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Birmingham, AL

George Ward Park

Permanent course
3.785(based on 62 reviews)
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George Ward Park reviews

11 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 36 played 36 reviews
2.50 star(s)

It's.... ok

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 2, 2023 Played the course:once


Two baskets per hole is a nice touch.

1 set of useable concrete teepads per hole

2 totally different looking baskets per hole.

Decent variety of shots and elevation, given the land available.

Abundance of benches, trash cans etc... would make group golf pleasant.


The second set of teepads is unusable for anything but a standstill drive. I'm only 6' and any kind of walk up was impossible.

There are 3-4 pin positions per hole, and two sets of baskets. However, there's no consistency in which basket goes in which position.

Lots of interaction with walking paths and other park activities.

The neighborhood is rough around the edges and a little indimidating.

Other Thoughts:

I loved the fact that George Ward had concrete tees with multiple baskets. Touches like this allow different experiances every time out and make me want to keep coming back and trying different ways of playing. However, the postage stamp front tees take that option out of play for most players. Hopefully those get extended in the same fashion the rear tees were at some point, as the front tees do add some value. The elevation, trees and other terrain were well used. Pin positions appear to have been carefully selected to create challenging upshots and risk/reward putts.

Considering my surroundings has become more important to my as my wife began playing more often a few years ago. This is not a course I'd want her playing alone. I played passing through to break up a 12 hour drive between Ohio and Alabama. TBH, I probably wouldn't have left my work vehicle with my tools, laptop and travel bag in the parking lot if the park hadn't been so busy. It's not a terrible spot, but I'd probably recommend playing in groups and not leaving anything of value in your car (good ideas anywhere, but more needed here).

This is a course that has the potential to be very good, but is held back by some easy to solve navigation issues, and tough to solve teepad challenges.
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16 0
Experience: 5.2 years 5 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Jack of All Trades City Park Golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 27, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


Jack-of-All-Trades: This course doesn't really excel in anything, but it also doesn't really lack anything. It's a nice mix of open and wooded holes; some holes have big elevation changes while others are pancake flat. Some holes are a bit unforgiving, but most give you plenty of chances to save par/bogey. Some holes are long, others are short. Some have water/OB, some are pretty wide open. Truly, George Ward has it all. Not amazingly, but satisfactorily.

Challenge: George Ward is deceptively challenging. As an intermediate player, I can go out there and shoot 1 or 2 below par, but have had my fair share of +5-7 rounds as well. Holes are long, lines are forgiving but still have to be hit for birdie and sometimes par. George Ward feels like a very fair challenge.

Pins: 2 Pins on every hole. Prodigy ones are REALLY nice, and the DGA ones are in good shape too. 4 pin locations on each hole, and they get rotated pretty often when league is on during the Spring/Summer. Each location provides a truly unique challenge, and having two baskets at each hole gives option to play an easier or more challenging line based on your skill.

Tee Pads: Nice, large concrete tee pads before every hole. Always a plus to not even think about them.

Signage: Good maps of the pin layouts on each hole. Helpful and easy to navigate.

Location: This is the most well situated course in Birmingham sitting just a couple of minutes off I-65 in the middle of the city. Accessible for all.

Community: Rare to see GW without friendly others out there. Birmingham disc golf community really embraces George Ward in a special way. Can be crowded at times, but I've never had a bad interaction on the course. Nice to have a crew watching over your car when you play as well, and to come back to afterwards.


Master of None: Nothing particularly inspiring at George Ward. It's a great course, but there are no signature holes, and while it utilizes the terrain well, the course design never wows me like nearby courses do.

Sidewalks: There are a good bit of them, which means you deal with a decent bit of pedestrian traffic and most of them are lipped, so you deal with some pretty annoying OB if you happen to hit one of the curbs.

Pedestrians: George Ward is a pretty park near several neighborhoods, so it gets its fair share of usage. The disc golf course plays around most of the park, so you'll encounter some people in fairways, a lot of dogs, and the occasional homeless person that has set up camp near the course. Not too much of an issue to me personally, but on crowded days it can be a bit annoying.

