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Warren, NJ

Greenwood Meadows DGC

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Greenwood Meadows DGC reviews

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Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 7.4 years 239 played 200 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Grim Mood at Greenwood 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2019 Played the course:once


+ It's over with in about twenty minutes so you can go play somewhere else.
+ The nine baskets exist, mostly.
+ It outlines a small and quiet neighborhood park, which is obviously mowed regularly, but...


- ...The player feels eyes on them at all times because of the very many houses with huge windows surrounding the park on all sides in this well-to-do area. I felt as though I were under constant scrutiny and that at any minute an overprotective mother would march out her front door and sternly ask me to leave because I was upsetting her 3-month-old baby or something.
- There are no discernible tee areas. Just look for the slightly worn-out patches of dirt on the first two holes. But then...
- ...The tee signs altogether vanish after hole 2. The player is forced to invent their own layout after that. It's like a Choose Your Own Adventure novel!
- The first several holes play uncomfortably close to a baseball diamond. If there were a game happening, they would be unplayable because holes 2 and 3 play in the literal outfield.
- The layout, as best as I could tell, is mostly just open shots focused primarily around a drainage ditch. Some are uncomfortably close to roads, too. That's not good disc golf course planning.

Other Thoughts:

I didn't expect to encounter such a bad course so soon after my experience with Freedom Park back in February. This loose collection of baskets barely deserves to be called a course owing to the baffling lack of signage, boring layout and lack of course maintenance.

One of the baskets is nearly destroyed. The cage is warped and twisted. The central post is slanted. Someone at one point tried repairing it with metal clasps and wire, but it really ought to be replaced-- along with all the missing tee signs, at the very least.

In terms of a silver lining, I can see this place as being an entry point for those just starting out. I imagine that there are quite a few freshmen golfers in the local neighborhood who use this course because it is nearby. It's open enough to get some short-range driving and approach practice in. Maybe it even has a few trees worth dodging. Its only saving grace might be the open-ended approach to the baskets. Precisely because there are no tees, you can throw at whichever basket you want, to change it up. But it is a sorry excuse for a deliberately planned disc golf course: 9-hole or otherwise.

Bottom line: While the grounds are in decent shape, the course is not. It is well-intentioned yet haphazardly crammed into the park, but nobody knows what the layout is. If Greenwood has a future, it is as a training ground for absolute beginners or as a warm-up round before going to a better course. For most players, this place is better off avoided.
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3 5
Experience: 19.2 years 26 played 23 reviews
0.50 star(s)

So this is what kissin a guy is like... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 19, 2009 Played the course:once


*you only need to use 2discs maximum


*shorter than dunham
*less "trees" than dunham
*more people

Other Thoughts:

when first pullin up and seein 5 baskets all clustered together i knew somehting wasnt right. This par 2 course was boring and every shot was dead straight, one could at least put the basket behind a tree or off to the side. The only thing that went thru my head was utter confusion as to why a town would ever invest fund in this putting green snaking around a a baseball field, playground and sewage drainage ditch that sum call a "rivine".
after 9 holes i left to go play Chimney Rock to remeber that i actually do like disc golf and shouldnt force myself to endure such dredgery, stupdity and lack of creativity.
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