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Greenville, SC

Furman University

Permanent course
2.785(based on 16 reviews)
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Furman University reviews

3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.8 years 69 played 69 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Nice Scenery 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 8, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


-Nice scenery
-Three decent holes (3, 6, 9)
-Most goals in good shape


-Tee boxes dirt and not well marked
-Very few tee signs found
-Tricky navigating without map. No next tee signage or direction.
-One goal is bent badly
-Lots of walking scenery getting in the way. Especially on 6-9.

Other Thoughts:

Furman is a beautiful campus with plenty of beautiful people, but that is about the only draw for coming to this course.

We left our map at home, and I wish we hadn't. It took forever to find Hole 1 because we did not want to cross a locked fence that stated the cross-country running course was closed. When we finally did cross it, we walked right up to hole 1.

Hole 1 and 2 were nothing to be excited about. At least they had tee signs, so that was nice, but the tee boxes are nothing more than worn out dirt marked by two stones at the tee line. The throws on the first 2 holes were not difficult at all.

Hole 3 and 4 were a little challenging but for different reasons. Hole 3 was a tunnel shot that provided a little technical challenge. Hole 4 goal was surrounded by 8 ft tall weeds.

When you get around to 6-9, the beautiful scenery comes into play. Most was nice to look at, but it took way to long to wait for a safe window to throw on a Saturday afternoon. I did like the big anhyzer shot on 6 and the long tight window on 9.

In the end, I will probably never play this course again with out some kind of change. The walking scenery is way to close on the back 3, and it felt unsafe throwing there. There was not much in the way of challenge offered here.

3/29/21 Update:

Out of the 68 courses I have reviewed, this is where this course ranks along with similarly rated courses:
Rank-Course, Location
56-Seven Oaks DGC, Columbia, SC
57-Margaret Hunter Park-Newberry, SC
58-Black Mountain YMCA, Black Mountain, NC
59-Furman DGC, Greenville, SC
60-Easley High School, Easley, SC
61-Noble E. Young DGC, Tyler, TX
62-Simpsonville City Park DGC, Simpsonville, SC
63-Gower Park, Greenville, SC
64-Hurricane Springs DGC, Piedmont, SC
65-Roan Mountain DGC, Roan Mountain, TN
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Furman: She's got a great personality. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 3, 2016 Played the course:once


Furman has a nice nine-hole course. What's more impressive is that they're able to fit in this course around all the other activities without much interference.
- This is an above average nine-holer. There's a good amount of length - average hole is 295 feet, with two longer than 400; a fair amount of challenge along with two good risk/reward layouts - #4 & 5. What really makes the course seem better is everything that surrounds it.
- The first portion of the course plays along a nice (ball) golf course. After veering off from the links, you cut through the woods to conclude your round along a wonderful looking lake. There's so much scenery here, and so much going on (separate running and bike paths (a two-way bike path with lanes at that)), that I felt out of place, and not active enough, by only playing disc golf. Should have brought my running gear too for this place. That said, the tower on the peninsula is a great sight.
- There's a decent flow to the course. Finding the first hole was a little tricky. It doesn't help that some tee signs are on trees 50 feet from the tee. That said, once you get past the initial hiccups, you get a series of open holes, your only 'wooded' hole (#5), turn back around and get the final four holes playing back towards the beginning. For the lack of variety, and land, available - the course seems to have optimized what could be expected.
- I enjoyed the closing three holes. #7 is a slight downhill, potential ace-run layout with the lake as a backdrop. #8 is an uphill layout that forces players to go around or over a tree. #9 is a solid, multi-shot par 4. This is probably the most thought out and executed hole on the course.


