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Shelton, WA

Lake Isabella State Park

2.385(based on 13 reviews)
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Lake Isabella State Park reviews

1 0
Josh Heideman
Experience: 13.8 years 37 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 27, 2013 Played the course:once


Well if you have a cannon of an arm this is the place for you to unleash your disc

When I first played this course a few years ago I did really enjoy my time there. Now that Shelton Springs is the main course people play here in Shelton his course has been neglected.


No tee pads and there are poles not baskets. Hole 1 and 8 poles are gone but I know where to play so I just played them any way.

Other Thoughts:

I have herd that the state is talking about revamping the park and making a beach access to the lake and that would mean that holes 1-3 would be removed. But I have also herd that there is a plan of adding baskets and making this a legit disc golf course by making 9 more holes across the street in the heavily forest area. I can't wait for this to happen and then I would suggest people to play here but for now I would rather play Shelton Springs or G.H. Hostel if you where in the area.
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3 1
Experience: 12.1 years 3 played 2 reviews
0.00 star(s)

Pathetic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2012 Played the course:once


Has a parking lot.....a bathroom.......free air......nothing else


If you are looking to lose a disc or love searching for tee boxes that don't exist then this is the place for you. Tall grass, no clue where to start, after searching found a post for #2, #3 and #8 but that was it. A complete waste of time and $10 to park.
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3 0
Experience: 14 played 13 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Lake Isabella Shelton 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2012 Played the course:once


A decent bathroom and parking lot. Course is all across a meadow with very, very, very tall grass (great for losing a disk).


No signs, no baskets, 2foot tall grass-no fairways and the clincher --- $10 to park!

Other Thoughts:

Will not play
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9 0
JR Stengele
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.5 years 255 played 191 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Lake Isabella DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 31, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


As the last reviewer stated, the course truly is picturesque. After pulling up and parking you find yourself walking into a field that completely opens up with a great view of Lake Isabella and the Olympics. Because this state park is off the beaten path a bit, nature and wildlife is quite abundant. There are several trees on the course but they tend to follow the boundary lines along the property rather then growing directly in the middle. However, with the tournament layout the locals do a great job incorporating the entire land and include some wonderful elevation shots.

There is ample parking for disc golfers and dog walkers alike, although when a tournament is going on you might find yourself parking quite a ways down the road and walking in. There is a kiosk providing disc golfers and park users info as to what is going around locally, a bathroom on site, as well as a few park tables for those who might want to picnic. Apparently, there is also a whole lot of room on the other side of the park (across the street) as well where many can enjoy walking trails and the occasional temp course layout.

I too had the privilege of playing the local temp course which is used for their bigger tournaments and weekly fundraisers so when I played there were baskets! Because it was a tournament, the layout was completely different (going counter clockwise rather then clockwise). This turned the course from being completely right handed bias to more of a lefty friendly course (which was great). I have had several years to perfect my hyzer shot so I was happy to see that I would not be throwing the same shot all day long like their tone course is designed for. Instead, I found myself throwing a lot of anhyzer and side armed shots as well as several low straight tunnel shots. As I stated earlier, elevation did come into play on several shots (although fairly open), although it did have a few pins that were heavily guarded or had some obstacles blocking any direct lines to the pin. Multiple tee pads were great too, as the same layout of the nine holes would get old real quick. Also, if you print out some maps for the tone course there are four unique layouts to keep things fresh for those who play here often.


There currently are no signs or baskets and the tee pads are natural. Although natural tee pads don't bother me much usually, the northwest is a tough place to play at times and the tee pads can become very slick or worse, muddy. Also, the bathrooms can get quite ripe at times as there are a lot of park users around and yet I am not sure the bathroom is cleaned regularly so just beware!

Other Thoughts:

If some of the cons were addressed (which I am sure they will) this course would quickly move up as far as its rating to perhaps a 3-3.5 and if more holes were added maybe even a 4. This course truly has a lot of potential and the local club (MCDG) is awesome. Not only are they really friendly but also awesome promoters for the sport. Talks of a new 18/27 hole course has already been approved on a near bye 50 acre piece of land giving Shelton two courses in the area. This will help make Shelton a destination area as long as they continue to make improvements. Although the obstacle course is nowhere near as fun as the temp course, it is still worth it to get out to Shelton to play one of the best obstacle courses around the state of Washington.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 31, 2010 Played the course:once


First off let me say that I played the tournament layout of this course which uses real baskets instead of poles and the course flows in the reverse order of the pole layout. That being said I am rating this course based on what the normal layout is, if I was rating for the tournament layout I would give a 3.5 as I enjoyed it fairly well and it was well thought out for a temp course, no bad holes really and a couple of par fours.

