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Norman, OK

Colonial Estates

Permanent course
2.55(based on 16 reviews)
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Colonial Estates reviews

6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.5 years 299 played 209 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Watch out for the people and water hazards 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2019 Played the course:once


Colonial Estates very much has a typical city park course feel to it. The course is not too difficult, but does have a decent amount of length and strategically placed obstacles to add a little bit of challenge.

The course had a decent amount of elevation and the holes utilized it well. Hole 2 had the most amount of elevation and also was the first introduction to the creek. Holes 6-10 all played up and down the gently rolling hills. I did enjoy hole 10 the most as the basket was placed very close to the creek edge but the distance was very manageable to get your disc up and over the ledge.

Each tee had concrete tees. Navigation was not too difficult, although using the map on DGCR proved to be handy just in case.


There are walking trails a plenty throughout the course creating a huge safety risk for the non-golfers. The creek also comes in play virtually every hole. If you have any amount of accuracy, you can probably avoid it on most holes, but a newer player may be frustrated having to continually fish their disc out of the creek.

Because of the creek, the course had a very boggy and muggy feel. Wet shoes are almost guaranteed if you play a week or less after it rains or play early in the morning when the dew is still on the ground. When I played the mosquitoes were awful. It was the first time I had seen mosquitoes all summer, which is telling being from Houston and all.

There are no tee signs and most of the concrete tee pads have a number that is one greater than the tee you are on. This is due to the redesign of the course over the years.

Overall, I felt the golf was really uninspiring. There were few obstacles to contend with and nothing here was unique in any way.

Other Thoughts:

I was in town for a football game and played here early in the morning. After I finished with 18, I went back to the deeper pond on hole 2 and fished out a disc I had thrown in earlier. My feet were soaked through; my legs itched from mosquito bites, and to make matters worse, my electric scooter ran out of charge on the way back to my AirBnb. It summed up my whole experience while playing.

It's not terrible by any means, just don't expect anything amazing.
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1 1
Experience: 29 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Good use of elevation
Good use of hazards
Large pads with added grip at the nose
Easy navigation
Prodigy baskets


Pads are numbered incorrectly due to course changes
Recently added hole signage doesn't include pin distance
Hole 18 is a pretty underwhelming finishing hole

Other Thoughts:

This is a great practice course and is very commonly used as a "warm up" course for those who are in Norman to play multiple courses in a day.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 9.5 years 276 played 60 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Back, better, and improving 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 5, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


-good new Innova baskets; hole numbers on baskets are correct
-tees overall are concrete and in good shape
-course flow is quite good without overlapping fairways
-much improved hole design with good use of elevation and trees; more improvements still in the works
-interaction with park/path has evolved over the years, but course designers have done a good job using mandos to minimize chance of throwing on other park users (e.g. holes 1, 16)
-new splash pad for the kids by parking area and first hole, and the walking path is in good shape

2 - throw along creek w/ pesky branches to substantially elevated basket
3 - nice "up the gut" line as well as a low RHBH hyzer line; nice wooded hole
4 - throwing to a gap about 150 to 200' away with a nice descent to the basket
10 - straight/turnover/forehand with a basket placement among some thin but plenteous trees
13 - fun basket placement next to the creek with plenty of mature trees crowding the sky and low lines; nice risk/reward hole


-Several holes throw over or near the path, with the worst being 14 and 17. I love both holes, but make sure the coast is clear.
-a couple tee boxes are small (3) or narrow (5)
-Navigation can get hairy your first time though basket to tee navigation is usually obvious. 3's tee is probably the trickiest, as it's not visible from 2's basket. 4 can be tough because there's nothing sticking out of the ground. 6's and 8's tees are close together but they are labeled so it's straightforward. 18's tee requires a short walk that isn't obvious. Both maps currently on DGCR are pretty good. I think map II, uploaded in 2016, is a little easier to use.
-some of the tees are numbered, but most are not; some are just concrete pads without anything sticking out of the ground (especially 4 and 5), and one is currently missing a tee (13) though there's a bench marking the location and you can throw from the path
-though in a city park, I've heard there are water moccasins and had my worst disc golf tick bite here

Other Thoughts:

This was one of a few courses I played back in 2005 when I first started playing. I saw it go from a decent 18 hole course to more like 12 because of a new apartment complex. It remained in a relatively poor state until 2015, when damaged badly by flooding. The local disc golf club took the opportunity to fix it up using plenty of volunteer hours and some funds from a city project called "Norman Forward." It's now a very respectable 18 hole course that utilizes a creek to great effect on many holes. The new baskets are a big plus, and the regular maintenance and trash pickup are obvious.

