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Fairfield, ME

Angry Lobster DGC

3.755(based on 2 reviews)
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Angry Lobster DGC reviews

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Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 21.3 years 543 played 256 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Not too Angry, but watch those big, fat, meaty Claws!!

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2023 Played the course:once


Really cool name for a course, and great logo.
Located in a target rich section of Maine, close to 4 other courses and a HS course that I also bagged on this trip.
First class equipment, very nice DISCatchers with flags on them, good sized concrete tee, and signage with Am and Pro pars.
Located on an old tree farm, but there is plenty of open holes to air out shots. (They do play long grass as OB, but you can decide how to play that.)
A nice variety of terrain here, the course starts and finishes with mostly open holes, then a couple in the woods to get to more mostly open holes, then a couple very wooded holes at the back of the property.
A good mix of hole lengths, 186' to 780'. 5 Par 4s and 4 Par 5s.
The groundskeeping is great, grass was cut to good levels, including the roughs and no trash on the course. Probably the benefits of having the equipment from its former life.


No merchandise available! :( Part of the reason I played Angry Lobster was to get a shirt or hat with that logo, to remember my summer in Maine, bagging 37 courses. The Pro Shop wasn't open when I was there (I did pay by the honor system), but I did look in and didn't see any merch.
There were a few holes here that I did not like, and they kept me from a higher rating:
- #8 - recently opened after being carved out of thick woods. It will be a good hole one day, but the torn up ground, trees down and overall rough footing, made it a challenge just to walk and throw on. (#9 follows, and is in much better shape.)
- #17 - to get from the back section of the property to the front section, this hole uses the gravel access road as the fairway, nearly the entire 575' length. Well, the basket is located off the road, just down in the trees, but you get the idea. (#5 moves through the same woods on the way out, but a decent fairway has been cleared along that gravel road.)
- #18 - a short, 186' foot uphill finishing hole, not a real challenging finishing hole. I guess if you survive #17, you get this breather to finish on.

Other Thoughts:

Charlotte has the Angry Beaver course, so I knew the Angry Lobster was a must play when I got to Maine. Probably not as challenging as the AB (from what I read on that one), but a very good course nonetheless. Still a work in progress but worth the money in this mostly Pay to Play state.
The course starts with 4 mostly open holes, scattered trees from the farm, and some decent elevation. #3 is the best of these, tee beside an OB rock wall, uphill to start, then a big drop downhill and across a valley, finishing slightly uphill to the edge of the woods.
#5 tees at the top of a big drop then follows a carved out fairway (and gravel road) through the woods, then finishes to the right, with large rocks marking the green.
After the heavily wooded #8-#11, the course opens to partial woods on the next few. A long tunnel through rows of trees on #13 and a shorter tunnel on #14, that i split, then nailed the birdie.
One of the more unique holes that I have ever played (and possibly worth the Greens Fee) is up next on #15. The tee is slightly elevated and the basket is in an island, not a water surrounded island, but an island formed by 10 foot high cedar trees. They are so thick, and close together, that it took me a while to locate the basket. Listed at 266', I must have taken advantage of the drop in elevation to land a high hyzer shot pin high, the only problem was it was about 50 feet to the right. I threw a couple more, but came up short and blocked by the Cedars. This will be one of those holes that are hard to forget.
Most of the other holes are wide open, with only the OB rough to create challenges.
The Angry Lobster is very close to a 4.0 rating, but with the Cons that I pointed out, I don't think its at that level yet. It could be when #8 gets manicured and possibly higher if something is done with #17.
The Angry Lobster is definitely worth a visit if you are in the Waterville area.
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