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Why do I hate innova discatcher baskets!!??


Par Member
Silver level trusted reviewer
Aug 31, 2009
There's something about that big yellow ring around the top that tempts my discs to clank off of them. I rarely hit the top of the other baskets. I realize this it's all psychological (or is it??!). Nonetheless, I feel like I miss more putts with these baskets than I would with the standard machs, dgas, etc. Is the sweet spot smaller? Innova claims that these baskets are designed to lower your score (mainly due to chain setup) but I seem to be cursed. Sometimes when you have a high shot on a dga basket, the disc will hit the small rings that hold the chains and deflect down or hit the top link of the chain and stay in. The Discatchers swat your shot with authority! I imagine, realistically, that this adds a few strokes to my round compared with other baskets.

Anyone else out there feel my pain??
imo the new discatchers are the best catching baskets i own. (i own mach 3's, mach 5's, chainstars, mach 1's modified with inner chains, 3 different types of homemades, a discatcher sport, and a lightning db whatever it is.) they almost never spit a good putt- just because some other basket fails to reject what is obviously a bad putt (hits the small rings and deflects in) doesn't mean it catches better. the perfect basket imo would catch all the good ones and summarily reject all the bad ones.

you are correct that the draw of the big yellow band is psychological.
I hate the yellow band as well. I think they make the baskets look professional and high quality but hate putting on them for the same reason. the band distracts me. but they are EXCELLENT at catching
good point about rewarding a good putt and punishing a bad putt. I suppose that with all the close calls and near misses with putting, avoiding obstacles on drives and such throughout the round, I deserve a little luck on a high putt every now and then. :)

The innova baskets catch a disc well and if they were the only kind out there, I wouldn't have this problem. However, again, there's something about that yellow ring that interferes with my mind!!! Most courses in my area dont use discatchers so its always a mental adjustment that I need to make but somehow they still dare me to clank the yellow
i feel ur pain sometimes i shank it off the big yellow ring.... but they do catch them disc comin in hot... i like em.....
There are mostly Mach 3s (I think) at my home courses, so when I play on Discatchers I tend to putt a little better- they are deeper and have a better chain setup, I think. But I agree about the chastity belt drawing your disc to it, and the "clank" is basically like the basket yelling "Brick!" at you as you miss your shot.
I love the chainstars at my local course. no matter what basket your gonna get spitouts!!! GET OVER IT!!! lol I don't really play many courses with the innova baskets but do love the visibility of the yellow ring from a disctance!!! If I had to choose I would have powdercoated baskets in a bright color for visibility from afar and in the woods. I like the orange sticker on the pole of the chainstars. gives you a nice target to aim for.
i cant stand them i hit the yellow band a few times around and they chain out a lot more then machs and DGAs i dont know hitting the band thing is prolly in my head but other is a fact
the old configuration of them resulted in a lot of chain-outs and i liked those less than both the mach 3's and the chainstars, that has been remedied imo.
I definitely feel ya, but they do hold on to discs pretty nicely.
Hugeeee fan of Chainstars, though.
same here chainstars rock!!!
I seen a dga mach basket powder coated bright green for a giveaway a while back and it looked awesome. can't find any pics of it though
i like the discatchers. the belt can be distracting but they're deffinetly nice baskets...on some of em you can even score a disc through the top.
Those are my absolute favorite baskets I ever play. About half of the courses I play have them, and I always prefer them.

They catch fantastic.

They look nice.


The chastity belt at least STANDS OUT. I can hit the top or slide over the top of other baskets, but I know where to draw the line on an innova.

Hell I like innova baskets better than many of their discs :) (and I throw half innova discs...)

Why do I hate Innova discatcher baskets?

Were you a Knight in a previous life, who may still be harboring resentments towards chastity belts?
try focussing on a specific chain link, odds are you are looking at the chastity belt at the top of the basket so you throw there . . . . remeber when you dad told you to keep your eye on the ball . . . well that is whats happening, so fucss 6 - 8 inches below the yellow ring.

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