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Buxton, OR

L.L. Stub Stewart SP - Hares Canyon

3.655(based on 26 reviews)
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L.L. Stub Stewart SP - Hares Canyon reviews

10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.5 years 1162 played 742 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2024 Played the course:once


L.L. Stub Stewart - Hare's Canyon is the main, 18 hole course in the park and man is it a good one. The terrain is very hilly and it's extremely wooded on each and every hole. One of the single most beautiful courses I've ever had the chance to play. It feels like you're in a different world when you're out here. Stunning doesn't even describe the experience you'll get playing out here.

Single brick tee pads on each hole. These are decent sized and have good grip to them. I liked these and didn't have any issues with them.

The baskets are mostly the orange banded Discatchers like they have on the putter course. There were a couple newer yellow banded ones too. Either way, all were in great shape and caught great. There's two pin positions on every hole. If not every hole, almost every one. There were mixed on the day we played, some in longs, some in shorts.

The elevation is pretty crazy out here. You don't notice it so much toward the beginning but you certainly will by the end. Lots of awesome up and downhill shots to had out here. The course plays pretty evenly between FH and BH favorable shots off the tee. If anything it felt a little more FH friendly. Either way, there's lots of different shot shapes required out here.

This is my favorite kind of golf. Accuracy is your number one asset out here. Being off the fairway can be anywhere from slightly annoying to disastrous. You don't need huge distance to score here, you need precision.

The tee signs are nicely done. All the info you can ask for with these. All the basics like a hole map, hole #, pars and distances to either pin placement. In addition to that have the elevation loss or gain to either pin and a next tee arrow. Excellent job with these things. These are all mounted on a tree stump cut on a sharp angle too, which just looks great and fits the vibe of the course.


My number one con out here is the relentless rough. The fairways are fair for the most part off the ground. The thing is landing in what should be the ideal spot may end up in a lost disc or at the very least lots of wandering around looking for a perfect shot. It's actually borderline incredible that neither me nor my wife lost one today. We only seen two other players out there today, and we caught up to both of them searching for discs in the rough.

A few of the gaps off the tee are almost poke and hope types of holes. A few trees could be removed to open these lines up a little more. Unfortunately it sounds like a LOT more trees are going to be removed in a few weeks. Hopefully this doesn't take this con and flip it around the other way too badly.

The course doesn't loop back to the parking lot at any point so make sure you enough liquids, snacks and anything else you may need.

Not the easiest course to navigate without a map. It's doable but there are a few longer, not so obvious transitions here. Even with a map the reception is pretty bad towards the bottom section and it's a little tricky to find your way around.

Other Thoughts:

This course was everything I was hoping for it to be. Just my kind of course. I ended up playing it on the safer side due to not wanting to lose all my discs on day 2 out of 12. If anything I just wish I'd played here right before flying home so I could just let it rip. This course is one of those love it or hate it ones. Personally, I loved it. If heavily wooded, hilly courses are your thing this one will be something out of a dream. If you like throwing far and at nothing, this one will be a nightmare. Just know what you're getting into. Must play course in my mind. Hell the drive in alone is worth it. If you get a chance, do yourself a favor and play this one.
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.2 years 75 played 60 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 21, 2021 Played the course:once


One of two courses on a beautiful piece of land is Hares Canyon. This course plays through a gorgeous forest side winding its way through a canyon. One thing I love about this course is how it is really never very crowded and it makes for just a perfect time to play disc golf in the woods.

The first three holes play down the hill before you start going into the canyon. I find it helps to keep some stable discs in your bag due to tight lines.

Hares Canyon offers great tee signs which do come in handy. Course is well marked
If you are playing for the first time like I it might take a while since some of the baskets are blind.

Hole 7 is probably one of my favorites on the course because you play down into a nice grass patch where the basket is placed so perfectly. One of the great things about Lil Stub is its a great 9 warmup course for Hares Canyon since they are similar in terms of style and technicality. Hares Canyon is longer and harder.

-Since the photos were taken from this course back in 2017 the course has definitely made some improvement. Playing this course on a misty morning also makes for some fun shots.

The back nine is definitely harder than the front nine. Holes 12-16 are pretty hard and have some very tight lines. Hole 12 is one of those holes where you kind of shoot and hope you don't hit a tree. Truly a very hard line to hit.


