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Lebanon, TN

Cedars of Lebanon

2.245(based on 25 reviews)
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Cedars of Lebanon reviews

7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 47 played 36 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Old style course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2007 Played the course:5+ times


This is an old style course that focuses on short tight shots instead of long holes.


This course is very old and needs a lot of work. The baskets are very rusty with a couple of them missing. The signs are poor and several of the holes are not even labled and you have no idea were to go next. Many of the holes are extremely tight and the course is a mudd hole if it rains. The tee pads are also elevated and very short. I cannot take a run up at this course without falling off the pad.

Other Thoughts:

This course is in desperate need of a redo. If you live close it's good to go get some practice on. You can really work on your midrange accuracy. Do not go there looking for a fun round of 18 because you will be lucky to find 18 holes and the course it just not very well designed by todays standards and it very out of date.
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1 1
Experience: 4 played 1 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Nice scenery, I guess. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2008 Played the course:never


Honestly, I can't think of anything to put in this box.


Lots of underbrush. Course doesn't seem as well maintained as most others in the area. Hole layout somewhat repetitive. Signs are hand drawn and sometimes missing entirely, leaving you to search for the pin yourself. Equipment is old.

Other Thoughts:

The best part of my trip to this course was the cute puppy that kept following me around.
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15 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.1 years 350 played 321 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Oldie but a goodie 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 2, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Shady course in the woods, great for summer play. Great technical course for beginners as holes are shorter but still force you to stay in the fairways. More experienced players can still enjoy shot shaping through tighter lines and going for birdies. Take a step back in time and play an older course that reminds us of how disc golf was in its infancy.

#1 over the rocky sinkhole is one of the best looking opening holes around. #15 also has a basket placed beyond a large sinkhole and may be the hardest hole on the course. Both are unique holes.


Gets really muddy when it rains. A couple of holes are "hidden" down a path, and depending on how you play it, you may play 17-20 holes and not realize it. Baskets, tees, and signs are older as well and show it. Some effort has been made recently to correct the hole numbering, but there is still some inconsistencies between tees, signs, and baskets.

Other Thoughts:

*Navigation Update*- There is now a white number painted on each tee to help with navigation and hole order, plus a new wooden plaque tee sign for most holes. Essentially there are two #12's that are completely different, and then two #13's (that happen to play to the same basket). So after 11 you have a choice- backtrack up the fairway and play that 12/13, or walk down a trail to the other 12/13. Both finish at the same spot getting you ready for 14.

Navigation can be a little tricky, but I have taken the liberty to create a rough course map and have uploaded it here on the files tab. This should help explain the two versions of 12 and 13.

This is one of the older TN courses, the tees, signs, and baskets show their age, but the fairways are mature and well-broken in.

In a state park, so there is camping, picnicking, etc. Restrooms are at the park office.
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8 3
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.5 years 179 played 110 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Its Ok if you're in the neaighborhood 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 5, 2008 Played the course:once


The shapes of the fairways can create a slight challenge. There are hyzer routes, anhyzer routes, straight shots. Fairways are well defined and groomed. There are a few benches scattered throughout the course.


The condition of the baskets and tee pads is poor. Design is outdated by today's course standards. There are multiple places where navigation becomes an issue. There is a secret, magical hole, that most people won't be able to find. Tee pads are down right dangerous. Some baskets are held in position by concrete stumps. If you land fairly close to the pin, and you throw dx plastic, you will have some chunks missing. All of the holes are relatively short and basic.

Other Thoughts:

I am going to update this review since it was written so long ago. At one point this was the only course in Middle Tennessee. And you can tell that it was one of the first. Very little effort has been made to update. As evidenced by the fact that you can still actually buy lightning discs at the Ranger Station.
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6 0
Experience: 6 played 6 reviews
1.00 star(s)

SAVE YOUR GAS 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 19, 2007 Played the course:never


I am a positive guy, I really am. But the best thing about this course was that I did not blow out an ankle! It was pretty... But there was just not a whole lot to like about this course.


VERY poor markings on holes. We tried #4 3 times and STILL have yet to know what the homemade map was referring to. And the baskets are on large concrete blocks that really make it difficult. Getting there was difficult, as the Ranger at the Park Office told me to stay to the left. I toured several residential areas BECAUSE I STAYED TO THE LEFT! I finally found what appeared to be a Disc Dolg Course.

Other Thoughts:

Someone really needs to ask the State to map this better. Some signs were intact, others were nailed to trees. Not a good thing when many players love nature.
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