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College Park, MD

Calvert Road Park

Permanent course
3.125(based on 61 reviews)
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Calvert Road Park reviews

15 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.4 years 498 played 491 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Oldest Course in Maryland! And Easiest to Access from DC via Bicycle 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 25, 2022 Played the course:once


+Lots of big trees. If you like wooded but still park style courses, this course is for you. The lines are somewhat tight but not too bad. There's 40 years of people hitting trees and branches to clear things out a bit for you.
+Really nice carvings out of old trees all over the course.
+Shouldn't lose a disc here. There's a few places on the fringes of the course that have a tiny bit of "rough" but not much.
+3 different tees on every hole. Sometimes they just add a slightly more difficult line, sometimes more distance, sometimes both.
+Multiple basket positions. Only played once so I don't know how often they move. The course is open and short enough that you can see your target most of the time.
+Course loops back to lot after 9 which is convenient in many ways.
+The holes are generally pretty straight although the trees sometimes provide a low ceiling or make you throw a specific shot to avoid the foliage.


-Very limited elevation. Definitely a flat course. Apparently drainage issues sometimes but not when I played on a very warm spring day.
-While this course appears to be well maintained as far as mowing, trash cleanup, branch and tree removal, etc, it could use general updates to baskets and signage. They get the job done but still worth noting.
-This course could get busy! Not many courses in this populated area. There could be safety concerns with some errant tosses. They did a good job with using mandos to alleviate those concerns sometimes but I've seen discs do crazy things. This property is just big enough to house an 18 holer.
-Not challenging enough to warrant a higher rating. The properties size and flat profile really limit the quality of play. The design here is solid and utilizes the land well. Not much more they could do outside of some cosmetic updates.

Other Thoughts:

+This course is very easily accessed from downtown DC on bicycle via the Anacostia River Trail and the NE Branch Trail. The NE Branch takes you right to the park. You just need to leave the trail on Campus Dr, cross the river, and head into the park.
+I did play this course with just a Buzzz which was nearly adequate. There were a few holes that I was wanting for a bit more distance. My putting is surprisingly good with a mid.
+This course has a good feel about it. The park is old, the course is old, there's definitely a historical feel about it. To me, it had a high fun factor with aces possible but not super likely. It wasn't a challenging course. Whoever gets the most 2s will win here. Not too many mistakes that should lead to 4s for any skilled player.
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6 0
Craig Fisher
Experience: 17.4 years 51 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great course for rookies 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 27, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Very nice course for beginners, no foliage to deal with and loose discs, easy to navigate holes, has good signage, friendly people.


Course is very tight and a lot of cross over if discs are thrown bad. I have almost been hit several times because of this.

Other Thoughts:

For being one of the first disc golf courses in Maryland, it has really stayed in great condition despite the trees getting old. The volunteers have really done a great job with removing dead tree limbs and branches.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 40 played 27 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Oldest MD course - small and scenic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 23, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


+Great mix of older trees with high branches (providing a ceiling) and lower, younger trees with leafy branches, combining to make for a shorter, technical course. Mandos on 5, 6, 11, and 17 make for interesting shots and aren't gimmicky.

+Three sets of tee pads (white and blue often share a pad though), with a fourth set of yellow junior/novice tee stones added in March 2021. Yellows and Reds are excellent for introducing beginners to the game. Whites average just a touch under 300' per hole (all par 3s). Blues are over 300' per hole (all par 3s) and are fairly challenging (1000-rated round is usually around -5 to -6).

+Grounds are very well-maintained, free of litter, and have many benches and some trash cans. Turn from 9 to 10 goes past the parking lot so you can easily grab water or a snack without having to haul it. Almost no rough or water to get too worried about, so you kind of have to be trying to lose a disc (nice, considering it's my home course that I play twice a week...).

+Nice playground and picnic area right across the street. Walking distance from metro (<10 min from College Park metro). No danger of hitting non-player pedestrians as no trails go through/near the course.


-The location is what it is. Flat as a pancake, so the course's moniker of "The Swamp" is earned after a hard rain or during most of the winter (although mostly affects holes 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 (somewhat), and 17 (somewhat) - the rest dries about as quickly as you could hope for). All par 3s, although still plenty long enough to challenge on white and blue.

