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Oak Harbor, WA

Fort Nugent Park DGC

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3.055(based on 22 reviews)
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Fort Nugent Park DGC reviews

2 0
Experience: 4 played 1 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Still too overgrown with poison oak 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 24, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


It's the only course on Whidbey Island besides the one on the naval base that I'm sure you can only play if your in the navy but who knows.


Way overgrown, better have 2-3 people spotting. Tons of poison oak. Small course with tons of trees so expect to lose discs in the brush. Really bad mosquitos at certain times of the year.

Other Thoughts:

I want to like this course but honestly I'm done with it. My parents live on Whidbey so I visit once a year, I love DG but this course just bums me out. More searching for lost discs than actual golfing. Good luck!
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1 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.4 years 93 played 81 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course for all 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 20, 2017 Played the course:once


My thoughts when I first played this course as an ultra beginner: Wonderful mix of holes, space is used well. Scenery is great. Very fun to play in any conditions. My favorite is hole 7 which goes right next to a creek. Very challenging course over all, but that's what makes it fun. This is not particularly beginner friendly, but that could be a good thing if you prefer more private courses (which I do). This course is a solid 4 star, no more no less, if I had to pick a course to represent each level, this would be 4 stars.

My thoughts now, 2019 (likely more applicable):
-Excellent tee pads and signs makes holes easy to find and tee off from
-Baskets are in decent condition, older innova baskets, they catch pretty well somewhat surprisingly
-Hole design keeps medium distances with technical execution, making this course a sweet medium between a beginner and more advanced skill level. Note: there are some longer holes too
-Fairways are well maintained, from what I understand, this course has been in the ground for a while, so the broken in paths are unsurprisingly very nice.
-Rough gets rough, typical of a PNW course, if you get into the rough, it's going to be tough to get out.
-This is a wooded course for the most part, yes the last 5 holes are wide open, but what defines this course is the woods. Each wooded hole is unique, requires a different shot, and tons of touch.
-For the relatively flat course this is, Elevation is used very well, there are slight hills that you play down, mounds the basket is on top of. The open holes by soccer fields are on the slope that goes down from the field to the fence.


My thoughts as a beginner, circa late 2017: Very easy to lose a disc. Most tees are not maintained, and there is the occasional mom and her 2 year olds going for a walk through the course. After hole 13, the course deteriorates and becomes flat and straight along soccer fields. The trees in the middle part of the course prohibit creativity to a certain extent. The last holes are disappointing, just straight along a fence to get to 18.

My thoughts as a better player circa 2019:
-This course brings in a lot of non-disc golfer hazards, many holes play next to or over a walking path, and probably the last 5 holes are all along the backside of soccer fields, which get super crowded with soccer games
-A couple holes have tee pads that are placed weird, they are sort of pointed into the woods, and so you have to come at the hole from an angle
-Between some holes, there are some awkward transistions/long walks, eg 17-18, 18-parking lot, etc.
-This course gets pretty tight, it isn't the most crammed course I've ever played, but it could get super crowded on busy days

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun course. The only one on whidbey island, which is rather unfortunate. If you are really desperate for some disc golf and you're on south whidbey, make the drive, it's not that bad, but it is a bit out there if you don't live in or near oak harbor.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 9.4 years 117 played 65 reviews
3.00 star(s)

All's Well That Starts Well and Ends Okay 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2017 Played the course:once


Great signage, both the overall course map and the individual tee signs.

Fairly easy to navigate without referencing the course map, which is always nice.

First 13 holes are mostly wooded shots, with what I would call "average" width fairways. I enjoyed the fairway widths, I've played much narrower and much wider fairways in wooded courses and most of these holes are nice middle ground between being pure luck to get through and not much challenge because they clear-cut the fairways.

Nice mix of short to average length Par 3s, with a few different looks. I had reason to pull out a thumber shot, couple of tomahaks, backhands and flicks.

Some short ace runs, but still pretty technical shots, not just a wide open field with a basket 120' away. That said, some of the holes are very short.

Good cement tee pads.

Good course if you use a cart, no issues pulling one.

