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Hole of the day 5/11/2010

KC Pro Aviar just to the right of it.
I'm on board with the majority. Buzzz
FLX or Z Buzzz right at it, depending on what mood I'm in.
If it's windy, Wasp right at it.
I'm going straight at it with a Roc, and if there's wind I'm using a Wasp.
challenger on a slight hyzer. if the wind is blowing, I might go with the same line and a sanny roc.
Well considering the condition of my back that would probably be a cyclone for me. Man I can't wait to get this crap corrected so I don't feel like a little girl with my distance lol.
If it's not windy and I'm feeling it, Ion.

Otherwise, I'd go right at it with either a Comet or a Nebula.
Ol' Faithful..La Mirada Hole #2 Stamp Roc 180..slightly to the left and let'r Fade on in for hopefully an ace or nice easy Bird:thmbup:


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