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Clyde, NC

Haywood Community College

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Haywood Community College reviews

4 0
Tin Machine
Experience: 22.4 years 30 played 11 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Give it some time... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 11, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


At first glance, a lot of the holes on this course look super tight and narrow, and can give you a "Can they be serious? Where's the fairway?" kind of a vibe... However, if you have the aim and precision, there's almost always a super small window to hit and get a great shot in. I call this a Pro only because when you do hit it, it feels great! Too many courses are very forgiving, and this one makes you earn your Pars and the occasional Birdie.

This is not a course where you'll be at a disadvantage if you have a short arm (only two holes, 1 and 18) will require a great deal of distance. So if you're more the technical player, you'll probably really enjoy this course if you're on your game that day.

UPDATE: This course has just installed new signs at each hole that display the length of short and long pins! Huge step to making this course more enjoyable, especially for first timers who don't know where to look for the next hole.


That above being said, when the shots don't go your way, you start to see the downside to the tricky and tight fairways with the thick forest off to the sides. You'll find a few holes (2, 10, and 12) where you'll be asking yourself why they don't make discs that can take a drastic 90+ angle, but that just means you have plan out your shots accordingly or get creative with some tomahawks ;)

The green baskets. I see where they were going, but honestly, they may as well have been camouflaged. They got a little easier to see last time I was there when the leaves had started to fall off the trees, but they're nearly invisible in the summer time.

Navigation is tricky if you haven't been there before. The flow is good for the most part, but there are a few times where you have a pretty long walk to the next tee and the direction isn't really obvious to newcomers. My advice, play with someone familiar to the course the first time if at all possible. If not, plan accordingly with extra time to hole hunt.

Other Thoughts:

This course has a ton of potential. Throw in a few signs, some occasional benches, and a map of the course near the parking lot and you start to have a pretty good experience. Also, knocking down a tree or two along the way to make some of the "fair"ways a little more fair couldn't hurt either!
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6 1
El Oso Peligroso
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.4 years 27 played 17 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Has potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 1, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


This course has grown on me as I've played it more. There's a good variety of holes, though most of them are fairly short.

There are some really cool holes. #6-#10 are all good holes with fair lines. #17 is beautiful, right next to a large pond with a working waterwheel.

Many holes concentrate more on tight, technical shots. You find yourself having to hit some very hard lines.


Sometimes you show up only to find the gate locked. I'm not really sure what the schedule is but I've seen it closed on weekends a few times.

Some holes have no real shot at the pin. #13 and #15 stick out in my mind here. That's not to say you can't get it there but it essentially comes down to luck on both of those holes.

Other Thoughts:

#17 should be redesigned. There are better ways to incorporate the pond. Shooting to the island would be awesome.

And please repaint the tops of the baskets before spring.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 709 played 132 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Getting Better 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 3, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Note: The course has changed so I have revised my original review.

- This course is going to introduce a lot of people to the game of disc golf. I mean... how can it not? It winds around and through a beautiful college campus, with the most "visible" holes being really well designed.
- This course is short enough to where you can easily shoot a good number, but not so easy as to give everything to you. You have to work for what you get - good drives are rewarded, bad drives are punished.
- The navigable parts are relatively easy to navigate. Look for the trails leading to the next basket, or think about what the next most appropriate shot would be... and you'll find your way. However, there are a few unituitive walks... see cons.
- You can tell that a lot of work went into getting this course up and in. I also imagine that as the course ages it will become better... with signage, concrete tees, multiple positions, etc... (since the first time I played here, they have added NEW TEE-SIGNS as well as a few navigational arrows which should make navigation much easier).
- The course seems to have been designed so that there would be minimal interference between the disc golfers and the school, and vice versa.


- Navigation. There are New Signs that help you spot the tee-pads from afar... However, there are still some difficult transitions for first timers. As a rule of thumb... if in doubt swing to the outside, away from the campus buildings and you'll find the next tee-pad.
- Tee Pads. The tee-pads are natural. This would be acceptable, however many are unlevel, uphill, tree-rooted, and small.
- Green may be the school color... but who decided that painting the tops of the baskets green would be a good idea? Everything out there is green! They do look sharp though.

- A few long walks where the next tee-pad isn't always intuitive. Directions to find the tee-pad of:
- #8 walk left up the road (50 yards) to tee-pad on the other side.
- # 10 is difficult... walk left up the road, through parking lot and around to the right, down the stairs... toward the green buliding, then look left.
- # 12 walk out of the woods to the left, then around to the right and down the road, then look down to the left in the trees.
- # 16 cross the street and get on the gravel path that crosses in front of the horticulture building... it will deliver you to the tee of 16.

Other Thoughts:

- The campus was closed and I had to park on the street and walk in. This was fine with me but it took a while to find the first tee. If you would have drove in... the first parking lot on the left has a nature trail head sign... behind the sign is hole 1's tee-pad.
- This course was fun... I had a good time. It was better than the rumors I had heard made it out to be. It might be short, but it's longer than the other Asheville area short courses... and harder too.
- Congratulations to the campus for installing a cool course. I hope people take advantage of it... giving reason for the college to put a little more money into its development.
- My Best Score: -8
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