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San Francisco, CA

Gleneagles DGC

Permanent course
4.115(based on 9 reviews)
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Gleneagles DGC reviews

10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 74 played 74 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not quite soarin’ yet 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 17, 2017 Played the course:once


• Easy to find
• Nice new baskets
• A pretty good mix of shots
• Very nice tee boxes
• Scenic views in spots
• Pro Shop with restrooms and snacks


• Way too expensive for what you currently get
• Tricky navigation
• Rough is beyond rough and even the non-rough is rough
• Wind can be no joke in spots
• No signs (yet?)

Other Thoughts:

• Bring a spotter
• Take Mansell St. to get there. You'll thank me later.
• Bring a spotter
• Bring the map, maybe 2, and follow it closely. Also, look ahead while you're playing to spot baskets and tees.
• I was told that disc golf doesn't start until noon on the weekends. Didn't see that listed anywhere on the site.
• Did I mention to bring a spotter?

Random Thoughts:
This course just opened so I suspect it's not quite done yet, at least I hope it's not done because it certainly has potential but it does need a few adjustments. So keeping that in mind...this course shares land with a ball golf course and a foot golf course and all 3 were in full effect when I was there, which was pretty cool, although you will need to keep your head on a swivel out there because the disc course does not exactly follow the ball golf course. You will find yourself criss-crossing and moving between fairways where balls will be coming from both directions. Do pay attention and be polite, of course. As for the holes, the tee pads are synthetic turf on a hard, mounted surface, and are plenty big. I've never used this type but I liked them, and as they are a different color than the surrounding areas, it makes them a bit easier to spot. Once you find the tee, what you will have in front of you are a series of intermediate to pro shots, leaning heavily on the latter. This course demands length and a good amount of accuracy around the baskets. This is what I would call 'positional' disc golf, meaning almost every basket has a narrow approach angle, so for the most part, you can't fire and forget. You need to have a plan for where your disc is going to land in relation to the approach angle of the basket, or you shall be punished. And if that weren't a big enough challenge, the wind can swirl aggressively in spots, which will probably force you to play a safer shot versus perhaps what you might have wanted to throw without wind. And if that weren't enough, the rough here in several locations is WICKED. Super-dense bushes and forest areas will eat ya up. I had one slightly errant shot all day, and despite seeing where it entered the rough, poof, gone (please holler if you find my Beast). This is an area that I hope they improve upon. Obviously, there will be rough that is a true penalty, and that I'm ok with. But some of the rough is impossible to avoid. You're either walking through it or throwing into it. The area in front of basket 16, for example, is a mess. Because navigation is a bit tricky, you do spend a good portion of your day in those areas, which can be hairy in spots. I'd like to see some clean-up done in several areas and some clearer transitions from basket to tee. If it sounds like I'm being a bit harsher than normal, I am, because if you're going to charge $24.50, you'd better have your act together.

Bottom Line: If you haven't figured it out by now, this is not a beginner-friendly course. I consider myself an advanced player and I still struggled on this course. But that's not a bad thing. I like a good challenge, but before I come back, I think I'll wait and see if the signs show up and the course layout is clearer and cleaner. With that, thank you to the course designers for adding another course to the Bay and I hope things continue to improve.

Update (06/29/2017): Someone found and returned my disc! My thanks to an awesome individual.
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7 0
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not (yet) ready for primetime 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2017 Played the course:once


• Ocean views
• '19th Hole' bar
• Plenty of technical & challenging holes
• Most of the tee-pads are pretty nice
• The cost keeps it from getting crowded


• Non-obvious layout and zero signage (yet)
• None at all
• Like, there are small numbers on the baskets but that's it?
• And no maps, except an interesting but largely useless interactive map online
• So good luck finding anything is what I'm saying

Other Thoughts:

The tee-pads are finished and professional for such a young course, and the track appears to be thoughtfully designed, so, I was surprised there weren't even numbered survey flags at the tees or small temporary signs pointing to the next tee. With nothing at all but the baskets numbered (and those often well out of sight from the tee, with numbers only legible from <50 ft.) it's very slow-going and frustrating trying to find the track.

If no one in your group has played the course before, save your $$ until there's at least minimal signage and printed maps.
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