For a forested course it's about 4/10 on my scale of losing disc crappiness. Definitely a few spots to lose discs, especially if you don't have much control off the tee or get a wicked early bounce, but way better than a lot of forested courses (e.g. we played Rotary in Anacortes before playing this course, which really isn't a fun place to look for discs).

The first part of the course is a dedicated disc golf course with a sign at the entrance saying "You are Now Entering a Disc Golf Course".


Last 5 holes are very repetitive hyzer shots to baskets nustled up against a fence at the edge of sports fields. If you go for the pin and put it over the fence it's pretty annoying. Not a great last few holes, but better than being a 13 hole course I suppose.

Very little elevation on this course, almost none.

Last 5 holes are around a potentially very busy sports field that imagine would be almost unplayable at peak times.

Other Thoughts:

This isn't an overly challenging course, as an average intermediate player I was just under par. Advanced/Open players may not find this all that enjoyable, nowhere to open up big drives and only 3 or 4 holes they'd likely find technical enough to interest them.

Not a whole lot memorable about this course, but glad we stopped to play it. Would be interesting to see what sort of alternate layouts the locals do here as there's some good potential.

Ten times better than Rotary Park in Anacortes, which we played before hitting this course. We would stop in and play this one again, not so much for Anacortes.
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1 1
Experience: 12.4 years 65 played 9 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Ft. Nugent DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2015 Played the course:once


Great signage. Holes 1-13 good looking. Need to use most of your bag.


Still way too much thick underbrush (looking back on reviews from 6 years ago) -- to the point of almost walking out after holes 4, 5, and 6 (didn't get much better, I just resolved to never come back without a spotter or three).

Short holes

14-17 extremely boring and only challenge is to not hyzer a disc over the 6' chain link fence into private property.

18 boring as well, with a road taking the place of the fence -- longest hole by far, but even with my weak arm, I bogeyed it with a 2-putt.

Other Thoughts:

Not much has changed since The Valkyrie kid reviewed this SIX years ago! Only think that may have changed is holes 2 and 10. 2 is now a toss onto a ridge separating two ball fields, and I don't recall 10 as being long or anything special.

I usually throw 18 holes at 9-15 over par, and since I was playing this course for the first time, I think my +6 pretty much says that this course is not too difficult. The thick underbrush really annoys me on any course (I don't mind tough holes, but prefer being able to find my disc if I do throw off-course), and this may make beginners really dislike the game, and frustrate those who have to spend long periods of time trying to find their $20 discs......
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1 1
Experience: 11.6 years 14 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

durby800 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Good course. All par 3. Short but technical shots trees little water hazard swamp on 4 or 5 . Good mix of wide open shots too. Course has some dog legs right and left. So it can allow players to try different throwing styles. I plan on playing it every time I can when im here.


The undergrowth on hole 2 and some of the others can swallow your disc and you'll never find them. So use a spotter to help see when one goes in the rough. Hole 2,4,5 use spotter .
Also the mosquitos come out like crazy in the evening. If you want really long shots this is not that course.

Other Thoughts:

Fun time will play it again.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 66 played 61 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Another "if I lived here" course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2014 Played the course:once


One thing that I love about this course is how it manages to play around a potentially busy sports park. Fort Nugent has football fields, soccer fields, a baseball diamond, basketball courts, and a giant playground, but the course doesn't really interfere with any of these. Lowell Shields did a great job with the land available to him and managed to fit 18 holes into a pretty condensed area. It doesn't look that condensed, but considering how narrow the area available to him was it's actually pretty impressive. Having played several of his courses now, I'm starting to see a lot of similarities.

The baskets, while not in "like new" condition anymore, are still in solid shape and catch just fine. I'm not a big fan of DiscCatchers, but they work really well on this course because you can pick them out amongst the trees. The teepads are in solid shape as well and are plenty grippy (although they're unnecessarily long).

The navigation is relatively easy. Each teepad has a sign showing possible routes, basket placements, and lengths. Tape on some of the baskets would have helped, but overall the flow was easy to follow.

The variety of shots here was decent. There are opportunities for tomahawks, thumbers, flicks, and backhand shots. Even on the short holes in the woods there's opportunity to throw shots you aren't used to throwing if you go off of a tree and into the rough. I have to give credit where credit is due on this, because any time that you're forced out of your comfort zone? The designer did his job.

