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Iowa Park, TX

Gordon Lake DGC

3.325(based on 11 reviews)
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Gordon Lake DGC reviews

14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 388 played 318 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Gordon Lake... now with 18 holes!

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 15, 2024 Played the course:once


-nice concrete tees, orange Mach V's in good condition, great signage (for the old 16 hole layout)
-makes good use of the limited land features: some elevation around the dam, a large culvert, the lake, a pond
-mostly easy navigation, take care around holes 4-6 and don't miss hole 8


-over half the holes are nearly completely open
-the wind is pretty gnarly coming off the lake
-holds a lot of water
-barbed wire fence to avoid on holes 6 & 8

Other Thoughts:

Gordon Lake DGC mostly plays in the flat area below Gordon Lake dam. There are a few holes that take advantage of the elevation at the edge of the dam (8-10, 13), a couple that play over a large culvert (1, 14), hole 7 has an artificial island, and hole 6 has a small pond with a fountain just in front of the green and a barbed wire fence behind it; at 267' it's a great test of distance control for the amateur player. The last four holes play on the other side of the parking lot, adjacent to the lake which comes into play on hole 16 and with a bad enough shot on hole 15 too. This area definitely feels more like an afterthought.

The holes are mostly on the shorter side but some of the more open ones are a little bit longer, into the 300's and topping out at 423' slightly uphill on hole 17. The equipment is great. The concrete tees are nice, the baskets are in great condition, and the signage is great but will have to be updated now that there are 18 holes. I played the week the new holes went in and was lucky to have two young locals to follow right in the tricky area (they were about 10 & 7 and pull my disc from the edge of the pond on hole 6, shout out little homies!). A few holes are rerouted in addition to adding two new holes so the hole numbers on the signs are off by a different amount in various parts of the course.

The wind is probably a near-constant companion here. It rips pretty good coming off the lake so a lot of the holes are a bit trickier than they might look even though the course is pretty short. The area holds a lot of water, especially the first 4 holes. The two new holes (5, 8) as well as hole 4 have grass tees for the time being. There is also a dirt volleyball court in play on hole 17; probably not an issue nearly ever but the net is there as an obstacle.

Gordon Lake has its moments but it is one of the weaker 18's in the Wichita Falls area. It probably wouldn't make the cut of courses I'd come back to when I'm in the area. I'm sure the Iowa Falls players appreciate not having to drive into Wichita Falls and the WF players can get a change of pace every now and then. Best for experienced AM players with shorter arms and local beginners.

**Like this review? Hate it? Message me and let me know why! I want to make them better!**
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2 0
Experience: 23.4 years 15 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Gordon Lake 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


Concrete tee pads. Nice Baskets. Infoormative tee signs at each tee box and signs to the next hole on each basket. Short mostly wide open but challenging course.


Tee pads are a little short. Only 16 holes. The ground is usually pretty soggy if it has rained and water seeping through the dam. the area around Holes 2, 3, 5, 10, 11 can be like a marsh. Its usually very windy which can make it a tough course to play because of how open it is.

Other Thoughts:

Course is built next to a small lake. A concrete walking trail goes around the lake and there is a park on the opposite side from the course.
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 80 played 33 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Course by the lake 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 24, 2017 Played the course:once


It's a course on a park by a small lake. Most of the holes play on the other side of the dam, but a few play along the shore. The property there doesn't allow for a lot, but they've done a lot to the course that really improve things. There's an elevated basket, a big raised island, a mound around one side of a basket. The elevation on the dam id put into play. One hole has a tee on a small piece of land that sticks out over the lake that puts the water into play. A bunch of trees have been planted, and in a few years they will be very good obstacles. They've really put a lot of work into this to make it a lot better than the park actually affords.


It's really windy there, even on the other side of the dam. From what I know of the area, I'd have to think it would always be windy. The area around holes one through four gets very swampy. You really need to pay attention to the signage. The course zig zags across the property, so there is often several baskets in view from each tee.
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4 0
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Love small town courses 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 31, 2016 Played the course:once


Good tee signs
Good cement tee boxes
decent flow except for once hole


Map at hole 1 only shows 12 holes, however the course is now 16 holes and I didn't realize it till after I left
the walk from basket 8 to tee box 9 is the worst part of this course

Other Thoughts:

This is a small course in a small town. Not a whole lot to work with in this west Texas town, however the course design does make good use of what they had.