The park continues to grow, and this is one park I've begun to bring my whole family to while I play. Last visit, my son enjoyed the new splash pad and then got some quality stroller time. It's a beautiful park, making for good time outdoors in Norman. Several holes have had to evolve due to the path or splash pad (e.g. mandos on 1 and 16, with 16's first tree uncomfortably close to the tee box), but the changes are for the best. I appreciate that Sooner Disc Golf is collaborating with Norman's parks, as this ensures that holes are neither blatantly unsafe nor terribly boring.

At my last outing, I met one of the Sooner Disc Golf guys who does tons of work on all the Norman courses. Thanks to him and others, Griffin, Lions, and Colonial Estates are really at the top of their game. Emptying trash cans the city guys often miss, weed-eating next to the creek, and putting in benches are just some of the things he's been doing. At least 3 holes have new pin locations being considered, and improvements like tee signs are supposedly in the works.

Overall, hole quality is good. Elevation is used well on multiple holes, as are the creek and trees. It's not the most challenging course in the area, but the creek provides plenty of hazard while the trees prevent it from feeling too open. 18 is kind of a "filler" hole, but it's still decent. Wind is always a factor, meaning you'll have a decent number of headwind/tailwind shots, with relatively fewer crosswinds.

My rating is 3.0 for "good." I've updated it to match many other courses and reviews since I last played. The recent improvements and the continual TLC are noted and appreciated. Thanks to Sooner Disc Golf and Norman Forward for the improvements! Now you've got me spoiled, so I'm expecting even more!
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 29.4 years 334 played 132 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Much Improved 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2016 Played the course:once


+concrete tee pads on every hole (13 is actually asphalt, uses the park's walking path---not marked except for a couple of red paint lines and a bench)
+Innova 28 baskets in good condition
+pretty park, nicely mowed terrain, open but has many trees for shaping fairways
+creek flowing through the course adds difficulty
+practice basket by hole 1 tee
+two permanent baskets on hole 18 for extra fun


-creek is nasty in a couple spots, also wide enough in a few places so that you have to backtrack to get to the next tee or basket
-mostly short holes, beginners will enjoy this course more than experienced players
-no restrooms or water faucet that I could find

Other Thoughts:

Make sure you have a map of this course with you the first time you play, it will save you a bit of walking, and many of the tee boxes, while concrete, do not have a sign. Apparently this course was slightly re-designed, as many of the tee boxes have a number embedded in the concrete that is one number higher than the current actual tee number.

Looks like several new bridges have been installed to help with the numerous creek crossings. Nowhere near as much trash and dog poop on this course as some reviewers have bitterly mentioned. Previous reviewer mentioned uninstalled bridges; they are installed now. Previous reviewer mentioned a bench in the middle of 16's fairway; there is a mando on this hole, play to the right of the marked tree and you won't come close to the bench.

Worth a try if you're in the area and don't want to fight the crowd at Griffin.
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7 0
Experience: 16.2 years 59 played 29 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 21, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


- The creek runs through the entirety of the course which adds a level of difficulty.
- Good use of the terrain provided.
- Baskets are in decent shape.


- Course isn't cared for as much as the other parks in the area.
- Construction (bridges, tee pads, landscaping) is definitely in short supply. They've built a new bridge near holes 5/6/13 but haven't properly set it in the ground yet (it has been this way for months).
UPDATE: Bridges have all been set and look great!
- Trash can be found all over the course and in the creek throughout.
- A walking path cuts through the course so you need to be careful of walkers.
- Holes that need tee pads: 1, 4
UPDATE: Hole 1 has a nice new teepad with the great seal of Oklahoma! Nice addition.
- Holes that need new tee pads: 6, 8, 18(!!!)
UPDATE: Hole 18 finally has a safe teepad. Previously it was a hazard for ankle sprains.
- There is a bench right in the middle of 16's fairway (I don't know why they put it there of all places). There will be times that people are sitting there and you'll have to warn them that you are going to be throwing in their direction.

