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Clarksville, OH

Gulley Park

3.495(based on 35 reviews)
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Averages Score by Tee

291/61 129/55

Overall Course Stats

Total Rounds Played 432
Total Holes Played 7725
Distance Covered by Members 412.22 Miles
Average Score per Round 59
Average Putts per Hole 2.28
Total Shots 25436
Total Aces 3
Total Double Eagles 1
Total Eagles 380
Total Birdies 2588
Total Pars 3425
Total Bogies 872
Total Double Bogies 166
Total Triple Bogies 19
Total Putts 3400
Total Penalties 13

Hole-by-Hole Stats

Hole Avg. Shots Played Aces D. Eagles Eagles Birdies Pars Bogies D. Bogies T. Bogies Putts Penalty
1 3.15 856 272 -- -- -- 42 158 53 14 -- 148 --
2 3.86 1051 272 -- -- 2 99 105 50 10 1 152 1
3 3.14 855 272 -- -- -- 33 170 56 7 1 146 --
4 2.79 759 272 -- -- 2 79 164 17 5 -- 148 --
5 4.04 1098 272 -- -- 1 75 120 53 15 3 148 --
6 2.79 759 272 -- -- -- 94 139 29 5 -- 152 --
7 3.17 861 272 -- -- 38 152 66 11 -- -- 157 --
8 3.26 886 272 -- -- 29 150 76 10 2 -- 146 --
9 3.38 918 272 1 1 16 149 83 17 1 -- 152 --
10 2.87 780 272 -- -- -- 61 185 18 3 -- 150 --
11 3.28 889 271 -- -- 14 168 75 8 1 -- 148 --
12 2.86 773 270 -- -- -- 74 159 27 5 -- 153 --
13 3.97 1071 270 -- -- 82 116 55 11 1 -- 148 1
14 3.33 898 270 -- -- 8 169 77 11 -- -- 147 3
15 4.60 1242 270 -- -- 24 98 102 36 3 2 159 --
16 3.46 933 270 -- -- 8 152 80 22 3 -- 146 --
17 3.40 918 270 -- -- 23 130 92 17 3 -- 162 --
18 3.73 1006 270 -- 1 107 118 32 7 -- -- 154 --