Favorite holes: 1 and 18. 1 is a fun little shot from the field into the trees. 18 is a good close to the round by finally allowing you to air one out for 472', but it's still narrow enough with the road and soccer fields that placement is extremely important.


I just couldn't fall in love with this course. The lines were there, the shots were there, and the fun factor was there, but it just didn't feel like it was worth the drive.

The worst part of the course had to be the length. Holes 1 and 2 make you think you're going to have to work for your pars, but after that you settle into a nice run of short and technical holes. Some of these are even laughably short. The course flow here is kind of messed up as well. No disrespect to Lowell, but this seems to be his biggest weakness. You can see this at Terrace and North Park as well. You hole out and then have to walk back across your fairway, or up it, or find some other way to expose yourself to throws from other holes. There are even holes that throw back toward the previous teepad with very little protection other than a few trees. Why there aren't any mandos here is beyond me. You run into this through most of the wooded holes starting with the clash between 5 and 6.

Then you get to hole 14, and it just gets repetitive. Throw 250' or so with a fence 10' to your left. Then do it again. And again. And again. And again. Hole 16 was kind of interesting due to the low ceiling directly in front of the tee, but other than that there's zero variety to the field holes. They're really a lot shorter than they need to be too. This is evidenced by the walkout from 17 to 18 that is longer than two or three of the preceding holes combined. I'm thinking that this 18 was added later, as there's an unused teepad along the fence between 17 and 18. Hole 18 does finally let you air one out for about 425'... With a road on your left. But at least the road is farther out than 10', and it adds a nice challenge.

Least favorite holes: All of the ones under 200'. I landed some birdies on these and I guess it forced me to throw in ways that I wasn't accustomed to, but it just feels like you're being cheated when you play an 18 hole course with 133' holes on it.

Other Thoughts:

I did enjoy this course, and if I lived on Whidbey I'd be here every day. It's a great "tweener" course for people who are ready to step up their game a bit from the easy nine holes of the state, but don't think they're ready for the "tougher" courses out there. But it's so far away from everywhere else and it's not that challenging, which keeps me from wanting to go back. It's a fun course and is definitely worth a stop if you're in the area, but don't make a day trip of it unless you plan on hitting other courses or going somewhere else along the way.
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3 1
Experience: 50 played 7 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Boring for experienced golfers 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2014 Played the course:once


- Nice park with a big playground for kids
- Clean bathrooms
- Well marked, good signage


- Repetitive: The first 12 holes were all basically the same shot
- Short holes: Nothing to really air it out on until the last 6
- Poor flow: It's easy enough to walk between holes, but one hole doesn't flow into another
- Blind holes: Almost all of the first holes with the layout I played were blind. I like having a few blind holes, but every hole just gets frustrating
- Thick bush: Spent lots of time looking for discs, even when I thought I had a good shot
- Wide open holes in the back have little thought put into them

Other Thoughts:

- My wife thought this course was OK, but she only plays once or twice a year. I play once a week or so and have been for 10 years and I was bored by the third hole.
- Definitely not worth going out of your way to play
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3 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 83 played 46 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fort Nugent DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2013 Played the course:once


This course is located in a very sports-centered park in Oak Harbor. The park seems very well established and busy with people there for activities besides disc golf. Disc golf is also quite established and seems to be a well-received addition to the park. There are signs around some of the busier parts of the course warning about flying discs which is nice to see. Tee signs are pretty nice. They show a map of the course and the distance of the hole. I will say that sometimes the scale of the map seems hard to follow on some of the very short holes; it's hard to describe. Concrete tee pads are great and all angled in the right direction. Baskets are DISCatchers and seem to be in great condition. The practice basket has a circle of logs around it (although I'm not sure what the circle is for. It's definitely not the 10 meter circle). Most of the holes are short and wooded and are a good introduction to wooded holes. Even though you are playing in pretty thick woods, the fairways are actually pretty wide compared to other wooded courses I've played. Almost all of the wooded holes can be reached with a putter or mid range at the most which is another good intro to wooded courses.