For as relatively decent as this course is, it's also got a strong shrugged shoulder feel to it. There's nothing great here - #9 is good, not great. There's nothing really bad either. It just feels like a lot of basic layouts that offer just enough variety to not drive someone crazy.
- That said, if you throw a straight tee shot on every single hole, you'll have an easy round of nine straight pars. You'll never be too far off line if you only throw dead straight.
- Course could become unplayable when other park activities are going on, mainly when cross country races are taking place. I can also see students/other park goers occupying the grass on nice days in the stretch of #6 - 9.
- Signage is inconsistent. Signs are always on trees. It's a matter of how close said tree is to the tee markers. Sometime it's close; sometimes not so close. Other times there is no sign.
- Natural tee pads. No benches (unless you go to a picnic shelter near #7 - 9). No trash cans or water fountains. None are big issues.

Other Thoughts:

Furman has its flaws, but still comes out better than most nine holers. If it's guilty of anything, it's that it left me apathetic after playing. After one round, I felt like I had already played this course a dozen times.
- For some reason, the high floor, low ceiling feel of this course wasn't appealing. A round of disc golf with nine birdies and nine bogeys is going to be much more memorable than one with 18 straight pars. And that's what I felt about this course.
- There seemed to be some more room for potential expansion and or redesign. Doubt it would happen because there are clearly other aspects of the park that (rightfully so) get more attention than this course.
- Maybe if I played this course more, my opinion would change. I'm giving this course a 2.0 rating - above average in my book for a nine-holer. If I were to come back here, I'd probably want to enjoy other aspects of the campus/park before playing disc golf.
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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.4 years 275 played 236 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Lots of money around you, but not on the course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2012 Played the course:once


Lots of great scenery.
1 and 2 are open, but trees come into play later in the course.
Minimal tee signs on holes 3-9
Hole 7 had several shot possibilities, 8 was a scenic uphill shot with nice landscaping.
Bathrooms between hole 8 and 9.
DGA baskets in great shape.


No tee signs for first 3 holes, they are tough to navigate and the map is incorrect.
Tees are just 2 cement slabs with numbers spray painted on them. The difficulties with navigation in the begining gave the course a bad start.
Sign for hole 4 is over 50 feet from the tee. the hole itself plays over some high brush and grass. There is supposedly OB on hole 4, but I could not tell where it was.
A few minor safety concerns: 1 and 2 plays along the golf course, but the chance of injuring a golfer is not very likely. 5 throws at a climbing wall and at the main walking path, but again risk of injury is low. The path is a decent distance back. 6 was a blind hook where the very popular walking trail came into play. 7 plays towards walking trail, but there is a decent buffer. 8 throws over lots of benches and tables, but there is no telling how often they are really used. Hole 9 throws along walking trail.
The trails slow down play more than risk the walker's safety. You have to stop and wait for them to clear the path before you can throw.
Single basket locations and tee pads mean there is no way to change up the course if you play frequently

Other Thoughts:

There is clearly money flowing out the wazoo for recreation, but the disc golf course could use a bit more for signage in the first 2 holes. Hole one runs along a golf course.
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4 0
Experience: 22.4 years 13 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

One of my home courses; an assessment 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2011 Played the course:once


There's a lot of inherent beauty to the course; The final 5 holes in particular all play by the lake, often with gorgeous views of the campus. The design itself is solid:

1. A very narrow wooded hole. A few bends in the trail put a premium on driving; those who can't throw with pinpoint accuracy will be shooting several shots higher here.

2. A relatively open hole by the golf course. Longer throwers may be able to reach on their drive if they take the wind into consideration.

3. Begins along the same path as the first hole before emerging into a clearing that descends slightly to the left. A slight anny on the drive will make your approach significantly easier.

4. A straightforward, slightly downhill hole. Avoid the brush on either side like the plague, and be sure to clear the trench short of the pin.

5. A picturesque, short downhill ace run towards the lake.

6. A dogleg left around some very tall and thick trees, before moving uphill towards the pin. A sharp, strong anny is necessary to have any shot at a birdie.

7. An absolutely beautiful hole, starting by a replica of Thoreau's Walden cabin and heading straight towards the lake, ending in a small grove of trees and azalea bushes.