Other Thoughts:

George Ward is truly the jack of all trades city disc golf course. Nothing spectacular, but a real compliment to Inverness in the Birmingham area and a nice break from the brutal challenge of Inverness.
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17 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
3.50 star(s)

An Urban Gem 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


-I think what's really great about George Ward now is that there are two baskets each in play for every hole now. Prodigy and Mach pins on holes #1-18. I played two practice rounds before my tee time in the Magic City Mega Bowl. First time I played the prodigy pins and they offered a slightly more difficult layout, even though some of the holes were easier to those pins than they were in the mach pins. Many holes have a third or fourth pin position and you'll get to see two of them when you play here now.

-Primarily open on the first 18 holes, which were played in last year's tournament. There isn't a lot of rough, no where near as much as the average disc golf course. The rough here overall is about a 39/180. There is some rough that you could land in after an errant shot, but you can escape with par on many holes here if you shank a drive. Overall, very forgiving. Only holes where the rough was a little concerning were the long pins for holes #5 and #13.

-Not a ton of OB either. #13's short pin is next to an OB sidewalk and a creek. Pretty scary pin placement, but if you cross the sidewalk, you are not OB. Sidewalk plays as a river so if you go beyond, you won't be OB. The road comes in play some, but isn't much of an obstacle. None of the holes are too hard either. All are very fair.

-Even through the COVID, many people are still playing here even when it's technically closed. Nice to know there doesn't seem to be any risk of getting in trouble for playing here as of now. You can tell the locals really enjoy and care about this course.

-Since this course is open and doesn't have a ton of rough or OB, it seems like it'll be a breeze. But it's not really. Sure, pros could score very low here but every hole still consists of a proper line to hit even if you have more room. Average hole length was 317' to the prodigy pins and 300' with the seventeen par threes, disregarding the par four #5. The mach pins averaged right at 293' with one par four (#13). The average length for the seventeen par threes was 286' to the mach pins. You have to have at least some distance to score well here and some of the longer holes (#5, #6, and #11) require solid accuracy. If you mess up, you'll probably see an easier hole coming your way soon. Subject to change, but I think intermediates would average around even par on the layout to the mach pins and maybe one over to the prodigy baskets. If there were to be a tournament here, the standard deviation of scores would probably be wider on the layout to the prodigy pins since that layout was slightly tougher. It consisted of #5, the 600+ par four tucked in the woods and perched on a hill, and #11. Slightly uphill par three that's 350+, uphill, and slightly wooded. The layout to the mach pins was a lot more predictable scoring wise.

-Elevation is well used. Nothing really drastic but some pretty big ups and downs. The closest to drastic you'll see is #9 in the 348' pin position. It has an elevation rise of about 35'. If you play here, you may argue that this is drastic. #12 long is a very fun downhill shot out of the woods and into the open over some bushes. Many holes utilize a good amount of elevation. Some steep uphills and a few significant downhills.

-It's been around for a long time, and the signage is still pretty good. The tee pads are concrete, nice and lengthy too.

-Two practice baskets. One prodigy, and one mach. Multiple parking areas too.

-It's primarily open, but has six extra holes in the woods. I didn't get to play time for the sake of time, but I saw them. They are a nice change from the open. If you enjoy wooded holes, you probably enjoy these extra holes. You'll find hole A once you are done with #14.


-Sidewalk comes into play a lot. Not that it's much of an OB obstacle, but the course can be a bit hazardous to other locals.

-Navigation is pretty hard. Not many next signs (don't remember if there were any actually). Not too hard, but you many walk to the wrong pad while trying to find a different one.

-Some of the shorter pins placements are lackluster at best. #11 in particular. 186' and rather open with no real challenge. Just boring. #16 has a 191' pin and #17 has a 169' pin just around a tree. Neither are very fun. I know that there's a second pin that's playable but there are many different and better options for the shorter holes that are bland.

-Injury risk if you go down the hill on #17 long. No effect on the rating, just a caution. There is a fence splitting the edge of the hill that you could hit and bounce right off of back in the fairway. I threw my disc too high and it went down the hill. Very steep and dangerous. You'll have to grab on the trees on the hill if you go down it.

Other Thoughts:

-This course is really fun. Reminds me a lot of Victor Ashe in Knoxville, Tennessee. We were originally going to play here in the Mega Bowl, but that changed because of the COVID. Was still a good place for me to practice.

