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2024 PDGA Amateur Disc Golf World Championships


* Ace Member *
Premium Member
May 3, 2012
Dearborn Michigan
No thread for this yet, so I thought I would start one. Quite the uproar over the tiered registration. After a couple tiered rating windows and the international tier, there were around 37 spots left for hundreds of players. The waitlist is in the hundreds. I am not playing, but I am curious what the think tank here has to say on the process.
Mar 19
10:30pm EDT

Registration opens for Tier 1 Ratings Invitees for their Tier 1 Ratings-based Invite Division Only

Mar 26
10:30pm EDT

Registration opens for MA1 Tier 2 Ratings Invitees

Apr 2
1:00pm EDT

Registration opens for Canada/International Invitees for their Invited Division(s)

Apr 9
10:30pm EDT

Registration opens for All Invitees for their Invited Division(s)

Apr 16
10:30pm EDT

Registration opens for Invitees to choose a Non-invited Division

Apr 23
10:30pm EDT

Registration opens to all PDGA Amateur members

Top Rated Amateur Players Worldwide - based on the February 2024 Ratings Update (independent of age)These invitees will be able to register for Amateur Worlds during the first registration tier. Ratings Requirements for MA1: Ratings Requirements for FA1:USA: rated 970 or higher USA: rated 870 or higherInternational: rated 960 or higher International: rated 860 or higherCanada: rated 940 or higher Canada: rated 840 or higher2

These invitees will be able to register for Amateur Worlds during the second registration tier. Ratings Requirement for MA1:Any eligible player not already meeting Criteria 1 that are rated at 950 or higher
Mar 19
10:30pm EDT

Registration opens for Tier 1 Ratings Invitees for their Tier 1 Ratings-based Invite Division Only

Mar 26
10:30pm EDT

Registration opens for MA1 Tier 2 Ratings Invitees

Apr 2
1:00pm EDT

Registration opens for Canada/International Invitees for their Invited Division(s)

Apr 9
10:30pm EDT

Registration opens for All Invitees for their Invited Division(s)

Apr 16
10:30pm EDT

Registration opens for Invitees to choose a Non-invited Division

Apr 23
10:30pm EDT

Registration opens to all PDGA Amateur members

dgscene listed the date for open registration as April 10th.

Also only half the field is able to sign up, until registration fully opens.

2024 PDGA Amateur Masters Disc Golf World Championships
dgscene listed the date for open registration as April 10th.

Also only half the field is able to sign up, until registration fully opens.

2024 PDGA Amateur Masters Disc Golf World Championships
My OP was about AM Worlds.....not Masters.

2024 PDGA Amateur Disc Golf World Championships Presented by Discraft

2024 PDGA Amateur Disc Golf World Championships

You are correct, IMO. I played Masters Worlds in Flagstaff last year and was pretty disappointed in the entire experience. The courses were poorly chosen for Masters, the community was not engaged at all, they woefully lacked local and national sponsorship and the tournament central facilities were not capable of handling the event. I hate having to give a poor review when SO many worked so hard. I was VERY disappointed in playing only two courses. This was done to match the whims of the pro tour and pro worlds, I don't believe most Masters are interested in this format.

But, this is probably for a different thread.
My OP was about AM Worlds.....not Masters.

2024 PDGA Amateur Disc Golf World Championships Presented by Discraft

2024 PDGA Amateur Disc Golf World Championships

You are correct, IMO. I played Masters Worlds in Flagstaff last year and was pretty disappointed in the entire experience. The courses were poorly chosen for Masters, the community was not engaged at all, they woefully lacked local and national sponsorship and the tournament central facilities were not capable of handling the event. I hate having to give a poor review when SO many worked so hard. I was VERY disappointed in playing only two courses. This was done to match the whims of the pro tour and pro worlds, I don't believe most Masters are interested in this format.

But, this is probably for a different thread.
Not sure what the format requirements are for Master Worlds. We're hosting next year and think we would have enough quality courses so Am divisions could play 3 or 4 different courses while the pro divisions play 2.
Not sure what the format requirements are for Master Worlds. We're hosting next year and think we would have enough quality courses so Am divisions could play 3 or 4 different courses while the pro divisions play 2.
I am hoping so. BUT.......last year, they had planned for an additional, course that snowpack prevented. The plan with an extra course was still not more than two courses in four days. They simply decreased the size of the event, with the loss of the course. The last two Masters Worlds have been 2 courses/ 4 days. The availability of appropriate courses, in each year's bids, certainly could play into the decisions, but I am not sure that is what is driving this.
I am hoping so. BUT.......last year, they had planned for an additional, course that snowpack prevented. The plan with an extra course was still not more than two courses in four days. They simply decreased the size of the event, with the loss of the course. The last two Masters Worlds have been 2 courses/ 4 days. The availability of appropriate courses, in each year's bids, certainly could play into the decisions, but I am not sure that is what is driving this.
Seems the same format this year, 2 courses over 4 days with the finals at Champions Landing. Shame, Emporia has a ton of great courses that are not even being considered for this event (Clover Cliff for example), but they are making one of the groups drive 45 minutes north to play Kanza View. While I enjoyed Flagstaff last year, I was underwhelmed by the experience from what I had expected it to be I guess. At the very least, Emporia seems to get the community involved from each time I've been there prior, so despite there being little to really do, there will be more involvement I guess.
My OP was about AM Worlds.....not Masters.

2024 PDGA Amateur Disc Golf World Championships Presented by Discraft

2024 PDGA Amateur Disc Golf World Championships

You are correct, IMO. I played Masters Worlds in Flagstaff last year and was pretty disappointed in the entire experience. The courses were poorly chosen for Masters, the community was not engaged at all, they woefully lacked local and national sponsorship and the tournament central facilities were not capable of handling the event. I hate having to give a poor review when SO many worked so hard. I was VERY disappointed in playing only two courses. This was done to match the whims of the pro tour and pro worlds, I don't believe most Masters are interested in this format.

But, this is probably for a different thread.

Ooops sorry about that. I guess somewhere in mind my they where still combined. :)
The comments on this tournament are pretty entertaining. A lot of disappointment, a ton of entitlement and a pile of misunderstanding. Not much different from any other year, though.
Not sure what the format requirements are for Master Worlds. We're hosting next year and think we would have enough quality courses so Am divisions could play 3 or 4 different courses while the pro divisions play 2.
When will the 2025 Masters Worlds dates be announced?
It's funny how a 45 minute drive seems not too bad if it's all within a metro area, but a huge long way if it is through flat open country. (Of course, a 45 minute drive would be 72 miles - the way I drove when I lived in Kansas.)
I actually think 45 minutes in bumper to bumper traffic feels way longer than 45 minutes of smooth sailing on cruise control. ymmv
It's funny how a 45 minute drive seems not too bad if it's all within a metro area, but a huge long way if it is through flat open country. (Of course, a 45 minute drive would be 72 miles - the way I drove when I lived in Kansas.)
Outside of the course in my local town, I have to drive 45 minutes in any direction to find another one. Or to find a Wal-Mart for that matter. Driving through rural Kansas is about as long and boring as it gets. Only North Dakota rivals it from a sheer painful driving boredom perspective. Although I do prefer that to 6 lanes of bumper to bumper madness any day of the week.

On another note, MA40 for Masters Worlds (and several other divisions) filled in about 30 seconds last night when Tier 3 opened. And the usual unhappy people in the comments section. Which begs the question, with that much interest, is it time for the PDGA to have State or Regional qualifiers (instead of just a PDGA points minimum) where AM Worlds spots are earned yet? Seems like a lot of work to implement, but with plenty of potential for profit if done correctly.