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San Marcos, TX

Flying Armadillo - Gold

4.045(based on 14 reviews)
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Upshawt1979 Upshawt1979's Round

Score: 43 +7
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
66°F Cloudy Calm 847
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 150 2 3 2 --
2 117 2 4 2 --
3 115 2 3 2 --
4 106 2 2 1 --
5 125 2 2 1 --
6 120 2 3 2 --
7 105 2 2 1 --
8 111 2 2 1 --
9 86 2 2 1 --
10 105 2 2 1 --
11 79 2 3 2 --
12 108 2 2 1 --
13 78 2 2 1 --
14 83 2 3 2 --
15 79 2 2 1 --
16 124 2 2 1 --
17 100 2 2 1 --
18 109 2 2 1 --
Totals: 1900 36 43 24 --

Pizza God Pizza God's Round

Score: 37 +37
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18 -- 91°F Sunny Calm n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 -- -- 0 -- --
2 -- -- 0 -- --
3 -- -- 0 -- --
4 -- -- 0 -- --
5 -- -- 0 -- --
6 -- -- 0 -- --
7 -- -- 0 -- --
8 -- -- 0 -- --
9 -- -- 0 -- --
10 -- -- 0 -- --
11 -- -- 0 -- --
12 -- -- 0 -- --
13 -- -- 0 -- --
14 -- -- 0 -- --
15 -- -- 0 -- --
16 -- -- 0 -- --
17 -- -- 0 -- --
18 -- -- 0 -- --
Totals: -- -- 37 -- --

ERicJ ERicJ's Round

(Doubles Round)
Score: 51 -3
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
93°F Sunny Calm n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:1
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Young at Heart 10 Alt Shot Doubles with Teddy. Child tees odd number holes. Parent tees even number holes. Started on #9.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 150 3 3 1 --
Teddy yanked far right to #18's fairway, Aviar up, Teddy hit ~10' putt
2 117 3 2 1 --
XG-Rhyno, Teddy hit ~10' putt
3 115 3 3 1 --
Teddy hit very early tree left, I made fantastic hero shot under the trees with Gator to park it, Teddy dropped in the putt
4 106 3 3 2 --
Gator hyzer was short in the bush, Teddy missed tough 15' putt
5 125 3 6 2 --
Teddy Sidewinder faded right almost to #6's teebox, I tried hero shot with Indy Comet under very low branches (~12" high window, ~12" off the ground) and hit branch and rolled back almost to marker, Teddy threw sort of around the trees but back
6 120 3 3 2 --
Gator just long, Teddy missed ~12' putt
7 105 3 3 1 --
Teddy hit early tree, Des Reading hit early tree, Aviar up, drop in putt
8 111 3 4 2 1
XG-Rhyno hyzer not high/wide enough missed island, Teddy hit top band from pedestal of shame
9 86 3 4 2 --
Teddy hit very early tree, Rhyno hyzer run was just over the top, Teddy missed ~15' putt
10 105 3 2 1 --
Aviar, Teddy hit ~8' putt
11 79 3 2 1 --
Teddy threw wide left in trees; Jay Reading threw to ~20' and I hit the putt
12 108 3 2 1 --
Aviar, Teddy hit ~2' putt
13 78 3 2 1 --
Teddy threw to the gimmicks, I hit ~15' putt around slats and between ramp
14 83 3 3 1 --
My XG-Rhyno roller finished wide left, Teddy missed ~24' putt
15 79 3 2 1 --
Teddy hit mid tree, I hit nice ~40' straddle jump putt
16 124 3 3 2 --
Aviar wide right, Teddy missed ~20' puttt
17 100 3 2 1 --
Teddy got out the gap and faded right, I hit nice ~40' straddle putt over the pond
18 109 3 2 1 --
Aviar was just on right side of Alamo, Teddy flicked through the window
Totals: 1900 54 51 24 1

K Kai59's Round

Score: 47 +11
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
-- -- -- 775
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 150 2 3 2 --
2 117 2 2 1 --
3 115 2 3 1 --
4 106 2 3 1 --
5 125 2 3 2 --
6 120 2 3 2 --
7 105 2 3 1 --
8 111 2 2 1 --
9 86 2 2 1 --
10 105 2 2 1 --
11 79 2 2 1 --
12 108 2 2 1 --
13 78 2 2 1 --
14 83 2 3 2 --
15 79 2 2 1 --
16 124 2 4 2 --
17 100 2 3 2 --
18 109 2 3 1 --
Totals: 1900 36 47 24 --

Miller Miller's Round

Score: 44 +8
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
-- -- -- 829
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 150 2 3 1 --
2 117 2 3 2 --
3 115 2 3 1 --
4 106 2 2 1 --
5 125 2 2 1 --
6 120 2 3 2 --
7 105 2 2 1 --
8 111 2 3 1 --
9 86 2 2 1 --
10 105 2 2 1 --
11 79 2 2 1 --
12 108 2 3 1 --
13 78 2 2 1 --
14 83 2 2 1 --
15 79 2 2 1 --
16 124 2 2 1 --
17 100 2 3 2 --
18 109 2 3 1 --
Totals: 1900 36 44 21 --