-This isn't much of a distance course for advanced or pro players, but it requires some. Since it's open, I think it's a good place to work on distance because there isn't much risk in ripping a driver and it's funner to play an actual round at a good course than it is to practice in a flat field. It still requires different shots that aren't straight. I loved #15's long pin. 401' anhyzer along a row of trees by the sidewalk. It REALLY has to curl right in order to reach this hole. Some holes were good practice for my sidearms (#3 long, #6 short, #16 long, etc.). My sidearm isn't great so those longer holes were good target goals, and helped me brainstorm on how to improve my sidearm.

-Great course along with Inverness, Civitan, and Clay. 100% recommend. Keep an eye out for the park sign. If you pass it and see the sign on your right, take the next right and go down that road. That should lead you to the first hole.
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6 0
Experience: 6 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 15, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


I give this course an "excellent" rating for the varying shots you get to play. It's a fairly open course with natural obstacles that are fair and fun.
The variety is what makes this course fun to play.
Not a "long" course so if shot making is what like this is a good course for you.
The site may say "closed" due to pandemic I can assure you it is very much open! (Somewhere in the Constitution is the Right to Play DiscGolf, right?)
Decent signage with multiple baskets to play on most holes.


While a great layout, the course needs grooming. I don't know who or if there is an organization that is responsible for it but a good mower and weedeater could do wonders for this course. That is literally the only con I can say about George Ward.

Other Thoughts:

We play this course whenever we are in Birmingham. We like it a lot and grateful it's there.
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5 0
Experience: 6.3 years 31 played 30 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Standard for City Park Golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 19, 2020 Played the course:once

Other Thoughts:

Very nice and well maintained course. Course is mostly open, but makes good use of the surrounding trees, creek, and hills so that many shots are still technical. There is usually a group of local pros that hangout and sell discs in front of hole 1. Although not as challenging/grueling as some of the other courses in the area this is one of the most fun to play.

Holes: 18+
Tee Pads/Hole: 1-2
Baskets: 2 per hole and both are set up at once.
Navigation: Easy
Tee Signs: Great
Terrain: Lightly Wooded
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 182 played 120 reviews
3.50 star(s)

George Ward 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2018 Played the course:once


George Ward Park, home to the nearly three decades old disc golf course, is a Birmingham classic. Named after the city's mayor from the early 1900's, Ward was a proponent of park land and oversaw the purchase of the 100 acres at Green Springs, which of course now bears his name. Fun fact, to encourage public use of the parks, he had signs warning people to "Keep Off the Grass" removed. That's something to ponder as we play along the grassy rolling hills of this beautiful course.

Look for rolling hills, green grass (freshly cut if you time it right), mature trees, manicured fairways, rock features, and a creek. It's all here in this excellent city park. And while not a natural feature, there's also a network of out-of-bounds sidewalks helping to define the fairways or shape the greens. Park roads do step in from time to time as well. These areas are aptly but sometimes disparagingly referred to as "concreeks," depending on how well you avoid them. There are a few holes that tip toe into the wooded hole description but overall this is a fairly open course with again, mostly large mature trees that are as much about the aesthetics as obstacles. Look for several mando's that will tighten a few of the holes as well.

The holes, given their open nature, surprisingly give a good variety of shots. Besides the diversity in hole lengths, there is a certain amount of shot shaping and placement necessary to score well. And of course, the rolling hills bring in some elevation shots that make the course interesting and fun. Overall, despite a similar landscape across the course, the layout does a great job keeping you from getting a sense of repetitiveness. What's more, you'll find two permanent baskets on each hole. Besides providing a shorter and longer option, some creative combinations can always keep things fresh. For example, try winner of the hole picks the basket on next hole or play short on odd holes and longs on even. This obviously provides almost an endless combination. And keep in mind, there are three pin locations, so look for baskets to be moved for even more fine tweaking. It would be hard to predict or track the exact measurement of the course without some unnecessary accounting. But you could probably figure around 6300' for the main 18-hole course, add about 1660' for the six-hole spur.

Note, the additional six-hole bonus run in a more wooded area (holes A-F). I sort of got the impression they are like an unsung step child both in terms of design and maintenance. And while I did look at a few lines, a tourney round and sudden pouring rain kept me from playing them. Pictures on the site as of this review look much cleaner than what I saw in person. With that said, I love shorter wooded holes and they would offer a change of pace and quench the thirst of a more precise, shorter throwing player.

