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Wrightsville, PA

Klines Run DGC

Permanent course
3.225(based on 16 reviews)
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Klines Run DGC reviews

13 0
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Solid Course, Great Views, Sketchy Tee Pads 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 1, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


- Plentiful Parking and has a porta-potty
- Located centrally between York and Lancaster and close to Rt. 30 and I-83
- Park is well maintained and the course sheds water really well
- Multiple basket locations add variability
- Course makes good use of available space, there are several par 4s and a lot of different shot options.
- Each tee sign has a QR code that leads to drone footage of the fairway. Not many courses can say they have that.
- Prodigy baskets are very nice and new.
- This course has the most elevation changes of any course in the area. It makes you think about every shot.
- Walking up to the basket on Hole #5 is one of the prettiest views in disc golf, change my mind.


- Public park can become crowded. Cookouts, walkers, and people enjoying the views can spill onto the disc golf course and can be distracting.
- The park will not allow a bridge to be built over the creek between hole 9 and 10 which can make it difficult to cross if the water is high.
- It is difficult to get up and down the creek bank. Recovering a disc can turn into a muddy affair.
- Hole #6 has one of the more difficult fairways that I've played
- The Teepads here are borderline dangerous... more on this to follow.

Other Thoughts:

I routinely drive 30 minutes out of my way after work to play in random draw doubles at Klines on Monday evenings. I think this is a fun course that is challenging but rewarding and the hills provide great exercise. I know a lot of people that love this course. But.... I hate the Tee pads here. When this course was put in the park did not allow any permanent structures to be installed which means the tee boxes are elevated with artificial grass pads and were built off site so they are sized to fit in the bed of a pickup truck. So now this picturesque course has under sized elevated tee pads built onto hill sides without adequate run up and follow through space. Add in wet artificial grass pads and I am very surprised no one has gotten seriously hurt here yet. I am moderately tall and I have to modify my walkup every time I play here. The drop off at the end of the tee can mess with your mind and subconsciously alter your throw. I never get comfortable throwing off the tee until around hole 6 and by then I feel that my round has already been affected. I will continue to come out and play this course because it is fun but I will also continue to hate the tee pads here because they are my nemesis.
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17 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.3 years 261 played 41 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Uphill both ways 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2019 Played the course:once


Stunning views looking over the Susquehanna River, in a beautifully landscaped park. Nice park-like grassy lawns under large trees, and a clear running stream amongst a few holes add to the beauty of this course.
Don't be fooled by the short hole lengths! Many of those 'short' holes are severely uphill, and play like they're 100-200 ft longer! I was expecting to work on my mid/approach game, and ended up leaning on my longest distance drivers for uphill rips on quite a few holes. Strongly sloped greens also test your putting confidence and risk tolerance. Many holes have OB paths on one or both sides that also test your accuracy, on top of the many trees on nearly every hole.
Tee signs are very nicely done, including elevation profiles, and QR codes to look up drone fly-throughs (also available directly on YouTube). I think all baskets included arrows hanging under the spokes that pointed to the next tee location, making navigation pretty straightforward.


For all the massive uphill throws (and there are quite a few, it actually became a little repetitive to me), there are almost no downhill throws to speak of! I think I understand why, because the parking lot, the road, and a playground are all along the bottom of the hill. But it's still such a shame, considering the incredible beauty of the views on this course. A top-of-the-world-type hole could've been one of the signature holes in all of disc golf.
Instead, I personally don't feel like any of the holes are particularly memorable. Lots of uphill rips, lots of weaving through gaps. The holes along the creek are more puzzling than memorable to me as well.
The lack of downhill holes also makes a few hole transitions strange early on. Hole 1 is severely uphill, then hole 2 plays flat along the slope. Then suddenly, getting to hole 3's tee requires an extreme downhill run all the way down to the parking lot, for another uphill rip. And yet again, getting to 4's tee makes you run downhill to the parking lot again, to prepare for another uphill rip. Just one semi-downhill hole here would've been fun, and improved the course flow all in one! I do understand the safety limitations, but surely a compromise solution could've been found somewhere?
A few baskets and tees are quite close to one another, which required some cautious play during the tournament. Also on some tees, you can see multiple baskets, and you'll have to study the tee sign to tell which one is your target.
The brand new turf-covered tee pads are very good, but I'm not sure how they play in wet conditions, and a few may be too small for those with long run-ups.

Other Thoughts:

Again, don't be fooled by the short hole distances or overall course length! This is NOT a beginner-friendly course! Many of the short holes are severely uphill, playing more like 350-450 ft shots. And many of the longer holes weave their way through hallways of trees, requiring both distance and accuracy to navigate. This is a very demanding, challenging course, not at all what you might imagine when you see 200 ft holes. While you catch your breath after dragging yourself uphill yet again, do admire the incredible views, and imagine what a signature hole here could play like.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 776 played 417 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Up, Down, and All Around 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 25, 2019 Played the course:once


+Some type of (usually significant) elevation change on practically every hole.
+Many types of elevation changes.
+Teepads: 5'x10' astrograss, or whatever it is called.
+Sufficient signs at tees, useful directional arrows on baskets.


-Too many, mainly early, throw up a hill/slope, walk down to the next tee, then throw up a hill/slope.
-Single tee/basket location per hole.
-Park roads could come into play on several holes
-Need a better way to cross the creek from #10's tee to basket

Other Thoughts:

Kline's Run is essentially a very, very big hill, with large hardwoods scattered throughout, a creek along the northside, and views of the Susquehanna. The disc golf course plays up (often), down/atop/across (somewhat), and along the creek/roads (sometimes). Elevation changes are the primary challenge, as the trees are most often fairly well spaced, with only a few denser pockets, and hole lengths (mostly) are not oppressive.

My (RHBH, ~315' max, ~285' typical) perspective of the holes:
#1 Short, steep uphill, open, a few trees late
#2 Short, flat, single tree at 2/3rds point, sharp drop-off right/behind basket
#3 Short, steep upslope, tree branches force low if right, wide if left
#4 Long, steep upslope, scattered trees throughout, two long slight left-turners
#5 Short, steep uphill, open, a few trees late
#6 Very long, rolling/flattish, multitude of scattered/dense trees, going right a bit more open
#7 Short, downslope, few scattered trees mid/late, straight with slight fade at end to find blind basket
#8 Mid-length, rolling, sparsely scattered trees
#9 Short, downslope, right-turner, ob-road left, basket semi-protected by flowering trees
#10 Short, upslope, moderate window late, left fade to reach basket
#11 Short, downslope, moderate right-turner, creek if too long/faded
#12 Long, downslope then flat, creek crossing with two possible windows
#13 Mid-length, steep uphill, open, a few trees late
#14 Long, cross-slope, scattered trees, choice of right-turning windows, basket well-guarded late
#15 Mid-length, flat, sparsely scattered trees, moderate right-turner
#16 Long, rolling, lots of scattered trees, right-side more open, but adds length
#17 Mid-length, valley, scattered trees, slight right at end
#18 Long, steadily downslope, scattered trees initial 3/4ths

The six (#'s 4,6,12,14,17,18) par=4 are challenging but obtainable. About half the holes should offer possible birdy opportunities - only a few holes will probably score practically only 3's.

This is a very solid course, and will well-complement the other courses being used for the 2019 AM Worlds. Comparatively short to the others, but the relentless variety of elevation changes and out-of-bounds make it stand out.
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