Most of the holes are still hyzer shots though. Tree's have been planted, someday this will because like Lake Wichita (there were only small tree's when I first played that course, it was a wide open boring course)

I really enjoyed the Island hole #8, land on the island or take a stroke penalty and play it were it landed.
Hole 9 is located on the side of the dam protected by several trees.
I also liked hole 11 that had a platform built on the side of the dam. If you throw too high, you not only might be ob over the path, but in the lake to never see your disc again.

Hole 12 was also fun, OB in front of the basket and directly to the left.

Because the map didn't show them, I did not see the 4 new holes on the other side of the parking lot till I was leaving. Because I had to be somewhere, I didn't go back to play these added holes.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.9 years 303 played 42 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lake Gordon Disc Golf Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 16, 2015 Played the course:once


My three pros:

-Lots of unique holes such as the island, fountain hole and lakeside hole along with some barbed wire fenced off areas that make for interesting shots.
-Right off the highway for easy acces when passing through
-In a small town so I'd imagine it doesnt get too crowded. I was alone when playing on a friday around noon.


My three cons:

-Super windy the day i played with 25 mph North to south winds .This isnt neccesarily a con for the course, but the wind made alot of easy shots alot tougher- making for a long round.
-Some holes were kept a little shorter than they couldve been
-Only 16 holes currently, and the map only shows 12. Luckily #13 is pretty easy to find and the flow is simple foir the last few baskets

Other Thoughts:

This was the windiest round I've ever played and it made it pretty tough but also pretty fun. Alot of shots were way off but parking it on the island hole and the lakeside hole made up for the bad shots. Overall I was pleasantly surprised by this park, so much so I played #1 and #12 again to make 18. Would be a 4 star when the course has 18 baskets.
* This was my 50th different course and lived up to the benchmark
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2 0
Experience: 22.4 years 104 played 19 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Designer Review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 25, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


*******Co-designer Review*********
First 13 holes

*great bright mach baskets
*concrete Pads
*signage and arrows to next hole on all baskets
*flow works well
*benches and trash cans on course (more being added)
*concrete stairs
*city put alot of effort into course: concrete stairs, island and ledge hole, the work on the pond hole
*begginer friendly
*enough ob/hole placements to keep average and above average players honest.
*risk and reward holes
*new trees planted
*bathroom between 1/12/13 area
*3 different parking lots can be used
*2nd bathroom in works that would put bathrooms reachable almost every 4 holes


*its short
*windy almost all of time
*its a flat area, void of hills or trees
*swamp between hole 1 and 2
*disc can find other fairways
*wide open..for now (tree budget sitting waiting for drought to end)

Other Thoughts:

I will be honest. We were given an area of land in which i would consider a 1.5 or two star course would be. There is nothing there. It was old softball fields and baseball practice fields. Almost no trees were in area. The design process and the work of the park department makes this a 3.5 to 3.75 course. Yes the course is short right now. But the course was designed to get new players into the sport while still giving the season players some risk reward shots. I have seen scores vary 10 strokes between rounds. There are alot of 2 vs 4 holes (holes 7-12 should all be 2's but constanly ruin rounds). The original idea was to have 6 holes under 250, 6 between 250-350 and 6 over 350. But some changes have happend so that wont happen. The front 12 were going to be the learning holes and the back 6 would have the length. Lets be honest if you have thrown only a few times who wants to play a 500 foot hole and throw 8 times. Many things were considered in design including the strong southeast wind vs the northwest wind. On most days these really affect the course. There is a tree budget to help create more shot shapin but the area is in a serious/critcial drought so no trees have been added in past year. But that makes it like a blank canvas. We can plant trees and force shots. OB's and gimmick holes are use to make up for a very small land area, in which i feel we executed the first 12 greatly (13 is on other parcel of land). Going into this we knew we werent designing a selah, we were going to make the best course possible to attract new players, while making it fun.
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2 0
Experience: 31.5 years 8 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 7, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Great new course. Very well thought out and planed by the designers. Young trees will make for good challenging hole in years to come. Good usage of the area with some interesting holes (island hole, and 2 on the side of the dam.)