If you are truly starting out for one of your first rounds of disc golf I would recommend the Lil Stub the adjacent course to Hares Canyon. Most of the holes on Hares Canyon have very tight lines and can be very challenging for beginners.

There are a lot and maybe too many trees on this course. If you miss the fairway on most holes it can be challenging to recover.

Other Thoughts:

The two courses at L.L. Stub Stewart Park are both fantastic. I recommend going on a warm weekend because playing in the rain is not a super great idea. I have yet to play this course in the summer time but I'm sure it will be just as beautiful as it is in the winter time.

I did both courses in on a Tuesday and I never ran into any large groups. It might be a bit more crowded on a weekend but it shouldn't be that bad in the wintertime.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.4 years 90 played 87 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 21, 2021 Played the course:once


-What an amazing course. It plays through a gorgeous forested hillside near the top of the L.L. Stub Stewart State Park.

-The layout is exceptional. Holes are not crowded together or too far apart. For such a densely wooded course, I expected to follow a map, but that wasn't necessary at all.

-Standout holes were #7, a stunning downhill 320' shot to a grassy clearing, and #16, an arrow-straight, slightly downhill tunnel shot.

-The course gets progressively more challenging. The front nine is all par 3 with several birdie opportunities. The back nine features five par fours and several holes which are tremendously challenging in the long pin position. I believe if the course were set up in all Long positions, even par would be 1000+ rated.

-The technical skills required here are unmatched in most other area courses. 13-speed Drivers are not necessary; proficiency with putters, midranges, and a straight-flying fairway driver are crucial. Clean, un-obstructed putts are exceptions.

-Lines are tight but fair. I only found one hole (5th) to have no realistic line.

-It is clear tremendous work and care is put into this course. Terraced steps on some of the steeper holes, well-defined fairways, fantastic tees, signs, and Innova baskets with two placements per hole are all the little touches that make this such a wonderful venue. It's nicely broken in, but given the remote location, not overplayed.

-Winter course conditions were excellent given the tremendous rain lately.


-Absolutely not a beginner-friendly course. The adjacent 9-hole short course is a great option for new players.

-The course plays through a beautiful, mature forest. However, it is a second-growth forest, so all of the trees are approximately the same age. It's a shame this piece of land didn't retain some majestic, old-growth Douglas firs, which would make the course truly special.

Other Thoughts:

-Lost discs were not as big of an issue as I was expecting after reading other reviews. There are only a small handful of blind shots, and the woods are thick enough that shots over 300' are infrequent. Also, there are only a couple of holes with steep ravines or thick undergrowth. Sword ferns are the greatest disc concealer here. I did play in winter, though.

-Not too many places can you stroll through a woods as pristine at these and hit some chains along the way. Whether it be sunshine or a misty rain filtering through the tree tops, the beauty of the place is incredible.
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6 0
Experience: 6 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Challenging! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


Tee pads are made of brick and are solid, firm grip. Each tee pad has a map of the hole with distance information.


The entire course is covered in dense ground foliage that makes it very hard to find your discs if playing alone. You really need a spotter. I have lost a few discs at this course. Hole 13 at the time of this writing has a ton of debris from the recent ice storm in early 2021. Don't overshoot the basket as other side is steep drop off. Extremely hilly in some places. Hole 14 easy to loose discs as right side is fairway is a steep cliff.

Other Thoughts:

I am giving this course a 4 rating, which I would give a 5 if discs didn't get lost so easily in the underbrush. But don't let that scare you. Read on and judge the entire course with an open mind.

The first 3 holes are fairly level with some underbrush, which is pretty common throughout the entire course. Holes 4 through 6 are pretty steep hills, hole 7 is down hill to an open area where the basket is. Just don't get confused with hole 7 and 8. The course loops back next to hole 7 fairway for hole 8, which can be easy to get disoriented and mistakenly shoot the wrong hole. Also be cautious of other players in this area as a drifting disc might hit someone.

Holes 8 through 11 are very hilly and steep. Easy to loose footing and take a tumble. Some areas have steps to make it easier to navigate the steep terrain.

