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  • Originally from Biloxi, MS and discovered DG after moving to NC

    D-G, Golf, Tennis, Art
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    Sue Smith
    Wendell, NC
    December 10
    Years Playing
    15.6 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    Voting Record
    2 0
    Updated Course Conditions


    Kugger 4 Lyfe


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    ;) He definitely deserved it. I was thinking how happy you must have been watching it. Hopefully Rafa will have a better showing at the U.S. Open.
    Still have a present for me? Didn't know I had a present coming, lol.

    Play this Friday? I can probably do that. Either Arch or J St is fine by me. As far as caddying goes, that would be fun and I have the time but I'd have to scrounge up some moolah as I am an indigent wastrel.
    Hmm, if they still have the temp course up I might have to check that out, sounds interesting. Yeah, they have that tree perfectly in the way of that one tee, you have to stand on the very corner to have any kind of line to go for.
    #16: Super WTF tight. You're just as apt to screw up trying to play this hole playing safe than go for it so I say go for it. Don't throw downhill, play it like it's flat or even slightly uphill and squeeze through that gap if you can.
    #17: Straight, slight hyzer over a hump. Kind of dumb.
    #18: Okay, here's the 3 every time, maybe deuce if you're lucky line. Throw a big honking spike hyzer over the shorter trees on the right, trying to fade back on the fairway past the bend/mando. If you do it right, you've got a simple straight bomb to green or another big hyzer if you don't make it past the bend.
    #7: Crappy hole. An uphill lefty hole, just play to the bend and take the par.
    #8: Uphill hyzer. Longer than it looks.
    #9: Short and straight, just stay out of the rough.
    #10: Worst placed tee ever. Creek on right with pesky trees very capable of kicking you into it. Don't get too brave.
    #11: From the Blues, just lay up to the treeline, preferably the right gap.
    #12: Simple hyzer, uphill green.
    #13: Just try and reach the clearing, better to be kicked right than left. You can be aggressive approaching the basket b/c treeline will knock down most fly-bys.
    #14: A flex shot, worth practicing b/c it's a very deuceable hole. Steep green with creek behind.
    #15: Hyzer, use as much ceiling as you can.
    First I've heard of Bush Hill. Ain't no telling. There are some dumb with a capital D blue tees. Hole 11 is really dumb from the blues. Well, that's about it really, the rest are okay.

    #1: Lefty hole, be content with just landing on the fairway off the tee.
    #2: Deuceable with a low skip with something overstable.
    #3: Slight downhill anny, really easy to go too far right and overshoot into the creek. Something slow and understable that will fade back just a bit is good here.
    #4: Open bomb, land your drive to the left for a better approach angle. Steep green so approach with caution.
    #5: A tight b!tch. Long, tight tunnel that L's sharply to the right. It's BH TO-able but a nice long FH is ideal. Another be content to stay on the fairway hole.
    #6: The tempting line is a big spike hyzer but it's trickier than it looks. A hyzerflipped to TO putter or mid on the inside line works pretty well. Don't overshoot (creek).
    Glad to be of service. It's nice to see you back in da Kug as well, don't ever leave us again. Ever. :|
    Yeah, you're gonna want to scope it out, definitely. You have to treat it like a mad pitbull, if you're cool and calm you'll be okay but if you panic it will bite you. Some of the holes are wide enough for thumbers but I wouldn't recommend them unless you're very good at landing them where you want them. It's very easy for a good drive at Nevin to turn sour b/c the disc kicked or skipped into a bad lie like a ditch. It's all about playing the angles.
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