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Billings, MT

Diamond X - Original

4.065(based on 33 reviews)
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Diamond X - Original reviews

11 7
Joey Pauley
Experience: 25 played 9 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Amazing use of the landscape 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 7, 2011 Played the course:once


- great use of the natural landsscape
- unbelievable views
- a full 36 holes
- 18th hole


- finding discs. you may pay for this course in plastic. We lost one on 18.
- route finding is a bit rough
- a few signs could be a bit better. For instance where to go on 18.

Other Thoughts:

It was the perfect was to see the landscape. Unbelievable course. Reminded me a lot of Whistler with a Mesa flair to it. The holes all used creative use of the natural landscape. Also very clean.

Cant add too much more that has not been written except
- We played in the snow. Since most of the course in north facing it was slow to melt out.
- I would gladly pay for a spotter on almost every hole.
- I would also enjoy a rappel from 18. It would cut the walk by 15 minutes.

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48 0
Martin Dewgarita
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15 years 1600 played 95 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Strange Lights in my Mouth 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2011 Played the course:once


The description of a 4.5 rating is "Phenomenal" that about sums it up.

I do not give this rating for "golf challenge" but for the "awe factor." Any other course that I've rated this high has a variety of wooded holes forcing different lines or with different options for lines. This course has a small variety of trees that shape some of the holes, but most of the challenge doesn't come from tight technical fairways but from navigating through the desert canyons through the boulders and rough terrain. Then as you get up on the rim of the canyon the risk/reward factor comes into play where an errant shot may lead to a half hour hike down the side of a cliff if you want your plastic back, if you can find it again.

This is an adventure course at its best, not for the faint of heart. Get a good night sleep, put your hiking boots on, pack plenty of water, bring some snacks, bring a couple discs you might lose, wear jeans, bring a camera and plan for a full day of disc golf. If you're not prepared or not in good shape all 36 holes might be a bit too much to tackle in a day.

Amenities. Plenty of parking, a dumpster and a info kiosk down the trail are all this course has, make sure you're prepared before heading out there.

Variety. Though many of the holes are open, the variety of boulders, trees, canyon walls, and trees come are used to create a variety of challenging holes. 36 holes, not one seems like another and each one is just perfect for this course. From short and technical to long and wide open.

Secluded. I saw a few other people walking their dogs and exploring this beautiful scenic area. But they never impeded on my game. I often felt that I was by myself on a great journey through the canyons.

Scenic. Beautiful, assuming you're not attached to the lush green scenery of the typical forested courses.

Baskets. 36 of them, in good condition.

Awe Factor. I said bring a camera, several times along the way I found myself pausing to sit and enjoy the view, as you're working up the side of the cliff the view just keeps getting better. Then of course there's the 2 holes 18, it looks like an awesome place to empty the bag but finding the first disc is challenging enough.


Wears on plastic. The rough terrain and rocks will chew up discs, especially base line plastic, plan accordingly.

Tee. For a rough secluded course, this is about what I expect. Most teepads do the job, some are pretty rough, and a couple have broken ankle written all over them.

Navigation. Get a map, study it, pay close attention, spend plenty of time walking around looking for the next tee, prepare to get lost. With some detective work I was able to find all of the holes. Or ideally, get a guide, personally I waited for an hour or so, not many other "Folfers" out there (and before you slam me for the term, you must realize that this is the sport they play in Montana, took me a while to get used to hearing "Folf").

Losing plastic. Lots of nooks and crannies for discs to hide, a spotter might be useful, playing by myself was tough, several places had me looking for my discs for a long time, even though they were right in the "open."

Not for the faint of heart. If you're out of shape, the steep climbs and rough terrain may make this course less than ideal.

Not many other courses nearby.

Not for beginners. The holes in the lower part of the canyon could be a great place to practice and learn the game, but the holes along the rim offer plenty of chances to turn a disc off into oblivion. Personally I had what I thought was a "perfect" shot on the blind basket 15 along the left side, all I can determine is that it rolled off the cliff, never to be seen again.

Other Thoughts:

This course isn't necessarily on my top 10 list of favorite courses for design/challenge reasons. But on my list of phenomenal courses that one should experience in life, this is number 1. If you're ever presented with the opportunity to play this course, don't pass it up.
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30 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
4.50 star(s)

OMG CRAZY! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 9, 2011 Played the course:once


This is unlike anything I have ever played. The pictures make the course looks pretty crazy and funky but they really do not do justice at all. The amount of climbing up and down and over large rocks, bushes, sticks and other things is just incredible. There are many tee pads that are on sides of cliffs or on top of a large boulder or in just a generally out there location. There are many places here where you could easily lose your balance or trip and hurt, maim or kill yourself accidentally. Also there are rattlesnakes during the Summer months so being vigilant and aware of your surroundings is a key factor out here.

