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Charlotte, NC

Eastway Park - Old Layout

3.465(based on 51 reviews)
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Eastway Park - Old Layout reviews

5 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 76 played 35 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Harder than it looks 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 20, 2015 Played the course:once


This course has a great variety of shots required. A touch of elevation change, unique and challenging greens, and plenty RHBH and LHBH friendly holes. The combination of wooded, open, and winding holes really challenges you to throw a wide range of different lines and often reconsider laying up instead of running for the chains. The risk to reward factor is high.

The course design upon initial inspection seems easy enough. Plenty of open long bomb holes, and not much in the way of tight wooded tunnel shots....I was wrong. The OB on some holes can be punishing, and really add strokes to your score. I can appreciate this aspect though, and really enhances the challenge of what would normally be a boring playing course. Lay up, or go for it?

I can't say enough about the design of this course. From the unforgiving OB (as evident by my scores here...), the wide variety of shots required, and the overal use of terrain available at the park. Very well laid out, and designed course. Not for the faint of heart


Unfortunately, as much as I loved the design features of this course, there were some unfortunate "cons" that brought the rating down.

The up-keep of this course seemed to be lacking compared to other well known Charlotte courses. There were trash piles where trash cans maybe used to be at the tee pads, and trash scattered around throughout the whole walk. Unfortunate...

After the trash on the course came the inadequate and sometimes missing signage. There are small wooden signs leading to the next holes, which are useful! But...they are hard to see in some locations, and non-existent in others. A course map may be useful, but as I've mentioned in some of my other reviews, I don't think should be required to easily navigate yourself through the course.

Most of the tees had proper tee signs, indicating the par and distance and providing a layout of the fairway, however there were several not present at all. Bummer

Missing signage and trash aside, I felt that there were a few holes, specifically on the back 9, that seemed hard just for the sake of being hard...Either no discernible clear line (#15) or Tiny landing zones/massive overgrown OB (#16). Creating obstacles or difficult fairways just to toughen the hole are sometimes necessary, but in my opinion, over done on this course.

The last, albeit minor, con for this course was the tee pad for hole #18. It seemed almost half the length of normal tee pad and made the tee shot difficult here.

Other Thoughts:

Although my list of cons for this course may seem quite long, I still really enjoyed the challenge this course presented. It can take advantage of any weak area in your game, and can really punish mistakes. The high risk to reward ratio on some holes greatly adds to the challenge for me, and is a nice change of pace to some other more forgiving courses.

A big arm could be a big advantage here, as there are quite a few long open holes, but the lower power throwers shouldn't shy away from this course. Just be smart, and play smart. The OB may not look intimidating or challenging, but can really ruin a decent score.

Bring plenty of water and sunscreen as the course uses lots of the parks available realestate and is quite a long walk. Enjoyable! But protect yourself from the sun, and keep hydrated as a lot of the walking is out in the open.

A challenging course with some really great potential with just a bit of TLC. Would recommend playing here if you're near by, but I don't feel this course is quite up to the wonderful Charlotte DG standards
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1 0
Experience: 9.5 years 96 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun but challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 13, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


A fun mix of open and wooded holes with a good mix of distance as well. Hole 2 is fun to just rip the drive and watch it sail. The fairways are for the most part open but if you get off line your chance at birdie or even par could be gone. All of the tee boxes are fair in size (other then 14). I like to play hole 9 from the longs to throw one par 4 into the course. The raised basket on 8 and 5 are fun and holes 1,4, and 12 have drop offs behind there baskets and 17 had a major drop behind it to make you pay big time for missing long.


The one major....And I mean major....Con I have with this course is the under brush and THORN BUSHES!!!!. I have played the course 4 times and I can drive 300-350ft and I won't risk 16 because I don't want to fight with all that crap to find my disk. The under brush is so bad that 2 and 18 long are almost unplayable if someone wanted to. the thorns are really bad on 13-16 to the point I left a disk on 13 to the left because I could even walk threw the paths that other golfers before me had made without getting stuck in the legs and arms. UPDATE:They cut back the brush on 2 long and 3 long is now playable but 16 is still bad and no work done to 18 long. 9 to the right is also pretty thorny too.