8. A number of trees make the drive on this slight dogleg right difficult, but the rest of the hole is short and relatively unguarded.

9. The longest (465 ft), most technical, and most difficult hole on the course. The path on this is littered with trees, and the lines are difficult to find at first glance. Proper strategy and shotmaking will yield a 3, but getting bogged down in the woods can quickly turn that into a 5. An excellent finishing hole.

Overall, it has the right mix of straight and dogleg holes to each side, without favoring either.


Don't expect to be alone during your round. The wooded path that makes up the entirety of hole one and part of hole 3 is often used by cross country runners for practice during the season. Also, the trail running along the back of the lake is frequented by student groups and families that often are just taking advantage of a nice day. Mind your drives on these holes.

Hole four is relatively unmaintained; the brush on both sides is nearly impossible to navigate, and filled with poison ivy. Wasp nests tend to be found near the hole as well, so try not to linger for too long.

Take a map beforehand if you're able. Finding the first hole is difficult, and there are a few places where backtracking is necessary to find the next tee, though new signs are helping the matter.

Other Thoughts:

While none of the holes are particularly long, it's hardly a course of ace runs. There's enough technicality and interesting shots required to keep pro players intrigued, while still keeping it comfortable for beginners. For a 9 hole course, it's definitely worth your time.
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2 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 107 played 46 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Formidable Foe 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Formidable - Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.

Furman demands respect. It can be overwhelming, intense, and capable of kicking your butt.

With that said, here is the low down dirty on Furman disc golf. Beautiful Course! Plays along service roads and campus near the Swamp Rabbit Trail. There are tight technical shots, open bomb shots, and short elevation shots. DGA baskets are fantastic. Bathrooms and water fountain are located between holes 8 and 9.


There is heavy traffic due to the Swamp Rabbit Trail making hole 6 difficult to tee off. Bikers, walkers, runners, and students in general frequent the back four holes making it a nice scenery but difficult to play when the weather is nice.
There is plenty of wooded area which could house a full 18 making Furman a destination. It is diffcult to navigate at times when tee signs are not correctly placed. If tee and tee pad are not together it makes a DGer wonder where exactly do you tee off. Installing concrete tee pads would solve this problem.

Other Thoughts:

New signs and "next tee" markers are a nice step in the right direction to getting Furman DG where it should be.

There is plenty of potential here and I'd like to see a different course layout.

With what many call an average 9 hole dg course Furman can reek havoc on your disc golf game if you aren't careful in your shot selection.
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3 0
Experience: 24.3 years 12 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Steadily Improving 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Overall, it's one of the more beautiful 9 hole courses on a college campus. It's good for enjoying a recreational, easy round or for learning to how play the game. Has a good mix of lengths, especially for a 9 hole course. (The last hole, 465 feet, might be considered a PDGA par 4 in a tournament.)

It's probably an average 9 hole course for most people who play in pro division and looking for a challenge and a surprisingly fun course for intermediates and college players!


During the afternoon hours (4:00 - 8:00 pm) it can get crowded with a lot of walkers and bikers, especially on the weekends, so holes 6, 8, and 9 can be frustrating while waiting on people to go through or trying to figure out what shot you want to throw without putting anyone in danger of getting hit.

It is only 9 holes and, if you're coming from the Greenville area, you want a little more time to play for the drive there and you don't want to waste time looking for the first tee. There is some poison ivy on holes 2 and 3.

Other Thoughts:

New signs and "next tee" markers (purple wooden arrows located on the bottom of the baskets) have been added to help people locate the holes. The 9th basket is the first one you see coming from the parking lot, and it has a purple marker on the bottom that points to the path toward the first hole (across the path and up the hill), which makes it easier to locate.

The first hole is supposed to be moved soon out of the woods. (The basket being located near the cross country finish line near the golf course).
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 158 played 83 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Best 9-Hole Course in the Upstate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


-Beautiful Course! Plays along Furman lake and golf course.
-Offers a balanced mix of open shots and wooded holes.
-Course provides a few ace runs as well as longer more challenging holes.
-Course is very well maintained
-Amazing DGA baskets that are very well installed.
-Well made metal tee signs recently installed.
-Bathrooms and water fountain are located between holes 8 and 9.