There are actually two separate eighteen hole courses out here that are split into nine different hole using four different colors; red, green, blue and black if I remember correctly. Navigation really isn't too bad when you bring the map but some of the tee pads don't have anything telling you are tee pads other than signs of previous people throwing from the spot.

So the course plays up and down the rocky canyon walls with many large up and down hill throws with the largest obstacles besides the elevation actually being huge rocks and boulders with trees coming in a distance third. There are lots of holes on this course where your best option is to actually try and bounce your tee shot off a rock for a better position.

Aw yes hole nine on the left course (Green or Black course I believe) is a cool hole with the basket bolted into the side of the rock face. This is one of the more talked about holes from this course but I found it fairly easy to get the distance to be up on the rock, the big problem was if it was going to stick and if it doesn't how are you going to make this crazy vertical putt? This is a very unique hole and just down right fun to play. Hole eighteen on this course plays from on top of the mesa on the LARGE rock top with the tee pad being only a couple feet from certain death if you fall. This may be the largest downhill shot I have ever taken; the top of the world shot at Whistler's Bend in Oregon is pretty darn high up as well and I don't know which one is higher but my guess is hole eighteen on this course. I actually like the right side hole eighteen better as you can really air it out.

The scenic beauty here is down right stunning. You get the other side of the canyon, the distant mountains and the town of Billings all well below your vision at the top. Bring a camera if you want some tremendous pictures but one that isn't too heavy to haul around all day long.


There are a ton of blind tee pads here and the first time out you will need to walk the hole first which is normally annoying but with hot weather, elevation, snakes and other scary things to watch out for you might not want to be walking every single hole twice.

I really don't like the basket location for hole eighteen on the left course (Black course I believe) which shares a basket with hole eighteen on the right side course. Yes it is a more than 100 foot drop in elevation but the hole isn't nearly long enough and it comes down to if you can throw short enough for the basket. You can play safari and aim for just about any basket you want I suppose and this will fix the problem, either way the right side hole eighteen is much more fun In my opinion.

This is not for the weak at heart or weak at anything else either. This is not just huge elevation hiking it has some rock climbing aspects to it as well. I am a casual hiker as well and after playing this course I don't think there is any backpacking trip I couldn't do! We saw some people with a kid who was playing with lid, I felt bad for those people as I heard that frisbee scrape against rock! Anyway don't bring kids or anyone who isn't agile or in at least good physical condition.

There are lots of scary things to look out for here including snakes, falling of a ledge, dehydration, falling and breaking a bone or some other injury, etc. This is a rugged, nasty course so keep that in mind when showing up to play. It's 1/3 Disc Golf, 1/3 hiking and 1/3 rock climbing and it is epic!

Other Thoughts:

This became an instant favorite of mine right off the bat. I was teetering on the edge of giving this a five star review but held off based on a couple of things already mentioned. It can't be said enough: stay alert, be careful and take this country serious or you could end up in trouble. Bring tons and tons of water on hots days, more than you think you need because you can't carry too much water. There a number of crevices on some of these large rocks so be careful of that as well. Prepare to have a fun time and enjoy yourself and take it all in because you're not going to find this kind of experience anywhere else but Diamond X.
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22 0
Experience: 14.5 years 388 played 14 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The Destination 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


As stated by previous reviewers, this course has unbelievable and breath-taking views. The terrain is certianly unique for me. The course has more elevation than you could ask for and will take all your energy to complete.
I drove from Minneapolis to play this course and will be going back next year. I took two days and played the right 18 the first day and the left 18 the second day. In my opinion, the course on the right (I think its labelled Red 1-9 and Blue 10-18) was more fun, but that may have been because it was my first day there and it was all new to me. The left course (I think they call it Green 1-9 and Black 10-18) was certainly just as scenic and challenging, but I was extremely tired that second day. 18 on both courses are probably the best end to any course I've played.


Terrain is tough so be prepared to not just hike but climb with your hands and feet.
Additional signage and an updated map would be great. The map on the website and at the course didnt show the first 9 holes on the right side (i'm assuming those are newer to the course).

Spent lots of time searching for baskets and tees. Took 5.5 hours to complete first 18, about 4 hours to finish the second 18 the following day.

Some tee pads are unmarked as of our playing but footpaths are usually helpful in getting you to the next tee, or at least in the vicinity.

I lost 3 discs on this course due to throwing around bends and boulders and steep terrain that can make a disc roll for days.

I wanted to give this course a 5, as it is the most challenging and beautiful course I've played, but the lack of signage between holes really slowed the game down.

