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Shelbyville, TN

Fair Haven DGC

0.755(based on 4 reviews)
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Fair Haven DGC reviews

6 0
Experience: 18.4 years 30 played 2 reviews
0.00 star(s)

Should be closed.

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 20, 2023 Played the course:once




This course appeared to have some potential at some point in the past. There are uprooted permanent baskets strewn about the land that still has 9 baskets that are temporary. When I played in January 2023 it was a swamp. It had not rained in 3-4 days so this land does not drain well.

Other Thoughts:

I appreciate someone's effort to keep this course active but it is a waste of your time to travel here.
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17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 16.2 years 660 played 185 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Not a haven 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 19, 2022 Played the course:once


The Fair Haven DGC, positioned just south of the Fair Haven Baptist Church, features unholy fairways and a plague of mosquitos that would make Moses proud.

The original design of 18 holes has been shrunk to nine holes (well, actually, eight), but three of the remaining holes are less than 200 feet and are legitimate ace runs.

The fairways were nicely mowed, so if your drive remains in the narrow swath of short grass, you'll find your disc easily.

The tees are turf and adequate, though some grasses have been growing on the teepads.


The fairways are about 25 feet wide at best. Any throws that venture off the fairway disappear into waist-high grasses. The potential to lose a disc are high here, and my partner and I probably spent 30 minutes cumulative looking for discs.

The mosquitos were awful on the evening in mid-August when we played. So bad, in fact, that after several holes, my friend raced back to the car to get the mosquito repellant while I searched for a slightly off-center throw that had disappeared in the field of tall grasses.

Navigation is so-so. Finding the first "tee" consists of guesswork since my playing partner and I could not locate a marked area to start the course. The original teepads included a mini marker board with the hole number and distance but such indications have been smudged and partially erased.

Nearly every hole is a straight line in a treeless field.

The Hole #4 basket was gone. In its place was a large hole.

In addition, several of the baskets for what use to be the second half of the course were unearthed and laying on their side.

Other Thoughts:

In its current state, Fair Haven isn't going to garner multiple plays. My friend and I quickly went into "just bagging a course" mode, which usually means throwing swiftly and without much focus; however, the tall grasses swallowed a few of our throws and forced search parties that significantly hindered us from completing the round quickly.

When I played, the course was not as marshy as previous reviewers have noted, though I recall some bogginess on Hole #2. However, the dryness I experienced seems to be a rarity.

Unfortunately, this course has several characteristics that all contribute to its bad rating: lost disc potential, swampy land, tons of mosquitos, mediocre baskets, and straight and boring throws.

Of the 450-plus courses I have played, the Fair Haven DGC is definitely in my top five of courses I would never play again. Just yuck.
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16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 677 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Grassy Swampland 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 7, 2022 Played the course:once


(1.455 Rating) A short prairie style course with drainage issues.
- COUNTS AS A COURSE PLAYED - I apologize to the people involved with putting this course together by having to note a ton of issues to my fellow course explorers. This site is such a tough hill to climb in being able to deliver a nice course. Unfortunately, the only redeeming pro I came up with was that I got to tally another course played. My 80th in Tennessee in fact. I do think this site can deliver a 2.5 level course, maybe even a 3.0, but it's going to take a ton of work. Things that need to be addressed include, tee signage, navigation, water crossings, fairway widths, tees and baskets. The layout that was made is decent, but it could use a couple tweaks.