A few of the tee sings are missing for some of the holes.

The short tee pad on 14 is creative and it works just fine....unless it has rained.... then it is slick as all get out.

I personally don't like the lay out of 15.... there really is't a true line to hit you just kind of have to throw it and pray it gets threw somehow with that tree guarding the basket and the brush tight to the left and right.

Other Thoughts:

I really do like this course I have't found anything else like it in the Charlotte area and a must play for sure. I'll be playing this course a good bit for sure but do to the underbrush and thorns I think you'll see me over at Killborne and Sugaw Creek more then this one.
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3 3
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.4 years 98 played 63 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Beastway! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 23, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


The course is pretty wide open but does play through the trees on a few holes. Some elevation in play & it is used very well! Nice, large concrete tee pads with alternate tee pads on some holes. These alt tee pads have very different looks from the short pads which I like! Some OB in play. Some wide open green grass & some tree lined alley shots. Good mix of long & short & left & right-handed throws! Hole 2 in the long is one of my favorites!


The rough is tall in some spots (you could lose a disc). The middle of the course can get a bit repetitive (open holes by the road). Lock up your valuables!

Other Thoughts:

Hole 18 is a bomber in the long!! It's very pretty once you get up to the short pad with all the old growth trees in the fairway! This place is a good compliment to the many quality courses in the area. Definately worth the drive!
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.2 years 154 played 150 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Eastway: The Black Sheep of the Family 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 23, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


If you're living in, or visiting in Charlotte, and you want to air some plastic out, you have probably heard that most of the courses around are not going to give you many opportunities to do this. Enter Eastway, where you will get more than your share of open holes to rip a drive and watch it fly. The great thing is that while you'll have room to air your shots out, there is still some accuracy to be had, that I've found to be missing in some open courses - where even if you shank your drive hard, you still have an easy par save (possibly even a birdie save).

The course does have a decent mixture between wooded and open holes, so you're not going to get jaded or bored out here. The middle of the course is where the you come out into the open and get to really open up, which is nice because you get a nice warm-up and cooldown after your section of big throws.

Don't be surprised if you come to Eastway to play it for the open holes, but find yourself returning to it more-so for the first and final thirds of the course.These holes end up being more than they initially appear. While many of them are still pretty open, to NC standards, there are quick greens, noticeable amounts of elevation in play, obstacles, and a variety of shots needed to navigate the fairways if you are trying to finish under par. The middle of the course plays through mowed, open grassy fairways, that are atypical to your average hole found on the east side of Charlotte.

Eastway Park has restrooms with water fountains, volleyball court, a nice playground for your children. and plenty of parking. It is also located within minutes of Sugaw Creek, Kilborne, and Reedy Creek - so that you can plan for an incredibly fun day of golf. There are some nice sport fields to warm up your big arm on - if you feel like getting in some practice throws before your round, a practice basket, concrete tees, and Innova Baskets. Holes 2, 3, 9, 13, 14, and 18 all have long pads to throw from. (13 and 14 are not use in tournaments.)


If you've played a Stan McDaniel course before, you've realized there is a lot of risk/reward scenarios you are going to run into on his courses. Eastway is no exception. The course is carved out of a dense pine forest, and located where the old horse race track used to be. A couple of detention ponds (dry unless it's rained recently), a creek, plenty of OB roads, and a lot of thick rough (tall brush and thorns) that come into play. I don't mind this style, but it is unfortunate that there are so many opportunities to lose a disc out here, which sometimes means the risk is too annoying to consider. Eastway has eaten more of my discs than almost any other course.

Most of the long tees, the past couple times I've been to the park, were absurdly overgrown. Most of them looked like fairly hair island shots from the tee. Hole 14 lacks a real short tee pad, and is thrown behind a spray-painted line (which can be confusing to find for newer players.)