Hole 12 is a delight. A great place to get a super distance shot, assuming you can make it through the trees without hitting them. The basket is on a sweeping blind curve to the right over a shallow gulch. My favorite hole on the entire course.

Hole 13 through 16 are very hilly and very dense in foliage, making it very difficult to find your discs. Hole 17 is more flat, but very dense foliage. Hole 18 is similar to hole 12, but straight shot to the basket, instead of curved like 12. Basket is at the top of the hill, but relative position from the tee pad is only like 20 - 30' climb to the basket. The shot however is over a shallow gulch. Trees make it difficult to get a clean shot.

Be prepared for a good hike. Wear solid hiking boots in this course and probably wearing jeans would be a good idea since 90% of your time in this course will be traversing through knee high deep foliage searching for your disc. In spite of the cons with this course, I really enjoy the course and will return over and over again. It will make you a much better player for sure!
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 193 played 191 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 14, 2018 Played the course:once


This course is beautiful with just an amazing feel of nature. Good mix of forehand/backhand holes. Has you throwing different shots. Nice new tee signs showing distance and par! Good mix of par 3s and 4s, as well as distances. Pretty easy navigation for most part. The course keeps getting better and is becoming a top level course


The ferns can eat disc might reccomend spotter for Some of the holes, mainly the back nine have kind of a throw and hope feeling, as you're playing down walking paths. The par 4s make it more realistic but still tight. There are lines just very very very tight. Plays on horse trails and will run into occasional horse poop. Also next to mountain bike trails so watch for mt bikers.

Other Thoughts:

It's at the top of LL park and you can choose to go left to the mini for warmup before this course. Overall phenomenal place to play
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5 1
Premium Member
Experience: 16.5 years 202 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Kirkke's review is spot on. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 24, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Just see Kirkke's review.

I'm only adding because the course has apparently come a LONG way since the early bad reviews (and a long way even over the last few years, when I have played it very sporadically).

It deserves better than it's dragged-down-by-early-reviews rating.


Just know what you are getting into: it is tight and technical.

Other Thoughts:

Unique among Portland area courses for it's tight technicality without a single hole to air one out.
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11 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 40 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

In the woods 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Im going to preface this review with- I am a sub 900 rated player who throws 300-320 in a flat open field. This place really challenges my accuracy and disc selection, while forcing me to constantly choose between maybe going for glory/disaster and simply playing it smart.

-Scenic, set along a ridge in a state park every hole plays along tree/fern lined fairways, not one whole is visually boring. And LL Stub offers great views and spots to picnic before/after rounds.

-Variety/Difficulty- while some of the short positions are not that challenging, when placed in the longs the shots that the holes ask me to shape really stretch my skill set, a solid forehand and backhand both come into play.

-Facilities, day use parking area offers nice restrooms/water fountain, cut-tree benches on every pad, paver pads are all fairly flat large enough for short run-ups.

-General Navigation, while the individual holes have some nav issues (see cons) their are extremely clear trails in between each hole, with usefull "next hole" sign posts at some trail intersections.

-Placement shots, due to lacking a spectacular RHFH I find myself really relying on accurate BH placement shots with this course, challenging my ability to really judge distance and slopes. I love courses that force me to try something new.

-Location, you feel extremely isolated but you are only 45min outside of central portland, a must visit if you are in PDX with a car and half a day to kill.

-Exercise, Most of the holes play down from elevation or back up the hills, while not a hugely long course its a work out for sure.


-Hole navigation on the back 9. Like I said before it is very easy to find your way in between holes, but due to the back 9 lacking signs on the tee posts and with a number of blind holes I find myself wandering 3/4 of the way down fairways to check on where the pin is.

-While part of the charm the ferns and underbrush are serious disc eaters here, multiple cardmates/ a spotter are a must as a shot catching a nasty tree kick can quickly become lost.

Other Thoughts:

With full signs at each tee I would probably give this a 4.5/5.

The lack of any truly wide open holes doesn't bother me but if they are your thing, this isnt the place for you.

For a number of holes, 13/14 in particular, if you haven't played the hole scout it out before running upshots at the baskets, that hill is STEEP and any shot going over the edge is lost unless you are a sherpa.