None of these cons are a big deal and certainly didnt take away from our enjoyment of this legendary course.

Other Thoughts:

Take a trip to this course. It was worth the 6 days of driving and sleeping in tents for us. The icing on the cake was at the end of the second day, as we had just finished hole 18 and were headed to the car, a lady hiking the trails on the course came up to us and asked if we wanted a disc she had found up on top of the mesa. Turned out to be my custom dyed star excal I had lost the day before! The disc golf gods were smiling on us that day.
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6 2
Experience: 17.4 years 7 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Absolutely Unique! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 22, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Almost every hole is a one of a kind! Almost every hole is attainable for a thrower with a 325' arm. Truly an amazing experience. Creates an "adventure" in disc golfing more than a simple stop by experience.

Baskets in, on and hidden by giant boulders. Throwing along a ledge on the side of a cliff, Throwing off the side of a giant butte, Throwing from the side of a cliff, throwing across a 300' (down) ravine, - all some of the wild highlights.


This course is truly a hiker's dream. Beyond the first few holes, the rest were set into the side of the butte (bluff) that rises hundreds of feet upward. Some holes were poorly marked, and someone with a fear of heights would have problems at times. Wind was daunting at times and YOU WILL LOSE A DISC (or more) THE FIRST TIME.

Other Thoughts:

A must play for anyone in the area, traveling through the area, or is willing to drive to the area. ABSOLUTE MUST PLAY.

First - The positives.
Amazing hole shots... Off the side of a mountain, across impossible to retrieve lost disc ravines, up craggy rock faces, etc. Truly a rustic "day hike" masquerading as a disc golf course. I have a 350' FH/BH with a Teebird and i used it a lot. Nearly all of the holes were within this range. So many memorable teeshots i am still blown away.

the negatives -
on the day i came, the wind got to make the course almost unplayable. A lot of shots where an average skilled player would make (across an impossible ravine, etc) became "throw your hardest into the 30mph headwind and hope you dont lose your disc."
- warm and dry. You WILL need to bring water, none on site.
- if it's hot: fear rattlesnakes, they will be around!
Print out the map, but understand it's more of a "suggestion" than a map. Follow the worn footpaths, (usually) they lead you to the next hole. Sometimes, i had to "guess" at a teepad, no all were clearly marked.

As a travelor, for the first time, 3-5 discs would be ok. Dont really focus on precision and getting a good score, just focus on finding the next hole, and "surviving" the course. Most holes will be a "challenging" 3, but still a 3 (or 4). Once you have played once, it will get a lot easier and less awe inspiring. I would NOT bring any disc you dont want to lose. Playing with a "local" or someone who has played the course would make a HUGE difference!

For the first time, i'd recommend waiting for a local (if they show). I spent a lot of time "searching" for the next teepad (even with the map).

For the locals, it would be a lot nicer if you painted one of the inner spokes of the basket and used it to point to the next hole (maybe a few words on directions?)...the first time around, i spent as much time searching for "the next hole" as i did playing. (4 hours total).

If the heat subsides, the wind calms down and i get time, i will surely play again. The first time was a wild "experience" of figuring it out, surviving the quest, and throwing in situations you've (probably) only dreamed of. The next time it will be a lot more fun as the "experience" will fade and i can spend more time actually playing DG and focusing on it's principles.

in regards to the "hike", we played with a heavy set girl (maybe 50-60lbs heavy) and she managed. She was more worried about being "top heavy" and slipping more than anything else. She was tired at the end, but she made the hike up and down the giant butte. She WAS breathing heavy, tired, dehydrated, and her feet hurt, but she survived...


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13 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.1 years 156 played 25 reviews
4.50 star(s)

EPIC, EXTREME, MEMORABLE 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 11, 2010 Played the course:once


Absolutely ridiculous! This is the most extreme course you will ever play. Located in the beautiful and scenic middle of nowhere Montana, DA X is the epitome of extreme disc golf. You will be challenged in ways you never would think of when playing 90% of courses. Let's first begin with the design of the course. The course plays in between two canyons where you will play on a desert like ground area for a warm -up of this treacherous course. You will then play (climb) your way up each hole to you are at the top of the canyon/cliffs. From there you are able to play shooting up and down this canyon as well as shoot shots with 100 ft drop offs next to you. (I did have the privilege to throw a disc off the cliff, well worth losing it though). When you approach hole 18 you must jump to a stand alone rock face (don't fall in the crevasse). From there you shoot 200ft up to a hole 725ft away. This IS the most epic hole I have ever played. Your disc will stay in the air and sailing for what seems days. It can be a pain to climb all the way down and find your disc, but well worth it.
Most of the basics have holes have flags so you will be able to see the basket. The course is extremely natural which really adds to the experience. The elevation on this course is unlike any other you are shooting up and down the side of a cliff in a canyon....need I say more. When it comes to epic holes, they all are. As explained before 18 has it all, and if I had to add a second epic hole. #9's basket is attached to the side of a cliff which offers a great risk reward shot which you will find on many holes throughout the course.
The variety of hole distance ranges from 200-700 feet as well as a variety of shots required to get through this rugged terrain. The mix of technical and open holes is amazing. The technicality of the holes is an experience in itself that most people can't really be prepared for.