Holes 7-12 are played up and down the road that leads into the park, which provides a nice challenge, and sets up interesting shots. Unfortunately staying in close proximity to the road for such a long period of time becomes stale and breaks the secluded feeling a lot of the park benefits from.

Other Thoughts:

Eastway and I have an interesting relationship. I go back-and-forth on whether I really enjoy playing there or not. I recently realized a few of those reasons. I used to enjoy the chance to get a break from Charlotte's general focus on tight/technical tee shots by throwing the open holes out here, but realized recently I realized the middle 6 holes just tend to be monotonous when played back-to-back. I enjoy them individually, but as a whole I start to get bored. But my main dislike for the park is how terrible the rough gets. It is a shame that more can't be done to keep the rough trimmed out, with OB lines in place, because when this course is manicured and/or winter rolls around and it all dies - this course becomes an absolute blast. Holes 2 and 16 are incredibly fun when you don't have to worry about losing your disc if you under/overthrow your drive.

I have updated my Eastway review more than most other reviews, and have gone back-and-forth on my rating of the course. I am going to rate it at 3.0 - if the rough didn't get so bad or the middle 6 didn't feel so tiresome this course would easily warrant a .5 bump, but it is hard to give the course a higher rating when both of these things are going on. This course will feel like it deserves a higher rating in the winter when the rough dies out.

Favorite White Holes: 2, 5, 8, 16
Favorite Gold Holes: 3, 14, 17, 18
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6 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 47 played 39 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Wide open and a great change of pace from other CLT courses 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 19, 2013 Played the course:once


+ Great tees, some short and long, but always with good signage
+ Great baskets, a couple with short and long, but we played the short ones
+ I doubt the course design was as effortless as it played, but it honestly felt smooth as silk
+ The fairways seemed excellently carved and I bet this would be a gorgeous course when the colors of the trees and plants are brightest
+ Some Charlotte courses make you feel claustrophobic with their tight butthole fairways, but this one was loose and generous
+ Only mild elevation change made playing this course quick and easy, but still a fun round
+ Signage made us laugh a few times because they showed the actual shape of trees and railroad tracks for the teepads
+ This course layout, generosity, and forgiveability really allows you to stretch your arm, utilize all your shots and all your discs
+ Memorable holes were #5, #15, #16, and #18


- Nothing really stands out as over the top awesome, but in a town with 14+ courses that's only a minor negative
- The stream on #6 is very deep in spots, so retrieving a bad throw could suck
- I really did not like throwing over and around the road mainly because people around here don't care enough to slow down

Other Thoughts:

Overall a good course for a good round of golf. It doesn't matter than this course isn't over the top awesome with an abundance of woodwork and "amenities" so to speak. It has what it needs to be a truly solid course. The fairways are clear, even on the wooded holes, there's a little water, a lot of distance, and potential for satisfying rounds. This course has its place in Charlotte for sure. It is definitely a course to play for a change of pace from the rest of the crazy courses around.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.4 years 561 played 429 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Eastway for Beast Play 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 30, 2012 Played the course:once


Eastway DGC is a complete 18 hole course with plenty of wide open, long-ranging fairways. The park was nice and well kept, and the layout was well marked and easy to follow. The first few holes are reachable, but not right under your nose, and some have minor elevation changes. The middle and end of the course tended to be longer and flatter. Four holes offered long tees, working out of the wooded fringes of the park, and extending already lengthy holes. Most of the challenge presented is due to distance, as open tees allow great freedom off the tee in most cases.

The holes all had concrete tees, and good baskets, as well as signs and other transitional markers. There are bathrooms and trash cans at the parking lot, and park watch (security) was on the scene when we got there, not when we left.


Really not a lot to complain about, but lacking any truly remarkable features. The layout is good use of the park space, but does cross the street twice. The sparsely wooded park seldom forces a well placed, or highly technical throw.