One last thought, I would love to play here with someone that can really crush an accurate RHFH flex shot, for a number of the holes in longs I can see that that is probably the way to go but dont have the skill yet to make it happen!
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14 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Super Intermediate Course In A Beautiful Oregon State Park! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 19, 2013 Played the course:once


I'm not sure which is better at L.L. Stub Stewart State Park's Disc Golf Course, the amenities, which are among the top 5% of the courses I've played or the lovely, sloping piece of Oregon forest land on which this course is built.

Start with the terrain. It's the quintessential piece of beautiful Oregon forest. Once you get 100 feet from parking lot, you feel like you're alone in the wilderness. The course was built along this sloping property with it's many horse and hiking trails. I doubt if you'll encounter any hikers or horses. The underbrush is naturally thick in places. The sword ferns are especially good hiding places for discs. Although I played this course SOLO, I highly recommend playing it with someone or in a group to maximize the enjoyment factor. There are a couple of holes , # 3 in particular, where an errant hyser can sail quite a ways downhill. I chose to skip that particular hole playing by myself, having no-one up ahead to help spot.

Everything here has been so well planned out and designed. You're impressed when you step up to the # 1 tee box with pavers and the basic tee signs. Someone used a Sharpie and neatly wrote the distance and Par on all of the tee sign posts. I really appreciated this information. There is a kiosk at the start as well as a disc return box. Almost every hole has a nice bench to rest your weary legs on. These too are much appreciated as this course is a hike indeed.

Each hole has two basket positions Red/Blue and the baskets have a bright Orange rims making them easy to spot in these seas of green.

The course is a technical wooded course. There are no "Open" holes to let loose on. Having said that, I found the distance just long enough on most holes to add to the difficulty, especially coupled with tight fairways, ever-changing elevation and sometimes treacherous rough.

The greens around the baskets were bordered with smaller logs and then filled with wood chips to keep them from getting so muddy during the wet weather.

# 10 was a 330' Par 4 uphill shot but the basket was in such a cool little landing area that I had to love the hole.

# 13 was another lovely, interesting hole. It was an anhyser throw where the fairway just kept turning to the right.


I could find almost no cons with this course. It's so lovely and so well designed and maintained. I found one bottle and one can and carried them out.

I did not like the long or Blue basket placement for # 10, I think ?. It's a great downhill throw to the shorter basket placement which would be visible from the tee. But the long position seemed like an afterthought. It was stuck back in the woods another 60 feet or so with no line or fairway leading to it. Just didn't care for it.

It's not quite going to challenge the advanced to pro player but I gotta believe they'd enjoy the hell out of it.

Other Thoughts:

I would love to see simple bag holders attached to tee poles here. It would be nice to keep your bag off the ground on those wet Oregon days.

My other words of wisdom for golfers here. There are quite a few stinging nettles here. Remember that the Indians along time ago discovered that the Brachen ferns are a natural remedy to take the sting out of nettles. Brachen Ferns are the slightly smaller, green, more delicate looking ferns than the heavier, dark green sword ferns. Brachen ferns look more like the houseplant variety. Just break a leaf off the Brachen fern and rub it on the infected area and it will help ease the stinging effects.

If you haven't made the trek out to L.L. Stub Stewart State Park, I would encourage you to do so. It's a wonderful, enjoyable way to spend some time in this beautiful forest environment flinging discs! And it's just kinda fun saying the name.....L.L. Stub Stewart State Park.
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6 0
Experience: 13.1 years 186 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

first impressions 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 7, 2013 Played the course:once


amazing hike through the woods
easy navigation... obvious paths
quality baskets
challenging and a nice variety
well cleared out (compared to the past or so im told)
benches at almost every hole if not all...


tricky as hell
short teepads that sometimes back up against hills or trees making a full run up harder.
some tees in the back nine missing signs (but the writings on the poles helped....
spotters required for some holes, also some blind holes that require a walk out view...
no trash pack it in pack it out means that lazy people leave trash behind

Other Thoughts:

one of the most challenging courses in the area
worth the trip from portland
comparable to not much else around due to elevation and technical shot shaping requirements

a wicked course not to miss... i wish i played it sooner! gorgeous forest setting and nobody else out there on a beautiful day !
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Intermediate/Expert 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2012 Played the course:once