-The back 4 holes play along the lake in an area heavily trafficked by bikers, walkers, runners, tanners, etc. which make it very difficult to play when the weather is nice.
-Could be a very solid 18-hole course if more holes were added along the woods following hole 4.
-Some tee signs were facing the wrong direction or were far removed from the actual concrete block tee markers. They seemed to play all tee signs on the closest tree (whether it was actually close or not).
-No concrete tees.
-Hole 1 is difficult to find without walking the course backwards.
-Some hole transitions are somewhat difficult to follow your first time playing through.

Other Thoughts:

This course is located on the most beautiful college campus in South Carolina and offers plenty of challenge for all levels of players. This is not only the best 9-hole course in the upstate, but it's also the best college course I have played.
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0 3
Experience: 16.1 years 30 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

No Signage is a Killer 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 19, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Not a course frequented by disc golfers. Peaceful area with beautiful campus. Great for pets and kids. Sprawling course layout along running trail but not much foot traffic. Great baskets.


You will probably get lost more than 3 times if you don't print off a map. Not to mention the difficulty in finding the first tee (took me 25 min). No tee boxes, just very small concrete markers that are difficult to locate. No lengthy holes.

Other Thoughts:

Do yourself a favor and print off a map.
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6 2
Experience: 17.5 years 47 played 14 reviews
1.50 star(s)

dissappointing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 31, 2010 Played the course:once


- Beautiful scenery


- no course map or any indication where to start
- no tee signs or any type of signs related to DG
- parking
- not very challenging

Other Thoughts:

this was a difficult course to locate. It was also a surprisingly busy area for New Years Eve. I was the only DGer on the course but there were many walkers, hikers, and bikers using the area. I can see this area being super crowded when school is in session.

I didn't mind that there were no teepads. the part that got me was that when I walked from where I parked (across the lake) I saw the ninth basket and I then had to walk the course backwards to find the beginning. after I played through I saw where the beginning was in relation to where I parked. there were no signs to indicate there was a course and where to begin. there were several no trespassing signs and a huge sign for the XC course. a university as prestigious and expensive as Furman should have at least one sign saying start DG play here. since there were no signs whatsoever I missed playing #2.

I would not recommend this course for anyone unless they are visiting a Furman student. this course is overrated for what it is. It is not very challenging and it is difficult to navigate.
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1 5
Experience: 44.4 years 39 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Hard to find/ hard to navigate 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2010 Played the course:once


Several challenging holes.


If it werent for the info on here, I wouldnt have found it. No signage what so ever. No tee or basket directions; and no par info. Tee's are simple little markers even with the ground, which makes them Very hard to find.
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5 1
Experience: 25.2 years 191 played 16 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Needs more development 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2010 Played the course:once


Beautiful campus area. A few pretty good holes. Appropriate for a learning facility.


Course is hard to navigate without a map or guide. Holes 5-9 wind through an area which gets used by a challenge course and several different paths, so at times it may be too crowded to play. Difficult to find the first tee. No course information posted anywhere as far as I could find. No directional signs or tee signs. Tee markers are hard to find.

Other Thoughts:

This course REALLY needs basic signage. I asked a campus cop how to find the course after driving all over campus, and he had to radio in for directions. I never found tees 2, 5, 8 or basket #9. I think maybe #9 goal was in the middle of a challenge course group while I was there. Additional tees and basket placements could increase the variety and challenge. If signage were up I could give this course a 2-2.5, but more tees, goals or a more challenging layout would have to be done for me to get up to 3 or more.
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3 5
Experience: 20.4 years 15 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Tough 9 Holer 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 6, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Great Course all around! Tough wooded holes mixed with long open holes! Actually a pretty tough little course. Super fun!