The flow of the course is weird. There are quite a few holes that make you throw really close to the next tee pad. Some backtracking in places. The course smacks you with ALL of the wooded holes at once and then gives you the open holes. After hole 12 the course gets very boring. It's all just about 300 foot open shots to the basket. I will give them credit for utilizing the hills near the soccer field, but that's still not enough to save this boring trek back to the parking lot. The walk from 17 to 18 is pretty lengthy and it really just seems like they're trying to get you back to where you started. I felt like there was no variety in the holes. It's either a typical wooded turnover shot or a wide open hyzer shot. I just felt like the design wasn't very creative in this course. I felt like they were just trying to shove a course in here, and they did an okay job, but I think it could have been done much better.

Other Thoughts:

I was very conflicted with the rating of this course because I really didn't like the design much at all. I felt like they could have made a challenging wooded 9 holes, but instead they shortened all the holes and shoved 18 in. With that being said, all the amenities are what made this course enjoyable. Who doesn't like bright tee signs and excellent baskets? Overall, I really did have fun here and I would definitely make a trip back if I was in the area again.

If you mark this review unhelpful or you find a mistake, please send me a personal message here on DGCR explaining what is wrong with it.
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2 0
Experience: 12.4 years 21 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Course if you're in the neighborhood 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 15, 2013 Played the course:once


Nice practice space next to #1.

The signage, tee pads, and baskets are all top notch.

Some nice tight, fun holes to test your accuracy.

Plenty of birdy and ace possibilities as many of the holes are reachable even with modest driving skills.

Solid local group keeps the course it great shape.


There are ball fields adjacent to the course so you have to be careful to avoid those areas with your throws.

Holes 14-17 are pretty repetitive, straight shots along the fence line.

Some more experienced players might want more length to the course.

Other Thoughts:

Given the space they've done a nice job with this course. Great to have one up on Whidbey Island.

Definitely give it a try if you're in the area.
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1 1
Ranger Rick
Experience: 12.1 years 53 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2012 Played the course:once


Great signage.
Easy navigation.
Front half is mostly wooded which adds to the challenge - I really liked it.
Baskets were all in great shape.
Concrete tee pads
Bag hooks on most signs
Plenty of trash cans


Back nine runs along a fence on the left, which makes it harder for left hand players.

Other Thoughts:

The front half really challenges you to make tight shots, and stay in control at all times. Lose focus and your digging through the underbrush for your disc.
Lots of activity, great to see folks playing!
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3 0
Experience: 25.4 years 32 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

One of my favorites 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Good signs, cement tee pads, nice baskets and good practice basket. Not hard to navigate. Good for all skill levels. Nice clean park with other decent ammenities.


Some holes are so short they seem like nothing more than challenging putts. Last few holes are squeezed in along the property line along soccer fields. Would like to see more trash cans and benches.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoy this cousre.

Even though a good number of holes are less than 200' you still need to be accurate to avoid getting into trouble.

When football practice is going on holes 2 and 6 may have to be skipped.

Also watch out when teeing of on hole 3, there is a blind path leading from the housing area to the park about 10' in front of the pad that people will take, I almost let a drive rip into someones grandpas head.

No really elvation changes but that doesn't bother me since the course has a good number of holes in the woods forcing you really on accuracy.

Finally I've played this course on a regular basis since it's opened, it has come a long way and in a completely postive manner. I can't wait to see how much more this course will improve.
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6 0
Experience: 14.1 years 13 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty par course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 28, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Very well maintained
Variety of tight technical shots and some open ones as well
Excellent Tee pads and Signs
Great Baskets and sweet practice basket
Some really difficult narrow fairways
Awesome chipmunk houses and really sweet local wildlife ( the chip munks are brave here!)
Beautifully groomed park with a good place to practice your skills, fun for a beginner or more advanced player


Can be busy , like un playable busy if soccer or football pratice is in the way 4-6pm
Field looks are repetitive hyzer shots
No real change in elavation which is always a bummer to me.
Lacking the adventurous feeling i tend to gravitate tword

Other Thoughts:

Overall this is a good course, and to be fair they used this land very efficently IMO. However that dosnt mean it really satisfies my discgolf craving to the fullest. Its a great technical pratice course with opportunities to play the wind, however lacking epic holes to make it a great course puts it at a 3. They have done with good with what they have however, i just wish they were given a little more!
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4 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 103 played 35 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun but not Great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2011 Played the course:once


- Fun technical shots
- Challenging, yet easy
- High Fun Factor
- Unique tee shots
- Good concrete tee pads
- Bag hooks on every hole.