-Very tight, with most fairways running parallel to one another, and in some cases (3/4, 13/15) easily able to cross a bit. If the course is crowded, you need to keep your eyes and ears open.

-Only one pin per hole (although it moves fairly regularly).

-No bathroom facilities or water on-site. Creek running along 14 and 18 is...dirty.

Other Thoughts:

Easily the most accessible disc golf course to Washington, DC, and the only one that's metro-accessible. Located next to the oldest continually-operating airport in the world, College Park Airport. You can buy discs at the airport museum (walkable from the metro and the course) or occasionally on the weekends from folks selling them on-site.

Terrific course for beginners to lower intermediates to hone their game. Advanced players will find a challenge with blues, but it ain't Iron Hill Golds. Oldest course in MD, so it was designed before newer, faster discs were designed. It's my home course (5 min from my house), so great for mid-week practice before hitting up a bigger course on the weekends.
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6 0
Experience: 23.4 years 19 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good beginner course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 14, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


Flat and shortish. A decent number of trees, but nothing dense and no underbrush except along the periphery. Course makes okay use of what trees there are. Little risk of losing a disc.

Concrete tee pads and well-kept grass. Officially three tee positions, but many of the white/blue are shared. Also three pin positions, but I haven't played it regularly enough yet to know how often they are switched.


Many of the arrows marking manditories are faded and difficult to see from the tee, which leads you to look out from the tee questioning whether that discoloration is a faded arrow or just a shadow.

Flat area near creeks, so drainage is poor, leaving some areas muddy or with standing water. Not too bad, but can be a nuisance on several holes.

Lack of real trouble means good players will not find it challenging.

Density of course and lack of substantial tree demarcation means holes sometimes interfere with each other.

Other Thoughts:

Short, relatively open old-school course great for beginners and other low-level rec players. As the only 18-hole course inside the beltway, it still is interesting enough for a more experienced player to get in a quick round, even if it won't blow anyone away.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.4 years 226 played 128 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Oldest in MD 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 7, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


The oldest course in Maryland and it still delivers some good kicks. The only thing that is age-apparent is the shorter distance of many holes. Otherwise, the baskets and tees (and the course in general) are in lovely condition!

The course makes an intermediate like myself feel good about their game. It plays through mature deciduous trees and short grass. It's just open enough to allow them to fly, but the trees provide many adequate challenges. Also, two to three tee pads per hole offer extra angles and distances.

Extra props for their navigation aids - wooden arrows mounted on the baskets to point you to the next tee. The DGA baskets all have gold number plates on top which are really helpful (wish all courses have these!).

The designers were creative with the space - often offering multiple options to attack the hole off the tee. Hole #14 is really interesting - a double mando that encourages a backhand flex shot. If your disc doesn't flex left at the end, a creek bed will be waiting for your disc. I know some think this type of thing is gimmicky, but with almost every hole giving players multiple options off the tee, I found it refreshing.


The course is really crammed together and though they have tried to separate the fairways with mandos, it's not enough. The worst of these is that hole 17's tees jut out into 11's fairway, and #5 blue tee is right off the edge of #1's green.

Almost completely flat.

I felt that, other than the numerous mandos, there was no punishment for shots that strayed off the fairway (due to the openness of the course.

Other Thoughts:

Since I don't get out here very often, I decided to give myself the greatest variety (and fun) by rotating tee pads every hole. The Reds (easiest) yielded more birdies, and the whites and blues (often sharing the same tee pad) yielded a wider range of scores for me.

As previously mentioned by the Valkyrie Kid, many pars listed on the signs were 4's! I think this is due to the days of low speed discs, or perhaps there were more trees back in 1980!
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6 0
Experience: 10.2 years 17 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

DG in DC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 25, 2015 Played the course:once


Easy to get to if you are visiting DC. I was just able to get 18 in before Sunday doubles. The mandos make the course interesting by require a variety of shots. You do not need very many discs. I played the course with 4 discs. Tee pads are concrete and in good shape and size. This is not a course where you need a huge run up. Most of my throws were from a standstill. Local players were friendly and helpful. Directed us to the next ho)-


Course was very muddy and had some huge puddles (standing water). I had to fish my disc out with a long stick. Bring an extra pair of shoes. Also holes very close together.