Other Thoughts:

- If it weren't for the trash and the nasty creek, this course would get a better review. It's a nice course, it's just an eye sore.
- Most holes are on the longer side, so you won't be teeing off with mids very often.
- This is my home course so I'm very fond of it, I just really wish the city kept up with the maintenance. It could be a great park it just needs a little TLC.
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2 5
Experience: 19.4 years 42 played 3 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Remove It! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2014 Played the course:once


Creek it a good hazard throughout course
Terrain is used well
pins located in some tight tree locations
Good use of small area


The park is in desperate need of rehab
Dog poo and trash on course and scattered all over
Hard to know where tees are and which pin to go for
No signs, poorly marked tees
Creek is dirty and smells of sewage
Chains and baskets are neglected and old
No map

Other Thoughts:

Playing this course is like making up your own play
You can guess which tee and pin to play, making this course more challenging
I am not sure what placments I played but made the eighteen in -5
Overall I will not return
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.5 years 388 played 318 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 29, 2012 Played the course:once


-creek in play on much of the course
-minor elevation changes used well
-mostly short with a variety of lines, a few longer holes
-mostly good concrete tees
-aging but acceptable baskets


-no signs, mismatched numbers on tees and baskets
-very difficult navigation for the first timer, the first and last couple holes are a mess to figure out
-not too much to work with on the land: lots of wide open space, few trees, the creek is the main challenge when it comes into play
-tee 1 can be a muddy mess, i couldn't find tee 13 (i think?) or 18
-litter, dog poop, and cases and cans of beer
-definitely a homeboy course

Other Thoughts:

This course is set in a small area between some apartment complexes. It plays 9 holes in and then 9 back out. There are some lightly rolling hills and a small number of trees throughout as well as a creek that runs through the length of the layout. The design makes pretty good use of the minor elevation changes, the trees that are there, and especially the creek to frame some interesting shots.

Once you have found your way around the course, it is easy to get a quick round in here if you avoid the water. First time players however, you'll need a little luck figuring out the first couple and last couple holes. Once you get going it is mostly obvious except for the big field where there are 3 unmarked baskets, around holes 5-8, I believe. One of the locals really needs to put up a course map on here. See rd.bittle's review below for a better description of the trouble points.

Overall, the course is nothing too special. No signature holes or memorable shots but a few challenging placements near water. Experienced players will be looking at a birdie fest but they probably won't want to play here with other such better courses nearby at Lions and Griffin.

**Like this review? Hate it? Message me and let me know why! I want to make them better!**
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1 2
Experience: 12.9 years 38 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of my favorites 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 4, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Very wide open with lots of room and few non-golfers in the way. Lots of varied long and short, uphill and downhill holes Most have waterhazards so there's some added risks, and a good way to make some money if you're into wading for discs. Lots of people throw in these. Almost entirely good concrete tees with a few slight exceptions. Decent enough place for beginners, good place to meet friendly people, not too far from the University of Oklahoma's campus, if you're a student there.


Several downhill and wide open shots which are pros normally, but when it's windy out can present quite a big problem. There's deep nasty water hazards everywhere, so if you play here more than a couple of times, you WILL throw in it eventually. It's all in a matter of time. Surrounded by apartments on all sides. The only time these come into play is on hole 18, but a lot of the renters have dogs which they bring to the park. A lot of the dogs come unleashed, though I've never had one pick up a disc before. Unfortunately, very few of the owners pick up after their dogs, despite signs and trashcans everywhere. You have to constantly watch where you're walking because there is crap EVERYWHERE. Hole #1 has a natural tee that becomes a mudhole when it's wet. Hole #18 has a janky broken tee on the side of a hill that's a real pain in the butt to tee from. You also have apartments very close by on the left that you have to account for. If you haven't played it before then it can be a little difficult to navigate. There are no signs and a couple of the baskets are mis-marked. After the first time through though, it should be easy to remember.
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.1 years 66 played 47 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not That Bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 14, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Decent concrete tees on all holes but one
Decent baskets
Nice use of rolling elevation changes
Good use of all the available land/space
Used "shopping cart creek" as much as possible
Plenty of parking
Bridges or crossings everywhere you should need one
Plenty of benches and trashcans
Well kept
Used the trees that were there very well
Some risk/reward
Decent use of mandos
#18 basket next to parking=practice basket
Great for work on mids with some drivers thrown in
Good for beginners to intermediate/take newbies
Quick round
Starts and ends next to parking
Should be simple to par, chance to score low
A couple of ace chances
Some good chances to stretch out your drivers