- Extremely short course
- Strangely shaped fairways
- Too easy
- No tee signs
- Minor navigation issues
- Some holes become unplayable due to other activities going on in the park
- Holes 12-16 are extremely repetitive.

Other Thoughts:

Fort Nugent DGC is a short course that has both tight woods and open field shots. Despite its short length,I found the course extremely enjoyable to play. Most of the tight woods holes are gimicky tight wooded shots, where the fairways don't necessarily "fit" the flight of a disc. On most of these holes it is "ideally" easy to score well, but if you get off the fairway the woods have the potential to add strokes. The open field holes add some distance but are extremely repetitive and RHBH friendly. Some of the open field holes also compete with other activities going on in the park. My group had to skip two holes because of football parents sitting in the fairways watching their kids practice. There were also minor issues with fairways overlapping. A group had to wait for us to tee off on # 10 before they played #13 and we had to wait for a group to tee on #2 before we played #1. Overall, the course was groomed pretty well, and the rough was bad in spots, but manageable. With proper disc golf amenities such as tee signs and better designed holes that avoid other activities this course could maybe stretch to a 3.5/5. With that said, this course is unique and enjoyable to play. If you are in the area I would give this course at least one play before you move on to bigger things.

*For those worried about water, the hazard is merely a shallow creek and it should not be difficult to retrieve your disc.
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2 2
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Wonderful course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 17, 2011 Played the course:once


I love this course, I wish it was closer to where I lived.

Great mix of technical woodsy and open fairways.

Good course if you throw sidearm.

Lots of alternate pin placements.

Lots of signage, easy to find your way around.


Can't really think of many cons. The last few holes have a fence which is a hassle.
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3 3
Experience: 16.4 years 130 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Whoa here come the improvements! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 16, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The course is starting to evolve. It now has multiple pin placements on 7 different holes which always adds some freshness to the feel of a course. Also the course is back up to a full 18 holes. #10 along the baseball field has been removed in order to keep the risk of injury to innocent bystanders down. #17 had been gone for a while for other reasons. However two new CHALLENGING holes are now fully playable in the woods, with both of them giving you a real run for your money in order to save par, let alone birdie. These two holes alone have raised the average strokes to par by almost a full shot in both doubles and league. (Sundays at noon, Wednesdays at 5:30pm) The course continues to confront you with a plethora of different shot types, so learning how to throw forehand, backhand, tommies, thumbers, rollers and more is to your benefit as all of these throws are in play at some point of the round. Discs, bags, minis, straps, and more are always available for purchase from DiscAddiction during the club events, which is very convenient for most players. INSANELY EASY TO NAVIGATE! (always the biggest little plus)


The back nine tends to get a little waterlogged in the wintertime which necessitates bringing non breathable shoes :) The two new holes are not completely cleared out as far as the sides of the fairways are concerned. This will be addressed by the club as we head into the summer I'm sure, and the rough will not be quite so punishing. As some of the baskets had to be moved around with the addition of the new holes, the number on the back 9 tee signs do not match up with the actual number of the holes. Tim is working in conjunction with the parks department and they have new tee signs as well as an updated course map in the works.

Other Thoughts:

So much work has gone into this course in the last year or so. The improvements are substantial. If you came to this course pre summer 2010 and felt like the course had a few shortcomings, I'd tell you to come back and look at the evolving product, it really is night and day from a year ago. The leagues and doubles are well organized and cheap, if you want more information on them just look up Whidbey Island Disc Golf on Facebook and add them as a friend, you'll always be kept in the loop of what's going on. Hope to see a few new faces out here this summer!
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3 1
Experience: 15 years 16 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

FORT NUGENT PARK DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 24, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


-This is a very well maintained course!!!
-W.I.D.G. has and continues to put alot of heart into the course.
-The recently added juniors tees, are a great addition for the kids!
-Many Changes happening, that are surely to make the course more interesting and safer for other park users.


