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Disc Golf Bloopers

I was about to post the actual vid when I noticed these two doing a reaction vid, lol...

Paul looks like Jerry Seinfeld's son. :D
270 feet and people not even clearing it

get off my card

It's almost as if they were afraid to throw over it.

I watched it one time and it was like a dang train wreck. I think maybe 1 disc got somewhat close, but it was like a low skip shot that just bounced off the bank and went right back in the water.

That is quality blooper reel material. :clap:

Man, I don't know if that's only me, but I found it hilarious.

His english is good, but the combination of the Finnish accent, the subpar material, together with his reactions (that little laugh after each launch) and the small adjustments, which were all worse than another, made it perfect.

And that ending with the basket laying in front of the cannon was pure gold. :clap::clap::clap:

Anyway, I really wish we could build a performant disc throwing machine, where you can set a speed, spin and everything. That would give a real meaning to the flight numbers...
I learned two things:

Even if you have a literal cannon for an arm, the disc won't go far without proper technique.

A basket with a single set of chains will give its life to catch a putt.

So the cannon had 2 problems that I saw with getting a disc to launch, no spin, and probably not enough height for the speed of the disc. Solution to problem 1 is hard, but I think a similar holding device, but with less material around one edge might work to get the disc to spin. Solution to problem 2 requires problem 1 first.
Should have putted from the previous lie with the penalty throw added after the first one went back over his head.

Of course, that wouldn't have been nearly as interesting. :p

I totally agree with that 100%. He probably went all out just to go all out quite frankly. He seemed to take it in relatively good stride, which is about all you can really do in 100 mph winds. Took some big ones just to play through that tornado!

This actually had me thinking about something. Obviously those guys were playing fairly casually. But I know for sure at least 1 to about 4 of those discs came back and hit him in his legs. I was kinda wondering how the rules would count on that? I always thought you got a 2 stroke penalty if the disc comes back and makes contact with you. So would he get his one stroke thrown, plus 2 penalty strokes?