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Childersburg, AL

Disc Golf Kymulga

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1.55(based on 1 reviews)
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Disc Golf Kymulga reviews

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Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 677 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Flood Plain Mayhem 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 6, 2019 Played the course:once


(1.706 Rating) A short technical course located on an island created by the Kymulga river.
- RAW BEAUTY - Clearly the best course aspect of Disc Golf Kymulga is its beauty. It has the look and feel of a South Alabama swamp minus the alligators and completely flooded terrain. Several fully wooded twisting lines. Several monster old growth American Beech trees that rise up and beyond 100 feet and that are also 4 feet wide with an exotic looking spreading root base structure. It's a shame one of these monsters recently fell on (11) rendering the current designed hole impractical. I scored the course well above average, a 3.25 out of 5. The only drawbacks are a monotonous feel to the course and no elevation.
- SHOT SHAPING - As stated above, several twisting lines. Holes break both ways, although it appears to favor RHBH players. A few holes have subtle double moves and at least one had an impractical line without trying to cut the corner poke and hope style.
- COVERED BRIDGE - An old historic bridge must be crossed to reach the course. Built in 1861, the Kymulga covered bridge is one of only few remaining examples of this style and structure left in the U.S. The bridge is designated as an historic landmark and I took several photos of it. Sadly, it was the highlight of my visit.


Lots of issues, plus nine pulled baskets on my appearance.
- FLOODING - I showed up here on February 6th and got a course in disarray. Through a little research, I found out that the last significant rain event greater than a 1/4 inch was on January 24th when 2 inches fell region wide. That was 13 days prior to my visit and this course was still dealing with flooding issues. The course was extremely muddy and wet. The Kymulga mini tributary that plays a role in several holes was active with a very brisk current. The back nine was completely pulled other than hole (16). A few tee pads and tee signs were washed away. The employee that I paid my greens fees told me that they pull the baskets when it floods. So I'm guessing that this is not that uncommon. I highly recommend calling ahead before venturing here. The park number I found online is 256-378-7436.
- NAVIGATION - As alluded to a bit above, some tees and signs were washed away in a recent flood and there is no course map on site as of this review. So I did not find every hole. After hole (13), I walked down a path seemingly too long and stumbled upon tee sign (16). I have no idea where (14) and (15) are. I also could not locate (17) and (18) tees, but I know from other sources, that they are located near the historic bridge. Also note, the remaining tee signage is fading close to the point of unreadability. The course is less than a year old, so this is a bit of a surprise.
- LOOSE DISC OPPS - A fifteen to twenty foot wide mini tributary off shoot of the Kymulga plays a major role in holes (4), (5), (10) and (11). Hole (18) plays across the main 75 foot wide Kymulga. Any disc that goes in it is gone. Good bye 2 time ace disc. I lost mine on (4), when I failed to realize the hidden water straight ahead because of the completely faded signage. So when I walked up and saw the raging current, I was pissed. I didn't even attempt to throw (5), which had the raging current directly adjacent and down the entire right side of the fairway. On this hole, a disc has to snake down a narrow fairway with 8 foot wide pinch points 150 feet from the tee. A ping in the wrong direction and into the water means a lost disc. I found the disc lost factor to be extreme and unreasonable.
- OVERGROWTH - Not horrible in February, but it was February. Expect some long searches during peak overgrowth.
- LAYOUT FLOW - Almost the entire course plays down walking trails, which by itself I'm not a fan of in general. Players will have to constantly be aware of non-disc golfers, who could be coming from the reserve direction. In addition, players may run into fishermen on the last 3 holes.
- CHARACTER - I define this category as the basic equipment things that make-up a course, like the quality in the baskets, tees and signage. But, also extra things like multi-tees, alt pin placements, practice areas, benches, shelters, restrooms, etc. I scored Kymulga well below the average course. Simple small turf tees, in which several were peeled away and in a piled mess or completely missing. Baskets are portable, although they need to be for this course that floods. The extras are limited to shelters and a restroom building. That's it.
- UNIQUENESS - A touch below average. All par 3s to my knowledge. Mostly short technical plays that have scenic, but monotonous backdrops. There are a few disc thieving water plays and no elevation.
- BUGGY - As noted, the course has the look and feel of swampland. I was there in early February and I was already seeing a few bugs. I can't even imagine the conditions mid-summer. I don't take points off for this.
- LOCATION - Arguable the most site challenged course I've played on. A park that periodically floods for week long segments.
- PAY TO PLAY - It cost me 3 dollars to play this one. Perhaps worth-it for 18, but not 9 holes like on my appearance.

Other Thoughts:

My experience here was horrible to say the least. Had I not used my formula and I graded the course solely on the conditions during my experience, I would have given the course a low 1. I did my best to try and envision how the course could look in prime conditions, but even then, I'm not sure I could have even scored the course above a 2.25. The course needs a lot of work, and unfortunately it seems that any future hard work can be completely swept away by nature. My apologies for the review score to the course designers and volunteers who put a lot of hard work in here. There was just too much stuff to try and not overlook due to the course conditions. I'll try to get out here again, but I think this course may just have too challenging of a site to be an effective disc golf course.
- CHALLENGING - It was hard for me to gauge not knowing how several holes played. I finished 2 over on the front, but I played terrible. It felt like a Recreational level course that demanded accuracy over distance. There are a bunch of sub 200 foot holes on the front, but also some treacherous water hazards to avoid. I would not take a beginner here unless you want them to bury your plastic under a river bed.
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