Now comes the con aspect of the course. It really hurts me to have to put in any cons to this course, because I think its difficulty, fun level, and uniqueness puts this course in a category of its own. The main con of this course is navigating through the course. A course map is a must or you will not be able to navigate past hole 3 guaranteed. The problem with the map is that it can be confusing when trying to find all 36 holes. If you have a way to play with someone who has played there before, do so. There are tee signs which are very simple, but do the job. Some would say the absence of tee pads is a con, but I didn't mind it at all on this course. I think it added to the natural aspect of the course, although there a few tee pads where a tee pad would have helped with my grip when I was shooting on the side of a cliff. Also be aware of the two color baskets because on the ground level there are two sets of 9 holes.

Other Thoughts:

This course is in a league of its own. The natural beauty, crazy views, and gorgeous landscape alone make for an amazing experience. Then you add an amazing course that as a difficulty of a 5 and you are in heaven. There is plenty of parking at the front of the course. There are people also using the area of horseback riding, hang gliding, and hiking so be aware of them, but feel free to talk to them because all of the locals were very friendly. Be sure to wear sturdy shoes and able to climb. It is really hard for me to not give this course a perfect 5, but there are a few minuscule things that deduct from it a little. If you are in the area of Billings, heck, any states surrounding Montana you NEED to come and play this course. Also after a very long round 3hr easy, go to downtown Billings and grab a burger from Hooligans, there amazing.
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20 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.5 years 577 played 57 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A Unique Experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 27, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


- an exotic environment that you won't get from any other course
- two front nines and two back nines make for 4 different 18 hole layouts
- some beautiful pin positions and very creative holes
- lots of wind on top of the canyon makes the Original Back 9 and New Back 9 very challenging


- if you throw and DX or X plastic, the rocks will destroy your discs, so don't use them
- some of the tees are hard to locate because the signs are just plastic covered pieces of paper left over from the Montana State Championships in July
- lots of wind on top of the canyon can make for lots of lost or unretrievable discs because they simply fly to places that you cannot get to without climbing equipment

Other Thoughts:

It can get VERY hot and dry during a round out here, especially if you're playing all 36 holes, so make sure you bring a Camelbak or a water bottle of some sort.

Make sure you wear good shoes and socks because the Original Front 9 is a hike! You'll be up and down the left side of the canyon for 9 holes, over big rocks and shale, and occasionally you need to climb a little bit too.
The New Front 9 is longer than the Original Front, and doesn't play with as much elevation as it progresses along the right side of the canyon.

The Original Back 9 is longer and plays back along the top of the canyon, above the Original Front. Be careful on about half of these holes because you're forced to throw out over the open air and let the wind push your disc back onto the top of the canyon. Make sure you give yourself enough clearance or you won't see your disc again.

I think the New Back 9 is much more fun than the Original Back, because its not as dangerous as far as losing discs, and it allows you to be a little more creative with your shots. Both hole 18s throw off the top of the canyon to the same basket in the bottom of the canyon.

Diamond X is simply a disc golf experience that you won't find anywhere else, and an extremely quality course to boot. Worth a road trip and going out of your way for, this course is easily in my Top 25.
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4 5
Experience: 28.6 years 7 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

should be double diamond x 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 1999 Played the course:once


Everything you want and more! Scenery, challenge, fun; it's like Michael Bay make a folf course!


Difficulty of holes and just finding holes can be exasperating for first time players. Beware the rattlesnakes!

Other Thoughts:

The best course in the state by far! If you're not up to the adventure stay in town and play the course by Billings Senior High School. Going with a local is advisable.
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7 3
Experience: 31 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

annual delight 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 24, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Spectacular scenery,a most challenging course utilizing the natural terrain.Unique pin placements and tee areas above,below and alongside the rimrock of a butte in Montana.An absolute must for a disc golf fan when visiting the Billings area


Since it is not necessarily a "walk in the park" type course it is difficult to follow the first time

Other Thoughts:

This course offers a special challenge which is a must for the avid disc golfer.Prompted by an annual flyfishing trip to the area I look forward to this course as much as I do the fishing.
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