Besides the dual basket feature, the course and park have lots to offer as well. You'll find a generous parking area, situated perfectly at hole 1 and 10, tying in the two nine-hole loops. You'll discover all the info you need at a kiosk complete with a course map and such. Once you make your way to hole one and starting your round, you'll notice a nice paver path and mulched/landscaped area around a roomy concrete tee. It certainly welcomes you to the course. The nice and roomy concrete pad theme continues throughout the layout. Indeed, you'll also feel right at home with all the benches at the tee boxes as well. Tee signs lead the way with all the appropriate info needed to help you select the right plan of attack.

To score well, you simply must play clean. For the average player, on the longer pins, par golf is nothing to be ashamed of. You just need clean upshots and be putting well. Picking up birdies will go a long way to help erase mistakes or get an edge over the competition. For an advanced or open player, the door is open to shoot in the 40's. Playing the short baskets is a birdie fest, a fun layout, and perfect if you are in a hurry to run through the course.


There really is not a lot to gripe about. You can expect non-disc golf playing park users to delay your round. It could use some longer technical holes to balance the course a little. Overall though, the course is solid, and I happened to enjoy it. Folks with their minor personal preferences will find things to like and dislike but again, nothing in the deal breaker category.

Other Thoughts:

I can see why the locals like this course. They seem to take ownership and it shows. I played with a local fellow at the tourney who has been playing the course for years and said he rarely hits any of the other local courses in town. While I can't imagine limiting myself to one course, I get it. If you are content with park style golf on a fairly open course, this one is for you. But even if you are not quite as restrictive on you course rotation and like to get around, you should still enjoy golf here from time to time. Again, with all the basket options, it's great for players of all skill levels & experience.

I really wish there was a 3.75 rating option. I think it's a little stronger than a 3.5 but the course itself is just missing that wow factor to push it to a 4 in my mind.
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13 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 54 played 45 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Bham course IN Bham 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 3, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Two baskets (and 3 or sometimes 4 pin positions) per hole on the 18 numbered holes. While at least three different models are represented, all are quality baskets in good condition (the longer placements, however, seem to have gotten the best baskets on most holes - the orange-banded Chainstars or Mach Vs). The shorter basket on each hole has a big reflective green-yellow hole number - MUCH more readable at a distance than the stock DGA numbers.

Concrete seas: anyone who calls these monsters tees actually just has a funny lisp.

Distance: wide variety of distances, from some sub-200' short pins to some long pins in the 450 foot neighborhood, plus one over 600 feet. I played one round to the short buckets which measured about 4500 feet for 18 holes, plus another round to the long baskets, which measured just over 6000 feet for 18 holes, a respectable figure for an all par 3 course. The difference in distance between short and long baskets should allow play by a broad range of skill levels: I shot even against the short baskets as a lower-end rec player and +7 against the long set. A big arm will, however, make more difference than any particular technical prowess; I estimate a long-armed intermediate player could average about par against the longs.

Water comes into play on a few holes in the form of a clear, flowing stream/ditch.

Benches everywhere (usually multiple per tee), and quality tee signs, map, and course board round out the course amenities nicely. There is also a pro shop of sorts in the parking lot, run by a gentleman named Tom Monroe. You might have heard of him once or twice. If not, you should have.


Very open. Most holes have enough trees to cut off a few (typically wide) lines, but there is very little restriction, and no real concept of going off the fairway on most holes (excluding the OB concreeks). Only a few holes feature true rough off to the side (usually singular), and only one of the numbered holes is genuinely in woods of any sort; even it has a very permissive wide fairway.

You would expect, therefore, that a six-hole loop of woods holes would be a most welcome addition. Good news: there is one! Bad news: it isn't at all up to the standard set by the rest of the course. The holes themselves are mediocre; pretty much any 2.5 or 3 star woods course has basically these same six unremarkable shots. The supernumerary holes have a mix of carpet and natural tees. Moreover, it's evident that they just aren't cared for the way the remainder of the course is. When I visited, they had the same two to three foot tall undergrowth on the fairways (and even greens) as off. (Disclaimer: I found this especially bothersome as a big air bounce thrower, but I think it's evident that this is an issue either way)

Other Thoughts:

Time of play is very reasonable: for a single player, plan on an hour for 18 holes, or 75-80 minutes for 24.

Even for such an open course, the lack of shade is exceptional. Expect the heat to affect you.