Other Thoughts:

Changed rating from 2.5 to 3. I do not want to discourage anyone from playing this course. It was a fun little course.
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3 1
Experience: 12.2 years 34 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good course if you want to feel good about your game again. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 18, 2014 Played the course:once


Simple layout

Easy to navigate

Concrete tees.

Good usage of multiple tees and basket positions.

Good use of mandos, although a bit excessive sometimes.


Mandos are sometimes a little/excessive/ridiculous. I agree with some of the reviews about a mando twenty feet in front for the tee is a little ridiculous.

Other Thoughts:

This is your typical municipal park all in an open area type of disc golf course. It is all under a bunch of shade trees. It does wonders for your morale if your a suspect disc golfer like myself.
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4 1
Experience: 28.4 years 22 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

my local course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 28, 2014 Played the course:once


2-3 tees per hole, concrete
Technical challenges, some distance holes too
Good baskets, variable basket positions
Free, plenty parking, bathroom boxes too
Hard to lose a disc
Nice crew of regulars
Well maintained by the local govt


Tight fairways side by side, can feel confined
No wide open bomber holes

Other Thoughts:

Most of these reviews here will give you a good idea of the course. I like this one better than the other courses this close to DC. There a a few good ones if you can drive further out.

There are orange mandos and white ones on the course. The orange ones are official, and the white ones add a challenge if you choose to follow them as well. They add interest to this course, but if you are playing there for the first time, don't stress about the white arrows. Between the multiple tees, multiple mandos, and multiple basket placements, we can play this course in several different ways.

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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.1 years 92 played 92 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Old School Feeling 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2014 Played the course:once


A very manageable, relatively short 18 hole course in a well-maintained township park 5 minutes from the University of Maryland. Course is mostly open with plenty of mature trees scattered about on each hole giving you flight options. A nice course information board sits by the parking lot and a porta-john rests on the other side of the lot. There are 2-3 decent sized concrete tee pads- red/blue/white- at every hole for varying levels of difficulty. Old school tee signs (white fiberglass with basic lettering and flight path) are sufficient. Mach III baskets are older but work well and are all numbered. Brown wooden blocks with a number and arrow pointing you to the next tee are secured to the base of each basket. Several benches are located at various holes.


There are some safety issues here as many fairways play close to one another, necessitating the presence of several mandos. Course is flat and not overly challenging to the advanced player with nothing over about 350 feet in length. Signage should be upgraded with pars being accurately reflected and the colors designating the multiple tee pads should be re-painted for better visibility.

Other Thoughts:

Played this course after a recent visit with my niece at U of M and was not disappointed. Nowhere is it written that every "good" disc golf course has to be a monster, and I appreciate playing a course like this once in awhile. Nearly 35 years old, Calvert Road Park is a tribute to disc golf's humble beginnings and a reminder of what the game looked like before modern disc technology and today's infatuation with distance. This is a fun course where casual players can achieve success. Bad drives can be erased with a real good approach shot. And though it will not sufficiently challenge most truly advanced players (birdie opportunities galore here even with the longer tees), one must still execute basic shots off the tee and have a sound short game to score as well as one would like. An ideal course to learn the game and an enjoyable playing experience.
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1 0
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Lots of disc golf here for your efforts 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 14, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


This course is very accessible, and is even Metro accessible. It is rarely crowded, and can handle a lot of groups before it feels crowded. Nice level tee pads, three pads per hole. Moderately low canopy encourages good form on most shots. You will almost never spend time looking for lost discs here, which is a huge bonus. This is a dense course, so you will get a lot of disc golf in for a given amount of time spend on the course. Lots of good restaurants in the area, it's a college town.


No elevation changes, poor drainage leads to lots of mud almost year round, especially around the pins.
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2 0
Experience: 23.4 years 12 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Course grows on you METRO accessible 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


This is a great course to take beginners on. Recently moving back east, I've corralled a number of friends to go folfing (DC) and this course provides a decent opportunity to just grip it and rip it for someone who asks why the disc is so small.