Other Thoughts:

Eastway park is a valid example of a good disc golf course, but with so many others in the area, it doesn't compare favorably in to me in most cases. I like airing out crushing drives as much as the next guy, but more is required to maintain my level of interest. Reminds me of University DGC in Clemson with better flow and scenery.
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4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.8 years 1512 played 480 reviews
3.00 star(s)

One of these things is not like the others 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 16, 2012 Played the course:once


1) #'d Innova Discatchers are an attractive basket.

2) #2 is a cool hole . . . but I wasn't sure about the basket back in the woods at first then I realized it was supposed to be a permanent long basket location???? That makes the hole even better if that is the case because it is a really cool shot. I typically don't like it when two baskets are permanently left in the ground but oh well it was a cool hole either way. You have to avoid the retention pond area (although it was dry when I played) and either park on the crest of a hill or keep your disc turned over and go all the way down the hill to the right for the long basket.

3) #4 is has some sort of reference to the railroad which sits above the basket for #5. I actually hear a train whistle and one came running past just after I finished #5 otherwise I wouldn't have known why there was a reference to the railroad on the tee-sign (the only one I actually remember seeing). An appropriate named hole just helps create the ambiance. This hole also had one awesome feature . . . the dropoff past the basket. I didn't realize just how extreme that was and it is risky to go for the ace and even a parkjob unless you plan to leave it just short of the basket. There is serious risk/reward and it places a premium on the placement here.

4) There are a few garbage cans around the course to help keep it clean.

5) This is probably the most beginner friendly course in Charlotte because it is mostly open. Sure there are some trouble spots that will punish the beginners but the more open holes give the beginners a chance to air things out a little bit and let the discs recover on their own, whereas in a wooded course will just knock down those errant throws.

6) #18 although not the coolest hole in the world had a really unique idea . . .the basket is framed by a V shaped tree which is in front of the basket. They had to elevate the basket to make it visible from the tee but I think it is cool that they basically framed the basket with a tree.

7) Two of the more risky and dangerous basket locations I have encountered (not including Renny Gold). Hole #5 is perched on a mound supported by timbers with a creek just 8' from the basket on one side. You can so easily end in the creek on the drive or your putt. Play smart on this hole or lose! Hole #17 is another basket that screams layup underneath for par. It is perched on top of a berm made of boulders and a tiny area built out of timbers.

8) I can tell I would probably enjoy the Gold tees much more than the short tees as a whole. The challenge will be more extreme and I always enjoy trying to execute more difficult shots.

9) The turfed areas that the course
plays through seem to be maintained well . . . they are mowed and kept in good condition.


1) No signs yet except in a few places and the posts I assume they used like the other new courses that at least mark the tee and the distance are already missing. I sure hope they do something before Worlds.

2) While concrete is always better than natural . . .these tees are a little small especially considering you can really put everything into your drives here.

3) Very sketchy infrastructure here between the bridges and stairways. I always am a proponent of doing things right and I sure hope they improve these things before Worlds (one of the sports biggest venues).

4) Overall this course is too open for my liking, there are some good holes and some tighter holes but the open holes just are not fun for me. I know it is good balance but it is less enjoyable.

5) The road is in play on multiple holes where you play along the road as well as across actually. I just don't enjoy holes with this type of danger to "create" challenge. I would much prefer natural challenge with more trees and whatnot. This is also a negative because the road and the vehicles on it might be in danger.

Other Thoughts:

This is probably the most open course in Charlotte (at least in terms of the Worlds courses). It is a decent course but it lacks the "polish" and fun factor I have found on so many other courses in the area . . . mostly because there are some dud holes. There are still some good holes and unique features on this course but those seem to be offset by the boring holes that I did not enjoy from a challenge or design feature angle. I do not want to sound like I am bashing this course completely but it is one of my least favorites of the Worlds courses and does not quite "live up" to the other courses in the metro area.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Wow, an open course in Charlotte 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Eastway isn't your typical Charlotte disc golf course. There's an abundance of open holes here, giving people a real chance to air it out and be aggressive.
- Forget what you've heard about Charlotte course being heavily wooded and tight when you're playing here. This is actually a solid change of pace, with some pretty good layouts.
- Nice hole designs. The long stretch of true open hole (#7 - 14, plus others) all offer a decent variety of layouts with variables of elevation, slight use of trees, rocks and other obstacles. Of all the open holes, I'd say #10 is the only dud amongst the group. It's a 402 foot, pretty flat hole with no challenge at all. Big arms will be able to be in birdie or easy layup range. Regular, 300-foot range throwers will be throwing in the 100-foot range for their second shot, so essentially a ho-hum par 3.
- Yes, there are wooded holes here too, and they offer good challenges as well. For me, #5 is one of the best laid-out DG holes around. It has just about everything you could ask for in a DG hole - elevation change, water, trees that come into play, variety of ways to throw, fairness to both right and left-handed players, and the proverbial risk/reward factor. The tee shot offers a chance to be putting for birdie, hitting a tree and ending up in the fairway (or deep in the woods with a bad bounce), ending up in the creek, or having an easy lay-up. It's far from the most challenging hole here, but it just seems to have that something.
- There are a bunch of other good holes, holes with big fun factors to them. #2 short is the classic downhill, be-agressive hole. #3 short plays right back up the same hill. Both are potential ace runs. #8 plays to a basket on top of a rock hill. #16 is another classic with a great risk/reward factor. To the right of the fairway are trees and thick rough; to the left is more thick rough/tall grass. The rough/tall grass doesn't look too imposing from the tee, so first-timers will need to be careful when playing. The basket for #17 is on the edge of a big drop-off. You come at the basket from below from the long tee, and from above from the short tee, so you get two different looks for the hole.
- Good course for beginners. You also don't need a big arm to play well here with only 2 holes longer than 400 feet (from the short tees), with #12 being the longest at 439 feet. There are plenty of birdie chances here as well, even with nothing being less than 200 feet. And because so many holes are open, you can still score well if accurate tee shots aren't your thing.
- Course has adequate amenities with some benches, trash cans/bags throughout. Holes have decent tee signs. There are restrooms and a water fountain in the parking lot.
- #6 winds up back at the parking lot, so it gives you the option to easily play 24, or start at #7 for a change of pace.
- Location, location, location. In terms of disc golf real estate, this might be one of the most centralized courses around. You're less than 10 minutes from the Kilborne and Sugaw courses; 15 minutes from Reedy & Nevin, 20 minutes from Hornets Nest, Renaissance, Idlewild Park & Robert L. Smith. So yeah, pretty much you'll be able to play anywhere else once your round is over here.


The biggest, and most obvious issue, for anyone who plays here is the abundance of holes that play along the park road. #7 - 12 run alongside the park road (or over as in the case for #8), with the park road also possibly coming into play for #6, 16 & 17. At this point the park doesn't get much traffic, so that aspect isn't much of an issue. It may be as more gets done to the park in the future. It does, however, cause an issue in the aesthetics, (who wants to see the road), lack of creativity or privacy/isolation, plus whatever damage may be caused if you keep throwing discs in the road. As I said, once the park gets busier/more traffic, this will be a much bigger issue, possibly causing hole to be changed or moved.
- Repetitiveness, or at least the feeling of it. As mentioned in the pros, I think the open holes do a good job of all being somewhat different from each other. Now for some people, essentially those who with big arms (in the 400 foot range), these subtle difference are neutralized by the fact you're going to be able to throw near the pin (on the short holes) with every tee shot. In that case, yes, I can see how the course might get boring, and seem unchallenging.
- #9 is far away from #1. The course isn't split up evenly (9 out, 9 in). With #6 back near the parking lot, the course is pretty much divided up in a 6-hole and 12-hole section. Now, you could get creative and play #1 - 8 & 17 - 18 for a 10-hole stretch, but that's not completely the same as playing the front or back 9.
- There are a couple of parts of the course that need to be cleaned up and/smoothed out. Several holes still have areas of trash/concrete/fences on them. Some of ok, like seeing the concrete from torn-down houses on #14. But the rest has a neglected, littering feel to it. Some more TLC will go a long way.
- There's an inordinately high lost-disc factor for such a relatively open course. A lot of holes have tall grass, thick underbrush on them (be careful on #12, 15 & 16) or woods that come into play. Even on the open holes that run along the park road (#7 - 12) have trees along one side of the fairway (and the road on the other). On #9 & 11, especially, this can be an issue.