Site constraints.
- LOST DISC POTENTIAL - I'm not a fan of prairie style golf. Not only does it amp up the disc loss factor, it also increases the amount of time searching for discs. These issues are greatly influenced by fairway widths and right now at Fair Haven, it isn't wide enough. Several fairways here are cut around 15 to 20 feet wide. I chickened out and threw unnecessary dialed down putters from the tee a couple times to stay on fairway. I spent over twenty minutes searching for discs, and even lost one on (5). I would recommend to them cutting every fairway 10 to 20 feet wider thru the grasses.
- DRAINAGE - I had been following the conditions here for quite some time, and it had almost always noted wet conditions. Sure enough I show up, and there is water stagnant on several fairways. It was bad generally on the front (9) and drier on the back. I think the drainage will be such an ongoing problem that I took off 1/8 of a point in rating score. This is only the second time I've taken off points for drainage. I recommend packing muck boots and I'm glad I wore them. I wonder if the mosquitos are horrible here during the summer.
- LACK OF CHALLENGE - The holes are generally short. Nine holes are currently listed at 230 feet or less in length. The fairways are nearly all dead-on straight shots. I threw a lot of controlled putters and mids off the tee. The entire challenge here is fear of losing a disc and/or having to search for one.
- NAVIGATION AND SIGNAGE - I forgave ratings wise some of this. The course was in transition to 18 permanent holes. The tee signage and basket directional cues where in disarray when I played it. I'm certain this will get ironed out soon, but be cognizant of the added adventure possibilities.
- AMENITIES AND EXTRAS - The course does not have top of the line funding. Subpar turf tees. Perhaps better than natural ground, but it's debatable. The baskets are a mix of styles. Most are ok, but a few were chintzy. The tee signage that was present was basic hole number and distance only. No benches, alt tees or alt baskets yet.
- HOLE VARIETY - Several holes have a similar "stay on the straight fairway at all costs" feel to it. No moderately wooded or heavily wooded holes. Several holes are obstacle free except for the prairie grasses, meaning the basket could be attacked from every angle. One simple par 4 which was to no surprise a straight hole cut through tall grasses. The course is generally flat. Maybe 10 feet of grade change on a hole or two. There is some water in play, although I'd wager that it's not present during the dry season or a sustained drought.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - Not beginner friendly due to the disc loss potential.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - I scored this aspect 25 percentile. It's a nice landscape to take in from time to time, but most parks can say that. Nothing exotic here. No monster trees, no heavily wooded fairways. The course just didn't pop to me.
- TIME PLAY - It took me over an hour to complete the 4,500 foot long course solo. I normally complete courses at this length in under 40 minutes.

Other Thoughts:

I did not enjoy my round here. The constant walking through water and mushy ground, the constant searching, the constant fear and the lack of intrigue lead me to this feeling. I've thrown 319 courses with 18 holes or more as of this review and I'd put my experience here into my bottom ten among those 319. It's not all doom and gloom though for this course. The two biggest noted issues can be mitigated with some design tweaks and a couple extra mowing path swipes per holes. Amenities could easily get upgraded as well. I think there is potential to get to the 2.5 level with enough investment. As is, not worth traveling to unless the player lives within twenty minutes. Considering the climate, I have a feeling that late fall is the ideal time to play here, while early spring is the likely the worst time.
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14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.1 years 339 played 322 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Underdeveloped Backyard 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 4, 2021 Played the course:once


A struggling church course with beautiful property that needs more investment.

-Chains: The portable Black Holes and Axiom Pro baskets catch remarkably well. They're also easy to spot. About the best solution barring permanent baskets.

-Natural Beauty: This is a legitimately lovely plot of land. There's water in play on several holes, and the interior of the course, away from the building, is a secluded field. It's about as good as flat land in Middle Tennessee gets.

-Creek Holes: The holes using the trickle of water (not Fall Creek proper, just to clarify) are a lot of fun. (4) is effectively an island green surrounded by standing marsh water and framed by multiple trees to require a touchy putter shot. Hole (9) is also fun, a risk-reward setup with the creek just in front of the basket.

-Flow: There's a slight (4)-(5) transition, but generally the holes flow nicely here.

-Shot Shaping/Gameplay: A mix of ace runs and longer, open holes. (1), (3), (4), and (7) are all under 220' and beg you to go for the basket, but have additional challenge - a ridge, two islands, and a triple mando. The other holes are in the open and a bit longer, just requiring basic accuracy with a fairway driver. On these, the only challenge is avoiding the tall grass. The holes are part clever, but also part boring or flawed.

-10th Hole: There's a bonus hole not indicated on listings for the course.


Needs attention.

-Amenities: Beyond the baskets, pitiful. There are some hand-written tee signs, but they are difficult to find and not particularly enlightening. No tee markings at all, or course indicators.

-Fairways: Big maintenance issue. The fairways cut on (2) and (5)-(9) are narrow, and bounded with tall, thick grasses. A good drive that's not dead center will be a nuisance to find.

-Drainage: Hole (1) is a swampy mess. Other holes that play near trickling water have no place to cross. Some basic bridges would be very helpful.

-Finish: Ends far away from the parking, requiring you to walk most of the course to return.

-Shapes: Virtually none. Hole (5) is the only one that gets close, a big turnover. Otherwise, dead straight holes.

Other Thoughts:

I like the creativity of whoever set up Fair Haven. Some islands and strategic basket placements are entertaining. On the other hand, there are a lot of wide open holes, and the maintenance appears to be next to none, in addition to a lack of tees or signage. It's a backyard course, and difficult to play without more investment. Overall, it fits in as a Poor course. Some improvements could definitely raise its rating.
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