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Texanna, OK

Belle Starr DGC

2.55(based on 1 reviews)
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Belle Starr DGC reviews

13 0
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
2.50 star(s)

What could have been

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 4, 2024 Played the course:once


Cement tee pads*
From wooded to open shots
2 restrooms next to the course


Still rough as this course was only installed a few weeks ago.
Course design is a con
*2 tee pads not installed yet, most of the tee pads are "raised" in that you have to step up if you do more than a 3 step run up. I tripped more than once on the longer holes trying to do a run up.
Championship level holes that should not be.

Other Thoughts:

Ok, not counting the course is rough as it was just installed, But I do have a list of things I have problems with this course. Most are in course design.

First up, those freaking tee pads. It's like the installed them and then tried to fill in dirt so you don't step up, it more of a ramp up to the level tee area. The tee pads are only good for a 3 step run up. Well some of these holes are pretty long.

On course design, my first issue is all the straight shots. Northing wrong with a couple, but this course seems to have too many. Holes 4, 5, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 16 are all mostly straight shots though the woods. A couple do have some tree's to navigate in the fairway, but several of them are wide clearings for electrical lines where the tee and basket are both in the middle of the clearing.

You do have a couple of holes that take hard left or hard right turns in the woods.

a couple of the fairways risk throwing into RV camping spots. Holes 10, 12 and 18 all have campers that come into play.

Lets talk about hole 12, longest hole on the course. You start off with a long shot down a electric line clearing. I thought at first the hole took sharp left but that turned out to be hole 14 basket. No, you stay to the right, past a building, then you have a long streach with the road to the RV spots on your right and a narrow fairway between the trees and the road. This hole is going to be a problem, I guarantee it.

Hole 18 is pretty bad on this too, It's one of the open holes with some rough and the lake on your right, but some RV spots on your left. I did GPS this hole at 750ft. I really had to watch my 2nd shot to make sure I didn't hit the guy cooking breakfast on my left. I also had a dog walker from the next RV spot taking his dog past the basket to the edge of the lake.

Hole 1, 2 and 3 are also wide open shots, hole 1 has the parking area on your left and is a longer hole.

Hole 2 has a pavilion and large tree on the left and the park road on the right. It's not super long, but it is mostly open.

Not sure what hole 3 is thinking, if you play the road as OB, this is a 20-30 ft wide fairway with a barbed wire fence on your right and the "unused" park road on the left.

I am just going to say, this is not a well designed course. It's not that I don't like it, I see some major issues involving campers and other park users. Then as I am playing, I see holes that could have been much better with different basket or tee placements. I have no clue who did the design and I apologize for being so harsh. But it looks to me like the Army Corps installed and designed this course not knowing what they were doing.

Would I play here again? Actually, I would. It's not horrible, I would like to play it when the course gets settled in and not so rough. Like I stated at first, I am NOT judging this course on it being new/rough, I am being critical of the design. There are a couple of really good holes. Hole 12 would be a killer hole if it were not for the RV camping spots.
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