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[DGA] Tempest


* Ace Member *
Dec 4, 2014
Littleton, CO
Anyone ever seen or thrown a Tempest? I threw one for the first time today. Glow plastic, unknown weight. Probably 170g+.

Just looking at this disc it reminds me of a cross between a Shryke and a Tern. Fairly wide, shallow rim. Not much dome. Pretty flat.

The Tempest is listed at 13, 5, -3, 2. Based on what I saw today, I'd say those numbers are fairly accurate.

The Tempest will turn fairly easily, but won't flip all the way over. Dramatic S curves with a lot of side to side action. Thrown with a little hyzer, the Tempest carves a pretty nice flight path and goes a long way. I was able to get this disc out to about 440'. It wasn't the longest disc of the day, nor my favorite. However, its a perfectly acceptable understable driver. Good in calm or downwind conditions. Not recommended for anything upwind. The Tempest will test your ability to throw hyzerflips. It will turn and burn if you get too aggressive with it or don't throw with enough hyzer.

My only real negative on the Tempest is an unexpectedly dumpy fade. For an understable disc this thing will drop hard at the end of flight. This disc actually reminded me of a Nuke SS in that regard. Flippy, but with a dumpy fate fade.

Tempest: 13, 5, -2, 3. I changed the numbers around a little. The Tempest wasn't as understable as I was expecting, but will still turn without a ton of effort. Nice S curves followed by a sudden, hooking fade.

Overall this is a pretty decent disc. It didn't really cover any new ground for me, but I enjoyed throwing it, and it performed acceptably. Good disc for intermediate players looking to flex something out for big distance. It flies like a somewhat slower Nuke SS. Not quite as flippy either.
I have a first run Tempest, fair amount of dome. Your description is pretty similar to my experiences with it. Easy turn-- significant turn. Lots of lateral distance. Reminds me of a Shryke with exaggerated lateral play, or like a Katana for lesser arms. I didn't like it enough to use it for more than a couple days.
Is it based off of an existing Discraft mold?

I really don't know. I'd be interested to see how it compares to the Hades, but I don't have a Hades yet.

It doesn't fly like any Discraft mold I've thrown yet. If anything it reminds me of a slightly slower Nuke SS.
So, all this time later, I see one in a disc store and figured, why not? Took it out to a field today. To say i did not click with this disc would be an understatement. Several low/left releases. Attempts at hyzer flips that did not flip, and some flat releases that just burned. Now, not one of these felt great. I would love to say it was totally user error, but the problem with that was, I was throwing it together with two Star Wraiths, a G* Corvette, an I-Blend Emperor, and an SPZ3. I had zero poor throws with those.

BTW, the G* Corvette was the surprise of the day. That thing just bombs. Will have to find a spot for it, especially when throwing into a very slight breeze.

I will give this thing one more go, then it's off to another user.
I tried it on accident. I got it and the torrent mixed up flight number wise. The torrent is a bit understable, the tempest is flippy to me. I typically don't like very flippy very high speed drivers, and the tempest is not an exception. The best, very fast driver I've tried is still the Tern
So, all this time later, I see one in a disc store and figured, why not? Took it out to a field today. To say i did not click with this disc would be an understatement. Several low/left releases. Attempts at hyzer flips that did not flip, and some flat releases that just burned. Now, not one of these felt great. I would love to say it was totally user error, but the problem with that was, I was throwing it together with two Star Wraiths, a G* Corvette, an I-Blend Emperor, and an SPZ3. I had zero poor throws with those.

BTW, the G* Corvette was the surprise of the day. That thing just bombs. Will have to find a spot for it, especially when throwing into a very slight breeze.

I will give this thing one more go, then it's off to another user.

I've thrown 2 Tempests. 1 ESP (?) and 1 Z. They just don't freaking work. Wildly inconsistent. Once the Tempest hits cruising speed it flips violently.... every single time. I wasn't able to get any good results with them. The Tempest reminds me of a worse Nuke SS or a DD Freedom. Super fast, but too flippy to be useful.

Anyone considering the Tempest should skip it and get a Hades. The Hades is a way more consistent performer.

G* Corvette is one of the best distance bombers I've ever seen. It'll hang with anything. Can be a hair finicky, but OMG, the sheer distance is out of control.
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I tried it on accident. I got it and the torrent mixed up flight number wise. The torrent is a bit understable, the tempest is flippy to me. I typically don't like very flippy very high speed drivers, and the tempest is not an exception. The best, very fast driver I've tried is still the Tern

Torrent is outstanding, IMO. Like a Nuke with just slightly more turn and a later fade.

I'd call the Torrent one of the most underrated distance drivers on the market. They're very uncommon.
Fine disc!

Unlike others, I found this to be an easy replacement for a shryke or tern which I typically bag. I have two proline now and they both bomb for me and my 400' max arm.

Nice controllable turn out of the hand, I typically release them with a bit of hyzer. It does have a touch more fade than I expected, but it seems to come in later in the flight so doesn't cause me any issues.