- Course is set in a very large state park, which has a ton of land dedicated to the disc golf. There are some horse trails by some of the holes, but there shouldn't be too much interference. As every sign here points out - it is a trail based course! Follow the path to where your disc landed, and walk perpendicular through the rough!
- Entire layout is set in the woods, which means there is a whole lot of line shaping going on. Very few opportunities to relax. #1 and #2 are probably as easy as it gets, with fairly straight lines that aren't too tight. A ton of other holes are pretty narrow with hyzers/anhyzers to get around some corners and through some tight gaps. Holes like #8, #15, and #16 are especially narrow; accuracy is a MUST.
- Good balance and variety of lines here, they are not all simple hyzers or annys. #12 and #13 are sweeping doglegs right, with #12 almost a u-turn from start to finish. A bunch of holes work well with a RHFH anny shot; the hyzer lines are there but the curvature is well suited to the s-curve. Also a good amount of straight-up RHFH flicks or RHBH annys. Also some tricky straight shots that don't give much room for error.
- There are a lot of trees here, all over, from start to finish. Errant shots can be kicked deep into the woods, usually into dense tree jail. Getting par is tricky enough, saving par after a tough shot can be nearly impossible.
- Elevation changes are ever present here, starting with #3. It really makes the course; on flat land it'd be interesting, instead it is very tricky. #4 is a steep downhill shot through the woods, and #7 and #11 have a decent downslope. Fun stuff. #6 and #10 are not so fun, playing tight uphill shots. The long pins are especially tough to reach.
- Long pins make a big difference where present, adding significant length and challenge. Many were still in the works when I played there, but it was obvious what the shot would be.
- Good baskets and teepads; the amenities will be awesome when complete. Great benches and other man-made structures to make the course top-notch when complete. Tee signs also a work in progress, but navigation is still pretty easy.


- While I will never complain about all the holes being located in the woods, there are indeed very few open shots to let 'em rip. Not a con in my book, but some might not like it.

Other Thoughts:

- Kind of tough to come up with cons for this course; it is what it is. Lots of tight, tricky lines in the woods, good variety of holes lengths, with good and decent elevation changes here and there. If you like that, then awesome! If not, then too bad! There aren't many epic holes but it is solid from start to finish.
- Best suited for intermediate or better players; way too many trees for a beginner to have a good time.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.4 years 226 played 128 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Classic Northwest Terrain 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2011 Played the course:once


Imagine a hiking trail through lush wooded Northwest forests. Then place tee pads and baskets right on top of this trail, and you have Stub Stewart. Talk about a fun, unique and challenging course that sometimes has fairways just a bit wider than these walking trails and you can see that you will need a very accurate game here. The terrain is quite elevated on many (if not most) of the holes, and errant throws may go flying down a steep gully or into some lush undergrowth, and for that reason it should be reserved for intermediate level and above players. The variety of holes will urge you to throw a wide range of discs due to the changing up and down, left and right, or straight and narrow fairways. You won't need a lot of power here - accuracy and moderate power will serve you well.

Amenities I liked: Bright Orange DiscCatcher baskets stand out boldly from the forest. The signs were nice, but did not indicate the distance or pin placement (yes, there are 2 per hole). The teepads were grippy, nice looking, though short. The main trail through the fairways was smooth and well maintained.

This place is so quiet and peaceful and beautiful you will want to get another round in.


There's a string of holes late in the course (I believe holes 11-14) that are all dogleg right. I am a RHFH thrower, and these play to my strengths, but it became a little redundant having such similar turning holes all jammed together. I had no complaints about the individual holes in this string, however.

Finding the actual course - we had to ask a parks guy - they have a big bright sign that talks about the disc course, but it's tucked in the woods across the street from the parking (Day Use).