-Holes 13-18, there is a constant chain link fence running within 10 feet of left side of tees, and 10-20 of Baskets (except 17)
-Hole 10 has a baseball field that's easily landed in and is regularly used by kids for practice...unsafe.
-Hole 18 has a road running parallel with the hole with standard chainlink fence as divider...could use a high fence or change location(DON'T KNOW IF THEY INTEND TO CHANGE THIS ONE)

Other Thoughts:

Granted, I've only played courses from Northgate, WA to Bellingham, WA, but this is my favorite place to play....bar none!!! This is my home course, and it's this course that made me the discin addict that I have become!!! Tim and Danni Baugher, with the help of the tag holders of W.I.D.G(whidbeyislanddiscgolf.com), have put a lot of heart in maintaining this course, and making it become the great course that it is. It has a great difficulty. There are great signs showing course and hole layouts, and they are very accurate.The ever changing Island winds, make every round different, nomatter how many rounds you play. Tag holders are regulars and come out daily, always caring a smile and welcoming new comers. There was recently the first real tourney that involved sponsors (INNOVA included) and people from all around! THE RISING ISLAND OPEN was a great experience and I am deffinetly going to participate in DISC ADDICTION 2010 in November (first PRO tourney with other divisions as well!!!) Anyone who appreciates Disc Golf and has the heart that I do for it, should deffinetly checking out this course!!!
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4 1
Experience: 24.3 years 23 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good 'n' challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 14, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Textured concrete tees, easy to read informative signs, practice basket, well kept paths, good variety of holes and different strategies, easy to find the next hole.


14, 15, 16th holes are often very muddy and losing discs over the fence to the left has been quite annoying. I love the forest feel of the front 9 holes but the underbrush is just too much, if you stray off the path it can be a challenge to track down your disc.

Other Thoughts:

I love playing this course because everytime I go it feels like I'm playing it for the first time. Whidbey Island's weather changes so much from day to day that it creates new challenges all the time. This course has improved my overall playing greatly. If this were an easy course I would get bored.
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5 1
Experience: 17.3 years 42 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Was Nice to find 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2009 Played the course:once


This is a nice park type course. They use all the land around the fields and play though the woods too. It was a nice find when I was out on a family trip to find a course near by to play. It has a great flow to it too.


The basket are mostly right next to the next tee, some times only 20 feet or so on a few. All of the back 9 pretty much play around the ball fields and all the baskets from 13 on are next to a fence. Some of the lines to the baskets are way to twisty to get disc's through. 13-16 all feel like the same hole, short and up against a fence.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a RHFH or LHBH course all the way through. There are not very many holes that are for RHBH throws unless you like a lot on an-hyser and play that way.

I was really glad to find this place while I was up here. I did not think I would get to play while I was on the family vacation but then I found this place. It was not the best I have ever played but it was very nice to find. It is also in very nice shape and I was the only one playing, when I was there.
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9 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.00 star(s)

New Course On Whidby Island! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2009 Played the course:once


This area finally has a course. So that's my first plus. It's a new (maybe 5 years old park) multi-use park. There's a variety of activities for folks to do there. The course is almost like two courses in one. After # 1, the next 11 holes are mostly tight and play through the woods. The final 6 wrap around the outskirts of soccer fields. The teepads are large with great grip. The baskets are brand new and the tee signs are brightly colored and informative. The flow of the course was good but I must be getting blind because I didn't notice many next tee signs.


There were many holes with blind baskets. I'm never thrilled with more than 1 or 2 blind baskets on a course. The benches and trash cans will come with time. A very little bit of selective logging could really help a couple of the fairways. I felt that the flightpaths on many of the wooded fairways weren't natural. Discs don't fly right, left and then right again. I think if enough players are playing this course, they will eventually help stomp down and clear out much of the thick underbrush.