The large piece of land here is just incredible, rolling wide open hills in the middle of the course with a tree line surrounding that area. There is also a large lake that is picturesque, with bald eagles flying through the area constantly. I am told there is a beautiful view of the Olympics when there is a clear sky, it was cloudy when I was there though.

The locals that play here will learn or have to learn to throw distance tee shots as there is plenty of spots to show off your cannon of an arm. There is such a huge open area of land here that several people could be playing ball golf, walking their dogs, playing disc golf and other activities and not be in each others way. Luckily though the designers knew that the tree line had to be involved to keep the course from getting boring too quickly which makes this the premier pole course in the state of Washington.


Well the cons are fairly obvious here, though there aren't many. You are throwing at poles instead of baskets which for some ruins the entire experience of disc golf. There are only nine holes with two tee pad areas when this course is more than large enough to accommodate eighteen wonderful holes. The pads are grass in a wet area of Washington and can get slick in a hurry.

Other Thoughts:

MCDG is doing a fantastic job from what I understand, they even have another site picked out of 50+ acres for disc golf. They are working on bringing in baskets to this course through fund raising tournaments which is awesome. It actually wasn't too hard to find and I was pleasantly surprised by the course, keep up the good work!
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7 3
Experience: 17.2 years 80 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Feels Nice 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 11, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


I really like this course. It has a certain feel to it, nastalgic (sp.) almost. It was probably one of the most relaxing courses I have ever played on.
I actually like the pole holes and dirt pads, actually I prefer them. The poles were of good quality as well.
You play in a circle around what looks like a horse pasture.
If there was a rating option of 3.75 I would have chosen that.


Some pole holes are plastic white tubing and can get confusing because all the other poles are wooden and have yellow markings.
Some of the alternate tee pads are hard to find, but with the map they are manageable.
Nothing else really nearby.

Other Thoughts:

I really liked playing this course and if I'm in the neighborhood anytime soon I will definately stop by again.
Oh, and my wife beat me on the front 9 :(
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3 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 45 played 37 reviews
3.50 star(s)

EXCELLENT home-style course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 2, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Close to Shelton
VERY nice/underutilized park
a good mix of technical and long throws.
great use of terrain and elevation.
easy to get to, play, and get back on a lunch break.
nice to play on posts instead of baskets for a change
lots of plans and room for expansion...

alternate tee boxes available for a total of 36 unique holes.
see maps in the links section.

good to picnic with for the family, although there are no Big Toys or playgrounds to play on.


no signage.
dirt tee pads.
posts, not baskets. (only a semi-con)

*download a map and bring it with you to play!

Other Thoughts:

a great local course with lots of potential with 4 different 9-hole configurations.

find more connections with the locals at:
and on facebook:
search "Mason County Disc Golf" group.

keep posted for new opening of 18 hole "Shelton Springs DGC" near the Huff n' Puff.
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4 1
Experience: 27.2 years 17 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Great Local Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 24, 2009 Played the course:once


Close to Shelton
Not Crowded
Challenging but fun
Lots of room for expansion


No baskets
Tee boxes not clearly marked
No map of course at entrance

Other Thoughts:

I am excited to hear that tee pads and baskets are scheduled to come to this course, as I just discovered it and had tons of fun. I look forward to many games over the summer on my lunch break here.
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8 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Course Will Rate Higher With Improvements! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 13, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a pretty state park with outstanding views of Lake Isabella and the Olympic Mountains. The park is dominated by a large (8 acre, I'm guessing) open field. This field would be wonderful for say....a Civil War re-enactment battle, kite flying or maybe a rock concert. But it's not particularly great for disc golfing. This forces the course designers either to design a course playing clockwise or counter clockwise around this field. Playing clockwise gives you mostly hyser shots, playing counter clockwise would give you a round of anhyser shots. Here, the designers chose to play clockwise, hence a course particularly heavy on hyser throws. The course is currently very well marked with bright yellow tee signs and next tee signs. The course currently plays twice around using the same nine target poles with different natural teepads. There are a few places to show off that big arm of yours. So remember this for later reference, This is GOOD LAND for a course but not GREAT LAND compared to some of the top courses in the country.


You're throwing at poles instead of baskets. It has natural teepads in a very wet area of Washington state. The signs are simple and effective. They show the hole number and distance. But they're just small wooden ones and will be prone to get vandilized or disappear altogether.