Other Thoughts:

I'm a big fan of Eastway for what it offers. It is a great change of pace to have a mostly open course in Charlotte.
- Don't expect to be wowed by Eastway. It's far from the best course in Charlotte, and it's far from the best open course too. It has more good to great holes than it has bad ones. And in the end, that's what you want with any course.
- I really like that this course begs you to be aggressive. There are plenty of birdie chances, and some ace runs, on the course, so there's a real chance to shoot a low score. And just like any well designed course, there's that solid risk/reward factor you're looking for. Even for the regular player, the first five holes are all birdie-able, so you should be going to #6 under par.
- I've already mentioned how much I like #5, but there are several other solid holes as well. #2, from the shorts, is fun to throw several discs, for the ace possibility. #16 & 17 are really good for the risk/reward factor they offer. On #17, you have the challenge of putting with a big drop-off five feet behind the basket.
- Compared to other Charlotte-area open courses, Eastway reminds me of a light version of the front 9 of Hornets Nest. I think it's a little better than Sugaw (even though I ranked them both a 3.0). I think it's on par with Winthrop Lakefront, minus the beauty and the water.
- You should definitely check this course out, and if you don't like it, there are plenty of other courses close by.
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4 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 29, 2011 Played the course:once


A variety of shots and approaches are needed. There are shots in the woods and shots in the open. In general, I like the basket placements, from in the middle of an open field to hiding behind trees. Some holes have multiple tee pads (but good luck in finding some of them -- see cons). It is a good mix of wooded and open field.


This course can be a disc eater! There are several large patches of briars off of the fairway on a couple holes (#2 and #16 come to mind) where disc can be lost forever. The grass should be cut on several of the holes, too.

The course could also use signs pointing to the next tee pad(s). We could not find hole #4 at all and went from 3 to 5.

Other Thoughts:

This was a fun course to play (aside from my son's new disc lost to above mentioned briars). It required a lot of different shots and was a good mix of wooded and open field. Give it a try!
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7 0
denny ritner
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.5 years 170 played 115 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Eastway is Charlotte-Lite, worth a stop 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Eastway provides a gentler Charlotte-area compliment to the big-boy courses. It's great for a fun, quicker round. The park is very attractive and the course provides a mix of wooded and open holes.

There are several very good holes. Notably, number two (to the long basket) is a downhill par four that bends about 45 degrees right for the second shot. The tee shot is in the open, but needs to be placed well to set up the second that goes back into the woods. It's not the toughest hole for a top player, but is a beautiful introduction to a disc golf par four for the "all par three's" crowd.

Hole three is a very nice uphill par three. The tee shot out of the canopy must be crushed, with just the right nose angle. There is an OB wetlands area on the left that must be crossed and shorter throwers will consider bailing out to the right. It'd be nice to see the thick schule on the right about halfway up the hole knocked back to provide a defined bail-out area.

Hole five is a very nice short par three that shoots downhill and provides a tempting ace-run, but has an elevated basket just past an OB creek.

Hole sixteen is my favorite on the course. It is an open downhill medium-length par three that narrows just prior to the basket area with woods on the right and an OB wetland area on the left. The basket is perched on a hill with a drop-off to a ditch behind.

Hole eighteen from the long pad is a quality, unique short par four. The tee shot is very much uphill that must be well thrown with just the right nose angle. The second shot is a straight tunnel mid-range.


The course does not loop back to the parking area after nine holes.

The course could benefit greatly from having a second set of tees on every hole.

There are several holes that play across the park road. (7, 8, 17) At times this can result in lengthy waits to throw. Eventually some impatient golfers will hit cars. This course could have been designed such that the road never was thrown over.

Hole ten is a wide-open, uphill 400 footer that plays to about 450-ish. I disagree with holes that separate scores only by pure distance.