Little bit of a drive for me but well worth it for me and my friends to go play. Gets kinda swampy around some fairways and baskets after a rain.

Other Thoughts:

Good course for beginners as well as the more seasoned players. Will be much more challenging after trees get older (if they survive this drought) lol. Worth stoping and playing if your passing through or if you live in the area you gotta hit it at least once!
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2 1
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Beginner Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Iowa Park has a disc golf course. Good starter course for those just getting into the sport, or for introducing new players to disc golf.


Very open and mostly flat course No need for shot shaping here. Can be very windy.

Other Thoughts:

This course isn't going to be much of a challenge to players beyond the beginner stage. It's not the designers fault, there just isn't much here to work with. Lucy Park in nearby Wichita Falls, would be a better option.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14 years 66 played 47 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun in the Sun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 24, 2013 Played the course:once


Great concrete Teepads (trapezoid)
New Baskets. (Love the Orange)
Good Teesigns
Next Tee arrows on every basket
A few nice benches
Stairs when you need to climb the Pond dam
Well kept
Very clean
Great use of the Land available (Loved the use of what obstacles were there)
Like the creation of obstacles (Pond, Island, ledge, sloping green)
Decent Variety: some left, right, straight
When the newly planted trees grow up this course will just get better.
Great OB use on the Shorter holes to keep it fun/challenging
Good subtle elevation change
Some risk/reward
Great place to work on your placement game
Good to take Newbies/family to
Great for a quick round

Favorite hole(s) #9, #12


Most of my cons will go away when the Park and Trees mature a little
Seemed a little repetetive on a few holes in the middle
A little too open for the most part
Parking lot was small
Not much length

Other Thoughts:

All in all this is a fun course. I played traveling through with my wife and children and we had a lot of fun even though it was 100 degrees. There is something for everyone. The walking path and the picnic area are there for the not so DG inclined.

Very nice family friendly course and lake area. Worth a stop if you are going through. Worth driving from Wichita Falls to play. Not a destination course, but, if I lived in the area I would probably be here fairly often.

My "disc rating" is weighted heavily toward the Fun Factor with a bump up or down for the amenities. I will be back by to play sometime and as it ages I think it will just get better/more challenging.

Please PM me and let me know how my reviews can be "more helpful."
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6 1
Experience: 15.3 years 14 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lake Gordon Disc Golf Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 16, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


New Tee Pads (the course is new so...)
Interesting obstacles/hole placement makes up for lack of wooded holes (which is pretty common in North Texas) as previously mentioned the elevated "sand box" is unique
Nice Mach 3 baskets with bright orange paint


most holes pretty short - designers attempt to make up for this with interesting results - but there is only so much you can do with <300 ft holes.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this is an interesting course and provides an interesting and fun alternative to the typical course in the area.
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8 0
Experience: 22.3 years 32 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Just Opened 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 13, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


*Nice concrete tees and Mach3 baskets.
*Shorter holes have OB or significant obstacles to challenge players
*Island hole is unique and nothing like it in this area
*Park benches and trash cans at holes 1,3,6,9&12.
*Concrete stairs on the dam that make it easier to walk up and down.
*Friendly local players
*Direct hit wind flags on select baskets that indicate how strong the wind is blowing 6,12,&18 mph.


*Only 12 holes (so far)
*Holes 5 & 6 face each other so errant drives might cross fairways.
*Some ruts and rocks left on the course from the construction.
*Errant throws can cross walking path on dam so throwers should pay extra attention for pedestrians
*Grass area south of spillway can be kind of "swampy" but there are stone pathways that allow you to cross without getting into the mud/water

Other Thoughts:

I tried to be as unbiased as I could about this course since I helped design it. Its a brand new course with 12 holes but we hope to expand it to a full 18 hole course in the future. There are also discussions of putting in a second set of tee pads.
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