Hard to Find! Can lose disc easily in woods or in lake...if you are way off.

Other Thoughts:

Great Course. I really enjoy it being kind of off campus. It is well maintained and in great shape!
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6 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.7 years 134 played 24 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Potential... 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 23, 2010 Played the course:once


Furman is a beautiful campus, and this 9-hole course plays right on the edge of the pond(but the water is never in play). The scenery is pristine, with the mountains in the background and the tower/pond/campus, gorgeous.
The course itself is good, but not great. Most holes are straight shots. Good practice for tunnel shots, but there are no big turns except for hole 6, and that's wide-open to hit the bend. Variety in distance and in-&-out of the trees makes a good pace. Longest hole is maybe 450 feet, with a couple ace-able straight-shot holes to tempt you.
Baskets are AWESOME! These things look brand new, and are anchored perfectly in square concrete. Chains overlap, they look and sound great.
Navigation is decent, once you find the first hole...
Hole 7 is really neat -- you tee off right next to a recreation of Thoreau's cabin, aiming an ace-shot at a basket nestled in some pine trees, with the lake as a backdrop.


VERY hard to find! The first hole is nowhere near the parking lot, and there's no map/ signage/ anything to tell you where to find the disc golf course. I suggest asking anyone you see, or look for the ball golf course, as hole 2 is open and almost uses one of their fairways, then walk back to 1. (I'm happy to guide anyone that wants to play here)
Tees are pink marking flags in the ground. Often hard to find.
Lack of shot variety. Basically all straight shots. Some tunnels, some open, but all straight.
Seems like the course was approved, the baskets were bought, and then that was the end of the budget for the course. This course needs "next tee" signs, tee pads, tee markers, and SOMETHING telling you where to find the first hole. We walked the course backwards to find it, as the 9th basket is in plain view and the first basket you would possibly see.

Other Thoughts:

This is NOT the best 9 hole course in the upstate(Holmes is MUCH better), but hard to beat that campus feel.
Seems like there's plenty of room to add another 9 holes that's not being used.
Course does play on the campus, so you have campus traffic: runners, dogs, bikes, kids, etc.
I'll post a bunch of pictures to help anyone else around here.
There are some random bronze statues of children playing on a few fairways. I first thought these were the tee markers, which would have been cool :)

Lots of potential, but lots more needed to get even a 3 star. Worth it for the scenery if you're in the area.
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3 3
Experience: 19.3 years 47 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good College Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 18, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Good location by the lake on several holes, decent mix of shot types, some fun ace runs


No hole signs (yet), no tee pads, and thick foliage bordering several holes

Other Thoughts:

Great addition to Furman's campus, hopefully another 9 holes will be approved and funded, but the signage needs to come first
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4 0
Experience: 3 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2010 Played the course:once


One of the best 9 hole courses ive played
Many holes force tight shots
Great practice course


Sort of a con: the course doesnt have a single hole that is right to left giving advantage to forehand and left handed throwers (also is a pro in that it is great practice )
No rules sign to instruct players about ob's that seem to have been set up such as on hole 3 behind the basket
Some tees are hard to find so directions would be helpful.

Other Thoughts:

a set of pro tees on some of the shorter hole would make this course very interesting
I hope room for a back nine is found because if its as good as the first nine this would be a great course.
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7 1
Premium Member
Experience: 141 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best 9 Hole Course in the Upstate 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 27, 2010 Played the course:once


Longer pin placements than most 9 hole courses in the area. First course in the upstate area to use DGA baskets, where the inner chains cross the outer chains at the bottom of the basket. Some ace potential on a select few holes, but overall, gave me as an intermediate player a good challenge, and left me wishing I had shot 3's as opposed to 4's.


The biggest, and really only con I am aware of is the lack of concrete tee pads. I believe this is due to the desire of Furman University, and was also not budgeted for the course.

Other Thoughts:

There is enough room to add holes in between other ones, and effectively turn this into an 18 hole course.
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