As far as park-style courses go, LeMaster in Trussville offers a slightly less open version of this same kind of golf at comparable distances; I think it's a better course, despite some work still in progress on its restoration. However, George Ward is also a fine example of the category, and makes excellent use of the available park land. As far as all courses period, GW sinks well below Inverness and Clay in my estimation, simply because they have a far greater degree of technical challenge.

Not following the provided directions to the course will result in a looooong walk up from the softball fields or the parking lot on Green Springs Parkway, which is where most GPS apps apparently want you to go.
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tom Monroe Land 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 29, 2017 Played the course:once


(3.638 Rating) A longer city park course with very good variety.
- EXTRA BASKETS - My favorite thing about George Ward is the two baskets on every hole, well 18 holes. This appears to have occurred sometime around 2013 from reading the reviews. Considering that there are no extra tees, the extra set of baskets really makes this course approachable to a wide swath of skill levels. The loop of holes (A) thru (F) only has the one basket however.
- UNIQUENESS - For an all par 3 course, the variety is about as good as it can get. There are huge distance variations from sub 200 to the short baskets, to over 600 feet to the long baskets. Shots will break into mildly defined pockets to the left and to the right. Some tee shots are heavily wooded while others are nearly completely open. There are a couple of really fun water clears along a creek. Finally, elevation usage has been well incorporated into the design with several shots going up and down. The down shots on (12) and (15) were my favorites being both down about 30 to 35 feet.
- CHARACTER - All the bells and whistles that a player would expect from a well established course with a big club following. In addition to two baskets on each hole, there is also a third alternate placement as well. At tee (1) there's a large community board with info, course map, lost sunglasses and someone's drivers license. There are benches on just about every hole and there's adequate hole signage. I didn't see a practice basket in my haste, but it looks like (9s) basket is the perfect one to commandeer with it being right next to the parking.
- TEES - The numbered holes have very nice adequately sized concrete tees.
- A THRU F - After (14), players can decide between a six hole loop labeled (A) thru (F) or to continue on to tee (15). I played the loop and found it to be much different than the rest of the layout. These holes are generally more short and more technical that the 18 numbered holes. I couldn't help but notice that two groups behind me transitioned right to (15) instead of playing the loop. So I wonder if it is used routinely or not.
- CHALLENGING - Playing to the back baskets appears to be upper intermediate to lower end advanced level difficulty, while the front baskets read as recreation level. I played the back baskets and I struggled to maintain par finishing 2 over as a 900 rated player. The letter holes are the easiest IMO and I had 2 birdies there. The numbered holes derive the challenge more from length off the tee so a player with a big drive will have a leg up on a technical player for that portion.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - One of the better looking city park courses. As mentioned above, there are elevation changes, wooded areas and water features. Hole (1) right out the gates has a play across some nice sized limestone boulders. Hole (13) is an awesome risk/reward play along an elegant 15 foot wide creek. The letter holes are a heavily wooded charming mix.
- NAVIGATION - I didn't have any issues other than trying the find the course. The course flows really well and a quick peek of the course map quickly cleared up the couple times I questioned my next move.
- TOM MONROE - To be honest, I have never met him and I did not know much about him until after I moved to Alabama. His name is associated with everything disc golf in Alabama and he is credited as the designer to ten courses I've played up here as of this review. It's kind of neat that a player of his stature is regularly associated with this course. Several reviewers have pointed out that he's often out at George Ward.


I typically find it easier to write about cons, but it was very difficult to find even minor flaws with George Ward.
- WALKING PATHS - Several holes bring a five foot wide concrete path into play. I waited on several tees for walkers and joggers to pass. However, waiting 30 seconds a few times over a round makes just about no impact on my ratings or my personal enjoyment of a course.
- GPS DIRECTIONS - My Waze app (GPS) did not take me to the course. The app seems to think that 19th Avenue connects to the parking area from the East.
- TEES A THRU F - The letter holes have sub-par tees. They are carpet mats if I recall correctly. Tee (C) has no mat at all.
- MAINTENANCE - Not too bad. There were lots of larger tree branches down along the layout. Perhaps I caught a bad a day. The letter holes look a lot less tended too compared to the numbered holes.
- TIME PLAY - Playing the full 24 holes in a four sum is going to take a while on this heavily used course. Figure around 3 holes. However, playing 18 with a skip of the letter holes should subtract 25 minutes. 9 can also be easily be done as well as tees (1) and (10) and baskets (9) and (18) are all by the parking.