Other Thoughts:

The Mason County Disc Club is off to a great start here. I applaud all their hard work and dedication. Unfortuantely, I see some major HBB (Home Boy Bias) in some of the previous reviews ratings. I will be closely watching the progress on this course and will gladly adjust my rating as improvements are made: One full point for baskets, One-half point for some kind of permanent teepads (concrete?). And maybe another half a point for permanent tee signs. That would bring my rating of this course up to the 3.5 to 4.0 range. That's about as good as any Washington Sate course. Now remember my previous statement about this park being good land for a course but not great land. If folks are rating this course 3.5 with no baskets, no teepads, no signs and a pretty average piece of land, then with new baskets, pads and signage, I guess they would have to rate it about a 5.5 or 6. And that would make it the # 1 course in America. And the Flip City, Michigan people will flip out!
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11 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 59 played 20 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Foggy day fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 8, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


It is always good to see new courses coming together in areas where it is many miles to the next nearest course. There was a group of volunteers working on the course while I was there. They are clearly dedicated to improving the course. The course has large scenic grassy meadows with views of Lake Isabella and some heavy woods around the edges. The park seemed clean.


Undeveloped tees and posts instead of baskets. There are only 9 posts with some of the alternate tees not changing the holes significantly.

Other Thoughts:

The course is set up around the margin of a very large natural looking meadow. There are no recreational ball fields here to compete for space. There is space here to add more holes. There are 9 posts and two alternate tees per post so you can get in a round of 18. Some of the alternate tees make for a different angle or change in obstacles. Most throws are into open space. A few holes dip into the woods but mostly an open course. This course would be a nice change of pace if you have been playing other heavily wooded courses in the pacific NW.
It is nice to see a course coming together a Lake Isabella. It is not far off the main highway but it is many miles to the nearest disc course so this is a good thing for the locals. The Mason County Disc Club is apparently serious about maintaining and expanding the course. They were working on the tees while I was there and they are trying to get funds for baskets. It is a slightly different feeling playing to hit posts. It left me thinking how forgiving baskets really are. You can miss the center with a basket and have a lucky chain drop you in nonetheless.
Go play this course. It is worth checking out.
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8 0
Experience: 29.4 years 11 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Home Sweet Home 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 4, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Worth the drive to see the Olympics over one of the most well hidden State Park Lake fronts in Washington State. The course circles around a huge field, and enters and exits the surrounding forests. Two tee placements for 9 object posts makes 18 holes. The course is well maintained for for having no baskets yet. Very friendly locals. This course has the potential to be a destination course.


This course has been here for over a year, and is still a "trial" course. The lack of permanent tees and baskets are a testament to that. Currently the (newly formed) Mason County Disc Golf Club is drafting a proposal to the State to include a pro-27 permanent course. The new course will utilize the 2/3 of the park most land users do not see.
The large field that the current course wraps around is leased for hay. So, 2-3 months out of the year it becomes a major problem.
The posts are not baskets, so you better be comfortable with your putting accuracy.
Also, the tee areas can get slippery when wet.

Other Thoughts:

The local club has a lot of support from the West Sound Disc Golf Association and Olympia Disc Golf Club. After the State okays the proposal (which is something they want to do- because since the intro of disc golf they've seen the land use, vandalism, and off-roading problems disappear) the club will be holding different fund raising tournaments, including random doubles, BYOP etc. Stay tuned!
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7 3
Experience: 18.7 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Got to love this place 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Long holes, You can realy Huck the disc.
has some elavation to some holes. lots of trees 4,5and7. 1-3 are wide open, except for the blackberrys on the left (you dont want to go in there, brutal)
I play hear about 4-5 times a week. I Love It... There a Bunch of terriffic people out hear !!!!


The long holes. You got to huck it pretty strong to get par. we are working on tee pads, its a little muddy now that winter is apon us, so it makes it hard to plant your feet.

Other Thoughts:

We just put in new Post in to replace the plastic ones we had.. Working to get Baskets, and new tee pads.
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9 3
Lil' drummerboy
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Home course.. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 3, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


It is wide open. My dogs love it. Not crowded. Late day sunsets during the summer. Most holes allow you to air it out. Expansion is in the works.


The first 3 holes have hazards left in the form of blackberries. Very deadly indeed. I have the scars to prove it. No baskets (yet.) The grass can get pretty high in the spring, so watch out for raptors, and keep at least 4 eyes on your disc.

Other Thoughts:

I started playing 6 months ago on this course, and I'll be there every weekend with my dogs. They would rather explore than chase discs. This is a great place to learn a really fun sport.
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