K Kai59's Round

Score: 50 +14
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
-- -- -- 722
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 150 2 3 2 --
2 117 2 3 1 --
3 115 2 3 2 --
4 106 2 4 2 --
5 125 2 2 1 --
6 120 2 3 1 --
7 105 2 2 1 --
8 111 2 3 2 --
9 86 2 2 1 --
10 105 2 3 1 --
11 79 2 2 1 --
12 108 2 3 1 --
13 78 2 3 2 --
14 83 2 3 1 --
15 79 2 3 1 --
16 124 2 3 1 --
17 100 2 2 1 --
18 109 2 3 1 --
Totals: 1900 36 50 23 --

Miller Miller's Round

Score: 43 +7
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
-- -- -- 847
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 150 2 3 2 --
2 117 2 2 1 --
3 115 2 3 2 --
4 106 2 3 2 --
5 125 2 2 1 --
6 120 2 3 2 --
7 105 2 3 1 --
8 111 2 3 1 --
9 86 2 2 1 --
10 105 2 3 1 --
11 79 2 2 1 --
12 108 2 2 1 --
13 78 2 1 -- --
14 83 2 2 1 --
15 79 2 2 1 --
16 124 2 2 1 --
17 100 2 3 1 --
18 109 2 2 1 --
Totals: 1900 36 43 21 --

ERicJ ERicJ's Round

(Doubles Round)
Score: 48 -6
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
85°F Sunny None n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Alt Shot Doubles with Teddy. Child tees odd holes, Parent tees even holes. Teddy threw many mulligans. Simultaneous with my singles round (42) and Teddy's mulligan-filled singles round (61)
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 150 3 3 1 --
Ted mulligan tee shot
2 117 3 2 1 --
3 115 3 3 1 --
Ted mulligan tee shots
4 106 3 3 2 --
5 125 3 3 1 --
Ted mulligan tee shots; Ted hit good ~15' putt
6 120 3 2 1 --
7 105 3 2 1 --
Ted mulligan tee shots
8 111 3 3 1 --
9 86 3 3 2 --
Ted mulligan tee shots
10 105 3 3 2 --
11 79 3 3 2 --
12 108 3 2 1 --
13 78 3 3 1 --
Ted mulligan tee shots
14 83 3 3 2 --
15 79 3 2 1 --
Ted mulligan tee shots
16 124 3 2 1 --
17 100 3 4 2 --
Ted mulligan tee shot
18 109 3 2 1 --
Totals: 1900 54 48 24 --

ERicJ ERicJ's Round

Score: 42 +6
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
85°F Sunny None 864
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Singles round, simultaneous with Alt Shot Doubles round with Teddy.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 150 2 3 1 --
Tee shot long in the bushes
2 117 2 2 1 --
3 115 2 2 1 --
4 106 2 2 1 --
5 125 2 2 1 --
6 120 2 2 1 --
7 105 2 2 1 --
8 111 2 4 2 1
Missed island; missed putt from Pedestal of Shame
9 86 2 3 2 --
Missed ~20' putt
10 105 2 2 1 --
11 79 2 2 1 --
12 108 2 2 1 --
13 78 2 2 1 --
14 83 2 2 1 --
15 79 2 2 1 --
16 124 2 3 2 --
Missed ~20' putt
17 100 2 3 1 1
Tee shot into OB pond, hit putt from Pedestal of Shame
18 109 2 2 1 --
Totals: 1900 36 42 21 2

ERicJ ERicJ's Round

(Doubles Round)
Score: 56 +2
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
90°F Sunny Calm n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Young at Heart 9. Alt Shot Doubles with Teddy. Child tees odd holes, Parent tees even holes. 6-8yr old div: 9th. Played with Kevin & Rivers Woliver, Jason & Brayden Gilla, Megan & Gannon Gilla.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 150 3 3 1 --
T tee short, E jump putt from ~100', T hit short putt
2 117 3 2 1 --
E XG-Rhyno parked, T drop in putt
3 115 3 4 2 --
T hit mid tree left side, E Aviar up, T missed short putt, E drop in
4 106 3 3 2 --
E Gator hyzer line, T missed ~12' putt, E drop in
5 125 3 3 1 --
T hit mid tree, E Aviar up, T hit short putt
6 120 3 2 1 --
E Gator skip, T hit ~6' putt
7 105 3 4 2 --
T hit early left side tree kicked left, E Aviar tall anny over top, T missed short putt
8 111 3 4 1 1
E XG-Rhyno hit island, T threw OB off right side, E hit putt from Pedestal of Shame
9 86 3 3 2 --
T pulled right into trees, E missed straddle jump off tray, T drop in
10 105 3 3 2 --
E Aviar pin high, T missed ~10' putt
11 79 3 2 1 --
T pin high right, E hit nice ~30' putt
12 108 3 3 1 --
E Aviar short, T up, E hit short putt
13 78 3 3 1 --
T wide right, E stretch straddle around logs chained out right side, T drop in
14 83 3 3 2 --
E XG-Rhyno roller missed ramp left side, T up, E hit short putt
15 79 3 4 2 --
T hit early tree, E Aviar up, T missed short putt, E drop in
16 124 3 3 2 --
E wide left behind tree, T missed short putt, E drop in
17 100 3 4 2 --
T hit early tree right side, E Aviar anny up, T missed short putt, E hit short putt
18 109 3 3 2 --
Aviar left side of Alamo window, T flick through window, E hit short putt
Totals: 1900 54 56 28 1