Other Thoughts:

George Ward is no doubt one of the better courses in the State of Alabama. I've played nine of the top twelve Alabama courses listed on DGCR and have it ranked 4th among the nine I've played. The perfect course to bring a group with a mix of skill levels due to the two baskets per hole. In all, it's a really great course. Not as exotic as a course like Inverness, but George Ward should have just about everyone wearing a smile on their face.
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7 0
Experience: 8.2 years 9 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


Really fun course. Mainly uses elevation and distance to challenge you, not very wooded. It has a few technical aspects but is not the most technical course. This course mainly tests your power, and then has you throw downhill a few times and uphill a couple times. Flows beautifully, hole 1 starts at the parking lot and hole 9 ends at the parking lots. Hole 11 starts on the other side of the parking lots and 18 ends right there as well.


Not really a con, but I don't have the biggest arm. I really enjoy short technical holes, and this course had none. Hard for me to reach many of the baskets, but that is my fault, not the course's fault. And, my GPS had trouble finding the course the first time and led me quite astray. I searched a good long while to actually find it.

Other Thoughts:

The only restroom that was unlocked, was very far away at the baseball field. Many times I play the front 9 (it wraps back around to the car) drive to the nearby gas station for a drink and a restroom, and drive back for the back 9. Works for me
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7 0
Chained Evil
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 1166 played 232 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Old George 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 22, 2017 Played the course:once


Course has 2 baskets per hole which allows you the opportunity to play either from the tee. Course is well maintained and the flow of the course is logical. Holes 1-9 are on the north side of the park and holes 10-18 are on the south side of the park.
Very nice elevation in a city park. The signage was acceptable here as well. Both uphill and downhill shots are accounted for here. Tee pads are plenty ample allowing for a proper run up.
There are a few holes were mandos are in play to add to the challenge a bit.
A few of the holes are aceable and its always fun to run the chains. There is a little stream that comes into play on a couple of holes to keep you on your toes.
Good mix of short, moderate, and longer holes here so you can work on all aspects of your game.
There are holes here that play to the left and holes that play to the right.


Footing could be an issue due to the rocky terrian. I didn't encounter any problems but I could see the hills being slick as a good rain, please be careful.
Long walk from 13's basket to 14's tee which slows the round down a bit.
This is a multi-use park so there might be walkers on the walking paths, which come into play on a few holes. Please be aware before you throw.

Other Thoughts:

This is a solid city park style course that offers a nice change in elevation and will make you work on a variety of shots. This is a good place for a beginner to learn the game and there are holes here to keep a veterans interest as well. Worth a play if you are in the area.
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5 2
Experience: 10 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Rock n roll 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 26, 2016 Played the course:once


My favorite course so far. Only played 18 and will definitely be back to play again and throw all 24. There are at least two pin options on every hole I played. Busy course even the day after Christmas. I would say it was very well-maintained. A lot of thought was put into making the pin placement challenging. Enough trees to be a factor and make you shave some of your shots but not enough to make it really frustrating. I would recommend this course to beginners and veterans.


They were only two pins on some of the holes maybe due to vandalism? Some of the distances look like they might be a little off.

Other Thoughts:

Added to favorites.
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3 0
Experience: 10.6 years 15 played 12 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Really nice, Club kept course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 26, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


-Nicely kept by the club
-A nice guy selling discs there at hole 1.
-Easy to follow
-Quality baskets.
-approachable for beginners, can be challenging for other skill levels.
-Short pins are really easy if you just need a quick round.


-Needs next tee signs for the back 15 (including the inner holes).

Other Thoughts:

Really enjoyed the course. I don't think it's challenging enough to earn a 4 or 5, but I definitely enjoyed it and so will you!
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2 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

My Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


-easy to follow layout
-many options for play
-benches at every tee
-multiple hole locations
-Tom Moore is the course pro
-perfect level of traffic
-good course for beginners and experts alike
-optional extra holes


-pretty short holes(but there are ways to play them longer)
-inconsistent groundskeeping
-extra holes are occupied by several homeless camps

Other Thoughts:

This is the first course I ever played on. I have been playing for a few months now, and having played several other courses around the south I still love coming back to this one when I am home.
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1 1
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A must play course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Great mixture of difficulty and diversity.


Course is located in a city park with a walking trail winding through the course, so there are lot of people in the way at times. One time we watched a couple make out for like 5 minutes directly in the way of our tee shot. They were just far away that our yelling didn't get their attention. No big deal, but definitely a con.

