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  • playing since late 1980s

    disc, artist
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    paul anderson
    Appleton, Wisconsin
    Dec 28, 1963 (Age: 60)
    Years Playing
    36.3 Years
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    137 / 2.64 star(s)
    Voting Record
    1218 51
    Updated Course Conditions
    furniture making


    originally posted by Sloppydisc "go bake a pie"



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    Planning on heading north the last week of July. Should be in your neck of the woods Tuesday the 26th or Wednesday the 27th.
    I'm free in theory. My wife has been a PMS-raging bitch all week, so I'm not sure if I'm free in reality. 847-346-8670 is the number, call me on Saturday evening and I should know what is what.
    I can't help you with either question. I've been in Hawaii for the last 5 days and I'm leaving for a 4 day music festival in an hour.
    @ Stevie: no probs man! Had a lot of great shots in general, the ones in my photo album are the "best of the best." Several outstanding pics of all of us in action! :)
    so when will outlaw be on topic..plans, accomidations...so forth and so on?

    i think i might fly into st. louis this year if peoria is still the place, maybe do some dealings with eric for a few days(fishing and so forth) just let me know if we need another nc guy to come for the team this year, i can work that magic and make it happen, also tell steve, nick, and eric thanks for the plastic, most of it found a place in my bag, a very warm, comfortable place...hehe...shoot me an email when you get the chance, take it easy!
    Where are you what do you do on this site? Diane is Stan's wife. Did you have a good time? Actually, I'm pretty impressed, she told me you guys requested to play with Stan and yuo did. Awesome!!!!
    Is Sheri on DGCR? I'm making the rounds to thank all our guides and the people who met up with us.
    Yep, unpacked right away last night, ate lots, uploaded pictures and video (to be sorted through this evening), tried to do a x-word puzzle, thought about grabbing a beer, instead fell asleep at like 9pm and slept until 1:30pm today. :eek:
    So, like, you're done with all the reviews already, right? :|

    Jukeshoe: <---Attempted to sort pictures and write last night. Passed out watching baseball instead.
    I see you arrived home in one piece. :)

    What time did you guys get in, and did you have to kill Stevie by the end? ;)

    Thanks for letting me be a part of the trip, Paul, I had a complete and total blast despite shooting some ugly rounds. :cool:

    Aloha Paul! Any idea as to the course conditions in the Fox Valley? I might be there over the weekend, and was hoping to play Ohauser, Plamann, and Grignon. Do any of the courses pull the baskets in the spring? Thanks in advance!
    Hey Paul, that's cool. I know you have a lot on the agenda. ;) I actually am going to play my first Pro event this weekend. I'll see how it goes :\
    Actually it might. That weekend is off for me as the Pro Crosstown will be in Zebbie that weekend. I don't plan to play it. Thanks for letting me know, somehow I got confused by the planning thread and wasn't sure when you were coming.
    Oh, also, the 2nd hotel rooms are only supposed to be used by family members, so one of you guys might (slight chance) have to pretend to be my brother or something. :D

    I very much doubt we'll be questioned on it though. ;)


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