Favorite Hole(s): #10, #17


Need concrete on #1 tee
Some tees need work
Some baskets could use help
Almost no signage
Tees need signs with layout, on several tees its not obvious which basket you should throw at
Holes 5-8 seem repetetive, just throwing accross the wide open with limited obstacles
Holes 6-7 share a "fairway" after seven you cross directly in front of 6's tee to get to 8's tee
12&14 feel like the same hole
#13 tees off of the walking path, marked with a board in the ground next to concrete (hard to find)
Several holes play near the walking path or a parking lot. No big deal to me, but if you are bothered by that this course is not for you
Not overly challenging
Wasn't crowded when I was there (lunch break), but, that would be a concern of mine because of the hole layout/flow
Very little risk/reward besides the creek
"Shoppingcart Creek" can get stanknasty during warm months
Navigation is not super dificult but not easy/logical, find a local or a map
Doesn't seem like I would take my family there much
Misnumbered baskets can cause confusion

Other Thoughts:

This course isn't as bad as I expected after talking to some friends and locals. It just doesn't have the challenge of Griffin and Noble, or the fun factor of NE Lions. This course is on the low end of the Norman area disc golf scene. And as such it gets a pretty bad rap. I will swing by again if in the area with just a little time for a round. Wouldn't be a bad place to take some friends for a relaxed round. On fun factor this course would be an easy 3 disc course but design and upkeep problems drop it a notch IMO.

If you are looking for a contrast to the more wooded courses in the Norman area swing by. You might also travel a little ways to Norman and hit this course along with Noble, Griffin, NE Lions, and Little Axe for a great long day of Disc Golf.

PM me and let me know how I can improve my reviews to be more "helpful."
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14 0
Experience: 13.6 years 21 played 5 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Good for Beginners and Quick Rounds 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


-Can play the entire course in about 40 minutes.

-Long throws to stretch out the snap and let loose.

-Baskets in decent condition.

-Wide open, losing discs takes the wrong type of skill.

-Easy going course, good for chill rounds and taking noobs along to learn the game.

-Six pack friendly with plenty of trash cans (USE THEM).

-In a residential area with large apartment building surrounding the entire course. Helps knock down wind and secludes you a bit since you're on the edge of a relatively high traffic portion of Norman.

-Tee boxes paved well, plenty of good concrete.


Not to be a pessimist, but there's quite a few cons with the course.

-A lot of apartment dwellers seem to think the course is an open dumping ground for animal feces. For real, way too much dog dook laying around.

-Running into large packs of dude-brah's carrying cubes of Natty-Light is a common occurrence.

-Plenty of trash cans that are rarely used. People trash this place without regard.

-Very few challenging shots

-High fences guarding yards along mando-lines with renters who aggressively want you to stay out of their yard. (Knock before jumping to retrieve discs, people. No joke, had a guy come at me with a kitchen knife for "trespassing" when I hopped his fence to grab a buddies disc.)

-Loiterers around the course have tendency to be a bit crackish, so just mind your belongings.

-Jogging trail runs along and across multiple holes and these people have no idea what a disc is and how bad it hurts. Be mindful and get their attention when they're anywhere close to the line of fire.

-The "creek" that runs the length of this course is scab nasty. I've gone in for discs before, but be prepared to have that stank stay with you until a thorough washing.

-Holes are poorly marked and rarely numbered correctly. This is a course that is kind of difficult to figure your way around, at least in the way it was designed to be played. Luckily, it's wide open and common sense will serve you well.

-Contradicting mando marks as people have marked up tee pads with their own mando's.

-Not a spot I'd recommend bringing a bowl to. There's very little coverage, and you're across the street from an elementary school (if you want to get screwed in Oklahoma, just have possession charges near an elementary school...) Plus, it's a place that's commonly circled by patrol cars keeping watch on the student apartment complexes that surround it. This is why it's more of a six-pack spot and less "greenery" friendly.

Other Thoughts:

This would be a good park for a glow round as there's almost no underbrush to lose a disc into. The biggest ongoing threat in this course is the nasty little drainage ditch that runs the entire course. Being a drainage ditch, the entire course slopes towards it, and if your disc begins to roll, go ahead and prep yourself for either the loss of a disc, or a stank dip.

There are some nice old, large trees throughout the course that provide nice shade and big hizers/annies to get around, but they're rarely bunched together so you have a big opening on the side you're throwing to.

Again, this is not a destination type course. It's a great spot to hit if you're wanting an easy round that requires almost no thought, as it's an aim and rip kind of place.
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3 15
Experience: 15.4 years 10 played 3 reviews
0.00 star(s)

The Mau5 was here 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 5, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This course is so boring the only reason to play it is if there is a mini or a tournament playing here.


Playing here..And since its surrounded by apartments its covered in dog crap. And I wouldn't fish any discs out of the creek that runs through it you most likely will die of some crazy disease.