Other Thoughts:

Definitely a course to play if you are in the Birmingham area. Most will enjoy.
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6 0
Experience: 14.3 years 63 played 25 reviews
3.50 star(s)

There is something really enjoyable here 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-Concrete tee pads on all holes except the extra holes A-F
-3 possible pin locations for every hole
-Course flow is great! Love that you can easily start on 1 or 10 right from the parking lot, and both end at the parking lot as well.
-Pretty easy to navigate even the first time around without a map.


-No indicators of what pin location was being used with quite a few blind tee shots.
-Quite a few non disc golfers using the park, might have to wait on them to clear every once in a while.
-The drive to the course was through a rough area, never had any concerns while playing course though.
-Disappointed with the extra 6 holes A-F. They just seemed not up to par compared to rest of the course.

Other Thoughts:

This is a very well thought out course and it was easy to enjoy the couple of rounds I was able to play here. In general the course is lightly wooded and pretty open except for a few areas. The elevation and terrain play very well here. The course flows really well and its relatively easy to navigate. It's not a very difficult course but it still offers challenges for all players. I felt like the extra holes (A-F) didn't really fit in with the rest of the course. They were definitely not at the same caliber/quality as the main 18. I did like that holes A-F were more wooded but that's about all that they added to the course. This course has quite a few really cool well thought out holes. This is a course I could enjoy playing multiple times.
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1 1
Experience: 13.5 years 97 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Classic City Park Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 7, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Varied pin locations, good tee pads, Disc Golf Legend Tom Monroe (white van), lots of dg traffic, front and back 9 end at the parking lot, plenty of trash cans, and fun to play.


Lots of dg traffic, nothing extremely technical, no restroom onsite.

Other Thoughts:

A definite must play if you are traveling through the area. Birmingham's oldest course.
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1 1
Experience: 12.5 years 8 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2014 Played the course:once


Great layout, multiple pins at every hole, well groomed, nice park.


No really technical holes

Other Thoughts:

It's definitely a course worth playing. With having two baskets at every hole, two rounds is like 36 different holes.
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4 15
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

It's ok. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 1, 2014 Played the course:5+ times





Other Thoughts:

I think reasonable is the most reasonable rating for this course. Literally nothing ab it is special. The main 18 are fine, the other 6 are pretty lame. You can read plenty of other opinions on this course. Just don't expect a whole lot and I'm sure you'll have fun and not be disappointed. When you see a rating over 4 for this course you can rest assured its from a DGB member trying to bump that rating. Same with all the "not helpful" votes on any review that even kinda bashes it. Like I said, it's fun, but not much different than throwing on a football field over and over.
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4 6
Experience: 15.3 years 6 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Good Solid Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Varied layout. Nice setting. Good signage. Good pads.


No cons, really.

Other Thoughts:

It's not the greatest, most beautiful course in the country, but it's in my hometown, and I like it just fine. Some chances to really fling it, and some skill shots required. It's like a walk in the park. Oh wait. It is.
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9 0
Experience: 12.3 years 19 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great course for players of all skill levels 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


* Great design. 1-9 and 10-18 both circle back to the parking lot, so you can play the front or back depending on the crowd.
* Discs for sale on site. Tom is a very knowledgable and fair disc golf salesman. Can usually find a good deal from him. He's friendly, and sometimes has snacks too, so that helps when it's hot out.
* Well manicured course.
* Concrete tee boxes on all holes.
* Great signage and easy to follow course.
* Decent mix of open/tight shots. A great course to bring someone who is interested in the game, but hasn't really played.
* Multiple baskets for each hole.


* Regular pedesterians walking through the park can interfere with your shots, and possibly get hit with a disc.
* Extra holes on the back 9 are lacking proper signage.
* Most holes are a bit too easy, but very enjoyable nonetheless.
* Can get crowded on a beautiful day.
* Not necessarily in the best part of town, but there is usually always fellow players in the lot to watch after your car.

Other Thoughts:

This is probably my favorite course, though I am a little biased. It's in my hometown, so when I return its usually playing and catching up with old friends. Plus, we usually go out to a local bar/restaurant close by (lots to chose from) and always have a good time.

Hole 1 is a great start and sets the tone for the rest of the course.

A really great course and highly recommended for anyone in the metro Birmingham area or just passing through. It's worth playing.
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