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Lorena, TX


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3 0
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
1.50 star(s)

well...... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 25, 2019 Played the course:once


Course does have tee signs, although a couple of them were missing and temp signs had been put in their place.


Not much to the course, a couple of fences and about 2 tree's on the fairways.

Other Thoughts:

For a school course, specially middle school, this is on the long side.

Now to be honest, I played at 3am in the morning which made the course a little more fun than boring open field shots.

Every hole still had a pole marking the tee, I believe all but one had a sign of some sort on it. (remember, it was dark when I played)

I really expected the holes to be shorter. Not sure why people like to make a course meant for kids with long holes. Specially the hole around the tennis courts. If you play the sign route, you have the parking area that comes into play. That was a little ridiculous.

Would I play here again? No, specially in the daytime. However, it is a good course to play at night, well, unless the police show up. Lucky that didn't happen to me :)
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4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 388 played 318 reviews
1.00 star(s)

sub-par school course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 27, 2016 Played the course:once


-metal posts marking the tees that used to have signs
-solid discatchers
-lots of space to rip drives
-easy to navigate once you get started
-mailbox at hole 1 for course maps (empty when i played and probably always)


-almost no obstacles
-most of the signs are missing but the poles remain and most have stickers with the hole number
-wind a big factor
-tennis courts are a poor obstacle and probably dangerous

Other Thoughts:

It's a place where you can practice your drives and practice playing the wind but other than that this course has very little to offer. There are almost no obstacles except a school building on hole 1, a fenced off garden area on hole 2, and a fenced off tennis court area on holes 3 & 4. The wind is probably always roaring and is the primary obstacle on all holes.

When you find the first tee, the basket is the one closest to the school building. But don't bother unless you are a course bagger or a beginner that lives in Lorena.

**Like this review? Hate it? Message me and let me know why! I want to make them better!**
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3 1
Experience: 14.3 years 19 played 6 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Typical School Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 25, 2012 Played the course:once


Quick play wide open course with few obstacles. Throw and go. Very easy for newbies to utilize. Once you find hole #1 course is relatively easy to follow. No woods or water.


No obstacles at all unless you count fenced tennis courts and fenced "garden" area. Typical course for a school. Boring holes most straight across a field. Only available outside school hours.

Other Thoughts:

I try to play all local courses. So I got to check this one off. Done. If I have a few minutes after playing in Waco I might stop by again.
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3 0
Experience: 19.3 years 38 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Fitting that it's located on a school campus 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2010 Played the course:once


This is a course that is ideal for learning the game from scratch or adding new shots to the evolving disc golfer. The first four holes are about dealing with simple obstacles whereas the last five are about adding length and giving you the opportunity to learn new shots. Clear signs and tees for every hole make this a relatively easy course to navigate.

The signs also have a "young player" par printed (I believe it says under 12 if I can remember correctly) which gives them optimism when they can't par the 526ft 4th hole for example (the par listed here on DGCR says 4/3 but lists 5 for the youngsters).


School hours make this a course that is available realistically only after 4pm or weekends. Dirt tees could get nasty on rainy days.

When I played, the mailbox next to the first tee was out of scorecards/maps that were mentioned in another review so I was a little confused on navigating the course but figured it out rather quickly.

Other Thoughts:

As I said in the title, this is an ideal educational course for the beginner or the advanced player looking to add different techniques. Much better than Arlington Farms in Waco, anyway.

Personally, I refined my RHBH anhyzer shot here and it has paid off.

This is worth playing if you want a change of pace from the other local courses or have a solid Saturday to introduce new players to this great game!
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4 0
sub ceroh
Experience: 16 years 10 played 9 reviews
2.00 star(s)

In the middle of nowhere! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 28, 2009 Played the course:once


There are several signs that point out the fact that the course is on school property and is off limits Monday - Friday from 7A.M.-4P.M. There is a mailbox with a scorecard and map near hole 1 tee. All tee pads are marked with nice sighs but do not show where the basket actualy is. On most holes the basket is in line with the tee.Nice small town course. Hole 1 is located next to the school with a road between the tee and the basket. Hole 2's basket is located behind a storage shed. The shed has a fenced in garden next to it but the gate was not locked. Not sure if it ever will be so keep that in mind in case it is locked. The basket is not fenced in but is close to it. Hole 3 is located behind the fence. Hole 4 is located on the right end of the tennis court. Once again there are locked gated entering the tennis court so watch your throw. Hole 5-9 are wide open in the field. Very easy navigation plus the score card has a map on the back of it.


Located on school property so playing has to be done around school time. Fenced in areas that could be locked if your disc goes in them. No concrete tees.
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5 0
Experience: 16.1 years 85 played 8 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2009 Played the course:once


This course is pretty fun to play for a small town 9-hole course. A few holes have decent obstacles. One especially plays around, or as I tried it, over a large tennis court. The distances of the holes are much longer than I am used to encountering on 9-hole courses. A couple are over 500 ft. Also, all of the holes are well-marked at the tees with distances and maps.


After the first 4 holes, the obstacles mostly disappear. The course at that point just becomes a flat field with baskets. But at least the distances are good. Another issue is that there are no tee boxes, but as long as it is dry it doesn't seem to be a problem.

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed the course. It gave me a good opportunity to work on some of my longer drives. Will play again soon.
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