As mentioned earlier, hole two to the long basket is a quality par four. It is the only hole on the course with two baskets. This is potentially confusing and unneeded. I'd rather see that short basket removed and utilized as a warm-up basket.

At present, the course does not have signage, trash cans, benches, etc. I did not deduct points for this as is new and I assume that it will soon be completed.

Other Thoughts:

Eastway is a great part of the awesome Charlotte area disc golf scene. At present, North Carolina doesn't have any courses on the DGCR top ten list, but overall I don't see any city that stacks up with Charlotte in terms of the number and quality of disc golf options within a short drive.

Don't be a dirty discer, leave the course cleaner than the way you found it.
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
3.00 star(s)

And now for something completely different... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 31, 2011 Played the course:once


- Eastway seems a bit of an anomaly in comparison to the other local courses I played. While still having plenty of wooded areas, much of the course is more open, with slight to moderate elevation coming into play during the front nine. Most of the back nine is flatter. Several holes in the middle use park roads as OB. The risk of having an open area drive go wayward OB is the main difficulty for these holes. Those sick of hacking their way through tightly wooded fairways will enjoy the openness Eastway provides, while still having a couple of great wooded holes to work with.
- Well-designed greens make every putt an adventure. Seemed like every pin was placed on slanted land. Elevated greens in places encourage safe approaches vs. running for the pin.
- Concrete pro and am tees. Signage sufficient throughout. Bridges and stairs as needed.


- Eastway Park has a few spots where tires and other trash appear. Detracts from the beauty of the course, which isn't too great to begin with, especially if you factor in other things such as the road OB's and the nearby train tracks.
- The holes that implement the road as OB are a little "one-dimensional" for someone from the Midwest, but are probably a nice change of pace for those used to the local Charlotte courses.
- Apparently not in the best area of town.

Other Thoughts:

- Eastway was a pleasant change of pace from the wooded "hit your line or you're screwed" courses in the Charlotte area. Definitely not a super challenging course, but not a walk in the park, either. I'm sure a lot of people used to hitting tight lines through the woods have a bit of an issue through the open holes on windy days: the road OB is deceptively easy to reach.
- I got to see BrotherDave's drive on #2 spit out of the chains, right after he declared, "I almost aced this hole earlier today." Very cool.
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15 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 39 played 30 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Eastway, worth the trip 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 8, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The newest addition(at the time of this review) to the Queen City disc golf scene, Eastway park brings a new dimension to the East side.

Eastway gives more of an open look, while utilizing wooded areas of the park well. The layout has been tweeked slightly in the past couple of months, but the footprint right now seems to be perminent.

Each hole is equipped with concrete tee pads. Baskets are DISCatchers, one pin position per hole except for hole #2, in which there is a short basket and long basket(both in place). Currently there are 5 long tee pads in place, with more a possibility in the future. Benches are currently being constructed as the materials are donated. Perminant tee signs are not in place and awaiting donation funds for placement. Alot of the holes have laminated paper with hole number, distance and par at the short pads. Most of the holes are fairly self-explanitory off the tee, as it is fairly open by Charlotte standards and only a few tee shots that are blind.

A few holes are quite interesting, using elevation change to make up for lack of obsticles/vegetation. Out of bounds along a large portion of the course adds difficulty. Wind also comes into play a great deal, and makes things interesting.


[UPDATE 10/8/11; Course is becoming very overgrown in many spots. Holes along entrance road are manicured for the most part, but anywhere off of that part of the course is sure to be overgrown and bordering on out of control. Dropping my rating to 3 from 3.5 because some of these issues were forseen and are now coming to light. If locals who care about this course do not put any time into this course I'm sure it will be pulled sometime down the road.]

A portion of the course reminds me of the part of Hornet's Nest that I don't like. 6 consecutive holes play along the enterance road of the park, which for me takes away from the beauty of the course.

Most technical shots are going to be your "get out of trouble" shots. Most tee shots allow you to play multiple lines and don't force you to take a certain line.