Other Thoughts:

Don't go to this course, go to lions or griffin unless you live in the apartments around it and don't have time to go to the others.
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8 0
Experience: 15.5 years 90 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Colonial Construction 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


This course is usually mowed regularly, and is for the most part open, with trees throughout, but not underbrush. It is an easy course, but still can be challenging here and there. It should be an easy 54 for intermediate players.


You can lose a disc in the creek, but not really. There are only one or two spots that are more than waist deep and the creek is narrow throughout. College kids play this during the semesters, so it's not uncommon to get behind a large group toting 30 packs.

Other Thoughts:

Updates to course. Hole 1 has changed as they are adding a fountain to the park in the area of the old #1 pin and #2 tee. #1 still tees off at the same place, just at a two o'clock angle, rather than straight ahead. #3 is now #2, and this continues through to #17. Hole 18 is the same. Really only #1 has changed, the old #2 is gone, and there is a new #17. 2 is 3, 3 is 4, 4 is 5 etc. I'm working on a map for this course, though not difficult once played, it can be confusing to someone new to the course.
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6 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 131 played 118 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Colonial 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Fun short course with lots of elevation. The creek comes into play on alot of holes which keeps you honest. You have many options on shots that you want to throw as its pretty open and beat in. Very clean and very easy to find. I think that this is the best beginner course in the city because its not to tough and not to easy. Flows pretty well despite the tee signs being very poor. The baskets are mixed types but are in good shape.


The signage is poor. The creek can be deep in parts and dirty as well. Usually crowded with college kids so it can make for a long round.

Other Thoughts:

Watch out for bystanders on the sidewalk as it goes through most of the course.
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6 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.4 years 235 played 185 reviews
2.50 star(s)

mostly open creek-through-park typical setting 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 9, 2008 Played the course:once


Good beginner course through open slightly hilly park often near a steep but not too deep creek. Highly visible setting exposes many people to the game. Well mowed. A few tight shots and a few risk and reward opportunity, fairly balanced. Most holes allow you to pick a route.


Tough to navigate, most signs gone so finding the next tee and throwing at the right basket is hard several times. Not very challenging. Can get very muddy/wet.

Other Thoughts:

The easier, more open course of the 3 in town.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.7 years 20 played 20 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Colonial 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 11, 2008 Played the course:never


I have played this course a few times. I love the course layout. The creek winds through the entire course and comes into play on most of the holes. There are varying pin placements. This course does an excellent job in varying up elevations.


This course can be confusing for someone who has never played it. Signs could use some work. I don't like some of the man-made structures (bridges, steps, etc.) that are used to get from hole to hole. They are not in great shape most of the time. Really try not to lose a disc in the creek. It is really disgusting to go after in places. Completely agree with theculturedredneck on the state of the tee boxes. Some baskets should be replaced for newer ones IMO.

Other Thoughts:

This course is geared mostly toward backhand enthusiasts (right). Would like to see a few more holes that were forehand friendly (right). One other piece of advice, don't let a disc get away from you and go over into the apartments!
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4 0
Experience: 13 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Shoehorned 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 8, 2007 Played the course:never


Colonial is a decent course that I've played quite a few times owing to its convenient location and moderate-short length. Once familiar with its layout, the hole progression is logical and varied. Forces a wide variety off the tee for a course in our elevation-challenged state. Water comes into play on many holes, but always by the same small irrigation creek. Discs are almost always recovered, preserving the challenge but not emptying bags. Grounds are well-maintained year-round. College-town friendly atmosphere coupled with usually moderate traffic.


Very poor signage on a course that really needs quality direction: no course map, inconsistent stats/directions on tees. Several fairways run parallel without any separation causing cross-traffic and confusion for newcomers. Tees are a mixed bag (ranging from world-class to muddy sinkholes), chains are of mixed variety (some of inferior quality). Bridges spanning the creek are often damaged or washed away. Sometimes run into inconsiderate groups of 10 or more clogging the course.

Other Thoughts:

I've grown to like this course more over time, but a first-timer is best equipped with a vet or a great deal of patience. Tees aren't too far from the preceding cage (excepting 17/18, head back to the 17 tee... 18 is just up the hill), but the lack of signage and blind tee shots make it difficult to navigate. There is a jogging path that runs through the heart of the course, but they're not so frequent as to really impact an average round. Watch out for mandos! They're painted in red on trees on holes 7, 11, 13 and 17 (I think). The course is enjoyable, but definitely constrained by the available room... it's shoehorned between a series of apartment complexes.
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