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Ann Arbor, MI

Concordia University

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1.55(based on 1 reviews)
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Concordia University reviews

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Experience: 20.4 years 512 played 183 reviews
1.50 star(s)

For Students & Serious Course Baggers Only 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2017 Played the course:once


Decent discplay, a few holes with good elevation, a couple of holes with enough distance to avoid being entirely pitch'n'putt.

+ Mostly open with some well placed trees.
+ Many lines available due to open design
+ Rolling terrain comes into play on a few holes. There's a fun downhill long enough for most players to bomb, and a couple of "greens" with rollaway potential .
+ new Chainstar baskets
+ Map is pretty good


- Safety: course plays in and around an open area in the middle of campus, where students walk freely, and aren't used to watching for discs. Also brings a walking paths/buildings, and EVEN A SEATING AREA on a patio into play (#8). I played on a Sat during the summer... traffic was light, but still had to wait for people to get out of range a couple of times. Probably a bad idea trying to play during the week when classes are in session.

I realize this course was never meant to get a lot to traffic, but the layout plays dangerously close to where students and staff are likley to be on a busy day.

Drawing lines on a map that show a relatively safe route to the basket doesn't mean players will always hit that line, or even attempt it.

- Equipment: non-existent (except for baskets). The course itself doesn't have a single navigational aid whatsoever. Not a blessed thing tells you where the tee area is (or where to go next); no tees, no posts, no rocks, no toeboards... not even a worn dirt patch.

-Navigation: Horrendous. MAP is an ABSOLUTE MUST!! Literally needed it to figure out every single hole... not kidding.

Without the map, this is just 9 baskets of safari golf scattered about the campus. Map helps you figure out the general area to throw from, but even with it, you're still guessing.

- Holes 5, 7, 9 require scouting ahead to see where you're throwing to.

-Flow: not all that bad... IF you know where to go. Basically runs from east to west, but doesn't return to starting point, which leaves a relatively long walk back to your car.

Other Thoughts:

This is what you'd expect from a course being laid out across a small college campus simply because it could be done.

I had fun, but can't rate it higher because of potential safety issues and terrible navigation. navigation... but the discplay itself is halfway decent.

I guess you can say it's "well balanced" in that there are some interesting holes, some good holes, some stupid holes, and some insane holes.

With better tees/nav, it could be a 2.0, but routing too close to other stuff prevents a higher rating,
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