Signage is straight forward overall, grass is well mowed. Multiple Tees are available and concrete pads.

The course is METRO accessible too. It's about 1 mile walk on sidewalk from the college park METRO station.

Holes 1 and 10 start near the parking lot giving you a good chance to play front and back 9 without walking half way around the course.


The course is flat.

While there's trees and obstacles, there really never is a feeling that the course is all that difficult.

It's basically a pitch and putt course by today's standard.

It's a tight course as well. Easy chance to have a misfire land in other DC lanes.

Other Thoughts:

If you are at a conference or just need a folf fix this course is a great little toss.
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7 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Old School Course With Old School Pars Listed! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2013 Played the course:once


Calvert Park is your classic old school course built in 1980. It's held up pretty well through the years but offers a glimpse back to what designers were thinking in the early years of disc golf.
It was very typical of courses then to be shorter then as discs were much more basic, more like your standard mid-range today. Tee pads were often made smaller. The basic fiberglass signs were the rage. The pars listed were laughable by today's standards. There were far more holes ending in hyser left turns than the more creative hole configurations seen today. So this course, which would have "State of the Art" when built in 1980 looks more like a recreational course today. Because players weren't throwing nearly as far, designers were able to place fairways much closer together.
I loved the helpful navigation aids like the wooden next tee sign hanging from the chains. Those wouldn't have been there in 1980. And you really don't need them as navigation is pretty easy anyway.


The course isn't going to challenge anyone intermediate level or above. It's just a simple, fun recreational course playing through a flat, semi-wooded park. It has no glaring design flaws. Granted, there are a couple of silly Mandos. Skip them if you're not down with them. I really didn't like the one threading the needle between the two trees up ahead.

Other Thoughts:

This is another of those course where the listed Pars are totally out of whack with today's standards. These were created by 1980 discs and distances being thrown. Instead of scoffing at them, I like to play them and see how many eagles I can rack up. And how far under Par I can score. I know it's a false sense of accomplishment but I think it's kind of interesting. So let the old man have his fun and shoot a -16. I'm only going to play Calvert Park DGC once in my life.
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3 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.1 years 40 played 34 reviews
3.00 star(s)

mando central 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 16, 2012 Played the course:once


This course was beautiful; there were many old, large trees.

I like the three tee options and the multiple pin locations; that's a huge bonus.

The tee signs and markers to the next tee were very helpful.

The course was fun and the layout was good considering the area of land into which it fit.


Some fairways were very close to others.

I could see there being problems in a tournament setting with how close some of the baskets were to other tees, etc. There's probably an ideal layout for a tournament, but's that's going to limit which tees and pins you could use.

Mando's - there were too many. I know mando's serve a purpose, for instance safety. Some of the mando's seemed like they were for safety; however, many were a bit ridiculous. It's like someone got bored and said "I want to make people throw this stupid shot before completing the hole".

Another con on the mando's: I didn't understand which ones to shoot for. Some were marked different colors, so I thought maybe that corresponded to which color tee I was playing from. Some holes had multiple mando's - of different color - per hole, so it got confusing at times.

Other Thoughts:

Below I have shared a rating system I use to help me calculate a course's score. I use many categories then an importance to me. The importance is a weight in a calculation, with 0 - 10 possible. Then I assign my rating for each category, with 0 - 5 possible. I use a spreadsheet to determine a score that fits in the DG course review stars system.

