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Vibram Birdie Bash (VBB) - 2014 Edition


Vibram Company Rep
Jan 15, 2010

Event registration begins in December.
Events run from March 1 to June 1.

Run a Vibram Birdie Bash Info: http://www.vibramdiscgolf.com/run-a-vbb.html
(Note: The VBB is a great way to step into TDing events. We make it easy and fun.)

Top 10 What's New in 2014:

  1. We are spreading the wealth by replacing Grand Prizes with bigger player packs, better round card prizes, new CTPs, and better TD support (pre-packed player packs, TD polo).
  2. We are adding a women's division (each division winner gets a champion's disc)
  3. We are introducing a Spirit Award winner (more details here)
  4. Exact weight range, material, and disc (one putter and one mid/driver)
  5. TD setup of event, new questions for the TD: Average hole length on course (<250, 250-350, >350) / TD shirt size / Optional third disc and/or lunch charges
  6. $5 per player goes to TD/event (the change: we will not subtract out the shipping costs)
  7. Improved TD admin section on website gives up to date access of player registrations.
  8. Players will have the ability to change their selections via a link their email confirmation.
  9. Registration will be closed the Monday morning before the event (as opposed to Sunday night).
  10. We will increase the percentage of people that have fun at the event from 95% to 98%!
This was a great event to TD last year, and now it's going to be easier???

Consider me stoked!!
Can we win a prize if we can correctly name the 2% that still didn't have fun (but signed up for the second time anyway)? :D
Those list of changes are great! Especially the pre-packaged player packs.

I might just have to sign up to TD again this year, even though (gasp) I am not carrying any Vibram at the moment......:\
Very nice, Steve. I'm looking forward to hosting another one.
Loved the event this past year, hopefully someone near me runs one. If not, I might just have to jump headfirst into the TD realm :thmbup:
This was a great event to TD last year, and now it's going to be easier???

Consider me stoked!!

So good that I'm considering TD'ing one closer to home! The closest one to my home was in Toledo
This sounds really great. Our local 9 is expanding to 18, and I'm going to be taking charge of the local club. This would be a wonderful event to cut the ribbon with!
Loved the event this past year, hopefully someone near me runs one. If not, I might just have to jump headfirst into the TD realm :thmbup:

DO IT! I cut my TD teeth last year with a birdie bash and it was awesome. yeah it was a bit stressful, but I still have people coming up and telling me how awesome it was and asking if we are going to have another.
I too like the look of the changes. I like the idea of having the round card prizes, the added choice over material and weight, and the option of buying a third disc (which I'll almost assuredly do). Looks like it'll be a winner.

Last year's VBB was my first ever tournament in any capacity (though different from a "real" one, obviously). It was a nice relaxed way to ease into the experience.
I'm thinking about merging our 18-hole course and revamped 9-hole course, since "birdie or better" speeds things up a little, and running two rounds of 27. We'll just have to see. I like plenty of the new ideas!
Well my one big complaint from last year is now fixed and it was pre packing the player packs. I'll be re upping for another year. As that was the hardest part. Looking forward to it. Last year as a joke I put 72 as a max out. I had 7 players sell back packs and turned 4 away the day of. I may try for 90 this year. Not bad for a little 6k size town
Woo Hoo! More Vibram discs at a good price. Now if only the TD's will do a good job of scheduling the events so I don't miss them all this year.
Those list of changes are great! Especially the pre-packaged player packs.

I might just have to sign up to TD again this year, even though (gasp) I am not carrying any Vibram at the moment......:\

Dude, you at least need an Ibex. At least! I had a blast at your VBB last time, and I'm actually on the fence about TD-ing one this time at Simsbury or Sycamore.
I have been seriously thinking about running a BB. This would be my first attempt at anything like this. I myself have only participated in 2 events (Ace Race & a Fundraser) so I do not have alot of insight into the TD side of things, and was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some sort of "How to guide" for running a succesful event?

I know I can contact my Ace Race TD and he would be happy to give me pointers, but I dont want to blow up his inbox :D
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When it chines to running one of these events on a public free course, could I just run one or would I need to talk too someone before hand
When it chines to running one of these events on a public free course, could I just run one or would I need to talk too someone before hand

No good answer because it depends on the course. Talk with some people who run events in your area to see what (if any) hoops you have to jump through.

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