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Pittsboro, NC

Chatham County Comm. College

Permanent course
1.215(based on 7 reviews)
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Chatham County Comm. College reviews

9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Stroll around campus in six holes.

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 14, 2019 Played the course:once


Chatham CCC's course offers people an opportunity to play while on campus. Other than that, head to any of the area's other courses.
- A basic, six-hole layout. The course ranges from wide-open field holes on #1 & 2 to minimal coverage on #4 - 6, to some trees/obstacles on #3.
- #3 - 6 are all solid enough layouts, about as good as you could get with the terrain. There isn't much challenge to par any of these holes. To get 2s on the scorecard, there is challenge for that, especially if you're not a big arm.
- Course generally plays along the campus's walking trail. Other than a shot going long or left on #3, trail shouldn't be a concern for players.
- #3 is the most scenic hole on the course. Players must throw over or through a line of trees to go from the tee to the basket. If there is a serene, calming portion of the course, it's this putting area.
- #4 is the most enjoyable hole. At 435 feet, you can really area one out as you start in the middle of the field. Your target is a dogleg left basket that is semi protected if players throw too long.
- #5 is the one hole you can be aggressive and make a run at the basket. Slightly downhill and at 280 feet, throw your tee shot on a rope and let it fly towards the chain.
- The best part of the course? It's the tee signs. Descriptive, well designed, and top with clearly marked hole signs, make them a treat. A great template for what tee signs should look like.


The obvious is that it's six holes. You're teetering on the brink of not evening needing to exist being only six holes. If the course were 9 holes, it could either be much better - follow the walking trail the entire way around campus and build a couple holes in the woods - or much worse - add three more wide-open holes that are just filler. Either way, this seems like an odd setup.
- The layout itself. You start in the far back of campus and end in the very front. Whether you park by hole 1 or #6, you're either having a long walk to start or finish your round. That is part of the reason it does make sense to expand to 9 holes so you can wind back up near #1.
- Most of the course plays in the field, so there is little shade throughout. Keep in mind while playing in the summer.
- The grass is thick and not regularly mowed. As soon as a shot hits the ground, it stops. Even shots coming in hot, they were getting stopped in their tracks. The course plays longer that its listed length. And with thick grass, it can be hard to spot a disc until you're just about on top of it.
- Not a lot of fun. It's a lot of walking through heavy grass. Not a lot of challenge. Not a place I'd come to practice. The baskets are looking rough.

Other Thoughts:

Chatham's course is overly simple with not a lot of appeal. Maybe students who have 30 minutes between classes come out to play a couple of holes. For anyone else, I can't imagine who plays here.
- The course would do much better if it were condensed to a smaller area. The field that holds holes #3 - 6 has plenty of space for two more holes. At least this would cut down on the needless walking while still not interfering with the rest of campus.
- This course can easily be played with only a couple discs, a driver and putt-n-approach. If you throw 350 feet, you'll have simple up and downs at worst. If you're throwing shorter, maybe a mid-range as too.
- Once you make the walk to hole one, it's a relatively quick round. 20 - 30 minutes for six holes.
- There isn't much to say about this course. It's essentially an appetizer for all the other good courses nearby. Lots of good courses within 30-40 minutes from here, with Rock Ridge only 10 minutes down the road.
- This is a one-and-done for me. Unless they ever expand the layout, I got my fill. Nothing here that most players haven't seen on dozens, or hundreds, of other holes/courses. And I suspect that's going to be the case for most players.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.6 years 198 played 192 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2016 Played the course:once


Chatham County Community College...or Central Carolina Community College (as the sign in front of the campus actually says)...or Pittsboro Campus DGC (as the course signs actually say) is a 6-hole practice-style course on the campus of, you guessed it, the local community college. I give this course a 1.0 rating because it's only 6 holes and I felt like it missed the mark for what it's trying to accomplish (is it to introduce people to the sport or is attempting to be a legit challenging course for intermediate to advanced players?). It doesn't exactly accomplish either of those objectives, but more on that in a second. The course does have some pro's -- and if you are local to Pittsboro, I recommend that you check it out. (This is not a goat ranch course that you're better off skipping.)

+ This course is way longer that I expected or have seen out of any school campus courses that I've played. The shortest hole is 280 feet; the longest hole is 435. There are two holes at 400+ feet and the average for the six holes is 360. This is a great course for practicing drives. The holes are wide open, no obstacles at all (also a con), so it's really well suited for field work.

+ Baskets are in good shape.

+ Pretty campus.

+ Tee signs show the correct layouts and distances.

+ Very close to the phenomenal Pittsboro-area course, Rock Ridge. The two courses have nothing in common! But if you want to loosen up your arm before you tackle Rock Ridge, Central Carolina CC works.


- The major drawback of this course is that I'm not who the intended audience is. Is this a beginner course intended to introduce players to the game? If so, the holes are too long. Also, without really offering any tree obstacles, challenges, or variety (every hole is pretty much the same), is it really going to capture the interest of potential golfers? OR...was this course designed for slightly more serious players? If so, again, it misses the mark: nothing memorable, no shot variety, etc. HOWEVER, as I mentioned in the pro's section, this is a good place to do field work. If I lived near this course, like say within 5 minutes, I'd probably play it often to work on my drives. But I can't see serious players or serious duffers, like me, making a trip to play this course.