Baskets...........................8 imp, score: 3.5
Tee Pads..........................7 imp, score: 5
Tee Signs/Maps/Markers....6 imp, score: 4.5

General Course Design.......9 imp, score: 2
Foliage Maintenance..........7 imp, score: 4
Benches & Trash bins........7 imp, score: 4

Elevation...........................5 imp, score: 0
Epic Holes........................5 imp, score: 1
Camping...........................1 imp, score: 0
Restrooms........................6 imp, score: 2.5
Running water...................3 imp, score: 1
Variety of hole distances....7 imp, score: 1.5
Variety of shots required.....7 imp, score: 2
Mix of tight & open.............7 imp, score: 2
Overall challenge................7 imp, score: 3.5
Parking..............................5 imp, score: 3.5
Scenic beauty....................3 imp, score: 4.5
Crowded or not...................4 imp, score: 4
Regular events...................1 imp, score: 2.5
Attitude of locals................1 imp, score: 4
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6 3
Experience: 44.1 years 161 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Oldie but Goodie 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 23, 2012 Played the course:once


Well maintained. Beautiful lightly wooded course with grassy fairways. No rough to speak of. Well marked. Multiple tee pads for every hole. Very little littering noted.


Short. It's an old course and most pins are completely drivable with modern discs (some might not consider that bad.) The death of many of the original trees has opened up the course more (the hollies that used to be on 16 are particularly missed.)

Mandatories are not always clearly marked.

No water, no restrooms. A Jiffy Jon is over by the picnic area in the rest of the park.

Other Thoughts:

I noted a few replanting of young trees. It would be good to see additional ones planted in the stumps of the old trees to help rejuvenate the course.

Practice basket is oldest basket on the course, an original DGA basket (shallow basket and all). Rest of course uses Mach IIIs.
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2 1
Experience: 17.1 years 13 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty and Flat 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2012 Played the course:once


Beautiful Course
Well Maintained
Good Baskets
Multiple Tee Pads, and Good condition
Multiple Pin Positions
Tee Signs


No Elevation Changes
No Epic Holes
Pretty much every hole is technical
Not a lot of shot variety

Other Thoughts:

The Mando usage is a bit ridiculous. Most of the Mandos aren't even used for safety purposes, they're just used for the sake of having more mandos. Some of the Mandos even force you to throw toward another hole more than if there was no mando. However, overall the course was still pretty fun, and definitely pretty.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 85 played 85 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Old School Technical Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 30, 2011 Played the course:once


- Nice course tucked away in the heart of Terrapin country, not too far away from the Beltway.

- Even before you play, there are signs pointing you to the first tee, as well as a kiosk with a bunch of information about the sport.

- Concrete blue, white, and red tees provide varied challenge for each hole, although their blue tees are the equivalent of a modern-day red one.

- Signage is present on each hole, although they're showing their years of wear. They are, however, still readable.

- Course flow is very easy to follow since you don't have to do a lot of walking from basket to tee. "Next Tee" signs underneath each basket also help provide direction. Bringing a map is encouraged, but certainly not necessary. Course wraps well from 1-9 and 10-18 to the kiosk.

- There's only about 2 or 3 true doglegs on this course. With that being said, you're going to find yourself using dogleg-like shots due to the placement of trees relative to the tees and basket. I found myself scheming a lot of sharp hyzer backhands and tight forehand shots to manuever around the trees. I even found myself using a roller or two. This challenging aspect redeems the course a litte since it has no real elevation changes or variety in hole types.

- Mandos on numerous holes make your shots more interesting, forcing you on hitting a certain gap or line to the basket.

- Nice manicured grass on fairways. Debris (with the exception of the recent hurricane damage) is clear and is characteristic of a course its age. I swear these older courses age like a fine wine if well-kept by the community!

- Tiny creek comes into play on the last 4-5 holes, although it was completely dried up when I played.

- Not a soul playing here when I was here, which was around 11am.


- Flat flat flat. No elevation changes at all. In fact, shot variety isn't really different throughout the 18 holes. Sure, there are different lines and gaps you have to thread on each hole, but it's still throwing through trees on a flat surface for *each* of the 18 holes. Gets kinda repetitive after awhile.

- Hole lengths are clearly indicative of a course that's 30 years old (in other words, SHORT!) I think this is negated by the fact that the holes require precision and avoiding hitting tree trunks and low-lying branches though.

- Pars are clearly outdated. I treated the par 4's like par 3's and the par 5's like par 4's to make my scores a little more realistic.

- Course could use some new signs, but I'm not going to consider this a con, per se.

