --
    4 318 3 2 1 --
    5 390 3 4 2 --
    6 303 3 3 2 --
    7 294 3 5 2 1
    Got tree'd on the drive.
    8 249 3 2 1 --
    9 357 3 3 2 --
    10 471 3 3 2 --
    Played from long tee with Katana
    11 330 3 3 2 --
    12 336 3 3 2 --
    Almost sank a 40' putt
    13 357 3 2 1 --
    14 366 3 3 2 --
    15 451 3 4 2 --
    16 336 3 4 2 --
    17 348 3 3 2 --
    18 390 3 4 2 --
    Totals: 6301 54 56 32 1

    Azalea Park DGC

    St. Petersburg, FL
    Score: 24 -3
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    9 / 9
    89°F / 32°C Sunny Moderate 898
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:Stopped by Azalea after school.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 200 3 3 2 --
    2 260 3 2 1 --
    3 250 3 2 1 --
    4 290 3 3 2 --
    5 200 3 2 1 --
    6 255 3 3 2 --
    7 230 3 3 2 --
    8 225 3 3 2 --
    9 245 3 3 2 --
    Totals: 2155 27 24 15 --
    Score: 62 +8
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 18
    86°F / 30°C Cloudy Calm 912
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:Quick round after work. Tried throwing hard all round.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 375 3 4 2 --
    2 378 3 3 2 --
    3 252 3 2 1 --
    4 318 3 3 2 --
    Missed an easy one.
    5 390 3 5 2 --
    Position C... ugh!
    6 303 3 2 1 --
    7 294 3 3 2 --
    8 249 3 4 2 --
    9 357 3 4 2 1
    Got the Dragon a little soggy.
    10 471 3 4 2 1
    Threw a bomb but got tree'd.
    11 330 3 3 2 --
    From short tee, too breezy.
    12 336 3 4 2 --
    13 357 3 4 2 --
    14 366 3 4 2 --
    15 451 3 4 2 --
    16 336 3 2 1 --
    17 348 3 3 1 --
    18 390 3 4 1 --
    Love Position C on this hole!
    Totals: 6301 54 62 31 2
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