Holes 9-12 vary very little, and to run consecutively gets repititious. Holes 13 and 14 long teepads are a bit out of the way. #13 long may be totally missed if you don't know its there. Makeshift signs point you to #14 long teepad. Both tees cause you to backtrack, and somewhat disrupts the flow.

A few cons that will work out over time are,
-lots of underbrush in wooded areas increases possibility of losing discs
-Sparce trash cans(carry your trash please)
-Definitely has that Stan McDaniel touch(not criticizing), take it as you will.

Other Thoughts:

This course has come a long way since its birth. A few holes have been altered, added and such, but is fairly "concrete" since the pads have been poured. The course has cleaned up 1,000% just in the last two months, and with the constant work by the club, led by Stan McDaniel(Course Designer) and Robbie Kyle(Course Director) and others.

Most players I've talked to enjoy the course very much and like the change from the typical Charlotte course design. There are some very unique holes, where elevation is very much in play. The design uses every inch of the available land in excellent fashion.

This course review will be updated as conditions are improved and the course gets more use. Plenty of breaking in is still left to be done. Rating reflecting current conditions and will also be updated as the state of the course changes. Don't miss your chance to do some power driving out at Eastway Park.
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11 2
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A work in process 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


I only entered a rating because it is mandatory. My post is not intended as a rating.

Other Thoughts:

I am not rating this course since I am the course designer. I wanted to comment on the process of building a course. When we open a new course here in Charlotte we have found that the sooner we put baskets in the ground the sooner we get more volunteers out to assist in building the course. Unfortunately, our park department has had a %50 budget cut this year accompanied with massive layoffs. This has meant that a previous commitment to assist with a brush hog never materialized. This has meant scores of hours with a walk behind brush hog and mowers and hand scythes. We had just installed the baskets when the stuff hit the fan within our park department. However, we have been hard at it over the last few weeks, as we will for many to come, and the course is really ready for play. All we need now is to find a good commercial riding mower to make it easier for us to maintain this course. I want to thank the CDGC members who have labored diligently in the heat of this summer to make this happen. I also welcome those "lazy boy quarterbacks" to step up and help make it happen. People who back their ideas up with elbow grease have the ear of the course designer and course builder. Peace out.
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4 1
Experience: 25.6 years 17 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

We are spoiled yet again 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2010 Played the course:once


This is a review of an infant course that is at this time tee less. That being said, I played a round today on a course that I made up, except basket location. Spent some time locating pins and calculating where tees might be placed. I played with a friend and we had fun making up par three and fours. The land that this park is on has interesting elevation changes, but nothing too drastic. Dosen't look at all the way Stan McDaniel's courses usually appear. Intermediate park that with time will grow strong like traffic at Kilborne, and Sugaw, Get up early and run all three in the near future, can't wait. We threw drives at each other in the soccer field until people came to play. That is a huge plus in your game, and courses with fields are a precious commodity.


The cons of this park are simple, it is not built yet and I went to play it . I am a disc golf junkie and curiosity got the better of me, again. The bush is thick and my friend lost two discs there already. Lots of thorns in the rough, and on hole two that swamp looking place left of pin, yeah that is a dry swamp and it is a mud flat. I laughed when my friends shoe came of in the mud, always funny. Pin for thirteen is way in the distance right of pin for 12. Pin for fourteen is behind the massive tree in the field behind 13 pin. Pin for 18 is between the playground and soccer field and tee is before pin 17. The fairway is wooded and full of pin ball trees.

Other Thoughts:

I like it from the little that I played today. One round means nothing, and there was not a tee or marker in sight. To some that might not be fun, but to me it was more fun than I had playing Reedy yesterday. This will be a good park to air out some drives in Charlotte, and play multiple rounds easier than Nevin or Renny.
Location is close enough to other area courses that it will be popular quickly I am sure. The bathrooms were locked when we were there today. Park looks like it was made 12 hours ago, so it will grow with the course. Thanks Stan, and CDGC, aaaaagain. Worlds are a comin' and we are looking good.
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