Other Thoughts:

This course must have been something else when it was unveiled in 1980. Even by today's standards, it's somewhat technical and challenging (although very very short in length). I can see all the pros back in the day coming here to test their skills. For 2011 standards, it's clearly not your premiere metropolitan course (I suggest going to Seneca Creek State Park for that). But, if you want a fairly quick round with your friends, some practice with your short/technical game, or want to introduce someone to the sport, this course is for you!

I also envy the U. of Maryland students because they have a nice school, a great basketball team, AND this course! Go Terps!
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5 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Friendly Neighborhood Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice, flat 18-hole course jammed into 4 acres of local parkland. For someone like me, who used to play frequently in college and is now returning to the sport after a long layoff, this course is just what the doctor ordered. After getting beaten up at Seneca Creek the other day, I needed to get back in to the groove, and this course fit the bill.

I played one practice round here where I threw multiple discs to try and re-learn how to throw, and then a second round where I scored 2-over from the middle tees.

So this course is very beginner friendly, but it can still provide a challenge to the more experienced player. . It's very well-maintained with solid concrete tees, and the baskets are in great shape. There are either 2 or 3 sets of tees on every hole. The tees are well marked: red for easy, white for medium, and blue for "World Class", which were featured on about 5 or 6 holes.

There is a small wooden sign at the bottom of every basket pointing to the next hole. Only once or twice did I feel it was unclear where the next tee was, and after one play you get the gist of the layout.

At first I wasn't too receptive to the mandos but I discovered that they forced me to improve my accuracy, so I'll call that a win. I guess this is why this course is often described as one that is beginner friendly and stresses the fundamentals. If you have to thread two trees 30 yards away that are 15 feet apart, you start to concentrate on release and balance, and that can only be a good thing.

Even though I'm still working on my distance off the tee, I found myself with a reasonably realistic birdie or par chance on nearly every hole.

There's virtually no underbrush to speak of, so there's no worry about losing a disc.

It's a 10-minute walk from the College Park Metro.


It's flat as a pancake. There are no noticeable elevation changes at any point.

One or two tees are missing signs, and some of the ones that are there look like they were installed when the course was built in 1980 - they're weathered.

With such a tight layout, the inevitable crossing of golfers into other fairways will occur here and there, but it's not a major problem.

Other Thoughts:

If you do Metro there, don't be like me and put "Calvert Park" as your destination into Google Maps. It will route you to a neighborhood park on the other side of the metro tracks, turning what should have been a 10-minute walk into a 45-minute exercise in frustration. You want to veer LEFT after you go through the fare gate.

On that note, the course is not actually in Calvert Park, despite the name. It is in Paint Branch Parkway Community Park.

I had read that the course gets muddy after a rain, but I played the day after a few big storms dumped a bunch of rain in the area, and I experienced no issues whatsoever with mud or boggy conditions.

About a half mile away, the College Park Aviation Museum has a very healthy selection of Innova Discs, including several championship versions of the more popular models. There were also a few Discrafts on hand.
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3 2
Experience: 19.5 years 105 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 11, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Can finish 18 Holes within an hour on a compact course with enough room not to interfere with other golfers. Disc's are never hard to find. A great course to bring beginners to.


No elevation change. Course stays very damp after heavy rains due to all the shade.

Other Thoughts:

This was the first course I ever played in 1988 with an Ultimate Frisbee Disc. When I first saw a disc golf disc, I thought how the heck do you throw this with any distance.

BTW - My Bachelor Party begain here with a round of golf followed by many rounds of drinks later in the day!! Love you MB!
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1 3
Experience: 33 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good practice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2010 Played the course:once


Well marked tees and baskets. Lots of shade. The grounds were well maintained at least when I played. This is a great course for practicing and introducing new people to the sport.


Really did not encounter any cons except a few deer chased my frisbee.

Other Thoughts:

Will be playing here again.
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1 2
Experience: 23.2 years 3 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Good place for beginners to learn the game. I've been playing for quite awhile and this course is still a fun challenge. Nice shade from the trees, benches, and friendly locals. It's also a good place for practicing new discs and allows for mess-ups without a huge penalty for doing so. Markers at the bottom of the baskets pointing to the next tee off area.


Might not be too fun for advanced players and can be quite bad after it rains.
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