Other Thoughts:

Stumptown Disc Club did another great job here. If they were to add more holes it could become a destination site with camping is available (the sites, however, were a bit bland compared to Horning's Hideout's.
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13 0
Experience: 19.2 years 166 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Top notch wooded course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 23, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


- This mountain-style disc golf course is a challenging trail-based course.
- Tons of shot variety that include lots of elevation changes and many doglegs, however multiple holes focus on right turning shots.
- A good amount length combined with lots of trees provides a challenge, yet there are no unrealistic fairways.
- The paver tee pads have great grip and are very eye appealing.
- Brand new orange DISCatchers are very visible and are as good as they get.
- Multiple pin positions.
- Front nine has custom made benches to take a break on near tee pads.
- Signs on holes 1-9 are up and give you an good idea of the hole layout.
- Great flow with only a couple small walkout. Course ends very close to hole 1.
- Gorgeous area with amazing views of the surrounding hills upon arrival.


- Tee pad length is adequate however a foot or two longer would be ideal.
- The back 9 still need more work, including addition of signs as well as plenty of brush piles and trimming to deal with.
- Signs on the front 9 are pretty simplistic and could include more details including length or elevation changes
- No signs or benches on the back nine yet.

Other Thoughts:

This course is relatively new but already looks great. While this course can be tiring with all the elevation changes that is also what makes it so much fun. The area is very secluded and beautiful making this one of my new favorite courses around. The long term goal is to install 2 more 18 hole courses in the park and when you team that up with the 54 holes at Horning's the area will be a major disc golf destination.

Favorite hole: Hole 4 always comes to mind when I think about LL Stub. This 350' hole (240' in the short position) is a pretty tight hole that drops in elevation quite a bit the whole way down. The fairway just barely fades to the right and due to the major drop in elevation I could see this hole being ace-able, especially in the short position.
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Stumptown's Newest Endevour 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 5, 2010 Played the course:once


This is the newest disc golf project from our friends at the Stumptown Disc Golf Club. As usual they know exactly what to do to obtain permission, design, install and maintain a new disc golf course. This place is in its infancy as we currently speak with every basket in position other than hole 17 that still has a tone pole. Some of the trails aren't extremely clear as of now but there are little orange flags stuck into the ground that guide you to the next tee pad. There is a short and long position for every hole on the course as well as tee signs and tee pads. The tee pads are "pavers" and work pretty well although it would have been nice if they were a little longer. Fairways have been cut out of the dense forest and you can tell a ton of work was put in with heavy machinery and manual labor to get the fairways worked out correctly. The course is very tight right now being that it is so new and combined with length and a couple of par four holes this course can be quite brutal on anyone lacking accuracy or someone having an off day. There are lots of little elevation throws put in with the trees that add extra challenge and fun to the overall fabric of the course. It's kind of funny because the course starts out easy enough (although tight woods still) and kind of pounds you into submission as it gets harder and harder and you get more and more frustrated towards the end.


The biggest issues right now are piles of brush and things sticking up in the fairway and rough that make searching for discs a regular thing. Most of the holes on the course are blind basket locations and also need spotters so it's a good idea to send a playing partner (if you have one) down the fairway to tell you where the basket is and also spot for you while you throw. Some of the Fairways or
"un-fairways" are more about being lucky rather than skill shots (I RARELY whine about this) or make you have to throw a forehand roller over and over but this is because the course is so new and doesn't have much people playing it yet; over time I think this will become less of an issue with more play.

Other Thoughts:

When you make it in the park make sure and stop by the Welcome Center to ask the rangers about the course as they have some really good knowledge. We were driving around trying to find the entrance when we decided to go back there and the ranger was friendly and knew where to go which was at the top of the hill at the day use center where you park and pay. From there you should go across the road to the dirt trail and you will find hole number one. Before you go and play the course first take a second to soak in the beautiful scenery in the background of the nearby snow topped mountains, there is a great view from the parking lot and I recommend a camera if you are into that sort of thing. I think with some brush clearing and some work in no time I will be moving my rating to a 4.0. I can't wait to come back, it is so great that it is so close to Horning's Hideout!
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4 6
Experience: 17.5 years 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Stub Stewart 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 8, 2010 Played the course:once


Awesome Terrain, tight fairways, pretty challenging basket placements! This 2nd growth forest course is beautiful!


Easy to lose discs in underbrush, recommend using a spotter for most drives!

Other Thoughts:

Only had 14 baskets in-place when played, but walked the remaining holes just to get a feel for the layout. Very sweet layout! Awesome during the"off-season" (fall, winter, spring). Could get crowded during the summer months though...
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