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HoD 2 April 2020 Three Island Crossing Hole #1


Double Eagle Member
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Jul 13, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
Three Island Crossing, Glenns Ferry, ID
According to Wikipedia:
Glenns Ferry was one of the most famous and treacherous river crossings on the Oregon Trail. Pioneers forded the Snake River at the Three Island Crossing until 1869, when Gustavus "Gus" Glenn constructed a ferry about two miles upstream, primarily to expedite freight but also for emigrants.​

Napoleon Dynamite's Uncle Rico once threw a DGA Kitty Hawk Driver across the Snake River here at Three Island Crossing on hole 16. Back in '82, he could have thrown it across the Mississippi. If his coach would have put him in at the 1982 Idaho State Frolf Fiesta, he would have turned pro. And if he had a Star Destroyer back in the day, man, he could probably shoot down Kim Jong Un's ICBMs from a standstill.

Anyway, this is Hole 1:

Distance: 331 feet


That's the only picture.
Fun little ID State Parks course. If you do it right your $5 car day pass can get you this course, Lake Walcott, and Massacre Rocks all on the same day.

Think I went RHBH Eagle L
RHBH hyzerflip a Roadrunner