Probably my biggest con about the course is # 13 to # 17 are all almost the exact hole only with varying distances. On each you tee off with the fence bordering on your left and just heave your disc to the right and let it hyser back to the basket. I imagine lefties will not love these holes. And when soccer games are in progress, disc players will haveto be careful to keep their drives off the soccer fields.
And # 10 does present a problem when ballplayers are on the field. I just threw a roller. That way I was fairly certain that I wouldn't be hitting any ballplayer on his head.

Other Thoughts:

Thanks for all the time and hard work that went into this course. I think you designed a fairly nice course working with the grounds and obstacles that this particular park has.
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14 1
JR Stengele
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.5 years 255 played 191 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fort Nugent DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 14, 2009 Played the course:once


When entering Fort Nugent Park DGC you are overwhelmed with the amount of things to do for the outdoor adventurist. Whether it be basketball, football, baseball, disc golf, or the most amazing playground ever built for kids, there is enough there to make an entire day of it for you and/or the family. Located in the heart of Oak Harbor, this course is about 40-45 minutes from the Mukilteo/Whidbey Island Ferry and is easy to locate. Fort Nugent Park DGC is surrounded by beautiful towering Pines and other native foliage which make it relaxing and a lot of fun to play.

The course layout for the most part was well thought out for being such a new course, and well mixed including several tight wooded holes (#'s 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12) and several open (#'s 1, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18). With the exception of hole two, all give you a chance for birdie once you know the layout well enough and even a few shots at an ace (#'s 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16). A lot of time I found myself trying to go for the ace and overshooting the basket therefore I had to make some long putts to keep my birdie or par. However, I did like how most of the pins were heavily guarded which made it that more difficult.

The DISCatcher baskets were in excellent condition and were so new that the foam wrapping was still on parts of them which was cool because it felt like I was the only one playing the course. Tee pads were all cement and were plenty long to get a big run-up when needed (necessary for only holes 10 and 18, both par 4's). The signs were top notch as well, showing both distance and pin placement, and were in full color about 4 feet off the ground making the next tee easy to spot. Another thing that made the course easy to navigate was the signs letting players know where the next tee was located (great for first time players).


For being brand new I tried to take it easy on the course because I know that in order for things to be perfect it takes time, patience, and a lot of work.

That being said, there was definitely some things that could be improved. As Ninja-Don stated in his thorough review, trash cans and benches are a must, especially on those busy days when there are several people playing the course (although there was little to no trash in view when I played).

Cleaning up the fairways is a must as well. Holes 2-9 had a lot of foliage on both sides of the tight fairways so if your accuracy is off or you get a bad deflection off a tree you will be spending some time searching for your disc. Although I didn't think #'s 3-9 were that bad (as long as you have a spotter) hole two was ridiculous. The fact it was 320 was not the problem but rather that the fairway was 15 feet wide and had unbelievable amounts of bushes on either side. My first two shots were in the bushes and without my wife, I would have never found my disc. My third shot was from about 40 feet out and with a huge anhyzer I pulled off an amazing par shot.

I could also see some issues with hole 10 being that you must throw a huge anhyzer/ sidearm 400+ feet past a ball field so if you don't have distance and/or control, or are a novice/amateur you could find yourself in the middle of some kids playing baseball which would be embarrassing.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I was very impressed with Fort Nugent Park DGC. It seemed like it was a great little course to learn the basics on. There was plenty of room on the ball fields to practice form and distance on and quality pads/baskets to work on the basic fundamentals of teeing off and putting. The course gave players a chance to experience some of the elements that make disc golf so much fun including water, elevation, wind, woods, and at times distance.

Playing this course once I was able to score 8 under and know if I have a chance to play it again and try to not go for it so often I would be able to go double digits under par. With the course being so new, like a fine wine, it will get better with age.

However, I can't imagine it ever being better then 3 stars due to how short the course is ( 8 holes =/< 200, 4 holes < 300, 4 holes < 400, and 2 holes >400) unless they end up purchasing the land behind the course which would most likely raise my score up to 3.5+ stars.

There is a lot of potential not only for this course but for Whidbey Island as a whole. I would love to see more expansion, adding some courses further south towards the Mukilteo/Whidbey Island Ferry for those who come from the south.

My hats off to all those who helped to get this course in the ground and I wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.
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