- No tee pads except on hole 1, and that pad is too narrow and short.

Other Thoughts:

Check it out if you want a notch on your belt. You won't lose a disc and it won't take long. No underbrush, ant hills, or anything that would make this course more trouble than it's worth. And if you're heading out to play Rock Ridge, use Chatham County CC as a warm-up.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.4 years 546 played 261 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Open and Flat, let 'em Fly! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 24, 2015 Played the course:once


Excellent tee signs, probably the best I've seen for such a small, little used course. Baskets are in good shape also.
Mostly uses open areas of this campus away from others, but is close to walking path on the first hole.
Good chance for students to get a few holes in between classes. Really good fit for this small town, but no longer the only course in town!
These are not short, little pitch and putt holes, they are mostly open for a chance to air it out!


Only six holes and they finish at the opposite end of campus from the first hole.
One paved tee pad, the rest are natural.
All the holes are mostly wide open, they could have put a lot more challenge to it.

Other Thoughts:

As I mentioned above, the course would be adequate in a town this size, at a place to attract young players. But its no longer the only course in town, NC's first John Houck design is also in Pittsboro. So this becomes a warm up for that or a chance it air it out after playing the excellent, wooded Rock Ridge DGC.
Will attract CC students and maybe some famiilies, but more experienced players will pass this by, unless you are bagging courses, like me.
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1 2
Experience: 16.4 years 68 played 53 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Too repetitive for my tastes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 4, 2014 Played the course:once


Most holes are pretty wide open, so you can throw as hard as you want.


Only 1 pad, old baskets, only 6 holes, practically no variety.

Other Thoughts:

A decent use of the open fields, but the course designer could have used more imagination and made it more memorable.
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3 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Bombs Away 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2013 Played the course:once


The majority of the six holes here would provide a suitable spot for field work. The holes surround a school but from none of the tees would you be in danger of throwing at a building or parking lot and only one goes anywhere near a walkway. Most of them feature enough open space that you can empty your bag and work on drives, approaches, anything. There likely won't be anyone there trying to play.

As a course itself, it isn't too impressive but those who like to toss bombs down open fields will be happy with what they find. It's six holes across open fields with distances ranging from 300 to 400 feet.

And though there are no tees, the area is flat, much like you would find on any field. The signs are also very nice and visible from afar.

And since there aren't any tees, you could really just throw from anywhere to create a longer/shorter shot. It's just practice really, since I doubt many experienced players will show up to shoot a serious round. Pretty close to the new course at Rock Ridge so I could see it being used as a warmup as well.


Obvious con: it's six baskets around a series of wide open spaces.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 179 played 120 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Wide Open Spaces 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 24, 2013 Played the course:once


Layout - If you like to bomb discs with no obstacles this is your little slice of heaven. It could be used a practice field that just happens to have 6 baskets.

You do have to throw a hyzer once and avoid some shurbbery a bit.

Though overall it's basically 6 wide open holes with some super bombs mixed in.

Atmosphere - Pretty nice looking campus. I doubt you'll have many other golfers in the way.

Equipment - Nice baskets and tee signs. Natural grass tees that arent rutted or anything; I doubt they get much use.


Layout - It doesn't make much sense for this to be a community college course. If it's just for casual players they'll just be throwing multiple wide open shots to get to the basket.

It's just boring, more suited for field work than an actual course.

The vine/shrub crap near a few baskets is some of the worst stuff you can ever end up in.

Long walk from 6 back to parking lot.

Equipment - If you're not a fan of natural pads it's a con, though honestly it would be pointless to put down anything permanent.

No fluffer amenities you might find at other courses.

Atmosphere - I didn't play it when school was in but that could probably pose a problem with the course. It does a good job of staying away from the buildings but in the end you're on a school campus.

Other Thoughts:

Like I said if you live in the area it's a great place to practice. Doesn't make much sense to play rounds here, especially for casual players. Seems like they could of shortened the holes and made them a bit more interesting and maybe got 9 in.
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3 0
Experience: 29.4 years 50 played 9 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Fun in PBO 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 23, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


This course has only six holes. It can now be qualified as a non-practice site as there are signs marking where each hole begins and length of hole. There are few obstacles or trees. You can really let your drive go here. Plenty of parking at the CCCC.


Windy pretty much every time I've played here. No tees yet or alternate baskets. Only the 3rd hole is a challenge with a grove of trees on the left that you throw around.

Other Thoughts:

The first hole is wide open and a great place to let 'er rip! The second hole is similar to number 1. Hole three is a dogleg left guarded by some young trees. Hole 4 is another distance three with a row of bushes and trees on the left. Number 5 is an ace-able hole, I've come close a couple times. Number 6 requires a shot around a grove of trees while missing a big branchy tree to the right. I like to reverse the course and play back to the first hole, which adds 5 holes. I rarely see others playing. It is mowed often by the community college. Stop by Al's Diner for a burger and sweet tea after you are done!
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